Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 3 May 1947, p. 10

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE" 3ATURDAY, MAY" 3, 1947 [) daa TE ast. » 7 of ten- members and - executive ve tackled a man-sized job of re- their under-mined sea- of reclaiming two more llowed to deteriorate dur- years, job, but the spirit with it has been tackled and is carried out, ensures the suc- e ject. The Jam old barn- "pees" of neer days has nothing on these tennis elub lads--most of them young vet- erans back from thé wars. Their anchor trenches have the familiar 1 of slit trenches their log sea-wall could be the re- inforcement of a gun-emplacement But the sergeant-major was merci- fully absent when we visited them at work on Saturday afternoon-- nor did he seem to be needed. Anyway a big piece of work is being done and many who have QIGNS OF SPRING "SPRING CONDITIONING--FOR BOTH COURTS s e AND PLAYERS" i By CAPT. "BOB" COLEMAN i An energetic, young group determination and enthusiasm can do. We might even suggest that the City Council should consider giv- ing the tennis club boys a break because what they're doing has a real community flavour. There's a rumour that the club would extend northward for two more courts, tc make eight in all, if the city would consider turning over the land This would seem such a good bar- gain that a wee grant of money could very well be tossed in for en- 'couragement. Special Tennis Night On Tuesday night, May 6th, a and | special night to poost tennis as a good community activity, is being held in the Genosha Hotel. Tennis films will be shown with the outstanding professionals, Don Budge and Bill Tilden, being shown in action. The films are instruc- tional by nature with the one of being a recent release en- es titled "Advanced Tennis". Other feature events on a very interest- ing evening program will include a talked about creek-control for years could do worse than drop in on a practical example of what a bit of -- REGISTRATION OF PUPILS FOR KINDERGARTEN AND GRADE | The registration for kindergarten will be held at Centre Street School on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 13 and 14 from 1.30 to 4.00 p.m. The registration for beginners will be held in each school Tuesday and Wednesday, May 13 and 14, from 3.00 to 4.00 p.m, except at Centre Street School where the registration will be held from 1.30 to 4.00 p-m. : ' Birth Certificate or other satisfactory proof of age MUST be submitted at time of registration. M-- NATIONAL HOUSING ACT BUILDING LOANS We are official Representatives We also arrange ordinary loans for buyers and builders 8 Simcoe St. North Real Estate Brokers Hard Working Tennis Club Members : s of the Osh Energetic This is the "get-together" event of the week. Yes, you can have an enjoyable summer at the O.T.C. and you can get in on the ground floor by at- tending our first big event of this season--"Spotlight on Tennis" in the Piccadilly Room, Genosha Ho- tel, May 6th. You can be assured of a hearty welcome. Fine Baritone Artist With Local Choir The spring concert of the Motor City Choir, under the direction of Reginald Geen, will be presented in Simcoe Street United Church on Monday, May 12, at 8.30 p.m. Dur- ing the past few years the choir has raised several thousand dollars for Aid to Britain. The program will include the beautiful "To Thee, O Lord," by Rachmaninoff; "Zadick the Priest" by Handel; the lullaby and dance from the Bavarian suite by Elgar and many other interesting num- | bers. Tennis Club indulge in manual labour in their efforts to put in cribbing along the Cshawa creek to prevent the tennis courts from becoming damaged by the high waters of the creek. In the picture are shown from left to right: Ken Andison, Doug Langmaid, Bill Preston, Bruce Annand, Pat Tresise, "Bubs" Stewart (on the right raisi ng pole), Ernie Gomme, Bud McKever, Roy Gordon, lively display of table tennis by twe champions from Toronto; a fashion show of tennis togs and what a ten- nis fan wears around the club- house or during refreshment period after the game. A brief, not too serious, history of tennis in Oshawa is included in the program as is a short film on formation swimming by the Mermaid Club of Toronto, Dancing will finish off the pro- gram for both members of the club and visitors alike. This tennis evening entitled, "Spotlight on Ten- nis", is being sponsored by the Community Recreation Association to draw attention to a community organization doing good work in our city and therefore worthy of public support. . A generous invita- tion is extended to all who would care to attend and enjoy this even- ing with the tennis club. CARCASSES ARE MENACE Newton, Wales (CP).