Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 1 Aug 1947, p. 10

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i ! i i ACE TEN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE WANT AD SECT ION NESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ~-Amditors gy BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- 'torms ; pri ne 10043. 205 Arthur St. us awd, Sy intgteivndaton gest SY po ta) oo Al Bde; a untan er East. Phone 2127. To y ntant and auditor. es (Augi3) Articles POF Bale. .. 30 + Articlés 'Wanted -.. --Agents 'Wanted: Auditors io dad .Automoblles For' CPR PIRI | i 33 A 18 Auction Sale ..... 43 Barristers Lieve. 3 ~ Bullding' es 11 Wanted I Instruction -Barristers Ee, PR Hee 30 3 Male Help Wanted > EYuaN, BARRISTER, E10. { Loans asighied 3 Simcos Phone 67. Res! , (Augi1) B Oppor- tunities Wanted 21 Chiropractors ..... 4 D: ANT & BARRISTERS. P. AD Re 7 712 Simcoe Strout h. Phone 4. ad 739, (Augl8) My otc, 6 Bink Street ne 3160. Residence 1516 Rosidune ner W. C. Pollard. K.C. Usbridse 4 SON CREIGHTON & FRASER. cf etc., nes: Office 814; ey to loan. R. MacBRIZN, Solicitor Suite 201 70 Hotel. Phone 349. P. MANGAN, K.0., BARRIS- Solicitor, to loan. Office King St. Easy, Oshawa Phone Res. Phone 837, (Augl) (Aug13) Employment Waoted ev e0eece 81 ONE INSERZTON TWO CONSECUTIVE INS THREE CON Above rates apply only to INDEX. TO, 'WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Funeral Directors Female Help Gardening and Supplies Household Repairs 1 'Gouses For Rent .~ 38 Loan Wanted ... Lost and Found .. 22 Legnl Notices ...... 43 Male or Female elp Wanted Money to Loan .. Nursing Service .. 13. Optometrists .....ee 5 CLASSIFIED AD RATES ERT SECUTIVE INSERTIONS EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE INSERTION . ordered new original order. + ensses 38 eee 398 9 | Women's Column . 23 . Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 35 orders for consecutive insertions. at a later date constitute a Each initial Jeter, abbreviation All Classified Advertisements $5.00 per 20 words or less, 20c additional for ali words over 20. ord. 'Box charged 10c additional before publication. Office hours: Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-2. $ and c sign, figure count as a MUST be in by 6 pm. the day EST MARKS, BARRISTER, o 31 Room. 2 a SOLI- Phones (Aug2 (Augl) igage loans, National Housing Act 26 Simcoe Nortn. Phone 1614. " (Augl?) BARRISTER, Jo Josh. Bag- iaugD Ne, PF, SWAR rs 'Block, ou No a SINCLAIR, K.C., BARRISTER Boisitor Hin of Montreal Buia: Woodw! sale, Broker, 150 Division St. 20--Business Opportunities 25--Rea! Estate For Sale GROCERY STORES, GRAS, con ery, garage "an 1 : hi! .cabinét factory for + See Wilfred McAuley, Real Estate | 'GROCERY AND BUTCHER SHOP. FOR particulars apply 110 «Conant Strecl.ty 17 22--Lost and Found LOST -- OWN "LEATHER WALLET, = a of money and. im- re te and Surgeons BAPTY, SusaON. 153 KING ST. (Augl3) hiropractors C] 148 CLINIC, 224. POST to 2 to 5. Ph To Appointments. (Aug5) one 24--Personal b rtant papers. ake from Hol- and. plone Sood ward. (1790) FOUND. BLACK SPANIEL, WEARING collar. Owner may have same by pay- ing for ad: Phone 4616W. (179a) LOST--~DOG, BETWEEN BOSTON BULL and police. Answers to Pirkey. APPLY Mrs, Black, 724 Cedar St. (178b) LOST. PAIR GLASSES, SHELL RIMS, brown, in Djs leather case. Phone 2537. Rew: (177c) 5 | 23 Women" s Column FOUNDATION GARMENTS. two-way stretch, corrective and sure jcal garments, brassieres. ' Phone . Blatter, Manager. 2504W., (Augll) ND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS a 6 p.m. Evening appointments. Johnson. Optometrist. Phone 3 28. Insurance D 'S GENERAL INSURANCE ce, 231; Simcoe gt. _ North, ves 3 a ) [RIDE _ TO SINCERE THANKS TO THE SACRED Heart of Jesus for favors granted. (1792) FROM TORONTO wanted daily. Working hours, 9 to 5 .