Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 3 May 1947, p. 14

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PACE FOURTEEN ' ANT AD SECTION "sz%% THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1947, | BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1--Auditors 4 f 1 ii 7 ETA . '=F uneral Directors RET dt a i¥ INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Articles For Sale .. 36 | Funeral Di Articles Wanted .. Agents Wanted .. Auditors Automobiles For Sal @ coiessemriens Supplies Automobiles Wanted . ...oe00 Auction Sale ..... Barristers bil B58 8 ~29% Trades - - GEN- pd (May13) Business oppor. tunities ..... . Business oppor- Male Help Wanted & ANNIS, ar P. Anais, a 74s 8 { STEOELEY HEALTH OLINIO, LH Female Help Wanted . Gardening -l Household Repairs Loan Wanted ... Lost and Found .. 22 Legal Notices ...... 42 Male or Female Help vinsses 18 14 28 [] 10 vee 08 Radio Repairs .... 17 Real Estate Agents 19 Real Estate For Bale .....o.c00000 28 Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board vereee T D sean , BARRISTER, ETO., Lott, Aged 5 Bimoos . (May11) imcoe Street ce 739 (Aprl®) Buak 8 Dressmaking see..e Hpiojiiens sesesecce 81 INE INSERTION EACH ADDITIONAL CONSECUTIVE IN| RTION .. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. new wags order. Money to Loan .. Nursing Service .. 13 Optometrists ....... § CLASSIFIED AD RATES 20 Wi 9 Women's Column , 23 Wanted to Rent .. 31 Wearing Apparel .. 38 Each Addl Word at a later date constitute a th for Professional and Bi jusiness $5.00 per 20 words or less, 20c aaitional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation full word. Box charged 10c additional. All Classified Advertisements before publication. Office Hours: | $ and ec sign, figure count as a* MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Daily 8-6; Saturday 8-5. 25--Real Estate For Sale 32--Automobiles For S.le 36--Articles For Salo 36--Articles For Sale MODERN WOODWORKING FACTORY FOR SALE Completely equipped with the latest in woodworking machines. Main build- ing 35 x 90, brick and cement con- struction. Heated by hot water furnace with 8 build- ing 28 x 30. ment is also included. Agencies for Aid be trans- Price $24,000 ferred to Aug. 1st 1047, to sell at ..oeee. A list of all machines etc. can be pro- cured at this office, Everett G. Disney REAL BSTATE BROKER 82 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa "Exclusive listing" (May3-5-7) Modern six room apart- [1 '41 BUICK SEDANETTE, IN EXO lent condition, radio, heater. Cash oi trale for ra coupe with Sash balance. Phone 1437TW, (48) '40 PONTIAC COUPE, RADIO, HEATER, new tires, Phone Clark 38R23. (48) 1036, 3-TON STEWART TRUCK. STAKE b Good nning condition. Apply T 0. Blakely, Greenbank, Ontario. Phone Port Perry 108RA. (3b) 936 CHEVROLET MASTER SEDAN, Good condition, 488 Masson Street. (3c) '34 FORD COACH, $375 OR BEST OF- fer. 3530M. (3b) '36 IN GOOD CONDI- tion, Bt., r 6 pm, '3l FORD COUPE, IN GOOD CONDI- piv West, Oshawa. Best offer id (3b) 5 TIRES, HEATER, AP- (2b) '20 WHIPPET, ply 6 Royal St, ona rivately owned. Apply 132 Alice' ia Loin (3°) | AIGH-BACK, GUELPH-YORK GOAL TYPEWRITER, UNDERWOOD, GOOD condition, Also 45-gallon steel drum. Fhone 4052, (3c) FOUR FRONT FOLD LAWN CHAIRS; card table and student's lamp. Box of small sealers. 