12 Municipal Council Update By Steve Ferguson, Councillor for South Marysburgh TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror I realize that much of the informa(cid:415)on I have included below is available through the Internet or local papers so please excuse any redundancy. Here are some of the issues council is dealing with including some back- ground informa(cid:415)on that may not have been reported elsewhere. Size of Council On April 16th, Mayor Quaiff called a special Commi(cid:425)ee of the Whole mee(cid:415)ng to discuss the issue of size of council. I won't delve into the whys and wherefores of the mee(cid:415)ng other than to say there were several very good deputa(cid:415)ons followed by reasonable comments from the members of council as well as the mayor. The agenda for that mee(cid:415)ng can be accessed through the County website. It contains the plans for a reduc(cid:415)on of council presented by Gary Mooney and John Thomp- son as well as Mayor Quaiff's plan for two wards con- sis(cid:415)ng of five councillors each. We are at the point now where those three plans are on the table for con- sidera(cid:415)on, along with leaving council size as is. On May 6th, council will gather at Shire Hall to discuss the three op(cid:415)ons. Based on the outcome of that mee(cid:415)ng, the public consulta(cid:415)on will begin. The exact (cid:415)ming and format has yet to be developed for the consulta(cid:415)on process, however, I would an(cid:415)cipate town hall mee(cid:415)ngs of a somewhat formal nature in- volving registra(cid:415)on, comments, addresses to be pro- vided at the door followed by presenta(cid:415)ons and com- ments. As I learn more, I will keep you apprised. Addi- (cid:415)onal informa(cid:415)on about the plans is also available at this link: h(cid:425)ps://princeedwardcounty.civicweb.net/ Documents/DocumentList.aspx?ID=95155 This is a very important ma(cid:425)er and deserves your a(cid:425)en(cid:415)on and considera(cid:415)on. Please go to the link and read the deputa(cid:415)ons and plans, consider the mer- its and obstacles of each, including those of keeping the current council size. Property Standards By-Law Enforcement I have received numerous complaints from residents concerning property standards in South Marysburgh. These have been compiled and submi(cid:425)ed to the mu- nicipality for by-law enforcement. property can have several effects: Impact on real estate values; Effect on nearby or adjacent businesses; Effects on tourist traffic in the ward and subse- I think it is fair to consider that dis-repair of Safety hazards; quently the local economy. If you have a complaint related to this issue or any other, please contact me. The Picton Splash Pad The knives have been drawn about this issue for quite some (cid:415)me but here are some facts to consider about Council's approval of the plan to fund opera(cid:415)ng costs es(cid:415)mated at $70,000 per annum: The Splash Pad Commi(cid:425)ee is undertaking raising a minimum of $250,000 to get it built. Any surplus above that amount is to go to future annual oper- a(cid:415)ng costs; The Commi(cid:425)ee's fundraising ini(cid:415)a(cid:415)ves, including applying for provincial and federal grants, could not begin un(cid:415)l it had municipal support; The (cid:415)ming for construc(cid:415)on of the Splash Pad - if fundraising is successful - is es(cid:415)mated for 2017 or 2018; The en(cid:415)re idea of a Splash Pad may appear to be a vanity project but such investments are some(cid:415)mes necessary to a(cid:425)ract younger families to the munic- ipality, par(cid:415)cularly if members of those families create employment and broaden the tax base; The Splash Pad Commi(cid:425)ee's perseverance to do the fundraising themselves, rather than seeking the capital costs from the municipality, sends a message to other groups who rely on municipal grants. Frankly, I like the idea of poin(cid:415)ng to the Splash Pad Commi(cid:425)ee as an example of fundrais- ing grit. The Lieutenant Governor Council and the mayor had the privileged opportunity to meet with The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell on May 1st. As Lieutenant Governor, it is her job to listen to Ontarians and engage them in meaningful dia- logue about what they can contribute and learn from others. Her Honour's aim is to bring mul(cid:415)ple perspec- (cid:415)ves to the table, encourage innova(cid:415)on, and cul(cid:415)vate new ideas for the be(cid:425)erment of Ontario and the world. She is a very interes(cid:415)ng and engaging person who is interested in the ac(cid:415)vi- (cid:415)es within Prince Edward County. At one point dur- ing her remarks she was asked where else she was going to visit in the Coun- ty. "I'd like to visit the cheese company," she re- plied, to which I pointed out that "it's in South Marysburgh, the ward I represent!" Contact Me! My municipal business card with my contact infor- ma(cid:415)on is included in each edi(cid:415)on of the South Marysburgh Mirror; it's on page two this month. I have a Facebook page at Steve Ferguson for Ward 9 that I update as (cid:415)me allows and issues warrant.