| pm, Phone Oshawa 895. (178¢c) secs ol SH INDIVIDUALLY one Mrs. J. Henry, 2118M Call af (Aug9) re, ite, 1a ent, py uk Cy e, C! -- e, Bonds, inte G1 , Ete. Ad.) POCK'S he SERVICE p. Al sl for for aay of your insurance Roa Estate For Sale 5-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE, HARDWOOD foors, 3-piece bath, garage. Phone 706R. (179a) Eing Street East, phone UY (Augi) En SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, -3-PIECE BATH, sun porch, lovely garden, fruit trees. Apply Box 330, Times-Gazette, Oshawa, LARGE - AND 101 Richmond (Augll) EB. H WEBSTER. animal surgery. , Phone 2010M. LOT FOR SALE, BASEMENT DUG, 30 X 30. Sewer started,' selling reasonable. Apply' 128 Cadillac N. (179¢) uneral Directors FIVE-ROOM INSUL BRICK HOUSE for sale, Hardwood floors, running wa- 2 Abaca Service 75 Castle Established 1889. Phone 40 oney To Loan (Augaoy ter, oil 1 ,.470 gallons oll, one acre land .and few fruit trees. Apply Peter Gulenchyn: corner Malaga ad and Oxford Street. (177c) GOOD BUILDING LOT, 'WEST END. Apply .376 Short Celina, (177c) MORTAGAGE MONEY im ed . | built-in cupboards, Building Trades 2928J. oh $5,50 5, 800 Ft cash, buys lovely 8- $ roomed brick veneer house. Nice: Nillage. 3+ bath, hot water heat- ing, SINE and br "Brine: Lo cupboards, barn jos, in wonderful re- --Half cash buys six-room- . ed brick bungalow. West- mount district. 3-pc. bath, sink 'and furnace, oak and ine floors, lot 80x130, and garage. ere's a real buy! 1 acre of land on which is a six-roomed house and re- b¢ t booth, hot water heated. All BAINTERS 1 oot 'AND nting, cars and furniture re- d. Phone 4093J. (1764 [E 605. WE MOVE ANyI ING, Bugis. sell gravel, no jo small, Hoisting rane on [ING MATERIAL AVAILABLE; Surveyed and est!mates freé; 10- Suarantee ; Reference Dun and et. Box 310, Times-Gazette. (Aug.25) mg OSHAWA, S8AND AND lies for dump truck service. y Jone barnyard manure, oom ure. Pea gravel for ys. "Avply 163 Ritson South. (Aug5) YDS. DUMP TRUCK Sar LICE, py oorian Haulage" 4653W, Sand, Generel Use. Bill and Mike Dro- 775 Albert 8t., Oshawa. Ont. (Aug30) CRAGSS, PAINTER AND DE- ARR Cg Ro a $ wor! D. »g Phone 3639, (Aug26) FLOORING LAID BY Bad Variety of colors. esti ) | for quick sale. Just outside Oshawa. conveniences, large garage, doing good business. All in good repair. A bargain Small refreshment booth for sale. Cheap. Doing nice business. W. J. SULLEY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 1716 (179¢) NICE LEVEL LOT. 615 KING ST, WEST. 100x200. Reasonable price. Apply 595 King St. West. (1670) NEW FIVE-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, stone front, built to N.H.A, specifica- tions; immediate possession; hardwood floors, tile floors kitchen, bath and hall; built-in bath and shower. Street, Apply 64 Arlington Ave. 767M. Phone (169t1) ACREAGE, $100 ACRE AND UP, NORTH side of airport.. Phone 920-r-2. (1691) 5-ROOM HOUSE, IN GOOD CONDI- tion, hardwood' floors, grocery store at front, 4 acres good land, 30 fruit trees, 1 acre raspberries, garage, chicken coop, barn and workshop, in city limits. ADs ply 1024 Lakeview Gadens. (178¢) | Grierson by Greta Street. (1781) | VERY CENTRAL, 7 LARGE ROOMS | lovely spacious grounds, also 'lot on Full particu- (178c) | lars, Phone 2473-J. 305--Koom & Board Wanted 36--Articles For Sale ROOM AND BOARD FOR YEN, on OFFICE hours, Double rooms. Apply 64 Ave. Phone 767M. Chore) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE GENTLE- man, P} Phone 2498J. (179m) " /ROOM & BOARD Wanted IN WHITBY, OSHAWA or NEAR VICINITY for men on construction work of new highway. PHONE, WRITE OR CALL AT BRENNAN PAVING' CO., LTD. WHITBY 2268 (179a) 31 Wanted To Rent APARTMENT OR 3 OR 4 UNFURNISH- | 'rooms. Married couple and baby. Phone 4718-W, (178b) LOT FOR SALE 34 acre, 40' frontage on Ritson Rd. North, sewer, water in. Will sell reason- able for quick sale. PHONE 4408m (179c) | 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE AT 792 SIM- toe North. Apply 800 Simcoe Norn, 6-ROOM STUCCO, NICE GARDEN. $2900. Half cash. 26 Orchard Ave. N. Oshawa. (1741) $3, 50 --Buys 20 acres, with 7- roomed house, bank barn, 36x70, with stabling underneath, good clay loam. Possession of house can be had at once; the land as soon as the crop is off Close to Oshawa. : iro 8ls0.16 acres in one place and 30 acrés" just across the road, which will sell in lump or divided. This is YOUNG COUPLE REQUIRE 3 OR 4 rcomed apartment in Oshawa. Private bath and entrance desired. Phone Whit- by 2178, after 6 p.m. (177c) NEWLY BUILT BOAT WITH OARS. Must be sotd this week. Apply 212 Bloor St. E. i (1798) 2X 4's, 2 X 6's AND OTHER SIZES OF used lumber. Phone 3996R. + (179b) HARDWOOD CUTTINGS FOR K KINDL- ing. Also hardwood blocks, 9 bags, $3. Fhone . 