152 Colbo: borne East. (4a) BOY'S C.CM. BICYCLE, GOOD CX CON- dition, $25. _Phone 4435R, (4a) 2 INSIDE DOORS, ONE OUTSIDE Jor, one window. Apply 118 Divisies, HARDWOOD CUTTINGS FOR KINDL- ing. Phone 3288J, (48) WARDROBE, DROP-SIDE COUCH WITH WITH new Ju Phone 3568W. 166 Celina i) stove. ed bib (3¢) imported Bogan. Wilton. ser n HR or beige. Phone 72TW. TW Ros & Katie, custom bullt floors (Apr. 19,26, May3, 10) Phone 4121J. (May1) 25a--For Sale or Exchange PANEL TRUCK, DODGE '33, IN GOOD diti Phone 723W12, (100d) 15 ACRES OF LAND, 5-ROOM FRAME house, barn, hen-house, brooder house, 5 orchard, north of rt. Phone ( Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. at.) , BRICK WZ OUsE, gg 12 Posesion, Near Bd EE Jones oie Noi 6% Prince (2¢) 26--Real Estate Wanted ACRES WANTED, ONE OR TWO. . WELL drained, for cash. Between Harmony and Bowmanville. Must be near school and highway. Phone 3200J, between 6 and 8 p.m, (4c) EL ( Apra) K.C., BARRISTER Bank "of Montreal Build. L of § EVEREADY crete workers, work. Cement mixer ) gravel, 11--Building Trades 25--Real Estate For Sale FOR YOUR WATERPROOFING PHONE 3940J, Oshawa. (1001) DUMP TRUCK AND CON- any of cement or hire, sand manure, delivered Phone 4571W. loam fill, or Whitby. (Junel) PABKHILL BARRISTER, ETC. oans onal Ho Act isos Nori. 161s CEMENT FOUNDATIONS, SIDEWALKS, ) | driveways, floors, chimneys, immediate Phon (2c) e 3510M. ROAD 8. LOTS 56 AND 57. x 107. $400 cash. Box 360 Hunts- ville. (May3,17) IF YOU HAVE A HOUSE, FARM OR business to sell list your wants with me I am devoting my tim 1 Estate and Auctionee: large or yet %00 small. solicited. W. J. Bulley, SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE, REASON- able, Good location, Box 625, Thess HOUSE, OWNER'S HOME. 6-ROOM Phone 1641, (4b) (Wed.-Sat.) LISTING! dwell (We g Prince St. 8 WANTED. FOR FARMS, , we have cash buyers waiting. 'results). Jones & Nolan, 61, (May29) 33--Automobiles Wantec TRA URGENTLY NEEDS good car, '40, '41 or "42 model, pay all cash, Phon one oS (3c) 39-42 ( WANTED, PRIVATE wire pay BR cash price for Food ¢ car. Phone 181 an LAKESHORE AUTO Cars wanted for wrecking. Rhest rices paid. Phone 3362; ines $v (Apri5) SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS AT Dodd's car lot, 278 Park Rd. 8S. Phone 3344M. (Apristf) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. "BRAMLEY Motor Sales. 1271 Simcoe St. North Phone 4695W. (Apr3) 34--Pets and Livestock DAY OLD CHICK "BARGAINS FO FOR this week and next. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Bampenire x Barred Rock, Barred Rock Hampshires, New Hampeliite x wight Sussex Light Susse: XxX New Hi ht id X B $4000 BUYS 4-ROOM, INSUL BRICK 28--Houses For Rent 4--Chiropractors EEITH CRA MOS! METAL WORK, H IER SHEET Alr conditioning. Dealer for Dew. des idea and Pease Furnaces. Phone (Apréy PAINTER AND DE- Ex. 146 North. Phone 224. including Chiropractic El , mineral vapor bath treatment. 22 years. Consultation free. 9 am. to § p.m. dally except Monday and Pridsy. (Apr! 5--Optometrists OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, a. lous © to 13, 3 10 5. Phone iY AND LOVELL -- OFFICE HOURS am. to 6 p.m. Ev. appointments. A. B. Johnson. iri Rey hon 28 e 3 (Apr24) * 6--Insurance cellen Drugless ectro | eed. hone 3630. setters, ) Sistes, Phone polish 653, Bowman- ville. and Hg patra, n re] Boyd: 16 William P. 'AINTING, J. Can Phone T6saw. (Ap! SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS, LOAM od dump trucks for hire by contract or bour, workmanship. All work guaran. P: {Apr26) 1 conv 088€8S $5000 buys 6-room, brick, all conveniences, garage. Possession of two rooms at once. Very ce! Ww. J. Sulley, Real Estate Proxer. go (4m) 5-ROOM INSUL BRICK, GOOD CON- dition, large lot, water, lights, West- mount. $3800. Half cash. Immediate Pp ton; TILE FLOORING LAID Pree esti Variety of colors. (Apri) ows ALTERATIONS, eve! H Na 4TR. (May21) BRUSH AND SPRAY, De. Len Broml Robert Muir, Courtice. Phone (Junel) INSURANCE SERVICE for Jor any of your insurance ALL cl of insurance includ- en Zig Eine Street Fast, phone Api) . J--Veterinarians PR, EE WEBSTER LARGE | 8t.W. Phone 2010M. F. A. VON @ watchmaker. phe! AND PANEL BLOCKS, and 10 inch. Also 4-inch cinder Dock: Fhone 3288J. {Tues .