= \ THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PACE ELEVENZ Ajax Plans McLean, the three delegates from Ajax who attended the an- nual meeting of the Canadian Red Cross Society hel in the Crysta Ball room of the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Mrs. Whelan suggested that any member of thé Red Cross would be greatly justified in ate tending an annual meeting on her and would find her interest children Who belonged to the swim- ming club-last year 67 learned to swim in the Lynbrook Park swim pool, under the supervision of him- self and Mr. Davey. Br. Bunting went on to say that transportation was supplied and some 30 children were taken two or three times a week to Lynbrook Park. - Sommnii fee for this Program appointed, consisting - Henderson nurse for our community snd at the same time are endeav- Kea m H ix column of The rible mine disaster, which we have been sadly reading so much about in the dally newspapers. Mrs, J. Parry, Beatty Street has her mother, Mrs. Campbell, visiting er. v Miss Jean Scott of the University staff was married in Hart House Chapel on Saturday afternoon to Mr. Wm. McGeachie, of Belleville, 3rd year University student. The reception was held at the Penguin Club. The Nursing School Bake Sale which was held in the Sunday 8chool room on Saturday was very successt There were all kinds of home baked goodies. Finds Snowbank Mrs, D. Whalen tells us that driv- about six miles north-east of wa the other day she ran into a huge bank of snow and lest we should find this hard to believe she took a picture of it, so if any of us here in Ajax should become lonely for the sight of some snow, espec- ially later on when the tempera ture warms up, all we have to do is go over and have a look at her picture and this should keep us feeling cool until next winter. Your writer would appreciate it very much, if anyone having news, of births, personals, or any other interesting item of news, if you would write it down and slip it in- to the letter slot at 93 Ontario Street, so that it will appear in our Times - Gazette. Thank you. New Military License Plates = For Ontario Department of National Defence vehicles were this week equipped with 'distinctive new license plates designed for military use only, fit was noted in Ottawa today. The plates replaced civilian markers is- sued to the Department in 19043 and which have been in use ever since. The plates are brown with white figures and bear the word "Ontar- io" between two crowns, Undated they will train with the same vehicle from the day of issue until such time as the vehicle is trans- ferred to another province. It pays to use The Times-Gaz- ette classified ad page. And no wonder! They're baked the special Christie way! Ask your grocer for crisp, oven-fresh Christie's Premium Soda Crackers -- perfect partners for soups, salads, spreads, beverages. hristie's By LORNE BRUCE Canadian Press Staff Writer Edmonton, May 1--(CP)--Donald E, Byron of Chicago would like to travel over the Alaska Highway on horseback. Rev. D. A. Gregory, 52-year-old Baptist minister from Harlingen, 'Texas, is anxious to ride along the highway on his three-wheel scooter. A California coupe, each 64 years old, has asked about the possibility of motoring via the 1,523-mile road to see their son in Alaska. Horseman Byron, who wants to homestead in Alaska, may be allow- ed a permit providing he can com- ply with regulations governing United States during the war as a supply route to Alaska, But Mr. Gregory has been refus- ed permission to make the trip. He said he wanted to make the Alaska trip "just for something to do." No tourists are allowed because of the limited accommodation along the highway which runs through sparsely-settled frontier mountain and bush country to Fairbanks, "Byron could manage it on horse- back," said one official familiar with conditions. The Chicago man, eligible to tra- vel over the road because he has traffic over the road, built by the | pal Alaska Highway Travel Means Difficulties Galore "actual business"--homesteading as his objective, must show some proof of his ability to make such a trip before a permit would be issued, Civilian traffic now over the road at an average ily rate of seven vehicles and 18 persons. In 22 days only two. vehicles returned to Edmonton after starting out on the 2,000-mile jaunt to Alaska. Each applicant must make a per- sonal appearance at Edmonton be- fore a constable of the Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police who has au- thority to issue a permit. Each must be able to supply his own transpor- tation, gas, 'oil and spare parts, and to undertake necessary vehicle re- irs. All civillans are going over the road go far have been persons go- ing to Alaska, either to employment, to a homestead, or