CLASSIFIEDS OBITUARIES Went to be with the Lord on February 26, 2023. She was the eldest daughter of the late Lindsay and Gladys Davey of Dundas, ON. She was husband (Mary), Sarah, Rachel, Bethany, career was a teacher with the Halton Board of Educ teachin ‘om dergar orien Dolores lived out her faith. She the sick ond a host "of other Church of Oakville and later ompass Point Bible Chureh Burlington. Dolor fas always ready to help someone in need and lend a listening ear and she will be remembered for her kind, caring spate and sense Visitatio Thuredey, March 2 2028 from 7 pm. - 830 pm. at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore West, Oakville. Funeral Service will be held on Friday, March 3, 2023 in n the funeral home pel ire at Grove cometary, Many. ‘hanks to the staff at s MICHIE, Donald lan Don passed away peacefully in his 85th year on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital. Predeceased by brothers Doug and Lawrence and his sister Muriel. Don will be missed by his children Keith (Kathi), Wayne (Gloria), Scott, Glen (Linda) and Sheryl (Bill) as well as 18 grandchildren and 16 great grandhiren and many nieces, nephews and extended family. Don will be sadly missed by his dong jaret “Bon boater (Oakville Power ‘Boat Club). He always enjoyed his fishing and hunting getaways Mitchell, Matte «Noah, Post Inn Villag: with his buddies. Thank you to Hannah and Leah, hree wonderful in their care for her. 'cu loseph_ Brant great-grandchildren, mdace Also, y thar Hosta ane Revera Burloak jolly and Heidi. neighbours, friends and ig Ten for their care Dolores " gratuated fom caregivers who were there for ana compassion. No funeral Hamilton Teachers College nations. in as per Don's wishes. and Royal Hamilton College of remembronce of Dolores can} |Cremation has taken place. A Music where she obtai e made to Compass Point | | Celebration of Life to be held (CT. She taught in Hamilton, sible Church or SickKids a future date. J teu fa Scarborough, _Prest a Foundation. flowers, donations cai Oakville and for most made to Well done, good and faithful servant - Matthew 25:23 Hospital or Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Onli “tok at Awonderfal person, friend and aide, one who was better God never made; nderful worker, so loyal and true, our wonderful friend — jllion — that person was you. Justin your ise always right; honest and the ever upright; by your friends and all whom you that person was ven GARRARD, Helen Born May 21, 1935 - March 7, 2022 Born Aberdeen, Scotland. Itis with deep sorrow we remember the passing of wife, mother, grandmother Helen (nee Mississauga Trillium Hospital Mar 7, 2022. Helen is lovingly remembered by her three daughters OBITUARIES | ANNOUNCEMENTS | JOBS | MARKETPLACE EMPLOYMENT HEALTH AND BEAUTY hairdresser who specializes in ethnic hair. 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