-Thurs.Sat. 12--Personal Services UNTEN, T West: Tour patronage ouch 5 our © 80 De . DIS. P. W. LOOS, VETERINARY SUR- gh Rg 169, Piekering, 'Ont. 10 Pr . §--Money To Loan AVAILABLE FOR Apply M. F. Swartz, suite No. 4. EEE (Apr20) MOWRY TO LOAN. ON FIRST MORT. Morning or Aft OLD SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, tile removed, cleaned, and relaid. New tanks and tile installed. Phone 624, ed GOOD HEALTH 18 BETTER lor. 364 Ritaon South, MTR. ( api SPECIAL PRICES FOR LEAGUES AT - MAYFAIR LANES es--Two Games for 25c Games for 35¢ es § o'clock reasonable, Phone ir FIRST MORTGAGE |: MONEY a SL RTA A North Shore Realty Co. Ltd, 40 ER mu (Tues-Thurs-Sat) PERSONAL LOANS fe @ssist in buliding or repairing SUMMER HOMES or for any other weeful purpose Apply to the nearest bronch of Wonthly Deposits provide for repayment. --Low Rates -- Life Insurance arranged and pald for by the Bank covers all loans In good standing. 0) 10--Instruction COM- NOW. eg Monday. Shorthand, Typ- Bookkeeping and all secretarial Oshawa Business College, 18 St. North. Phone Buy. 10% vo io Roy to ney more, mn 3 belies, reason oo Bel feve Bowl If it aitionfie upholstered. _ See Proveriis: D, WwW, Datton. 5 Phone 40! 15--Gardening and Supplies RELIABLE MAN TAKE route. Distribute, Soflect. new Apply Box 627, Gazette, LOT, 37 X 132, oN 743 ALBERT BT. Apply 121 Annis St, (4s) 70 ACRES, ONE | HALF MILE FR FROM Orono and 35 Highway, good buildings, electric and furnace, water in stable. All steel barn, Possession this fall, Ap- ply to Lewis J. Wood, RR, 1, no. Phone 84RA4. (4a) 5-ROOM SUMMER COTTAGE ON RICE Lake. Apply 98 98 Park Rd. South. (4a) JARVIS ST. NORTH. EXCHLLENT Splenda residential area, all bullt up. Write owner for informa- tion to Box 614, Times-Gazette LARGE HOUSE, 147 BROCK EAST, Dringing in good income. Apply af ONE FOR SALE, HILLCRO! Ave. Pavement, water and sewers, Low taxes, Phone e 3681 Ww. (2c) GOOD OPPORTUNITY, OVER © acres good level alin, 4-room house, Siisken house, ine, Bard en ploughed, move right in orth west of Oshawa. Apply gery 615, Times-Gazette. (2c) 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, AND TWO storey bullding, excelient. for small business. Modern constr light, FT | Phone 3382J, evenings. HOUSE FOR RENT, JULY AND AUG- ust. Well furnished home, north end. 396W. (4a) 29--Rooms For Rent LARGE BRIGHT FURNISHED BED- room in moder home, very central. itabl working couple, 120 "Cotborne East, (48) FOUR - ROOM FLAT, POSSESSION June 1, business couple' preferred, g%0 ferences, Apply to Box 629, Times. Gazette. (4b) Lig! arred Rock non-sexed 9.95, pullets 17.95, cock- erels 4.95, Assorted vy Breeds non- sexed 5.05, pullets 16.95, cockerels 3.95. Cockerels: White Leghorn X Rocks 1.95, White Leghorns 95¢. Two week old add 6.00. hundred. Three week old add 11. pullets, 8.00 to cockerels. Shipped COD. This advertisement must ac- company your order to receive these special prices. Top Netch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. (4a) 25 HEAD STOCKER CATTLE FOR sale, Phone Clark 38R23, (4a) FOR SALE, FOUR "YOUNG SOWS. (Bred). Phone LaSalle 3430J1. (Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.) ONE NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM. Central. Continuous hot water. Newly decorated. Phone 745, (4a) PIT BULL TERRIER (BTAFFORD- shize) pups. Registered. Phone whith TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, LIGHT housekeeping, newly decorated. Phone 