Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 27 May 1947, p. 9

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~ ) TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1947 . THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE * Open House Held At Prince Albert School Success F, E oni Correspondent Prince Albert, May 26--Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Fear and dffughter of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fear. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heaven spent the week-end with her father, Wil- liam Snelling. We welcome Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon Prentice and family of Bowman- ville to our village. They have rented part of Mrs. Curl's house. We understand that James Doupe has purchased Mrs. Stone's house and will move this summer after the school closes. Mrs, Stone ex- cts to be able to move to her new in. Peterboro. Mrs. Len Smith is back at her home here after spending the win- ter months in Toronto. Two cousins of Mrs, Frank Vick- ery are spending a few days with her and Mr, Vickery and other relatives, They are Mr. Samuel Kirby and son Robert of Fertile, Sask. It is 40 years since Mr. Kirby visited in these parts. L. Steenhoff and Albert McKee of Toroats, spent the holiday week-end at the home of Mrs. M. MacGregor. Miss Lorraine Smith and friends, Misses May Shields and Kay Mac- Donald, all of Oshawa were supper guests on Friday of Mrs. B. Smith and stiende Open Bouse" at the Perry 00) Several others also attended and enjoyed a fine program along with the usual wonderful display of work done by the students. It was re- marked that the appearance of the girls in their blue tunics and white blouses and the boys in their cadet uniforms made-a very pleasing ef- fect. This uniformity was very appropriate for such an occasion. * "Open Day" In Prince Albert On Friday afternoon a large number of parents and friends were present at "open house" and after- noon tea at Prince Albert Public School. A fine display of map work, art and writing were up for in- spection. After a variety program which lasted about an hour, and was much enjoyed, tea was poured by Mrs. Frank Vickery and Mrs. Ed. McCrea, who are both mothers of children who have attended Prince Albett School but are now in busi® ness or married. 'The senior girls and boys assisted with serving tea to the guests who were seated at small tables decorated to match the tea table with pansy centre pieces. Other spring flowers of tulips, daffodils and other blos- soms were about the school room. The following is the order of the ogram: The president Bobby Heayn acted as chairman, assisted by Terry Hudgins--(1) welcome to parents and friends by the president; (2) Song, "Tulips Red," by Grades I and II; (3) "Memory Gems," by Grade I} (4) "Welcome," by Grade II; (5) song by the school, "Gliding Thru! the Meadow'; (6) piano solo, by Joan Guthrie; (7) Grade III, "One, Two, Three"; (8) song, by Dorothy 'Thompson and Joan Ray; (9) Grade I, "Five Little Chickens"; (10) song, by the boys, "Three Little Peanuts"; (11) piano solo, Joan Harvey; a2), Empire Day. program which in- cluded several pupils representing different oy and items of in- terest of the British Empire who read items to suit their part; (13) dramatization, by Grade IV of "The Mad Tea Party," from Alice in Won- derland. The climax came when the Mad March Hare and the Hat- ter tried to put the field mouse in the tea Pott Ot (14) piano solo, by Reta Curl. During tea time Bobby Heayn sang in his very capable way, two popular songs, "Linda" and "You'll Always Be the One I Love." A collection was taken to@help pay for the new playfround Squip- ment which is being installed Mrs, William Bonnell said a few words of thanks and appreciation to the teacher Mrs, L. Hunter and puplls. Guest From Bahams i Mr. Higgs, a student teacher of Toronto from the Bahamas Islands was week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. > New Potentate KARL REX HAMMERS of Psu, Pa., who was unani- mously elected imperial potentate, highest office in the Shrine of North America, at its 73rd annual conven- tion, now in session at Atlantic City, NJ. : Capital Closeups By SHANE MACKAY Canadian Press Staff Writer Ottawa, May 26--(OP)--Ottavass garb--Sikh foreign ammy uniforms and the strange clothing that goes with an expanding diplomatic colony--but the appearance of a fully ornament- ed Indian brave still excites the last week, first so garbed