= NEWS ‘WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT TOWN'S PROPOSED BUDGET 5 PROPOSED TAX J INCREASE © CURRENTLY AT 3.52 PER CENT e DAVID LEA dlea@metroland.com Oakvill The Town of Oakville provided an overview for the 2023 budget during a Budget Committee meet- ingon Tuesday, Jan. 17, and here are 11 things residents should know about what was discussed. 1 Residents are current- ly joking ¢ at a property tax 3.52 per cent. The ii increase to the town's portion of the tax bill was actually 5.43 per cent, how- ever, this drops when com- bined with an estimated ze- ro per cent increase to edu- cation rates and an e: ted 3.36 per cent increase to Halton Region taxes. If ap- proved, this works out to residential property taxes home assessed at $800,000 would pay an additional $206.24 per year or $3.97 per we town is currently looking at a 2023 operating budget of $347.6 million and a capital budget of $168. 8 million. The total tax levy would be $238.1 million, which is $16 million more than the previous year or 1 millic ore when growth is taken into con- sideration. 4, Inflationary impacts were listed as the largest driver of the $16-million tax levy increase accounting for $12.07 million. Van der Heiden noted these im- pacts include the increased costs of personnel as well as the rising costs of mate- rials, supplies and services needed for town opera- fon Macau: SELeeE |} PRESENTED BY Wallac Town of Oakville photo JANET HASLETT-THEALL tions. Gas and diesel alone has seen a $2.5-million cost increase, he said. 5. Ridership on Oakville Transit has yet to return to pre-pandemic levels, re- sult in a $3.21-million revenue shortfall. Van der Heiden said this shortfall will be covered by tax stabi- lization funding. 6. Van der Heiden noted $3.3 million of the tax levy increase is for the operat- ing impacts of new growth and new capital projects. Some of these costs relate to the expansion of Oak- Beco EB Caeiites @AVICK GM ville Transit's electric fleet, maintenance for Sixteen Mile Sports Complex's sports fields and mainte- sernbeountranen yud- eet, ‘town staff noted infra- structure renewal, emer- gency services and Oak- ille Tran: gest infrastructure renewal re- ceiving around $25 per $100 of taxes, while emergency services get $18 and Oakville Transit gets around $13. Senior servic- es, libraries, recreation and culture and parks and trails are rr programs and services covered by the operating budget 8. The capital budget will supportinfrastructure renewal, growth and pro- gram initiatives. Some of the big-ticket items for this budget include $12.1 mil- lion for the Khalsa Gate ur- banization and __ street- scape; $10.7 million for con- ventional and specialized transit electric vehicles; $9 million for the road resur- faci and preservation maintenance and mainte- nance of town facilities; $8.3 million as part of the town's share for the Bur- loak Drive Grade Separa- tion; $6.7 million for parks, trails and parks facilities renewal and rehabilita- tion; $6.4 million to develop new neighbourhood parks, ion, health of ‘th the tree canopy tural environment arowan the Emerald : Ash $4.2.million for stormwater d erosion control infra. structure improvements; AV A OX OE Families and individuals across Halton Region stepped up for another year of spreading charity cheer during Miracle on Main Street which took place in Milton on December 9, 2022. The Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation combined forces with Halton Regional Police with the goal of assisting more families and children during the holiday season than ever before. Asa result of this joint effort, the Miracle on Main Street toy drive ii in-person after the pandemic hiatus to raise Over $1,000,000; in combined donations and sponsorships and distributed to families in need across the Halton Region and to and $2.4 million for emer- gency vehicles and equip- ment. 9. Van der Heiden noted the rates and fees for the town's programs and ser- vices will be increasing aah inflation. The ant of ada's average 2023 in- Maton forecast is 16. per cent b. The 2023 budget will come before council for ap- proval on Feb. 27. Staff pre- sentations are taking place this week (Jan. 24 and 26). Members of the public can hold delegations on Feb. 14 and Feb. 16. Budget Com- mittee deliberations and recommendations i take place on Feb. 21. For more information, visit https://www.oakville.ca/ townhall/2023-bud- get-html. TL. Ward 3 Town and Re- gional Coun. Janet Haslett- Theall is serving as the 2023 budget committee chair. jive returned schools, charitable organizations & children’s hospitals. We would like to thank our sponsors, business partners, volunteers, schools, media, and the community for the incredible support in helping us reach this milestone! Visit MiracleOnMain.ca to view videos and images from the events! insidehalton.com TEAMAl TEAMAIGER MAMAGNA 3+ TIGERCORD = SM eanpoian Tre Gunding Desiardi esjardins Hansw 0 MercedesBenz @ & Tin Hottons,