3333J. (3b) COCKER PUPPIES, PEDIGREED, 3 months, all colours, dam daughter, in- ternational Champion, Brookwood Can- ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM. ALL conveniences. Gentleman preferred. Phone 3184M. 65 Elgin East. (3b) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED BED- room. Central. Phone 3152W. (3b) FURNISHED ROOM, DESIRABLY LO- cated, hot water, limited PoOKIng 29a--For Rent SIZE 25 X 14, SIMCOE ST. lease considered. Phone 4384J. (4c) RENT, CE- (3c) STORE, South, SUMMER COTTAGE FOR RENT, dar | Beach, Os Oshawa. Phone on SUN Lames ro FOR RENT, | cold airy, Phone 433W, (2¢) 2nd house a from corn o'clock, LOTS FOR SALE, HILLSIDE city water, cheap for cash. Phone Ii (Apr.12 Sears) 7-ROOM HOUSE. APPLY 361 VEROUN Rd. Phone 2496W. (2¢ onguen} per game st: game with ing 8 alleys or sign Bo before June 1st. Leagues signing up after June 1st will receive So rebate only. 1 it all times. 20c Open Bowling a! 4 es. pér who Get your Reservation in early for choice time at Canada's finest Bowling Centre, (991) MAYFAIR LANES BOWLING CENTRE here Rigid no too warm, we nas n- and can make it a and spare time why not bring your Janily or friends down for a game or two. 14--Household Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE- materials for Charles, (Apr8) 10 OF OUR MOST al tstanding 104 A ul ou novelty. Delivered. Phone 4052J. (Myll) GET ODD JOBS DONE, TREES PLANT- ed, pruning and painting, Phons FEA ATTENTION--IF YOU Have FILL trees to be planted, pruned or ed, call Oxford 3627 or write G. "Eeily. 140 Gledhill a Toronto, (May2) UTIFUL HARDY lants, $1.50. 40 20--Business Opportunities CARE STORE SUMMER COTTAGE AT ro Beach. Partially furnished with boat, and garage. Apply George M. Reid, 66 Bond West. Phone 2104. (3c) 3 LOTS FOR SALE, CHEAP, WAYNE Street, North Oshawa, Phone 1471. (3c) 90 ACRES, OLAY LOAM, 7-ROOM house, basement barn, creek. Port Perry district, Good ulus at $3800. C. H. French Real Est . (3b) ON RITSON "SOUTH. 5-ROOM cottage. 3-pce. bath, furnace. 98x100, Strawberries and rosebushes. $3500. $2800 down payment. Box 622, Times. (M8y2,3,5,1.9) $6,000 Possession May 15th MODERN 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Attached Garage, Splendid Lot. $6,000.00 C. H. FRENCH Real Estate (3b) HUNDRED, 7-ROOM brtek, unfinished attic, garage, insulat- Oshawa Blvd, near Kins. Jones & 7 Noten: 632 Prince St. (3c) SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE, SIZE 12 X 16x8 ft, en, EEE porch. Finished inside, must be moved, Also one cabin trailer and 850 cement blocks. Apply Fred Lane, RR. No. 3, Bowmanville, 2¢) LOTS, 50 X 150 FOR SALE, ATRPORT road, west of Oshawa. Apply 630 King West. (Mayl TWO LARGE CLEAN LOTS ALL $onven)erices, ood district. Cash or o 40555, (May21) floors, sidewalks, by con- Cement mixer for rent. Phone POR 4 YDS, DUMP TRUCK SERVICE, "Veterans Haulage" 4653W, Saavel, Grane Soe. SUL snd Mike ro' oo wa, (May30) " SHINGLE, EA TROUGH AND FLOOR ook Phone EA (1c) a, Brookiln 47. wid ua Jas. inch, 8c foot det red. Other sizes ve! L 8! ne able. "Danes Bros., Whitb; CRaay3s) AND COM. ts and spe- ents. Phone . Lawrence, R.R. (May29) weekly income, Paul, Minn. 22--L ost and Found faye | OST. PEARL, x: Phone "10637. 762 King East. LOST. INV VICH wallet contain! license, some silver. Finder please Reward. P s ----ee LOST. NE loz BUICK | HUB ( uic ein! ame. ooLy, cinity Oshawa. 