to appear amongst a steady procession of nha- tives giving evidence before the second session of the committee in- quiring into the Indian Act. Sat Silently it Wearing beaded, deerskin tunics, moccasins and multi-colored feath_ er head-dresses, the Indians sat sllently through prolonged hearings of the committee as their brethren outlined the grievances of their . One of them clutched a time- yellowed, Tl-year-old parchment contaivng writing in a carefully- styled Victorian hand. It was the originhl treaty outlining the condi- tions of peace and guaranteeing that the "Queen's ear will always be open to the voices of her Indian people." (Nicknames The government's omnibus con- trols bill has been called a lot of things--the 'Pickle Bill," ; for in- stance, because it embraced 57 var- ietles of emergency controls. But it remained for a Senate page to give it a double-barrelled definition. At the behest of a Senate short- hand reporter who wanted the bulky office consolidation of its Order- in- Council, the page dashed off and told enother official he wanted "the officers-in-council having to do with the anonymous bill. Breadth Anyway Jovial Charlie Stewart, who runs Quebec's 113-mile Temicouata Ry., brightened up the atmosphere dur- ing the final days of the wearying having a reunion with "ol. J. L. Ralston, and the Maritimes counsel wasn't much' of a railroad for length. "Well, no," Charlie confessed. "But"--and he added it with par- donable pride--"she's Just ds wide as eny of them." ; Head-Hunting Still Practiced Sydney, Australia, May 27. (Reu- ters)--Within less than a day's flight from Australia, natives in some regions of Papua and New Guinea are still practising can- nibalism and head-hunting. More recently 15 natives were and | ijjed during a raid on a village in phens Poin They found the water so enticing that one fellow rode all the way back home for a couple of pair of 'swim trunks and tried out the lake, friend passing by. On atrival back 10 Xws, Jos} OF hem went to tue Lake View Now Hangs in Kirk Eagle Head, NS.--(CP) -- It was ound on a nearby beach in 1938. Upon it are engraved the words: "A tribute of affection and respect to William Kirkland, bur- fed at sea, lat. 44:15 N. long. 63:44 W, Jan. 15, 1087. Attached to the cross was a bot- tle containing a letter in a woman's) handwriting dated Jan. 15, 1935. The letter, which hangs in a frame beside the cross in the church, reads: 'Should this cross with Sean or some, peaceful by the sea. P Thank you and God bless you. Margaret and Jean Kirkland, Wal- ton, Liverpool. England. i: ney Sun who has just returned from New Guinea, was a severe lecture, Then the guilty: natives were sent back to their village. The reason for the apparently light penalty, said a district offic- er, wag that the natives involved had had little or no contact with civilization and raids on neighbor .|ing villages and head-hunting to them was the normal way of life. Natives who know right from wrong and live in controlled areas are properly punish ASK CO-OP MEMBERSHIP operation prod tion of poultry goods in the regiqn. INVITES INDIGESTION A crocodile swallows its food in one piece. nn fi £ ¥ _ Anniversary Sale Special! SUPER-JUMBO STATIONERY Really a Super-Jumbo Special! 72 sheets of writing paper, folded note size, and 48 envelopes . e Reg. 27¢ Alka-Seltzer 29¢, 57¢ Macleans Stomach Powder 1.D.A. Brand 59¢, 98¢ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 16 oz. 29*¢ Dr. Chases Nerve Food 60¢c, 1 Fruit-A-Tives Burdock Blood Bitters ... Children's Own Tablets. . 25¢ Horlick's Malted Milk 4 oz. 12¢ "Jeanette" TALCUM POWDER Big shaker can-- choice of odors { 17¢233¢ 3 ~Iit's not too strong! ~it's not too mild! . ~Iit's the Happy Medium! "EVELYN HOWARD" COLD CREAM Theatrical Type A smooth bland cream that gives N your skin an ow . | exquisite Swivel cleansing. J 16-oz. Jar §7 This LIPSTICK KEEPS SECRETS Don Juan fis kiss proof, goes on in seconds and stays on for hours. Lips look lovelier longer when you use Don Juan the lipstick that smart women prefer, 49¢ $1.10 SPECIALS for the MEDICINE CABINET 1 oz, size, reg. e, reg. 20c4... 14¢ You can make substantial savings now on these useful 1.D.A. WITCH HAZ HAZEL 4 oz. bottle, reg. 25¢. . drug products, found in many a medicine chest-- i BORACIC ACID » Pe In case of sickness hygienic clean 16 oz. can, an, feg. 25c. 25¢.. CALAMINE LO LOTION finess is more importart than ever. Disinfect and deodorize - as you 4 oz. bottle, tle, re). 