5 machine, there was a problem with the machine's internal roller mechanism. Somehow a small snake had crawled into the machine and wrapped itself around a roller, presumably mistaking it for another, larger snake. Or whatever… CLIC! The Clic photo show returns in July at Books and Company in Picton and the call for submissions has commenced. Informa(cid:415)on is available at the website below. TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror Personal Notices, Announcements & Random Notes The 'Renewed' Milford Bistro It's great to have the Bistro back up and running in the capable hands of Lindsay McCarthy and Angela Stamp. Mirror staff has had two dinners and one lunch since the Bistro opened in mid-April and was suitably impressed with the menu selec(cid:415)on, the ex- cellent quality of the food, the generous por(cid:415)ons, the service, and - best of all - the prices. Wisely, Lindsay and Angela have opted to create a commu- nity restaurant atmosphere in which visitors and all residents of South Marysburgh can feel comforta- ble. While they are managing through some growing pains and making adjustments, they are a welcome addi(cid:415)on to the community. I encourage you to drop by for lunch or dinner and have a great, reasonably priced meal. They're open for lunch and dinner on Fridays and Saturdays un(cid:415)l mid-May when hours expand. 613.476.0004 for reserva(cid:415)ons. Januszkiewicz's No Frills Andrew and Emily's (Januszkiewicz) No Frills store has been awarded one of six Foodland Ontario Awards of Excellence and one of twelve Pla(cid:415)num All Seasons Awards (their second in a row) in recogni- (cid:415)on of their in-store promo(cid:415)on of Ontario food. The awards were created in 1987 and are presented by the Ontario government in partner- ship with fruit and vegetable growers' associa(cid:415)ons to raise consumer awareness about fruits and vege- tables grown in the province. As all Ontario grocers are eligible for the award, Andrew, Emily and their produce manager(s) should be proud of their achievement. Of par(cid:415)cular interest may be the fact that during the growing season, Andrew and Emily pur- chase $10,000 worth of produce per week directly from Prince Edward County farmers who are then paid promptly. This could only happen in South Marysburgh… Gord and Janice Gibbins report some difficulty send- ing and receiving faxes at their house on Royal Road. Although there was no apparent problem with the telephone line or its connec(cid:415)on to the fax Clic offers interes(cid:415)ng work from profession- al, amateur and student photographers. There are numerous categories for the photographs. The Mir- ror's photography department usually a(cid:425)ends and observes some great work and some that, well, …. (we're purists, believing images should be presented as the photographer saw them through the view- finder with minimal computer assistance and print- ed on paper only). Some images in the Altered Reali- ty category are not necessarily representa(cid:415)ve of great photography although they do represent great manipula(cid:415)on of a photograph. Go and judge for yourself from July 25th to August 9th. Admission $3. Under 18 years are FREE h(cid:425)p://clicphotoshow.com/index.html B2B Chris Pengelly and Erin Johnston did a great job con- vening the first South Marysburgh 'Business to Busi- ness' mee(cid:415)ng at the Town Hall in mid-April. Several newcomers a(cid:425)ended to share ideas about pro- mo(cid:415)ng our local businesses to visitors and residents alike. In the June issue, The Mirror will begin pub- lishing a directory of businesses including those that a(cid:425)ended the mee(cid:415)ng. Perhaps the B2B mee(cid:415)ng can be the catalyst to forming 'The Greater Milford Area Business Asso- cia(cid:415)on' similar to those that exist in Bloomfield, Wellington and Consecon. Those organiza(cid:415)ons help their members with everything from adver(cid:415)sing to distribu(cid:415)ng 'Open' flags for their businesses, the la(cid:425)er being something South Marysburgh and Mil- ford could sorely use. TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?' GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' TEACHER: No, that's wrong. GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.