TheThe Special Delivery The South Marysburgh community bid a fond fare- well to its long-serving postmaster who is taking over similar responsibili(cid:415)es at the Consecon post office. Reminded that a rural postmaster knows everyone in a community by name, knows all the businesses, knows who has moved away and who is moving in, Shaila admi(cid:425)ed to bi(cid:425)er-sweet feelings about moving on. During the course of her final week, resi- dents dropped into the Milford post office and gave her expressions of apprecia(cid:415)on in the form of cards, candy, food, wine and flowers. Mid-week a small recep(cid:415)on was held in her honour at the Milford Town Hall. Many thanks from all of us! South Marysburgh MirrorMirror April 2015 Published for Residents, Businesses and Visitors since 1985 Hi All, I hope all is well in the metropolis of Milford. I'm se(cid:425)ling into my new office and am quite excited about this new chapter in my career with Canada Post. It's been very busy and a li(cid:425)le fran(cid:415)c making the transi(cid:415)on but it gets easier everyday. I'd like to thank the residents of Milford and South Marysburgh for all the best wishes, support and organizing the community gathering that was put on in my honour. I really was overwhelmed and so grateful to all who called me, sent cards & gi(cid:332)s, and took (cid:415)me to stop in to the Town Hall. I wish all of you the best in the future and hope to see you out and about around the county. Thank you all again, Shaila Postmaster Shaila Van Vlack (front row, third from right next to her mom, Cheryl, in the black and white blouse) says goodbye to some South Marysburgh residents at a gathering held in her honour .