The South Marysburgh Mirror 5 Tales of the Marysburgh Vortex - Channeling the Vibes of the Twilight Zone (Continued from page 1) 19 by writing stories set in Prince Edward County (PEC). The stories are written for radio and will be aired this coming September on County FM Rosemary Smith and Peter Blendell have long been inter- ested in creative writing and story telling. Both reside on County Road 17, north of Mil- ford. The third member of the writing team, Elis Ziegler, lives on Old Milford Road and is the proprietor of the Curi- ous Goat, featured in last month’s edition of The Mir- ror. The three came together as a group at the behest of Philip Knox, a well-known producer of local theatre in the County. Unable to pursue his usual theatre activities during Covid, he encouraged local residents to writing plays that he could produce for radio — a creative outlet for him while live theatre was prohibited. Rosemary, Peter and Elis took on the challenge and from September through De- cember of 2020, they shaped the theme, based on the fa- bled South Marysburgh Vor- tex, and framed their stories reflecting on real life happen- ings in this part of the Coun- The Vortex is said to be a patch of water between Kingston and South Bay where strange happenings take place in lake-faring ma- rine activities, including shipwrecks. Though the Smith-Blendell-Ziegler sto- ries are not marine-based, the idea of ‘tempting fate’ that the vortex allegedly presents seemed an appro- priate connection. Through this effort, they created characters and events using elements that will be familiar to South Marysburgh residents, and that help to create a connec- tion for listeners to their real world. “All the episodes are based in Prince Edward County but the stories are different. They are told using the voice of a single narra- tor, usually a character named Leona Hicks, nee Col- lier,” said Rosemary, ex- plaining that while the char- acters are fictitious, they are placed in familiar Marysburgh and County settings and bear last names that are common through- out PEC. “Leona’s storytelling is the thread that connects the different stories,” Elis said, adding that Leona is a pre- sent-day grandmother tell- ing stories to her daughter and grandson. Historical in perspective, Leona relates the stories she has heard from her parents and grandparents dating back to the late 1700s and the War of 1812-14. Her daughter and grandson tell stories of a more contemporary nature. (Continued on page 11) 4955 County Road 17 Milford, ON KOK 2P0 Walker's Garage Complete Automotive Service 613 476 2837 Your local gift shop and Bee Experience Fridays to Sundays 10 to 4 or by chance at 1635 Old Milford Road Free things for kids, 20% off for local residents! Curious Goat ¥ General Store Canon + Hewlett Packard * Epson * Lexmark * Brother Laser Toner Cartridges We also supply ¢ <Printcraft— 26 Cold Storage Rd., Picton » 476-3272 sete Open Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:30pm fy \ = fax. A