3288J. (179¢) LEATHER COVERED CHESTERFIELD with one chair, half price; also set golf clubs, Walter Hagen, -half price. Phone 2900W, evenings. (179b) BLUE GENDRON | PRAM, _Goop D CON- | dition. Phone 47 4724J. (1790) COAL AVNER. . APPLY SIDE I DOOR. 107 Ritson Rd. N (1798) Me. for foun, ander fa each inser. cents. BL charge "S Dancing AT THE AVALON EVERY Wed., Fri. and Sat. nine till 12, King West. (Tues, Fri) YOU'LL ENJOY DANCING AT TAY- lor's Arena, Whitby, Saturday evening at 9 p.m. (Fri) BOAT -- 12. FT. PLYWOOD V_ BOT- tom. 98 Athol St. EB. (178¢) LUMBER AT 117 GIBBON ST. PHONE 137-W. (178c¢c) WARDROBE, ICE BOX, 25 LBS, M flannels, size 40; man's gold watch and chain, black shoes size 10, practically new; lady's white linen suit, size 40. Box 327, Times- -Gazette, (178b) 1 IVORY GENDON PRAM. PHONE 3531-R (178¢) SMALL TPIANG. $60. . BOX 379, TIMES- Gazette. (178¢) USED TIRES Sizes 600-16, 650-16 and 700- 16.' In good condition. DAVIS TIRE SALES & SERVICE 67 KING ST. E. (179a) ODD LENGTHS USED LUMBER AND fire wood. Apply yard,. corner Wilson Road and Neath Street, 3-RING OIL BURNER, TH stove, oil burhers and all new grates. Apply E, Ward, '2 mile East Courtice. Evenings _(177c) UNUSUAL BAR GAIN ELECTRIC Washing Machine Refrigerator, Electric Range New--Rebuilt, Guaranteed. Re- duced prices, Small down payments. Easy terms. Immediate delivery any- where. Then Broady, Box 127, Station N. Montreal 19. Canada, (177c) VERY URGENTLY NEEDED, 3 OR room flat or apartment, by September 1st. Phone 3816M. (177c) 31a--Exch. Accommodation FIVE-ROOMED _ DUPLEX, FENCED IN back yard. in Peterborough, will ex- change for small house near or in Oshawa. Box 249, THES Gazsuts oh ( ) 32--Automobiles For & .le '38 DODGE. APPLY 356 GLIDDON AVE. (179b) 41 CHEV. COACH. MOTOR, BODY, trim, paint, tires in good condition. Phone 4245W or 143J. (179) | '33 DODGE SEDAN, GOOD ( CONDITION. Thone 359W. (1792) '35 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN, NEW paint job, engine overhauled, new tires. See at Cities Service Station, King West, (179c) '47 STUDEBAKER TRUCK, 3-TON COM- bination. D.P. Axle, gone 3000~miles; ! also 1938 LaSalle coach. A-1 condition. Phone 2160, Whitby, West End Garag». (179¢) | '40 HUD- | 31 CHEV. SPORT COUPE; son sedan, Wellman's Garage, North | (179b good garden land. Close to Oshawa. $13, 500 Buse country general ! store, doing big turn- | over, The pricé includes: store, with | apartment overhead, stock room and! garage, and entire stock and fixtures. | Situated a small village in a. first | class a ng community, This is a real buy. $14,000 5" rmover in ener: mill: feeds. A good opportunity for the right party, Ww. J. SULLEY REAL ESTATE BROKER 346 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA, PHONE 716 i 4 (177¢) | 25b--Farms for Sale FARM FOR SALE 200 acres, Lot 24, Con. 3, Pickering. 2 Family house, 11 rooms, stucco. Barn 40x90. Drive shed. 36x40. Milk house. Water in all buildings. Milk contract. Hydro, telephone, and rural mail. Price $11,000. Apply owner A. C. DIAMOND Pickering R.R. 1 PHONE PICKERING 96R3 Oshawa, 9b) | 11934 DODGE 8! SEDAN, APPLY 220 ro son Blvd {179¢) | '34 BUICK SEDAT SEDAN. CHEAP 1 FOR QUICK | 'sale. Apply 217 McKim St. (1798) | '32 32 DODGE S SEDAN, GOOD TO! CONDITION 6-ply tires. Lovell, Palace St., Whitby. (179) 1935 MASTER CHEV. GOOD MOTOR, i nd tires, (3 new). New pain ob and slip cgvers. Best offer. Phone 90833 (179b) 1937 "CHEV. PICKUP, ) EXCELLENT CON- aitfon, Phone 491W11. (179a) '33" FORD SEDAN, IN GOOD GONDI- tion. Apply 66 Lloyd or phone 4591W. | (179b) FORD, MODEL A A TRUCK, ONE- TON, dual wheels, license and all ready to work. Andy Nagy Service Station. (178b) | '38 CHEV COACH. BEAUTIFULLY KEPT car, tip-top _condition throughout. 168 Gibbon 8 (178b) FORD, MODEL A COACH, COMPLETE- ly overhauled. Good running condition, 167 67 Gibbon St. (178b) 1,-TON "PICKUP, '35 13-TON PICKUP, '36 CHEV COACH. 