--Montgom- eryshire police commission was told by Alderman T. E. Kiftsey that hundreds of carcasses of sheep killed by spring blizzards were menacing the district's water sup- OSHAWA TENNIS CLUB MAKES PLANS FOR 1947 By W. E. GOMME President What are the plans of the Osha- wa Tennis Club for the coming season? They are many and varied The first and foremost of these plans is that every member shall have many hours of healthful relax- ation; secondly, that all members shall have a maximum of tennis and instruction with competitive play to improve their g#me, and oe improve their pleasure in play- How can one have a good time at the O.T.C.?. No, not just playing tennis, We are planning our usual weiner and corn roasts, picnics dances and, as special events, in- ter-club matches with such clubs as Boulevard Badminton and Racquet Club of Toronto, Oakville Tennis Club, North Toronto Tennis Club Peterborough Golf and Country Club. These are not five- or six- player events but offer an oppor- tunity for every member to enjoy the trip$, the tennis and the social events which always follow, A word about facilities. Due tc the efforts of our members there will be six courts available this sea- son with the usual locker and show- | er accommodation for all. Work is now progressing on preparing courts five and six. The O.T.C. is again entered in the Toronto and District Tennis League and this will bring the top players in Toronto and District te our club. A place on our team wil give any player a worthwhile goal at which to aim. Each and every Wednesday our mixed doubles tournament will be field, preceded by a light lunch The assisting artist will be Eric Treadwell, well known Canadian baritone, who will sing three times during the program. Mr. Treadwell recently returned from a tour of Australia where he was given an ovation at every appearance. He was soloist with the Mendelssohn Choir in Beethoven's Choral Sym- phony last week in Toronto. Mr. Geen will be the accompan- ist for Mr. Treadwell and Kelvin James and Mrs. George Fleming will be the accompanists for "the choir. BREAK FOR DOBBIN Canberra (CP).--Fixed hours of work for horses is an objective of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Australia. Horses at riding-school are '"shame- ully over-ridden," the society claims. Special Message From The C.R.A: President C.R.A. is pleased to turn the "Spotlight on Ten- nis" for this special eve- ning program to honour and encourage the mem- bers and executive of the Oshawa Tennis Club. We hope that other sports and community organizations will turn out in force, also, and show their support. We compliment the Ten- nis Club on the big task they have undertaken in the work of' repairing and restoring their club house and courts. This effort on their be- half is a pleasant duty : and we wish them every success in their summer activities. GEORGE A. FLETCHER, President, Community Recreation Association. DeNURE BUS LINE ANNOUNCES ® A New Nightly Service ® From OSHAWA to PORT PERRY EFFECTIVE MON,, MAY 5TH (Except Saturdays) Leave Oshawa Nightly at 11.15 p.m. SATURDAY LEAVE OSHAWA 12.00 P.M. 139 KING WEST OSHAWA COOK MOTOR SALES GUARANTEED REPAIRS PHONES 503 LEC IRV NA a "V.\ ¢- Authorized Sales and Service for CHRYSLER :PLYMOUTH | 3943 FARGO TRUCKS eo GIBSON TRACTOR eet ®e"e® titty ooo SPOTLIGHT ON TENNIS... TUESDAY, pecial Sound Films FEATURING DON BUDGE & BILL TILDEN In Fundamentals of Tennis and Advanced Competitive Play FREE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT will be made regarding FREE LESSONS for Boys and Girls at Oshawa Tennis Club MAY 6th * AFTER PICCADILLY ROOM, 8:00 P.M. BEFORE Be FASHION PARADE | SHOWING THE LATEST CLOTHES IN TENNIS Come in Gay Sport Togs 7 A, - ADMISSION FREE! GENOSHA HOTEL EXTRA Attraction TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONS JOE RALBOWSKI Ontario Singles Champion -- 1946 \ Us BING TANAKA Ontario Doubles Champion -- 1947 FREE LUCKY DOOR PRIZE 1 YEAR MEMBERSHIP Oshawa Tennis Club Dixon's Coal Cg, Ltd. -- 313 Albert St. Felt Bros. Jewellers -- 12 Simcoe St. S. Christian's Electric & Hard'vare -- 11 Simcoe St. N. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. -- 86 King St. E. Hambly's Coca-Cola - - 137 King St. W. or, Victors' Sports & Cycle -- 34 King St. W. Clarke's Supertest Service Station -- King St. W. Oshawa Wood Products -- 84 Simcoe St. S. Hogg & Lytle Ltd. -- 54 Church St. or wr Baty yt obo 0 dB 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,¢ PLL CFL tet tetet, state, THE FOLLOWING FRIENDS OF TENNIS HAVE MADE THIS DISPLAY POSSIBLE Mitchell's Drug Store -- 9 Simcoe St. N. Ward's Department Store -- 33 Simcoe St. S. Walmsley & McGill Sporting Goods & Office Supplies 2314, Simcoe St. S, Kohen Box & Lumber S$. F. Everson Insurance -- 171 King St. E. M. F. Armstrong & Son Funeral Home -- 124 King St. E. R. B. Reed & Sons, Florists -- 10% King: St. E,. e's ev s e's es" o* TT a a UY a a a ET 0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 00% eee et ®t % ®t et % ete ete eet, AAAS .*uaSqtyt Harris, Harris & Wallace, Barrister -- 37 King St. Es. 4 Loblaws -- Simcoe N. lr Henderson's Book Store - -- 18 King St. E.

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