25¢ 25c.. 19¢ clean! Use LYSOL as hospitals do. TINCTURE IODINE 19¢ uu 35¢ 65¢, 1.25 1.09. Wed., May 28, to Wed., June 4 A FULL WEEK OF BARGAINS For 14 years, I.D.A. Drug Stores have maintained a policy or bringi nationally- kriown merchandise at lowest prices--and, in addition, |} BA Boni I of guaran- teed quality at prices that give you definite savings. Every week-end, many bargain prices , are Sfiered to bring yo membership of over 330 drug To -show you our grafitids for your continued pattbnase: fer outstanding values during the 1 th I.D.A. Druggists o u savings. On this basis, the Inde- pendent D. ruggists' rey has thrived and has gained a stores in Ontario. Anniversary Special! NIVERSARY SALE from May 28th to June 4th. Visit us and take advan- tage of the many Speciale and timely reminders shown he MINERAL | 16 oz., reg. 39¢ - 40 oz., 33c . Fira eavy Grade I.D.A. Brand Milk of Magnesia Smooth & pleasant tasting 32 oz. Reg. 33¢c Reg. 55¢ 27c 43c "Milk of Magnesia Tabs. 100s--29¢ 300s--67¢ 16 oz. ASA. TABLETS 5 grain Easily, Comfortably with Velvetta SUNTAN CREAM ID.A. EXTRA HEAVY GRADE MERCOLIZED WAX CREAM - NOXZEMA Cream 17¢, 39¢, 59¢ L.D.A. Brand 8c 2+ 15¢ "GABY Suntan Lotion - 35¢, 65¢ FLORESS Lipstick 1.35; Nail Lacquer 60c OIL NO-HOZ Liquid Stockings - - - 65¢ HINDS CREAM - 29¢, 49c¢, 98¢ reg. 79¢ CASHMERE BOUQUET Face Cream 3! 5¢ 63c WOODS Milk Foam 20c, 30c, 55¢ RAYVE CREME SHAMPOO gives hair glorious softness, lovely sheen and highlights. Not a liquid, not a soap, RAYVE is the cream that brings out gleam. No afterfilm,. RAYVE contains lanolin, never leaves the hair straw-dry. No conditioner needed, . Get RAYVE today! Yobe 75¢, $1.00 I.D.A. Vitamin B-1 Tablets 100s 300s Reg. 37¢c Reg. 79¢ 29¢ 59¢ LD.A. SYRUP of free 5% DDT PEST PAINT 25¢ 43¢ 86¢ 43.00 B® FIGS and SENNA A pleasant and effective laxative and liver stimu- lant for I. children, Marathon Liniment .... Scholl's Zino Pads Absorbine Jr. ..... Mennen Quinsana .-. Foot Health & Comfort Zam-Buk Ointment uw... s..e.exmenze. . sevemmessess.50c, 1.00 Blue-Jay Corn Plasters ...... span. : Putnam's Corn Extractor ...am.. eon saa LER ROT RT SO CNT NING 8 a NIP © © oly Quick and Effective ID.A. LIQUI CORN REMOVER Reg:25c size 19¢ Cleans All White Shoes it Money-back guarantee. Small bottle '15¢ Large bottle 25¢ LD.A. "BROWNIE" WRITING PADS Special -- T¢, 2 for 13¢ "Envelopes, 25s -- 4¢ LARGE SIZE 25¢ ID.A COCOANUT oiL Gives a rich, heavy lather. Does not dry + the scalp or cause the hair to becéme + brittle. Special 4 0z.--19¢ : shaving, REMEMBER FATHER--rATHER'S DAY SuN., JUNE 15th On this date remember him with some little gift to let him know b h appreciated, Many suggestions are listed below. The rg adnd Rulon 3 Junior's pocke CIGARETTES British Consols, Exports, Black Cat, Sweet Caps, Players "Mild", Bucicingham and other popular ra 20s 33¢ ne SHAVING NEEDS | ;o Palmolive Cream .... 33¢c, 49¢ Willan Luxury Shave Aqua Velva Lotion Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal Shaving Lotion .. 65¢, $1.25 Yardley Shave Lotion 85¢, $1.50 50¢ to $10.00 | . Popular Cigarette. & Smoking TOBACCOS in half-pound sizes hol Pipes of styles .... Thermos Bott! pint size $1.50 to $7.50 $1.19, $1.50 Ever-Ready Henry Perkins' Billfolde 2.25 to 9.00 Schick Injector Razor and Blade f Beiercbirernses . Valet Ap Razor, Strop and Blade Set 1.25 Thorens Lighter Fluid tin ..28¢ Flints .oecnnas..... EA GILLETTE E BLADES BLUE For faster shaves ' FITON'S "Dandruff Remove: Halo Shampoo 29¢, 49¢, 89¢ Hollywood Waveset . ...19¢ Nestle Colorinse ..15¢, 35¢ Olive'on Hair Dressing 40c, 55¢ Hudnut Three Flowers Brilliantine , Removes * dandruff da fret 35¢ 69¢ 98¢ ¢ CASCARA TABLETS is: 29 WILD STRAWBERRY 19: PINKHAM'S 93. PABISAL rout mign ivy: 47 SAL HEPATICA 30, 59, 1.15 Compound Reg. 25¢ Vegetable Compound 5 for 25¢ KKOVAH SALTS - = 29¢, 79. "Lustral" TOOTH BRUSHES Nylon Bristle 19¢ Reg. 25¢ - SUN GLASSES *'Protex-Sun"' == Crookes lens with side-shields 19¢ Others--50¢, 59, 79% & up 3 LT: OLIVE OIL HAIR DRESSING SHAVING It's highly goncentiated and con= tains remar @ beard softening qualities. The big double-size TUBES tube gives months of KARN'S DRUG STORE 28 KING ST. EAST (Next to Post Office) Prompt Delivery TELEPHONE 78-79 POWELL'S ' THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE ; 35 SIMCOE ST. N. © (Next to Loblaws) We Deliver TELEPHONE 1360 DRUG STORE 10 SIMCOE ST. S. " Delivery to all Parts -of the City TELEPHONE 22

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