4 Too Big! Too Many! Too Close! By Gord Gibbins, Chair, Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County (APPEC) Over the past eight years the men and women who have been part of and supported the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County (APPEC) have come to have different un- derstandings of what Too Big, Too Many, Too Close means to those of us who call South Marysburgh home on either a full (cid:415)me or part (cid:415)me basis. Over the next three months we will share with you what those simple words mean to the community of South Marysburgh; what we as an organiza(cid:415)on are work- ing toward on behalf of the community we love and cherish; and how you can help. We write this and up- coming ar(cid:415)cles as a means to rally our community. If you are not yet a member, please join APPEC The Alliance was formed with the announcement by wpd Canada (IPC) of its White Pines project eight years ago. It has been a while since many of you probably have thought about White Pines, but prepara(cid:415)on and vigilance is necessary. The Alliance is prepared and will- ing to go to court on your behalf but we need the sup- port of this community to win. And we know you are suppor(cid:415)ve based on the result of the plebiscite spon- sored by this newspaper in July 2012. Please make a dona(cid:415)on to APPEC A(cid:425)end an upcoming APPEC fund raiser community? Turbines: Too Big and Too Many! A single wind tur- bine planned for South Marysburgh will stand over 50 storeys tall. The White Pines project proposes to erect 29 of these monsters on the south shore of our community. Each and every one of us will be impact- ed by these intrusions one way or another. So what exactly does "Too Big" mean to our Trucks: Too Big! To transport each of these turbines into our community will require four tractor trailers. That means to just bring in the turbine parts, the roads in South Marysburgh will bear the weight of 116 fully load- ed flatbed tractor trailers. And remember the same num- ber of trucks will depart our community on the same roads. In ancient Greece , tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional proposal of marriage. Catching it meant she accepted. TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror The 2015 Milford Fair September 19th This year celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Marysburgh Mummers "Mum's" the Word! Big Parts on Too Many Big Trucks! The turbine parts on these trucks are BIG. And HEAVY. The approxi- mate size of the housing that holds the main parts of the generator, the gears and the controller etc. is about the size of a small bungalow. The truck traffic to deliver the turbines, hydro towers, construc(cid:415)on equipment, concrete and so much more, means the roads we depend upon in South Marysburgh will ex- perience wear and tear we can only begin to imagine. Blas(cid:415)ng: Too Close and Too Big a Boom! Each turbine must be anchored in a bed of concrete. For any of you who have ever tried to dig a hole in the lime- stone shield of South Marysburgh, you will under- stand why blas(cid:415)ng to erect turbines and bury power lines will be required. Blas(cid:415)ng and its shock and vi- bra(cid:415)on will affect wells, cisterns, home founda(cid:415)ons (par(cid:415)cularly heritage structures) and water tables. The Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County: What it has done. What it is doing. APPEC is commi(cid:425)ed to going to court and fight both Big Government and Big Industry APPEC located and con(cid:415)nues to use the only lawyer who has ever won an REA appeal APPEC has a wealth of intellectual capital based on 13 years figh(cid:415)ng wind turbine development APPEC contributes both its (cid:415)me and money to the ongoing fight APPEC con(cid:415)nues to seek out and support expert wit- nesses in the areas of health, environment and herit- age APPEC conducts research into the latest informa(cid:415)on and knowledge related to the impact of industrial wind turbines globally APPEC has supported those individuals and poli(cid:415)cal par(cid:415)es locally, provincially and federally who see the value in protec(cid:415)ng our community APPEC has never given up the fight and never will.