29 FON TIaY SEDAN. RD"S GARAGE Sipertesty 4 mile west of Whitby. (178¢c) 31 OLDS SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION. Apply 50 Beatrice St. North Oshawa. Phone 3882W4. / (1775 ) 25¢c--Farmers' Column FOR SALE, PIGS, 8 WER OLD. AP- ply D. McGrath, Lot 5, East Wnitby, Phone ie 23995. Diyse ss 28,30) YEARLING SPOTTED PONY STU colt, 15 mons. 4 white legs, well halt- | 3! er broken. Make a real how pony. Jel Balley, Brooklin, after 5.30 ra, (178c) MARE AND SPOTTED COLT. MARE part thorcughbped and standard bred. 1947 to Hackney horse (Ki Jeff Bailey, Brooklin, Sours ci). afer 23 p.m, 26--Real Estate Weis IP -YOU HAVE A HOUSE. PARM OR business for sale or exchange lease oa Wilfrid Meauiey Real roker; 150 Division 4 Foote 3510M, (Augls) i Frenchman's {1939 INTERNATIONAL. DS35, D pump Truck with Highway Jobs, Colt b FR ire 426 Jarvis | 26, 1947 t May 8, 1047, Mare bred June GIBSON TRACTOR WITH BULLDOZER ! lade, one month - old, hardly used, | Apply Canadian Carriers "Ltd. Bay. ate) | 4 YD. 2 eed axle. New motor and tires, 825-20, Price $1650. Box 407, Times-Gazette. ( 173t1) NEW INDIAN MOTORCYCLES USED motorcycles Parts and accessories. Tires, oll and batteries, etc Repalrs. Berry. 313 and 292 Pine Ave. Open evenings. Phone 4121J. {Augl5) | 33--Autamobiles Wanted AUTOMOBILE FROM AUGUST 3RD TO Bug. 17D, inclusive. Phone 342 after 8 p. ( (178¢c) Sn PAY UP TO $2000. FOR '47 CAR, Chev, Pontiac, Dodge or Piymout A ply Post Office Box 16. 172%) LARESHORD agra. VEE 'ecking Hig est $5,600--4-ROOM SOLID BRICK BUN- alow, hardwood floors throughout, in- Len Bromley. (Augld) 0 DETER SHEET METAL WORE, oning. Dealer for new idea Furnaces. Phone 4505J. (Augs) BE G. BEES 3152W, SAND, loam, fill, delivered or away. Toc for hire. (Aug9) a atnen A ne. il Por GRAVEL, CINDERS, LOAM AND hire b; trucks for 1 y contract or T1J4. (Augl ENT MIXER FOR RENT, SMALL contracted. H. Wilson, Phone (Aug30) Personal Services tis, get Ru-mex-ol, ATM Lh : - y n| Bich Dealer. 384 Ritson 8. 217%. (Aug3) VON GUNTEN, EXPERT SWISS maker. Repair shop at 46 King West. Your patronage solicited Aug20) Household Repairs : 0 REPAIRED AND Ste Su materials for : D. Dalton.' 75 Charles. 0 (Augs) ardening and Supplies ' THIS FALL FOR GOOD RE- order now for early October 'del- pe Phone 13705. d estimates free. (Augl7) ALSO n= {Aues)' aid linol in halls, bathroom and . All convéniences. Moder: built-in sink and cupboards in Kitchen Newly decorated. Spacious grounds, approx. 40°x120°. Phone 4034 before 6; Immediate possession. (178c) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 4-roomed new house," Westmount, 3-pc. bath, furnace, built-in cup- boards, double lot. . $3,600 5-roomed frame house on King St. West in Westmount, 3-pc. 'bath, large lot, other buildings included. $5,500 5-roomed insul brick bungalow, Mitchell Ave. : $4,000 S-toomed brick 'on Oshawa Boule- 'vard. "$7,000, "half cash 7-roomed frame house, 1 acre land, corner lot, just west of city on highway. $4,800, half cash WILFRED McAULEY Real Estate Broker 150 DIVISION BT. ? Day or Night. 27--Real Estate Exchange ; OSHAWA ' EMPLOYEE WISHES TO exchange furnished apartment in To- ronto for similar in Oshawa. Winter season, 6, months only. Give descrip- tion and" references. Box 325, .Times- Gazette. (178c) 29--Roairis For Rent BEDROOM, IN PRIVATE HOME. CEN- tral. Continuous hot water, Phone 11 160M. (179b) 2 "UNFURNISHED ) ROOMS, 1 IMMED possession, Adults only, 458 King (ion ) COMFORTABLE® FURNISHED BED- T Close tc Motors. Phone 1683W, afiér 7 p.m (179¢) TWO Li LARGE, BRIGHT, FURNISHED bedrooms. Working girls preferred. 