23--Women's Column SPIRELLA 4- | Nature's own principle of su contro.l rmation Platt 4091J Earn excellent B. '& W. Nut Co., ; "i Oshawa Office. __ (40) CINITY OF GLOBE 'CAFE, operator's permit, car license and $10 and 1006M. (4b) CAP, truck (4b) 1 1X0 5 5 dons BUILDING LOTS. HALF 'ween Oshawa and Whitby. Ap- bra Wilitam Garrard, Oshawa or Phone (June2l) ACREAGE FOR SALE. 1 on Queen Elizabeth wa: J. E_Hink son, Rawleigh Dealer : 719) 13, (May19) yl) | for July 1st. $6 Dor month. Meagher BONNIEBRAE COTTAGE Bonniebrae Point, Oshawa. All Conveniences. Immediate Possession. APPLY TO G. D. CONANT 1050 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa, Ontario, (£1) 29b--Summer Resorts "FOR A CLOSE TO HOME" HOLIDAY this year try "Holiday House" on Sturgeon Lake, at Thurstonia Park. A gay place for young people,. Good swimming, badminton, tennis, danc- ing every night. Good food,' late, break. fast, for reservation, write Par Road, Toronto. (ADF20,20 Mays. 5 30--Room and Board ROOMERS OR BOARDERS, GENTLE- men, Phone 1556M. (3b) 30a--Room & Board Wanted FOR FATHER AND 3 YEAR OLD SON, central preferred. Respectable home, where lady of house would care for child during the day. Phone 2136R. (3b) 31--Wanted To Rent FIVE OR SIX ROOMS AT ONCE, house or apartment, 3 adults. 81; months rent in advance. Reply Box 626, Times-Gazette. (4a) TWO, THREE OR FOUR ROOMS, FLAT or apartment unfurnished. Mother and daughter, both working. Quiet, Teliapie, Phone 3897J. (4a) RE FINED MIDDLE-AGED LADY, wishes three unfurnished roomis, quiet home. No children, non-drinking, X | Huron didate, Phone 908R3. (31) to non-sexed and | OIL CABBAGE FOR SALE, $4 PER TON. ., | H. Neilson RR. 3, Oshawa, (Wed.Sat.) NEVER - USED, MOFFATT ELECTRO- pail. Will sel sell cheap. Phone 1604W. (3d) OAK TABLES, LAMP, SMOKER, AP- ply 62 Jones Ave. (3c) PIANO, GERHARD HEINTZMAN, LIKE new, regular prce $600 for $250. Charles a Peacock, 80 Simcoe North. Phone Pp 292 Vimy Ave. Phone 4124M. ob) mis. fully changed. Ehone IW. tee) OUTBOARD MOTOR BOAT 12-Foot Utility Speedster. Birch Plywood Consttruction. Semi-V Bottom. Painted Blue With Red Trim, A Boat That Will Get You There Fast, Whether For Pishing. or Sport APPLY 254 CLARKE STREET, OSHAWA (3b) PIANO, MEDIUM JOPRIGHT MA- hogany. Phone 4507J. "308 Apply evenings. rs] Fo section Cras a Peas reco] cook, 80 Simcoe Bed aes 2 e 291. (2) 37--Articles Wantcd ans aan, Hee Write to Sean City et Jhions, paid, Baldwin. 8 , Toronto. (May13) RUG, -- SIZE, ANG, WASHING KITCHEN SET, ONE CONGOLEUM, 6x12, x12, kitchen stove. Phone 2136R. (3b) PIANOS "PLAYER "PIANO, "VERY FINE condition, like new. Charles H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe North. Phone 251. (2c) cleaner, furnit electric ice-box. Phone 3763J. NEW HOME | FREEZERS} ERS--REFRIGERA- tor type--Nationally famous make. Im- mediate delivery! Pay only $40.00 down. Balance in convenient monthly pay- ments. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 8. phone 249. 2¢) % HP. ~ WESTING! GHOUSE MOTORS; New Goblin Vacuum Cleaners--com- pse with attachments, $67,50; Royal pright Vacuum Cleaners, $74.50; Com. bination Radios, $74.95 and up; Elec- tric Clocks $6.95; Mantel los $32.50; Trilite Lamps $19.95 complete; portable Radios $49.95. Pay only a few dollars down, balance in small monthly pay- ments. D.V.A, Credits accepted. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 8S. Phone 249. (20) EXCHANGE YOUR new ones. Over 1000 to choose from. Barons' Radio and Rectrio, 426 Simcoe | GIRL 8. Phone 249. (2¢) SALES, PLUS A Service, Out-of- W. Borrow- (Apr18) BURNERS complete, Reliable town customers solicited dale. Phone 4046J. PIANOS, TWO APARTMENT SIZE. Price $135, Charles H. Peacock, 80 Sim- coe North, Phone 251. (2c) BUFFET CABINET, MODERN, WHITE and red. Hardwood. Apply 67 Cadillac Ave. North. (2¢) AT OSHAWA AIRPORT, heaters, Joon valves, DOORS, hot water OSHAWA ders Store, Gibbon Street. GE SALE, ST. G Centre St, Tuesday, May 6th, 1 ] i. FILM COUNCIL , Tuesday, May Stn, 5 8 Rr meet. Adelaide House. CHoose | 39--Male Help Wanted HERE'S A NATURAL--NEW P ment, or Palcoseel , Cornwall, ont. (May3,10) wor AGH 17, WITH 2 YEARS HIGH school to learn printing trade. y Kivor Proce Re "| BOY WITH BICYCLE TO TAKE OR- Andrew's | and deliver. 