SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE SEVEN GLAMORIZING -- Match Make-Up With Costume By HELEN FOLLETT Choose different shades of rouge to harmonize wit the costume you're wearing and apply carefully. It sometimes happens that a girl has to change her face when she changes her frock, Let us say that she finds a heavenly hat trimmed with magenta roses, Grand. She loves it. She also adores the red- orange rouge and lipstick she is using. But what do these colours do to each other? They fight like cats and dogs. It won't do to have a standard make-up, to use the same items of the beauty kit all the year round, with all kinds of clothes. It just doesn't make sense. One should have several rouge compacts and several lipsticks. It will be fun ex- perimenting with them. Don't for- get that whenever you cherish fixed ideas you are not likely to be step- ping forward with the good looks parade. Navy Blue Dress If you are wearing a navy blue dress you can use a fairly rosy lip- stick and American beauty rouge; and, if you ade given to adding a bit of color to your eyelids, use a soft blue, just enough to cast the tiniest shadow. Eye cosmetics do something to your soul as well as your face, but you've got to be can- ny with them, It may be a startling idea to you, my gentle reader, that make-up should be regarded as a comple- ment to the frock or hat, but such is the case. Fancy a girl in a green dress wearing bright red rouge patches on her cheeks, Every pas- serby would want to shout "stop and go." A green dress calls for deep wine tones in make-up. Beauticians are always mourning about the fact that the cash custo- mers are likely to be stubborn when a change of make-up is suggested. And why do the customers select them? Because the colors are pret- ty, maybe, and with no regard for suitability for either dress or com- plexion. A Physician Advises You By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. - COOK PORK WELL PREVENTION of trichinosis is so easy that it is a pity for anybody to contract it. And yet, this condi- tion, which at best means a long, unpleasant illness, accurs fairly of- ten, simply because people are not careful enough about cooking pork thoroughly. Trichinosis comes almost entirely from the eating of pork infested with the parasite known as Trichi- nella spiralis. Either long and thorough cooking, or freezing at zero degrees Fahrenheit for 72 hours will kill all parasites. But un- less the housewife knows the exact conditions under which the meat has been frozen, she 'will'do better | to play safe and cook all pork until the last tinge of pink has disap- peared. Symptoms of Trichinosis The symptoms of trichinosis have been studied by Dr, Robert E, Ober, of Massachusetts. Within three' to five days after eating contaminated pork, such symptoms as sickness to the stom-' ach, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, and diarrhea may develop. In this stage of the condition, the disorder is sometimes' mistaken for an ate tack of grippe, acute kidney in- flamdtion, rheumatic fever, or food poisoning. In many instances, if disturban- ces of the stomach or bowel occur, a diagnosis of trichinosis is not made until later, because the symp- toms are much like those of various abdominal disorders. The larvae are carried to the small blood ves- sels in the lung, to the heart, and the arteries in other parts of the body. They also pass into the eye- lids, the diaphragm between the chest and abdomen, and the various musles of the body. The worms then become encysted within 'the muscles and remain alive for many years. Encysted means that the worms are surrounded by a mem- ' brane or capsule. Aching Muscles Within 10 to 14 days after eating contaminated pork, if no stomach: or bowel symptoms have occurred, the infestation may be shown by aching or tenderness in the muscles, chills, cough, swelling of the eye- lids and a skin rash. Fever de- velops and may reach 105 Fahren- heit. These symptoms may con- tinue for from five to seven weeks. As a general rule, there is an increase in' the number of white cells in the blood, and the kind of white cells known as eosinophils are also increased in number. Complete recovery ordinarily oc- curs, but pains in the various WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT -- Clothes for a City Visit Soon? By MRS. CORNELIUS BEECKMAN Dear Mrs, Beeckman: 1. In August I am planning to visit my son in Boston, and I wili stop at a large hotel ther: for a wek or so. My problem is clothes and I would appreciate your advice as to what to take with me. I will not need evening' 0thes, but what will be appro- priate for mornings aud after noons? 