139 Albert St. i (179b) FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, single, hot water and central. One gentleman. Phone i -W. (178¢c) _ROOM FURNISHED - SITTIN ground floor. Quiet. Sup it gentleman. a 46 Kenneth Ave. (178¢) COMFORTABLE en NISHED BED- room, for &ne or two gentlemefy. Close to 'Motors. Continuous hot-. water. Phone 33 (177¢) FURN from bus line, 8t. Phone 2764 29a--For Rent FOR RENT SUN BRANT wis cold th. Meagher's. slmoos North LL ' (Augs) 559 Masson vo et home, (177¢) SUN LAMPS FOR J]ttavioie. $6 per mon! 29b--Summer Resorts IATE | BUDG ISHED BEDROOM, ONE BLOC E |W, {YEARLING "HENS, DRESSED AND DEL- for a paid. Phone a evenings 1278. (Augls) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe St. North Phone 4695W, (Augl) 34--Pets and Livestock MOTTLED CANARIES, GOOD SINGERS. Phone 4292W. (179¢) REGISTERED THOROUGHBRED MALE cocker spaniel, 2 yrs, old, golde: i Dros; b) $35. Phone 4148-R. BRED IES, SCIENTIFICA ALLS from selected talking strain. Ideal as pe or breeding stock. Also canaries n song. Phone 3745. (178¢c) DOGS Kennel. 2 ANGORA RABBITS, READY FOR clipping; also one hj.tch for sale. Phas 2303, Bowmanville, 177c) 35--'Wearing Apparel GIRLS' JODPHURS, 24-IN. WAIST. JOD- phur boots, size 4. like new; girl's wool suit, two coats, sport jacket and several other articles. All size 12, Phone asim (179a) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING. sterilized, cleaned, and pressed like new. Carrying a big stock of spring coats, suits and pants. 21 Bond St. Sam Swartz, (Aug?) BIRCH (Augl2) BOARDED. TWIN Phone Whitby 839. BAe For Sale 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD FOR SALE, Just like new "Foe. 173 Eldon Ave., Oshawa. Phone (1798) +wéman, ex NOW AVAILABLE Have your clothesline problem solved with a new Zip-Grip rust- proof clothesline that requires no clothes pegs. For a free dem- onstration at your door PHONE 4043J (1792) CHICKEN COOP, 8 X 10, DOUBLE floor, 12 homer pigeons. 98 Alexander Blvd. Phone 2763. (177c) CEMENT 10 bags, 1.30; 30 bags, 1.25; 100 bags, 1.20. Delivered in Oshawa and vicinity. Phone TORONTO MIDWAY 4876 Reverse charges (1771) AWNINGS WE CAN NOW SUPPLY A limited number. Order early. Cleve Fox 412 Simcoe, N., Oshawa. (Aug) | GENUINE "BICYCLE, PARTS AND AC- | cessomes. Repairs on all makes, Lowest | prices. Bicycles for rent 10c per hour. Kingsway Cycle, 595 King West. Phone 4491M (Aug3) o1L BURNERS -- SAL! PLUS A {complete reliable service! Out-of-town customers solicited. W. Borrowdale. Phone 584J. (Aug.18) STEEL RIMS for tractor and farm wagon change-over. DAVIS TIRE SALES & SERVICE \ /(179a) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER sq ft. Measured and installed. George M. Reld Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Aug23) 38--Female Help Nanted. HOUSEKEEPER FOR ELDERLY LADY. ivi: in apariment Phone 746W. Box 323, Fimes-Giazette (177¢) mia WITH SOME EX- rience preferred. Good opportunity. sabia position, Apply A. R. Allo- way. Times-Gazette, (tn) 39--Male Help Wanted STEADY POSITION WITH LOCAL BUS- iness firm, Offers eR ery ional opportunity for young man (25-35) who is fairly well educated and who has good per- sonality. Some selling and accounting experience desirable. Please give full particulars, personal data, references, in confidence. Box 332, Time Gays Wanted Full-time Caretaker for Westmount School Duties to commence August 25th. Apply by letter stating age, experi- ence and salary expected. W. L. PIERSON (Sec.-Treas,) 40 GIBBON ST. OSHAWA (July3i- -Augl- 2) [1] "CARPENTERS WANTED, $1. 25 PER hour, at Port Hope. 18 Walton Breet. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN NEWSPAPER advertising business, Excellent oppor- tunity for right person. Good educa- tion and pleasant personality main essentials, Apply in person or by letter to A. R. Alloway or T. L. Wilson, Times-Gazette. (170t1) ACCOUNTANT Required for Accounting office in non- commercial organization near Oshawa Must be capable of uming full responsibility for accounting records and supervision of staff of approxi- mately 12. Single man, age 30 to 40 preferred. Reply by letter stating age, education, experience and sal- ary expected, to Box 324, Times-Gazette : (J1y30-Aug.1) 40--Agents Wanted TO SELL CHRISTMAS CARDS, EVERY - Say Sard, Saper, Pag ribbon and calendars personal cards, 12/$1.00 hy 5578100. 