14 It's Birding Month in the County TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror Migra(cid:415)on Monitoring at the Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory is in full swing. The colourful war- blers in their spring breeding plumage are star(cid:415)ng to arrive at Prince Edward Point - and to feed on the midges that have emerged in the Traverse Woods and beyond. On the water, there are thousands of Long Tail Ducks cha(cid:425)ering away and pairing up before they move on to Hudson Bay and further north to raise this year's brood. The colourful Harlequin Ducks have visited again this year, as well. We only get a few of these flashy waterfowl come through Prince Edward Point, they then move on to the northern part of the Labrador coast for breeding. Birders flock to add them to their "life lists" as soon as the alert goes out. Along the South Shore in the centre of the Important Bird Area, Great Blue Herons can be found si(cid:427)ng on nests in the Lighthall Rd. marsh. Shorebirds are arriving daily - Killdeer perhaps being the first species to arrive and announce their pres- ence with their unique call and some are already si(cid:427)ng on eggs. Birders are emerg- ing too. More and more people are joining into this pop- ular pas(cid:427)me en- couraged by movies such as The Big Year. In the south east corner of the Coun- ty, we are fortunate to have the Bird Ob- servatory where everyone is welcome to visit and see our small feathered creatures before they are released a(cid:332)er they have been banded. The Spring Birding Fes(cid:415)val will be held this year from May 16-24. The fes(cid:415)val celebrates the return of the birds with birding hikes, workshops and banding demonstra(cid:415)ons. Celebra(cid:415)ng 20 years of opera(cid:415)on this year, the Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory is totally self funded and volunteer run. It is one of the Cana- dian Migra(cid:415)on Monitoring Network's member sta- (cid:415)ons and is the Caretaker of the PEC South Shore Important Bird Area. As a research organiza(cid:415)on, the Bird Observatory also has a mandate to educate and inform people and welcomes the public. Specially designed programs are available for school classes. Bird Observatory members and friends are working hard to find sponsors for their fund raising Spring Bird Count. Birders count as many species as possible in a 24-hr. period in May and are sponsored either by species or with a flat rate dona(cid:415)on. This year Mayor Robert Quaiff is a "guest birder" in the Spring Bird Count. As an independent charity and organiza(cid:415)on, the Bird Observatory depends on the funds raised with the Spring Bird Count, so if Mayor Quaiff approaches you for a dona(cid:415)on - dig deep! For more informa(cid:415)on or to find out what birds we are seeing at the Bird Observatory please visit www.peptbo.ca Copy & Adver(cid:415)sing Deadline for the June Edi(cid:415)on of The Mirror is May 25th Easter Parade Thank You... It was a cool but sunny Saturday for this year's East- er Parade. Fortunately, the snow had disappeared and the ground wasn't muddy for the egg hunt at the Fairgrounds. Karen and Doug Gyde purchased and sca(cid:425)ered close to 6000 foil wrapped Easter eggs. Within ten minutes, a(cid:332)er Janna McCarthy started the hunt, about 300 children and parents stripped the Fairgrounds bare of all the eggs. Then it was over to the food booth for hot dogs and hot chocolate prepared and served by Sandie Blackford with help from Janet & Lesley Richardson and Michelle Lambton. But leading up to the egg hunt, Janna had decorated the parade route with plas(cid:415)c Easter eggs hanging from the tree branches. Whitney was at the Ann Farwell Library helping people decorate their bonnets for the parade. Fire Chief Randy York along with volunteer firemen Tim Noxon and Rick Leavi(cid:425) brought out the fire trucks to block traffic along the parade route. Parade Marshall, Leon McConnell, recruited our two ministers, Janelle Shaw (South Bay United Church) and David Smith (St. Philip's Angli- can Church) to lead the parade on our adult tricy- cles. Jennifer Ackerman brought her donkey and piglet to the parade and they were both a hit with the children a(cid:332)er the egg hunt. I want to thank the members of the South Marysburgh Recrea(cid:415)on Board, the volunteers and everyone who took part in making this annual tradi- (cid:415)on a huge success. Bruce Dowdell, Chair, South Marysburgh Recrea(cid:415)on Board