2. Also, I understand that at a large hotel in the city one wears a hat in the dining-room, even at breakfast. Is this the thing to do? Motner 1. Boston is likely to be very warm in August, and so plan to take cool and cool-looking clorh- es. Undoubtedly the most comfort- able, as well ag the mst fashion- able, and Appropriate, the sheer navy-blue or black dresses and bolero suits again available this season, Such a dress or ensemble is appropriate not only during the day, but for informal evening dining, Nice to travel in tco. Be sure to take easy, soft, shoes, comfortable for the sizht-seeing youll of course want to do, 'And a light topcoat "in case'! the even- ings are cool, As a change from dark' clothes, for a gala lunch or late-afternoon or evening party, you might like to add a dress or crepe suit of a lighter shade that is your most becoming color. I suggest you take fabric gloves, some white some perhaps beige, . easily washable; and one puise of light color (plastic perhaps), not too large, which will har. monize with your ensemb!as, 2. You have been correctly In- formed about this. A lady stnp- ping in a large city hotel wears her hat in the dining-room (even at breakfast). However if she is in evening or dinner clothes and is dining with a friend or with a group, she need not wear a hat, Not Too "Familar" With Fiance's Parents Dear Mrs, Beeckman: Here I am again , . , back for more of your helpful advice, (1) Is it correct for an engaged girl to call her fiance's parents "Dad" and "Mom.", (2) Also, is it prop- er for her to give gifts to her fi- ance's parents on such days as Mother's Day and Father's Day? (1) Most definitely not, un- less they suggest it. And even 1f they do suggest this intimacy, it always appears (and sounds) to. MIRROR- "TRUE" PROCESSING Assures You the Best in ' PHOTO-FINISHING - Films Developed and Printed 42 With EIGHT PRINTS Fast Service Guaranteed Satisfaction "TAMBLYN 6 KING .E. PHONE 760 '| "previous" for the engagement period, more fitting after the marriage. (2) Yes, if the gifts and accompanying cards are most carefully chosen, signified as coming from a devoted friend ra- ther than from a "daughter." In other words, a well-bred girl has such sure taste and poise that she won't overstei the privi- leges of. her mew position as the fiancee of the son of the family. Naturally her finace parents fre appraising her as a future member of their family . , . and being too-familiar won't h»lp her to establish her classification as mannerly, Address Letter To Registrar Dear Mrs. Beeckman: I want to write to a college about some information concern- ing that college, To whom should I address my letter? Mother To the registrar. "AS THE TWIG IS BENT" Children should acquire the habit of saying , "How do you do, Mrs, Brown," "How do you do, Mr, Carter," "Please," "I beg your pardon," 'Excuse me, please," and "Thank you." They should be taught to use these forms on every possible occasion where they are appropriate so that these correct forms will come out automatically, (Mrs. Beeckman will be glad to answer questions on What ers), Last Year's Suit : Has Had Its Day By DOROTHY ROE New York, July '16-- (AP) -- It's a portent of things to come that, after seeing Adele Simpson's fall 'collection, visiting fashion editors Jooked critically at their own summer costumes and began to chatter excitedly about the "Cloche Silhouette," the *"Casa- nova Tunic" and the "Peg O' My Heart Jacket." Mrs. Simpson dishes up a group of new fall styles guaran- teed to put an end to any lur. - ing thoughts that maybe that last year's suit will do, after all, The nipped-in waist, the rounded hip- line, the longer skirt, the modi- mied shoulder--they'te all pres- ent and accounted for, and more- over they look definitely right. Notable example. of the "Cloche Silhouette" is a suit of soft gray tweed with peg-top skirt and in- ner belt, the jacket fairly short, nipped in at the waist and round- ed over the hips. With it is worn a fringed scarf of matching tweed, The Casanova silhouette is a tunic suit with wasp waist and big coltar over a slim skirt. The "Peg O' My Heart" number is a little wraparound cutaway jac'.- et with unpadded shoulders, like those worn at the time the song was popular, HUMMING LOOMS One room of a textile mill in Madrass producing cotton goods has 1,800 looms. Thanksgiving--Among those who attended thanksgiving for preserva- tion of Canterbury Cathedral in war were P.O.W.'s. Should I Do? submitted by rcad. |" may sometimes persist for a long time. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any treatment of this condition which is of any particu- lar value. However, the disorder can be prevented if all pork is either thoroughly cooked or frozen. London Welcomes Spanish Pianist Jose Iturbi, the famous Spanish pianist and conductor, had a great welcome when he reappeared at London's Albert Hall after an ab- sence of 10 years. At 51 he is at the peak of his career, and his playing deeply im- pressed the great audience. In addition to being a fine artist Mr. Iturbi is a dynamic personality, and is often referred to as "the Spanish fireball." He has an exotic taste in dress, but when he arrived at London Air- port from the United States he wore a comparatively quiet ensemble of check suit, red shirt, and yellow As You Like It SIZES S-10, 12 M-14, 15 L-1820 Anne. Odama Beach coat, rain coat, duster, re- versible! Long, three-quarter, short- ie! You want one--it's in Pattern 4793. You'll love the jaunty hood! Make it in wool for fall, too. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes ocmplete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4793 in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16, reversible, 3% yds. 35-in. each fabric. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) 'in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa. BEAUTY FOR YOU -- Pearly Smiles in Shopping Bags By HELEN JAMESON et te Woe Four Condursee bot Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables ERY Without teeth like White pearls, beauty's hopes are blasted. We used to believe that two daily brushings yould keep them in form, but now we know better. Twice a year we must make a pilgrimage to the dentists's office for examination and whatever repairs may be neces- sary, There's no sense dodging that duty. It saves time, pain and money. Also, our teeth must be fed. For their well -being, certain food elements are necessary. In a recent issue of Hygeia, a health magazine, Lillian Anderson has an article that should interest every woman whose business it is to order groceries and to prepare and serve them. Growing children, es- pecially, need the kind of foods that make for healthy teeth. "Perhaps one of the most im- portant points," says the writer, "is to have plenty of fruits and vege- tables which abound in minerals and vitamins. They are practically the only source of vitamin C, which is esssential to maintain sound teeth and healthy gums, The prac- tice of drinking- orange or grape- fruit juice daily, which is so popu- lar in this country, almost insures an adequate amount of this vita- min. When fresh oranges and grapefruit are scarce and hard to get, there are alternates to take their place. Tomato juice runs a close second to citrus fruit in pro- viding vitamin C and apples also serve." All dentists agree that milk, which contains calcium, should be a part of everyone's diet, a quart a day for children, a pint for an adult, It is believed to be an in- -- socks. In his baggage was a good supply of canned food to see him through his stay here, "I've heard about your British ra- tions," he said. "Things are a lot harder for you than since I was here last, a, and I don't want to be an imposition: He usually fortifies himself be- Yore a concert with four hard-boiled eggs. At the Albert Hall he had to perform on only one. His sister Amparo packed four for him when he left Hollywood, but he gave three away--one to a customs man, the other two to friends. An average of sixteen oranges is required to make a quart of orange juice. For Gay Tea Towels Take the dullness out of kitchen work!! Dry your dishes with towels embroidered with these enchanting kitten designs. Pun to have! Mainly single and outline stitch for these motifs. Pattern 7097 has transfer of.6 motifs 6 x 8 inches. Our improved pattern--visual with easy-to-see charts and photos, and complete directions--makes needlework easy, Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in' coing (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. 'Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. Send your order to DAILY TIMES GAZETTE Pattern Department, Oshawa, dispensable food. No other food, | in amounts that can be taken daily, provides enough caleium to build strong bones and sound teeth and perform the many other functions of this important mineral. "How fortunate we are," says the writer, "that milk is always avail- able, in any amount you want. Through the general recognition of the importance of milk, adequate facilities have been provided so that the production has stepped up to the highest, level ever known. And because it is available, people are drinking milk in greater amounts than ever before, Not only drink- ing it, but liking it. No other point in the program of prevention of dental cares and malnutrition is so important as the liberal use of milk for, with this food to form the bas- is of our daily meals, we are well on the way to good nutrition." The writer adds that sugar ra- tioning has been a definite benefit to health, especially to the teeth, for sugar seems to hasten decay if used too generously, Some dentists advise their patients to brush the teeth immediately after a bonbon gorge, as sugar undergoes chemical changes that are detrimental tothe health of the teeth. Shoulders Square And Head High New York.