Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 15 Feb 1947, p. 11

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE ELEVEN White Elephant Sale Success at Ajax School H. M. PIPER Correspondent Ajax, Feb, 12--Tomorrow in the church at 11 a.m, the minister will give his third in the series of ser-~ mons entitled, "Why Be a Chris- tian?" In the evening at 7 p.m. his sermon will also be the third of the series entitled, "Speaking Yet". Tuesday evening the W.A, will meet at the regular hour in the Sunday School room. This will be the missionary meeting and special birthday box party. Roll-call to be "Name a Missionary". White Elephant Sale i icles displayed for sale, ag well as\aprons, both cotton and ic, plastic curtains, arti- ficial flowers, etc, and fish pond. There was also a large table filled with the most delectable cakes, tarts, cookies, buns and so on. Two large hampers, one of fruit, and one of of Socal, a to the holders of the lucky Mrs. Price of Windsor Ave. ch the winner of the hamper of groceries, and Mrs. Bastiaby of Beathy Ave, winning the fruit hamper. This is not all. The girls were in charge of the pretty tea room where delicious sand- wiches, cake and cookies were served with a good cup of tea. The boys and girls of Ajax Jr. High de- real pat on the back for of the Ajax Legion held a very successful bake sale and tea in the Legion Hall on Wednesday afternoon. The Women's Institutte met at the home of Mrs, Purdon, Ontario ASPIRIN ACHES AND PAINS OF was a cup and saucer which was over 100 years old, also a glazed brown earthenware jug with silver trim which was 60 years old and many other interesting articles. Mrs. Bunting read an article on the Institute Creed as compiled by Mrs. Murkar of Pickering, going into de- tail regarding the creed and ex- plaining the real meaning of each verse, leaving the thought that if this creed was adhered to in the daily lives of all, how much better the world would be. The next In- stitute meeting to be at the home of Mrs. Whalen, 16 Mary St. A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mesdames. Whalen and Crawford. We are proud to announce that our Ajax midget C's are continuing their winning streak, having : won the second round playoff Thursday night against Orono by the score of 3-1. Tue first game in Whitby on Tuesday night the score was 6-2. sermons under the general theme, "Why Be g Christian?" The first reason: because there is power in Christ over the power of sin and that power is available to all. Pend The second reason: because there is no other way to reach maturity of life. Life without Christ is as life in a cellar, one may live a cel- lar life, but the highest is not at- tained without Christ within. The religion of Christ is not an accom- plishment, for which' one may be somewhat the better, but may get along without; is not a refuge, as a hospital, but is an essential. The third reason: because it is obedience to the command of God as given in Acts 17:30, "God com- mandeth all men everywhere to re- pent." Fourth and last reason: because there is a Christ. To become a Christian and attach oneself to this transc tly rich and glorious Perso; ty is a possibility. The last t is: What must one think of Sorry to hear that Tom McCor- are Windsor Avenue, has sus-| gon" mack, tained a fractured ankl Mr. and Mrs. . A. Boihow and baby Tim were guests of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Veitch, a guest of her pees, Mr. and Mrs, M, Prentice, of Mary St. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. J. Mills, Glynn Ave. has been un- der the weather. Hope she will soon be feeling fit again. Mrs. R. Pepper and baby son are home from Hospital, We wish them By DON HOULDEN BOY scout WEEK This Sunday marks the commen ment of Boy, scout-Gi Guide Week in this week, that world just what complished. It is the Hine 20 for stocks t legiby then lected dues and this was followed by followed, and Kase champ of the troop was run off and George Mactiregor won, He has the [rivilee to oop i for good because has won it the most, and it will be nted at ihe banquet. Nice going, pe and Chair asain Relay were Ee Then, at 8:30, we once again eadted for Que BE corners, 8:45 our campfire, at this, Tey 9:15, we cl up WF i 5 5 anes ( atk Stredwick) col- Cub Praye: the Blue "Bix won the pennant, and