'This is the finest and most complete line in Canada. Ex- cellent commission and fast service. For = ample and literature, write at once to V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 86 Kensington Ave, N., Hamilton, Ont. (Sept.6) 41--Employment Wanted A VERY CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER, would like position, good cook. Adult family preferred. Phone 181. (179¢c) REPAIRING ELECTRIC "RANGES, HOT plates. all other electrical appliances. COAL RANGES. LARGE SHIPMENT Just recelved Some with reservoir. Dif- ferent sizes and makes. D.VA credits accepted. Meagher's, Simcoe North (Augs) SENUINE PLASTIC FLOOR FINISH Plast-I-Gloss. Saves your floors, ink will not stain, ends waxing, polishing and hard scrubbing. Dries in one hour. Order now, we deliver. 4538W, Associated Services, 23 Bond Street West. (Aug24) MASTIC "TILE, RUBBER TILE, PLY- wood, felt, cement, metal trim, Lev-L- Flor, etc. wholesale prices. Floor Roof and Wall Co. 243 Queen West, Toronto. (Aug2?) GUARANTEED VENETIAN BLINDS Special price to July 31st. Made to measure in various colors and ma- terials. Free estimates and instal- lations anywhere. Direct Factory Sales J. W. MELLEY rhone 4101W--Oshawa P.O. Box 421 A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and. belts for all makes of wash- ers, Jack Biddulph. 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3800W. (Aug25) Here at Last-- GLOSSTONE The Genuine Plastic Floor Finish. Eliminates Waxing. Skid 'Proof. Long Lasting. Will not Peel, Crack or Chip.' Apply with a Brush, Used extensively in hospitals, factories and offices during the war. * Now available for Home Use. Phone 90M1--We Deliver. (Temporary phone number.) (176e) 37--Articles Wanted 1 SET OF LE LEFT | HANDED GOLF cuss Phone 2800J. (179b) CHEAP WORK HORSE, 1 HORSE MOW- er. Phone 920R11, (179b) rdarle---- SPOT CASH PAID FOR G USED furniture, ice box, Quebec heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Phone 3768M (Augl3) GOOD USED FUR WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 56 King West 3326W. (Augs) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR metal, rags, mattresses Cedardale Iron Mi: Station. ( (Augl) PIANO3 WANTED FOR. , CASH. WIL- son ie Lee. 79 "Stmoe North. - Phone 2388 (Aug24) 3B--Fomals Help Wanted Sportrite Jr, Ltd, 30 Richmond St. Times EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER, girl to register as apprentice. Avply Elizabeth Beauty Shop, 72 Simcoe Telephone 860. (J1y31Augl,5) CHAMBERMAID, GOOD 'RELIABLE rienced Pieterred but not essential. Steady employment, apply Commercial Hotel' Oshawa. (177¢) ICE-BOX, 50 LBS. CAPACITY. PHONE 561, _ Whitby. (179a) tvered. Rhone 3467J2. (1792) Phone 3510M (78h) | FURNISHED COTTAGES WITH BOATS on Trent River. after Aug. 9th, Rea- nable rates, Phone 8266 or write Box IRONRITE ELECTRIC IRONER, 60- cycle, used one year. Price. new $239. WOMAN FOR RITCHEN HELP, APPLY Central Hotel Grill. (177¢) YOUNG WOMAN OR ACTIVE OLDER person to assist with Jyoman's Page" of Times-G 00d ec and pleasing personality are essential, FY in first instance, . with references, by letter to W. Ford Lindsay, Times- 194, Norwood, Ont. (1761) will 'sacrifice for $150, Box 333, Times- anette (179¢) Gazette, Oshawa, (174t1) Phone Oshawa' PRESSER WANTED FOR HA HAND IRON, Frank Phone 2887TR. (Aug26) 41a--Lawn Mower Service LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED AND RE- conditioned, machine ground. Called for and delivered. Lawnmowers bough! Fudge, 236 Eula any condition Stan Ave. Phone 3030M (Aug22) LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired, shears and other =dged tools ground A W. Simmons, 95 Patricia Phone 3168R. (Augs) 43--Auction Sales I have been authorized to sell by Public Auction for Glen Hoskin, lot 10, con. 1, Cartwright, one mile north of Burketon, on Friday, Aug. 1st,: 22 head of cattle, 4 horses, 13 pigs 2nd His fm implements. Terms cash. Sale Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. Se 28:30 "I have been authorized to sell by Public Auction for Alex. Konapacki, !2 mile north of Courtice, on Friday eve- ning, August 1st at 7 p.m.: 2 horses, pigs, 100 spring chickens, wagon (steel new); seed drill, hay rake, portable silo, gang plow, gravel box, hay, etc|, also a ford Fergueson (47) on rubber, with electric starter, 2 furrow plow, 10 scraper, cultivator and power take-off. Terms cash. Please note time -of sale, 7 pm Pp ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer. (J1y28,30,31) INDIA IN LONDON Bombay, India -- (CP) -- V. K. Krishna Menon, Pandit Nehru's personal envoy, has appealed to Bombay industrialists and business men for help in a project to build a centre of Indian life and culture in London, England. Ontario County Poultrymen Visit U.S. Chick Farms M. V. LEURY Correspondent Myrtle Station, July 31--Albert Eyers, of the Eyers Hatchery and Poultry Farm, and four other On- tario county poultry men, returned on Monday from a very worth- while trip through several states' of our neighboring country. Going by Iort Erie they passed through the great grape vineyards of Penn- sylvania and on Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday, last week, they attended the International Baby Chick convention held in Cleve- land. Friday and Saturday they vis- ited hatcheries and poultry farms in Indiana and Michigan. Some of the hatcheries have a million capa- city, Mentone, Ind. is the centre of a 20 mile radius known as "The egg basket of America." In this area there are enough poultry farms to ship weekly to Néw York City 20 carloads, eacin car holding 600 thirty dozen egg cases--a mere 4,- 320,000"eggs! Baby chicks are ship- ped by air from some of these hatcheries to all parts of the world. Regardless of the prices of feed, which are double what we here in Ontario pay, the hatchery and poultry men are going in for more and more poultry this coming year. These of us who had known the late Mrs. W. A. Donnelly of Whitby for many years, learned with deep regret of her sudden passing at her home on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly and family were former residents of this village for several years. Mrs. Donnelly was a sincere worker in the women's organizations of the church and in any other activity that was for the welfare of the community. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. Don. nelly and family: Bessie (Mrs. Ben Bryant) of Pickering; Albert, of Agincourt; Harry, Winnipeg and Sam of Toronto. Ray Duff of Peterborough and | friend Jack Moore of Hastings, | spent the weekend with Ray's par- ents, Bert and Mrs. Duff, at their home here. Miss Mildred Harrison of Toronto was at her home here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Conlin of Pros- pect and daughter, Miss Marian Conlin of Toronto, were tga guests on Sunday of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, Mrs. Clarence Harrison was in Toronto on Sunday and Monday visiting with a niece, Miss Bertha Parker, a missionary, who is en. route to her adopted country after a year's furlough at her home in Edmonton. Miss Parker's work is in Bremersdorp, Swaziland, Africa. She sails from New York on Thursday and will not reach her destination until the last week in August. Mr. and Mrs. D. Duchemin spent Sunday afternoon and evening with friends at their cottage at Thurs. tonia, on Sturgeon lake. Mrs. Harold Stredwick is attend- ing sessions this week of the Bap- tist Bible summer school, Mary's Lake, near Huntsville. In her ab- sence her cousins, Mrs. Clara James of Cambray and Mrs. W, Draper of Brooklin are in charge of her home. Mr. Norman Hocken of Mani. toulin Island, brother of Mrs. Charles Pollard, called at the Pol- lard home on Tuesday morning on his return after visiting -among relatives 'near Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. George Lyle, Mr. and Mrs, Allen Buck, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyle dur- ing last week. Messrs, Fred Lyle, J. Smith and A. Buck spent a day on a fishing trip but ill luck dogged their fishing lines and like so many fishermen, they had nothing but little fish to show for their efforts. The big ones got away! Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters, Mr. and Mrs. David Luery attended the Decoration service in Ballyduff Cemetery on Sunday afterncon. Mrs. Robert Gray of Peterborough re- turned home with them and will visit this week with her daughter, Mrs. Masters and Mr, Masters. After a week's visit with her sis- ter, Mrs. E. Redman and Mr, Red- man, Mrs. E. Nattress of Delavan, Ill, US.A, left on Tuesday morning for her home over the border. Mrs. Roy Percy accompanied her brother, Mr. Ralph Annon of Pick- 'ering, on a motor trip to Detroit of Nov them their money, their sister, Mrs. Dalweine and Mr, Dalweine. The August meeting of the Wo. man's Association will be held in the home of Mrs. D, Luery on Wed- nesday afternoon August 6. The usual raspberries and cream will be the attraction in the lunch and also, as usual, each lady is asked to bring her own sugar. A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies of the community to meet with us and enjoy a social afters noon. Congratulations to Mrs.: W. J, Cook who celebrated her eighty fourth birthday on Thursday of last * week, Mrs. Cook is one of our very active elderly ladies who absolutely refuse to grow old and we hope she may enjoy many more happy re. turns of July 24. Her sons, daugh- ters and some grandchildren called during the day to bring birthday greetings and many lovely and practical gifts. The Faithful Group will hold the regular monthly meeting in the Sunday schcol room on Tuesday evening August 5. Mr. Clarence Harrison, his daugh. ter Miss Mildred and his mother, Mrs. R. Leng were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Squelch,- Mount Carmel. H. H. Goode's elevator is being: freshened up with a coat of paint and new roofing material. : Mr. 'S. G. Saywell, president of. the Myrtle Branch of the Bible So. ciety, appreciates the response to the annual appeal. The collectors, Doreen Cryderman and Blanche Taylor for the north end, Phyllis Duff and Joan Carncchan for ths south end, handed in $18.35, Kinsale MRS. A. HOOKER Correspodent Kinsale, July 31 -- Following a lengthy illness, Jonathan (Jack) Greenwocd passed away in Christ:a Street Hospital, Toronto, on Wed- nesday evening, July 23. The late Mr. Greenwood was well known to most of our older residents. Left to mourn his loss is his wife, Eve= leen Thompson, Greenwood, one son, Frank; two daughters, Mrs. Wesley McDowell (Lillian), and Mrs, Norman Laver (Gladys), and six grandchildren. Funeral service was held on Saturday afternoon last. Our deep sympathy goes out to the bereaved family. Miss Joyce . Hobden and Mr, Keith Hobden spent the week-end in Durham. Mrs. A. Harbron was a Rriday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Raine at Brougham. Mr. Charles Lennon, of Whitby, spent Sunday with the Lennon family. Gerald Hooker is spending a few days with relatives at Rochester, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Bunker, of Stouffville were Tuesday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bunker. Mr. Rosseau spent Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mawbray, who were home for the week-end, left again on Monday for their sum- mer cottage at Crane Lake, near * Marmora, Mr. Arthur Gormley visited Niag- ara Falls on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elliott, of Oshe awa, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. A. Hooker. Mr, N. Buldyke has quite a lot of pickers busily engaged in harvest ing his raspberry crop. HIGHWAY RATES MUST °°? INCREASE ! Toronto, Aug, 1 -- (CP) -- Highway shipping rates must ine crease to offset the 27 per cent increase recently granted trans- port employees by an arbitration ooard, N. M. Bryson, of the Mo- tor Transport Industrial Relae tions Bureau, said Thursday, DEPOSITORS DISCUSS LEGAL CTION Carp, Ont., Aug. 1--(CP) -- Deposit »ox holders of the Bank Scotia here who lost of dollars--some of life savings--when robbers hacked through an .18. thousands inch wall into the vault and rifled the boxes Tuesday, are discussing legal action for return of their it was learned. CLOSE INFORMATION " BRANCH Toronto, Aug. 1-- (GP) --The Information Branch of Toronto office of the Prices roard closed Thursday in keeping with the gradual dissolution of the board's and they will visit this week with organization throughout Canada, OSHAWA Varnishes: Pa Enamels Wax INSIDE AND OUTSIDE -- for sale by -- 25 BOND ST. EAST vi arte's ints 1877 - 70 YEARS OF SERVICE - 1947 'GORDON'S PAINT STORE PHONE 2510

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