returning by au- tomobile to their homes after an ccean trip to the United States. There hasn't been one person start out with the idea of settliri} anywhere along the 1,221-mile Can- adian section. Burgs Castle, Suffolk, England-- (CP)--A bronze plaque, bearing an image of Mars and believed to be a relic of the Roman occupation of Britain, was discovered here, See Relief For Ulcer Afflicted By HOWARD W. BLAKESLEE A iated Press Sci Editor 1--(AP)-- A Chicago, May new treatment for stomach ul- cers, which in effect dusts a soothing powder over a distressed stomach, was described to the American College of Physicians here by doctors Leo L. Hardt and Leonard P. Brodt, of Loyola School of Medicine, Chicago. The medicine, in the form of tablets is compounded of pow- dered aluminum, powdered mag- nesium (the two lightweight met- als) and mucin, which is one of the stomach's natural secretions. All are common medical pre- parations, but the technique of applying them is new, The two metals are in use as antacids, meaning chemicals that counter- act acidity. The mucin is mixed with them because when the pow=- der gets into the stomach the met« als cause the mucin to form a sort of paste that spreads over the stomach membranes. It does not coat completely, but it concen- trates somewhat on the face of ulcers. There is no direct medical ef- fect. Instead the paste neutralizes stomach acids to some 'extent, And slows down the digestive ac- tion of the natural pepsin in di- gestion. Given in tablet form, the paste remains in position for sey- eral hours. If given in liquid it does not work, but leaves the stomach promptly. Dr, Hardt sad that 34 ulcer patients have been treated. The tablet remedy was given for four to 12 weeks to each person. He said that relief from pain and discomfort was almost immediate. Since completing their treat. ments, the longest three months ago, these people have been free from discomfort. In two cases large ulcers disappeared. BOUNCE FOR "EET London (CP).~--A revolutionary design in women's shoes embodying a steel tubular s-.ing heel will be on show at the British Industries Fair this year.' This innovation gives an effect of buoyancy to the wearer and allows a wide scope in creation of new designs. FISH ON THE MOVE = Eng. (CP). -- Tra skippers returning to Grimsby apd Hull report that fish are moving away from their usual grounds and- their new "home" has not yet been discovered. Some scientists say the North Sea is rapidly becoming "des . nuded of fish" through over-; Lg sunday at TITLE ET ear Ed ST] CHILDREN'S BOOKS: AND OTHER 5 VALUABLE PRUNES HEINZ BABY FOODS SMALL $ FL. OZ. TIN STRAINED Ls. 3m 23 14c a 175 19 " 22¢ "SO GOOD YOU'LL WANT MORE" LOBLAWS PRIDE of ARABIA corre "ONE CUP SUGGESTS ANOTHER" LOBLAWS TWO-CUP COFFEE . . . "COFFEE PERFECTION" VACUUM PACKED HIGH PARK COFFEE LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE RED LABEL TEA .... BH Begin PP TEETER A Ee PITTED DATES § isCuits Christies A , Smith, Queen Street, her sister, Miss Nancy er, of Uxbridge. 5 Grierson, Windsor Ave., Oshawa General Hos- hope she will soon be road to recovery. A. Wheaton, formerly of ed,on old friends last . Wheaton and his fam- § E JACK & JILL JAR c' PEANUT BUTTER .2:%."% 39 LIGHT LOBLAWS FRUIT CAKE = CHOCOLATE TREAT ..cuss BACH 32 nor 2c at &9e wer 3c 3% Qc he &3e 18¢ 19. 19. 25¢ 3 °F ® € LIBERTY BRAND McLAREN'S 2 SEF iEsiEcs Eo, g 5 H B 1 B g vi : 5 § EXTRA FINE BREADI ears Sc ure 270 PREMIUM MARASCHINO CHERRIES out west. 1 Yo 1)):t % URE VANILLA INVINCIBLE rom their holiday 'Gai CRACKERS HORNE'S FROSTY MIX 'aus Ted Lynch 1s now practising : SAVOY GRAVY BROWNING : . PARAMOUNT HERRINGS ioe "sx CLARK'S IRISH STEW Bd CHILI CON CARNE "ro GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2% 10c:% Ronnies Seeds FLOWER SEEDS HONS pe. Sc & 10 VEGETABLE SEEDS io ne 5c & 10. EVERGREEN LAWN SEED 31 13 57. When available wae -- MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP OXYDOL wet 24. DREFT CAMAY TOILET SOAP 2 cakes 13c LACO MAZDA LAMPS cos 15¢,%,20¢ 2-4-D WEED KILLER us £9: 59¢ QUICK HELP WITH FULL-STRENGTH FRESH YEAST Watch Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast go right to work -=help give your bread more delectable flavor, finer, - smoother texture every time, IF YOU'BAKE AT HOME, be sure to get Fleischmann's fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Dependable -- Canada's favorite OLD DUTCH CLEANSER .2: 2 ™ 19 JAVEX CONCENTRATED JAVEL 1%: 14 KURLY KATE POT CLEANER -u= 10 2in1 SHOE POLISH ~~ ll. OVERSEAS PARCEL for UNITED KINGDOM SHIPPED DIRECT FROM DENMARK -- POSTAGE AND INSURANCE PAID TO ENGLAND * SCOTLAND © WALES * NORTHERN IRELAND * ISLE OF MAN * CHANNEL ISLANDS -- th 95% LIMITED EUROPEAN COUNTRIES EACH " (See Manager for information) | | RTI anambad odin o STAINLESS EACH -