--Pad your hips if you lke, your waistline if you Put lad , please keep your i Such is the plea of Maurice Rent ner, who issued a ringing defense of the "American look" along with his fall collection, and predicted that North American women will not surrender without a fight to the round-shouldered, wide-hipped silhouette which some designers seek to foist upon them. Said he: doris American woman, solely for the purpose of change, will not adopt a fashion that is not becom- ing . . . I definitely believe that the elimination of the padded shoulder would constitute a sacri- fice . . . it would be detrimental to her looks 'and figure. By the same token, most women would not look well in the predicted lengths or widths." So saying, designer Rentner shows a highly wearable group of fall fashions which he calls "mod- ern empire," in which he uses shoulder "pads boldly, clings in many instances to the slim skirt, tapers waistlines and eschews hip pads, A high spot of his collection is the flowing "Dickensggcollar," up- standing in back, with™long points in front, reappearing on coats and suits alike. The Movie Column By BOB THOMAS Canadian Press Staff Writer extra per week. His current allow ance: $3. Joan Crawford, unlike most stars, seems to be able to get an early release for her films. "Daisy Ken- yon" will be finished in September, Hollywood, July 18--(AP)--One of the strangest deals involving a con- tract player has been arranged by William Powell who now plans to spend the next two years away from his home lot, M.GM. Now enact- ing "The Senator Was Indiscreet" at Universal-International he will return there this winter for "Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid," rest for six months, then return to MGM. for two more films, Covered Charms Esther Williams' next film will be called "International Venus." She'll be completely covered by a period bathing suit for most of the picture. * Roundup J. Arthur Rank could corral more Hollywood stars for films in Eng- land, if he could get them away from their studios. Van Johnson, Judy Gerland and Lana Turner are among the many yearning to do British pictures. Model Boy Butch Jenkins is surprising everybody by being the model boy on the set of "Virtuous." Unlike previous pictures, on this one he has been the soul of sweetness and has kept his dressing room swept and neat, for which he receives $1 1 d in November. . . Eve Arden is being set for a Roz Russell build- up at Warners as a result of "Voice of the Turtle." It's about time, . . Danny Kaye is sore because his "Molly Malone" number was cut out of "Walter Mitty." "Intermez- zo," which was Ingrid Bergman's first United States film, is slated for a fall release by Selznick. K. ss Peter Lawford will do a dance routine with Gene Kelly in "Easter Parade" , . . Friends doubt that Norma Shearer will return to pic- tures. She is going to Switzerland to place her children in school . . . Howard Hawks, who directed "Ball of Fire," is now directing the re- make, "That's Life." Says he: "This is a wheelchair job." Try a Times-Gazette classified ad for quick and sure' results. BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS "Bluebird" Diamonds 32 King W.--Phone 389 BIDDULPH To Our Many Friends announces his appointment as authorized dealer of.... HOTPOINT APPLIANCES for Oshawa and District! and Customers! We of the Jack Biddulph Appliance Store are proud indeed to be entrusted with the 'sales and service of Hotpoint products. This great' nationally known line of appliances Stoves and Refrigerators ...and is well known everywhere by Canadian housewives. They will soon be on display here at our store and we invite you to come in and see the new electrical 1947 models. Present users of Hotpoint Appliances are assured of the same prompt, expert serv- ice that we have rendered to all our custom- ers in the past, and for which this store is famous. includes Signed Jack Biddulph : uck BIDDULPH Washers, ELE CTRICAL APPLIAN CES 68 Simcoe St. N. | "Look for the Store With the Yellow Front" Phone 3800W