8. 0. (3b) OLAIMS ADJUSTER FOR CARGO CLAIMS Railway and trucking experience an asset. Reply giving all details to Box 616 TIMES-GAZETTE (Apes) 38--Female Help Wanted A AVOR DoSMETICS. YOU YOU customers. We have an 3 able Jngture women. Gazette, housework. adults. Phoné 3140W. : WANTED, service, conducted own home. from 3 Ages 25 to 45, must references. Box 624, Tim da ve (4b) WOMAN Bsaday. Pridey 853 ack. Monday, ison a C. "Waa, 33 valves, grease gate valves, steam AOE, Ty motor starters, vapor proo: eloobrical fixt furnace. McNamee & O'Gorman. Ph 3152J. urinals, .P. motor, panel box, it LAYING HENS FOR | LARG! 50 BARRED ROCK sale. Apply D, Wilson, 908J1, Oshawa c A FEW OR- WE CAN STILL TAKE ders for baby chicks also started chicks and hatching eggs. Phone 161R3. (98f) SALE OF REGISTERED COCKER SPA- nlel Pupbles and grown dogs. 8 at stud. itors welcome, Waubena Ken- ela mile west of Wa on Queen Elizabeth Highway. (May19) OF DRY LUMBER, dressed, . qr blocks or veneer. Apply to E. Cain, RR. 2, Orono (12) GIRLS' AND BOYS' BICYCLES, GUAR- anteed repairs to all makes of Dicycles, Children's tricycles. Genuine parts, and accessor! es. Dominion and Dunlop sizes, Kingsway Cycle. Prone Sa 35--Wearing A Apparel LADY'S TWEED SPI SPRING ( COAT, SIZE 16, for sale. Good location, $12. Apply 144 Church Street. (4a) MAN'S SPRING COAT, BIZE 38-40. Ladies' navy tallo: coat, size 18, both like new, Phone 3810J. (4a) SUMMER TWEED COAT, SEVERAL dresses, sizes 13 to 14 years. Good con- dition. Phone 4335W. (3b) CLOTHING, pressed like 21 Bond Bt. (Apr?) 36--Articles For Sale ONE SINK AND SINK CABINET, nearly new; One remodelled shoe fin- isher; two large sash windows; five electric signs, one real large. 17 7 Bond 30) VISIT BRADLEY'S BEDDING DEPARTMENT Large selection of Innerspring mattresses, Marshall blade springs : beds : foldaway cots : chenille bedspreads : pillows. Simmons cribs a specialty. Complete line of Marshall Mattresses BRADLEY FURNITURE CO, 40 King W. 156 Simcoe S. (May16) STEEL VENETIAN BLINDS 55¢ PER , ft. Measured and installed. George M Reld. Phone 2104. 66 Bond West (Apr23) COAL RANGES. LARGE SHIPMENT just received Some with reservoir. Dif- ferent sizes and makes. D.V.A. credits MAN'S BICYCLE, $15. Nassau St. BERRY BUSHES, GREGG, BLACK AND Colombia. Apply 109 Park Road South. Phone 3388J. (4a) AXMINSTER Rog, 9 X 10, WITH pad. Green floral desfgn, like new. Phone 4360W. (4b) ONE CABINET, IN EXCELLENT CON- dition, natural color. Phone 3488W, (4a) 20 CASEMENT WINDOWS WITH screens, 35x35 inches, with six panes each, Ideal for cottages and home building, Phone 3772 303 Hillside (48) Ave. WHITE ENAMEL SINK, DOUBLE drain board. Christian's Electric and Hardware, 11 Simcoe North. Phone 100. MAPLE SYRUP, $5.00 GALLON. J. C. Oldfield, Simcoe 8t., North Ohaus, LARGE SIZE CRIB AND NEW MAT- tress. Phone 3805W. (48) RANGETTE, NEARLY NEW, with black trim. Phone 1163J. (4¢) BOATS, SOME ON HAND. APPLY oh 4a ROGERS TABLE RADIO, DRESSER and Stradivarius model violin and case. 74 Celina. Phone 4650W. (48) STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE. Senator Dunlop and Dorset. Phone 2553J, (de) WELL TILE, 3 FT. DIAMETER. PHONE 4436R., (48) Box 620, Times- (3c) SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT, CEN- tral. Business Souble, Apply Mr. Ross, 1 11 Bond East or 2022R. STOP! 1« OP! LOOK! U URG! Y W. ; partite mt or house for couple and child, Respentable, good references. Box 607, Times-Gazette, (1a) SUB-LET ANTED "FOR SUMMER mouths, or sooner, for couple and small $6,800 11; storey dwelling on Division St. Mo- dern kitchen with many built-in cup- boards. 