South Marysburgh MirrorMirror October 2015 TheThe Published for Residents, Businesses and Visitors since 1985 The Milford Rally On September 27th the South Marysburgh community, joined by many other people from throughout Prince Edward County and elsewhere, came together to express their opposi(cid:415)on to the Ostrander Point and White Pines industrial wind turbine projects. Approximately 400 people a(cid:425)ended the a(cid:332)ernoon's events--including displays and informa(cid:415)on by groups figh(cid:415)ng to maintain the south shore, speeches, music and food vendors-- that culminated with the ceremonial surrounding of Mt. Tabor to protect it from the wpd turbines that are proposed by wpd Canada to surround it. (Photos by Doug McGregor except panoramic)