2 The South Marysburgh Mirror Milford Library Branch Check It Out By Julie Lane for it up family member set Tech In Your Library The County of Prince Edward Public Library & Archives offers far more than just books and movies. With the holidays fast approaching, a hot topic is o(cid:332)en new technology. Now is the (cid:415)me that many popular devices go on sale and when people upgrade or invest in a new device. But, the hitch that many people get caught on is the seemingly endless web of op(cid:415)ons and lack of clear instruc(cid:415)ons. Most devices do not come with a detailed list of steps for set-up, device anatomy or, in some cases, even clear direc(cid:415)ons on where to go for ques(cid:415)ons. Furthermore, if you don't know what 16GB of storage means, you could be purchasing something that doesn't necessarily fit your needs. Then, once the device is acquired, o(cid:332)en people are le(cid:332) to struggle through on their own or have the store or a well-meaning them. Unfortunately, all of those op(cid:415)ons leave gaps in informa(cid:415)on and understanding of how to use and access your new device. This is where your library can help. One-on-one appointments are available at any branch of the library. During your free one hour appointment, you get to work with one of our IT staff as we work together to answer any ques(cid:415)ons you may have. We can guide you through the maze of possible device op(cid:415)ons if you are in the market for a new tablet. If you have a new device to set up, we can help with that, too. Our goal is always to help you through the process by doing more guiding and less "doing" you. We also take notes during the sessions so if you need a reminder, we've got you covered! We want you to feel comfortable with your device and use it to its fullest capacity, no ma(cid:425)er how many one-on-one sessions it takes. All you need is a library card to access this free service. If your device needs to download updates and your internet connec(cid:415)on limited download capacity consider coming into the library and using our WIFI. This is something we see a lot especially at the rural branches and we are happy to provide this service. In addi(cid:415)on to the one-on-one appointments, there are many other services the Technology Resource Centre offers. You can take courses in the New Year on some of the more popular devices and online tools, you can u(cid:415)lize our maker- tech including 3D Printers, 3D Scanners, our green screen and much more, all with your faithful Library card. We can offer workshops at the Milford Branch Library if there is sufficient interest in a par(cid:415)cular topic - please feel free to contact me directly at jlane@peclibrary.org if you have any requests. We want to help you not only understand and feel comfortable with the technology you use every day but also gain the confidence to explore what else is available to you. To book a one-on-one appointment, you can email techhelp@peclibrary.org or call 613-476-5962 and we would be more than happy to help! All ques(cid:415)ons, devices, and learners are welcome. is too slow or you have for Happy Holidays and a big 'Thank you' to all, whether you lent a helping hand, purchased wine or just dropped in for a friendly "hello". Your support is greatly appreciated. Hours until Christmas: Saturdays & Sundays only - 11:00 to 5:00, or otherwise give us a call. Closed January 1 until March 23, 2019 3271 County Road 13 South Marysburgh 613.476.4785 www.southmarysburghmirror.com Vickiveggies.weebly.com