6 rooms including a den down- stairs, House is fully insulated. Good . FOUNDATION GARMENTS. port and Mrs. (98) -- IF YOUR For informa NOTICE TO PARENTS a has - talent for Ur, ad or a Vote special St. Phone 4117-W, May 9) C: European Highest references. Ecrusive poin Box tment, oa; FOUNDATION GARMENTS, cOfractive e 8, GORDON BROUGH, DECORATOR fin shit hour service, estimates f anytime. (Mays) | Mills Phone 4 SERVICE, PHONE deli sand, Lh - (] ver ravel, loam, and cinders, Gordon Besse, (Mays) It pays to use Times-Gazette want ads--t.ey get results, t with hot alr furnace. Oc- cupancy this month, BUILDING LOT Splendid building lot 50'x192' on Sim- coe St. North. Good restr make Tires Gazette, (id) BUSINESS MANAGER, REQUIRES 6 room house, unfurnished. Please re ly Box 403. Times-Gazette. (Apr3o0) URGENT Two or three unfurnished rooms by young couple. Both abstainers. Steady employment. No children. Phone 367-W (3b) 32--Automobiles For Sale this a most desirable location for a better class home, Phcrer 4000 chofield INSURANCE SAgonsy 34 DODGE COUPE, RUMBLE SEAT. Radio, heater, $450 cash. 20 Russet Ave., N. Oshawa, evening after 6, (40) 40 CHEV, COACH, A-1 CONDITION. Apply Mrs. Joe Gilbert, 121 Church St. (4a) MODEL A FORD TRUCK, STAKE BO- dy. Mechanically A-1, will accept trade for car. V. Porteous, 14 mile west Powell's Garage. (48) '31 ESSEX COACH, GOOD RUNNING condition. Radio, heater, two new tires. 242 Verdun Rd. (30) RC PRS TR (31) LAWN COLEMAN 3 - BURNER GASOLINE stove, kitchen cabinet, ice-box, 75 'Ib. Apply 6 Brown Bt, , Bowmanville. (4c) , DINING TABLE, "OAK sideboard, single bed outfit, child's high chair, cradle. 773 Simooe South ' a) VIBRO TOOL, ELECTRIC, ALSO Sonts bicycle. Apply 515 Ritson Rd. N. one 795R. (4c) ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES NO' MORE WET HANDS OR ACHING ' BACKS Start your housecleaning with 'a new Cell-U-Mop and finish the job with a smile, The Miracle mop that scrubs, dries. waxes, cleans windows, . furniture, rugs, washes ying 's, Simcoe North. (A) CLEANERS, Only $59.50. Sntne May25) FRUIT TREES, PLANT NOW, A pear and cherry trees over five thous- and. Government Inspected, early bear- ing. Special low prices. 159 Verdun Rd. (May25) FAMOUS EASY SPINDRY WASHER, dryer Greater safety exclusive vacuum cup action. Now available, Meagners, Elec- tric, Simcoe North, May25) 25) VENETIAN BLINDS 7 DAYS DELIVERY! Free estimates, installation and del- ivery anywhere--anytime. Met-Wo Industries | Limited J. W. P.O. Box 421, Oshawa, phone 4101w BUTTONHOLE ATTACHMENTS, _ HAVE ust arrived, will work on any Swen achine. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 16 Ontario St. © att) EASY VA! all astachiments. if desired. agher's, NEW with Terms 'North. WRINGER RO)! IN STOCK for all makes of washers. Jack Bid- lulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2m RICH WEEDLESS GARDEN MANURE, 5 Yard, 3 yards $6, Also rotted manure. wa Nursery. Phone 3234. (May35) CLEARANCE SALE Your opportunity to save on the following. Sink cabinets 5' and 6', vrith or without tops, and plumb ing. Mantels and stones, electric grates, Real fireplace equipment. Heatilators, ete. AGENTS FOR STERLING ALUMINUM WINDOWS D. Farrell, 184 Bond St. (West of Arena) Phone 3372R (Thars.-Fri.