14 Municipal Council Update By Steve Ferguson, Councillor for South Marysburgh TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror The no(cid:415)ces provide informa(cid:415)on about the dates of the hearings and instruc(cid:415)ons as to how you can par- (cid:415)cipate. The con(cid:415)nua(cid:415)on of the preliminary hearing that began on September 9th will be on October 14th. The main hearing will begin on November 2nd. Both hearings are being held at the Wellington Community Centre on Belleville St. ERT in Demorestville The ERT concern- ing the Ostrander Point turbine pro- ject that came to an abrupt halt on September 4th be- cause of the reve- la(cid:415)ons made by a representa(cid:415)ve of the Ministry of Natural Resources, The month of September has been par(cid:415)cularly busy for council. We returned to the regular mee(cid:415)ng schedule of five mee(cid:415)ngs a month and those were supplemented with 10 size of council town hall mee(cid:415)ngs throughout the County. As you are probably aware, the 'Town Halls' were to provide the public with an opportunity to ex- press their opinions about the four size of council pro- Milford Town Hall Mee(cid:415)ng, September 30th posals, one of which is status quo. Each mee(cid:415)ng fol- lowed a similar format and typically involved presenta- (cid:415)ons by the authors of proposals; presenta (cid:415)ons by members of the public about their preferred op(cid:415)on; and comments from the floor. Members of council a(cid:425)ended the mee(cid:415)ngs to observe only; the mee(cid:415)ngs were to get the public's opinions, not council members'. I a(cid:425)ended all ten mee(cid:415)ngs and the public turn- out was generally low and the dura(cid:415)on of the mee(cid:415)ngs was about one hour each. That said, the South Marysburgh mee(cid:415)ng on September 30th was the most well a(cid:425)ended of all of them, was of the longest dura(cid:415)on; and had the most comments from the audience. I was very pleased that so many came out; thank you to all those who a(cid:425)ended! The next step in the size of council review is a Commi(cid:425)ee of the Whole mee(cid:415)ng on October 29th to get a report of the public survey re- sults. The schedule for further discussion has not been decided. Boat Ramp The South Bay boat ramp is scheduled to be refurbished in 2016 and will involve some dredging and widening. I'll provide more details when available. The Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) Hearings Most residents of South Marysburgh should have re- ceived no(cid:415)ce in the mail about the upcoming ERT hear- ings in Wellington concerning the White Pines Wind Pro- ject. The envelope was sent as bulk mail: If you have in- structed the post office to not deliver flyers, you may not have received the no(cid:415)ces. I will make a few copies avail- able at the Milford Library that you may refer to. con(cid:415)nues on October 27, 28 and 30th in Demorestville. If you have any interest in protec(cid:415)ng the south shore from industrial wind turbine development, please a(cid:425)end as many of these mee(cid:415)ngs as you can. It is im- portant to demonstrate to the Tribunal in no uncertain terms the concern of South Marysburgh residents. The Syrian Dona(cid:415)on Councillor Bill Roberts made a mo(cid:415)on in council that the Municipality of Prince Edward County join 400 other On- tario municipali(cid:415)es and make a dona(cid:415)on of $100 to sup- port Syrian refugees, the goal being to raise $40,000. Although I do not take the spending of taxpayers'dollars lightly, I supported this worthy ini(cid:415)a(cid:415)ve which amounts to the sum of one-quarter of one cent per resident. It is my belief that many of you reading this would agree and would have done the same thing. Notwithstanding the vile a(cid:425)acks by some of the bloggers on CountyLive - who seemingly have nothing posi(cid:415)ve to say about anything, and have everything to say about council and council decisions when they likely have never a(cid:425)ended a mee(cid:415)ng - you can make dona- (cid:415)ons to the Syrian refugee cause online at pecsyria.org; or with cash at Sco(cid:415)abank in Picton or Wellington. The account name and number are PEC Refugee Fund, num- ber 608220008613. As always, thank you for your con(cid:415)nued support on this and other issues. E: ward9@kos.net Facebook: Steve Ferguson for Ward 9