8 TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror Milford Friendship Circle Barb Balsillie welcomed the Circle ladies to her home on Thursday, April 2nd, 2015. President Marg Crouse opened the mee(cid:415)ng with this sugges(cid:415)on - Be a good listener. Ears will not get you in trouble. Barb's thought was the defini(cid:415)on of a pro- cras(cid:415)nator - some die young and others leave it to the last minute. Jus(cid:415)fica(cid:415)on for leaving things (cid:415)l to- morrow? Secretary Maureen read the minutes of the March mee(cid:415)ng which were passed. Seven members gave their thoughts and ide- as about what spring meant to them. Treasurer Wilma reported our finances. Card secretary Mary sent two sympathy cards, one get well and three phone calls. A discussion took place where our plaque might be placed for public display. The town hall and Milford Library were suggested but will be further inves(cid:415)gated. Mary closed the mee(cid:415)ng with a reading about the Benefits of Green Tea. Barb marshaled us into the dining room to partake of a scrump(cid:415)ous lunch and enjoy a de- ligh(cid:414)ul social (cid:415)me. Maureen thanked her for her hospitality. U.C.W. & Milford Friendship Circle Coming Events Thursday, May 7 - Milford Friendship Circle will meet at the home of Alice Miller at 1:30 p.m. Alice has Thought for the Day; roll call - a word beginning with the le(cid:425)er X; Brenda Minaker has program. Wednesday, May 13 - U.C.W. will meet at South Bay United Church hall at 1:30 p.m. Brenda Minaker has devo(cid:415)onal; Roll Call - something about Mother; Program Carol Branscombe; Lunch - Karen Guern- sey and Alice Miller; Objec(cid:415)ve - plans for our anni- versary. Wednesday, July 8 - Fish fry Saturday, November 7 - luncheon and cra(cid:332) sale (Life In The Past con(cid:415)nued from page 6) Thur. 28 - Byron and I set tomatoes plants all day. We had a fine li(cid:425)le rain last night. Mirt is s(cid:415)ll im- proving all the (cid:415)me Fri. 29 - Lewis Mar(cid:415)n help me set tomato plants. We are having very cold nights all most frost some plac- es they got it. Sat. 30 - Emmet help me and we set tomato plants (cid:415)ll noon Pa and Ma are up they are to Dan's. Pa and I went down to Picton a(cid:332)er dinner. When I got home to my surprise I found Eddie and Sarah Elize here. Pa and Ma came up and stayed all night. Last night was another cold night I was afraid of frost but we escaped it. Sun. 31 - Sarah Elize and Eddie started for home this four noon. Pa and Ma went this a(cid:332)er dinner. Sarah's Research Notes Historical Information & Anecdotes About Nelson Hicks' Journal Entries. When this country entered the twen(cid:415)eth century, around half the popula(cid:415)on lived on a farm. It was a hard working life with li(cid:425)le mechaniza(cid:415)on to help with chores. The majority of farms were family-run, providing subsistence and hopefully some income from the sale of surplus. So, most people would have been very familiar with what Nelson was do- ing when he was "rolling" (to break down clods on the surface of the earth,) "dragging" (to loosen and even out soil a(cid:332)er plowing and to pull up large rocks which could be removed manually) and drill- ing (to sow seeds with a drill at a uniform depth and rate improving germina(cid:415)on and yield.) Definitions: SMILE: A curve that can set a lot of things straight! FATHER: A banker provided by na- ture