-Sat.) ed walls leaving no st: Self-wringing--hands never touch dirty water. Cellulose sponge rion 2.95 PHONE ORDERS FILLED AT 187R Mrs. A. French representing the National Merchandising Service : (48) Ld Tag 11 cottages, cabins, small co! lete. Also Norge space heaters, with Rre-proof porcelain enamel fire chamb- er and the exclusive downdraft, whirl- ator tube for large homes. Tao factories, warehouses, etc. ways In stock. Easy terms. etc. tn 95 com- Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe North Phone 3800W "Look for the store with yellow front" (600) WANTED, WOMAN FOR HOUS / five half days a week, Phone $49, (3c) AMBITIOUS YOUNG LADIES FOR INTERESTING RETAIL WORK IN NEW MODERNIZED STORE ® Good Salary ® Profit Sharifig Bonus ® Promotional Opportunities © Pleasant Working Conditions Applicants should prefer- ably have completed two years High ' School, be single and in the 16 to 25 age group. For Interview See Miss M. Chaplin Personnel Supervisor ZELLER'S LIMITED Oshawa, Ont. (98g) OPPORTUNITY For Cirls "You'll like being a Telephone Girl" 1--~Good pay with regular in- creases. 2.--No experien'e necessary. 3.--You're paid while you gu 321 Gliddon Ave. 3648J 41a--Lawn Mower Service MODERN LAWE Phone 3091R {i old Wilson. 3 es who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1945, at the City of Oshawa, are thelr Jam assets of the estate will AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC Is there a man with a Class "A" certificate who would like steady work .under excellent conditions and highest wages. DO NOT ANSWER THIS AD UN- | LESS YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE NON-DRINKER. | If you prove to be the right man there is an opportunity for ad- vancement, Donald Motors, Whitby (1d) J 39--Male Help Warted OIVIL VICE EXAMINATIONS. Write MOC. oi" Service School, To- ronto 10, Ontari FOREIGN JOBS, 'OMEN, GOV'T rivate listing, 'hundreds' skilled he tions. 16 pages accurate in- formation, $1.00 postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Foreign Jobs, Inc. timore, Marylsnd. i RAIL CLERK x WITH EXPERIENCE ON RAIL AND TRUCK TARIFFS. Permanent position, Advancement. Apply Box 617 Times-Gazette TAKE ORDERS (Sat) | Bal- § (Apr.13, ,19,26,May3,-10,17,24,31) , ] (2c) ! DEALER TO AND | deliver food proaucts, soaps and other | staple household items to regular cus- | tomers. Full credit for repeat sales. Apply B Box 609, Times- s-Gazette, (1d) 40--Agents | Wanted WANTED----MAN FOR RAWLEIGH BUS- these. Permanent if For particulars write ML-310-103, Montreal. 41--Employment Wanted GARDENS PLOWELh x and cellars scraped. Phone SSBLV ie) wigigh's, Dept. DIGGING OELLARS, PLOUGHING ardens, by team. Apply to James Dues (21) MOWER SERVE a Dx ant y wows, j, ETC. SH a Tepnured We pick up and h Woods. 636 aa Phone 3164W. ©. Somerville Ave. 42--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of IOMAS GEORGE WasLEY LEE, of East Whitby, Ontario, Farmer, ased. All Creditors and, other persons hav- claims or demands ainst the te of Thomas George Wesley Lee, requested on or before the 20th day of May, 1947, to send or deliver to the un- fetigueq 2d pul ul) paryicniars in writing of such last mentioned be train. 4.--Pive day week. 8.--Friendly associates 6.--Regular rest periods. 1.~Opportunity for advance- ment. Applicants should preferably have completed Grade X be single, aad in the 16 to 25 age group. SEE MIS3 H. C. ROBERTSON Chief Operator BELL TELEPHONE CO. 15 Victoria St. Oshawa (Tues. and Sat) y the Ex: the parties entitled thereto, having BE the claims of which he shall have notice, this 3rd day of May, 1947. , Creighton, Executor te of 'Thomas aie Wesley Lee, poh GRIERSON, CREIGHTON, Oshawa, Ontario, his solicitors. (May3,10,17) 35 "Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED immediatel; Apply 78-Bond- Bo. W, EE u_are hustler. : 3

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