The South Marysburgh Mirror 5 Milford Library Branch Check It Out By Aaron Nash Personal Notices, Announcements & Random Notes Perhaps can debate those assembled Nelson Hick's / Hicks' / Hicks's The second annual celebra(cid:415)on of County history and heritage begins next week at various loca(cid:415)ons in The County, and part of it includes transcribing Nelson Hicks' journals. Sarah Moran Collier will be holding another workshop to enable those interested to pore over Nelson's handwri(cid:425)en journals. Please contact her at 613.403.3546 or to register. the appropriate and correct placement of the apostrophe in Nelson's surname, considering what his wishes might have been. Harriet & Pieter One of the reasons The South Marysburgh Mirror was created back in the 1980s was to enable residents to keep the community informed of their comings and goings. Regre(cid:425)ably, in this edi(cid:415)on of The Mirror, Harriet and Pieter de Boer have announced their plans to relocate from Milford to Picton in the near future. Thank you both so much for your support and dedica(cid:415)on to our community over the years. Although the reasons are understood and respected, a decision such as yours is not easily arrived at. Best of luck in your new home, and please visit o(cid:332)en! 'Wonky' Use of that adjec(cid:415)ve is not unreasonable to describe the irregular publica(cid:415)on and distribu(cid:415)on dates for the last several edi(cid:415)ons of The Mirror. For a variety of reasons, some of which are beyond The Mirror's control, mee(cid:415)ng a self-imposed deadline of the first of each month has been increasingly difficult. That said, and as of this issue, The Mirror will be published on or about the 15th of each month. The deadline for submission of copy or adver(cid:415)sements will be the 10th of each month. 'wonkiness'. My apologies for any inconvenience caused by the For the last two years the French group at Milford Branch, Le Cercle Francais de Milford, has made a dona(cid:415)on of $500 to the PEC Library to fund the Dorothy Speirs Rendez-Vous, which takes place during the County Reads fes(cid:415)val. The idea is have a guest who represents the francophonie of literary world in Canada in order to celebrate french language and culture in PEC. Last year Le Cercle Francais de Milford was able to host Roch Carrier, with Spiers ac(cid:415)ng as moderator to a large audience of francophones and francophiles from the County. This year the group is delighted to have Wayne Grady, who will do a presenta(cid:415)on on transla(cid:415)on, with Speirs ac(cid:415)ng as moderator. Grady is one of Canada's most acclaimed English-French translators and winner of the John Glassco Prize and the Governor General's Literary award for Transla(cid:415)on. He has also published several original works, both of fic(cid:415)on and nonfic(cid:415)on, including Emancipa(cid:415)on Day, longlisted for the Sco(cid:415)abank-Giller Prize, and The Quiet Limit of the World, one of the first books about global warming. Dorothy Speirs, whom you may know from her many ac(cid:415)vi(cid:415)es as a volunteer in our community, is herself an Emile Zola scholar. Before her re(cid:415)rement to Prince Edward County, Speirs was a highly-rated professor in the French Department of the University of Toronto. She was also the Curator of the Émile Zola archives at the Joseph Sablé Centre for 19th Century French Studies. Among her many publica(cid:415)ons, Dorothy co-authored, translated and edited the book Notes from Exile, published by the University of Toronto Press in 2003. In 2004 the French Government awarded Professor Speirs the Ordre des Palmes Académiques for dis(cid:415)nguished contribu(cid:415)ons to educa(cid:415)on and culture. (Con(cid:415)nued on page 6) Copy & Adver(cid:415)sing Deadline for the Next Edi(cid:415)on of The Mirror is March 10th