6 TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror 16 - Manson commenced to frame the timber. Jake and Dan drew up seven loads of sand. The Ice start- ed out to day. Jakes sow give birth to nine pigs. 17 - I went up home working at the barn. Jake went back got a little jag os hay out to the stack in the Peck Faller. tools out home. In the afternoon Jake and I, Levi Hicks measured the ploughing on Robert Metcalfe place. It was very warm. 18 - I commence to plough the young orchard. Paw went up to Milford fetched James Limmon home with him. 19 - Wait Hudgin's and Wife were to Jakes. We ha- ven had any rain so far this spring. 20 - Jim Limmon commence to lay the wall for the barn. Dan was miling Mortar. 21 - Jake and I were up home helping work at the barn. In the afternoon Paw went over to Picton and got John Patterson to help Linner lay the wall. 22 - Jake and I were up home working at the barn. Jake and Archie drew up three loads of sand. 23 - I was up home working at the barn. Archie and Jake drew up five loads of sand. 24 - Jake rolled the Peck Faller. I was helping the Masons with the wall. 25 - Jake and I were up home working at the barn wall. Dan got Jake's horses to put in some spring rye. Sun. 26 - It was a very nice day Ida and Dan and Stir- ling were up to Libs. 27 - Jake commenced to plough his sod field back by the road. I was up home. The masons finished laying the stone wall for the barn. 28 - The masons commenced to point the wall up to day. 29 - The masons finished pointing the barn wall about ten oclock. Paw took them over to Picton in the afternoon. The mason's cost was $22.50. Paw got a barrel of sugar 313 pounds. I cultivated the garden and planted 1 ½ bus of potatoes. 30 - I went up home Paw and I sowed 4 bus of Bar- ley on the Flats in the Second field. Then we went back on Colman Wattam to get two sills for the barn. We got one and made it in the woods. Life In The Past Nelson Hicks' Journals April 1896 Transcribed by Vicki Emlaw April 1 - Archie and Byron was down to Jake's we sawed and split wood. 2 - Finished sawing and spliting Jake's wood. The wind blew quite hard from the west. 3 - Paw and Archie went over to Mr. Lighthall stayed all night went to Picton on Saturday. 4 - Jake and I went up home drew 17 loads of Stone for the barn. It was quite cold most of the day the wind was North West. Easter Sun.5 - Jake and Lib, Paw and Maw went down to Dans. It was a very nice day the sleighing is about all gone. I think the buggies will go the best. 6 - Jake and I went up home. We drew 11 loads of stone for the barn. Paw come down to Jakes in the after noon we killed two hogs. The snow is about all gone began to drive buggies. 7 - Jake and Paw sowed about three bushel of timo- thy seed back. Manson Head commence to hugh the timber for the barn. In the afternoon Archie and I scored. 8 - Jake and I went up home to score timber. It was a very nice day. 9 - It was very warm. The roads were very muddy and bad. Jake and I were up home scoring timber. 10 - Jake and I went up home to score timber. Paw and Manson were hewing. 11 - It was very warm I was up home scoring timber Jake sawed three bus of Timothy Seed on the Wil- son place. Mr. Jake Collier wife died at half past Five o'clock. And Mr. Clark Ackerman died at about the same hour. 12 - It was a very nice day the roads were very mud- dy. Jake and Lib went down to Marshal Spafford's. 13 - Mr. Jacob Collier Wife Funeral Serman was preach at the South Bay Church at Eleven o'clock. She was then buried at the buring ground there. and Mr. Clark Ackerman Funeral Serman was preach at South Bay Church at one oclock. He was then taken to the Valley and buried. It was a very fine day quite warm. 14 - I was up home working at the barn. Dan was up in the afternoon. Paw went over to Picton. 15 - I was up home working at the Barn. Jake and Dan drew two loads of sand. Manson Finished Hugh- ing the timber for the barn.