Bix next wee! taking, report-making, It 1s the time for mental stock-taking of accomplishments and failures in the past years, and for planning of the amme to be followed, whi e week toi probably be marked troop nights, banquets, and displays. Scout- be held up re "all the pub lo We banner headlines. Scouting will be broadcasted, Seat ured and 3a high lighted in newspa) Speak will rave about the Diltties that B Scout- ing gives to boys. But when the week is over, what then? will in again underground, do smal], uBPUDHROd deeds of good that have built the Movement to its present strength, It is then that test work and badges will be earned and put nto Jinctice, It is then that Scouting will in its own. Scouting should live in every boy's heart, Who among us can forget that first scout camp, and how much it meant to us? It is up to the Scoliters to make Scouting an everyday affal not just a Weanbeday Night meeting. On February 22, the scouters leaders of Oshawa, along with and officials will meet in the c Hall for a banquet put on by the Local Association. Food will be served, and speakers wil] speak. The danguet 'will and iders | ed ay test ed came next. with passed in, whi ga ie 3 e e Mc- iN one aa received thelr 48 ve receiv - ters. A read aloud ' from Who 18 & still in te Hospital {ldren in Toronto. wound up meeting. Grand How! was led by LL Smoke (Warren owl Ye We were honored by a visit from 2 Bowmanville Cub Leaders from the 3rd Pack, and two from the 15th and 1st Cub Packs in the City. ATH OSHAWA STARBOARD The meeting was late under wa because of the excitement caused 4 8 so-call boxing match between "wien Bill Harris and "Lumbering" ark Don Cl After flagbreak inspection took place with the new point system coming in- to effect. Because of his knowledge of Lord Baden-Powell, Don Clark manag- to start the Muskrats off with an extra five points, but lost it because misconduct. Following inspection, a Mo took place in which one wither stood up and r took the common officially start at 6:30 and all cted to be dressed In rats uni- r n February 24, the Sccuters Club of "this city hl entertain ith one's face 'huggin "clean" NEEIng' the About HE 18," "Baldy" Harris staggered in after a hard workout with the ban- tam team, "Was it really come, how many Oshawa Scouters wil n hand. be oi SCOUTER"S COURSE 'The Troop was lined up by A ers the Bantams, Baldy?" Hard work in the Patrol Corners was carried out between two more games hich the Otters and 1s vol, th nis Sassiing ears ao 1llips aged only Ll 3 points or | he & Otters ring © ne ie agit With the announcement of ih Standings--Muskrats, ; Bea- ; and Ot- Scoutmaster Charlie Anderson, and ed over to Hal Bateman, S.M. Flagbreak and inspection followed, with prefers, and the patrols were disbanded eir r ctive Patrol Cx thelr corners to Shrove on their knots. This was follow by some "nasty" then in- structed the 25 present in the investi- * | ture and going-up ceremony in Scout 'his wag followed by a nasty game-- "Antelope un new executive ALL MASH Chick Starter! MORE PROFITS Will Be Yours! With a Sturdier, Healthier Egg- Producing Brood! Andy Netay Body Shop EXPERTS IN ® AUTO BODY AND FENDER REPAIR WE SELL... ® DUCO AND DULUX FINISH ® FIRESTONE TIRES @ EXIDE BATTERIES '®@ PYRO ANTI-FREEZE ® McCOLL FRONTENAC GAS AND OIL 414 King West -- Oshawa -- Phone 4497TW J Knight, "for then took ord 1, The meeting closed with flag-lower- ing and Prayers. STH OSHAWA WOLF CUBS "A" 'The meeting opened a little late, with Akela, covered with snow from his northern escapades, prancing in just on time. But, there was no Baloo! Baloo, my dear Cubs, was stuck some- where in the northern wilds after hav- meeting went very well, even thbugh Baloo was to run jhe © meeting. Akela, Raksha and White ood seized what was left, and pla; ad i many interesting games as t would provide. This night was Parent's Night, and a real crowd of thirty-six parents were present with thirty-six bs. The mothers and fathers sat around on the outside of the pack circle, and watched Just how we run our meeting, byt alas, our wiring was defective, the council fire refused to go. However, one father immediately came to the rescue, and the pee of fire was lit. Akela called the fathers into the circle with their sons, and a very fast, exciting, and rhaps confusing game followed, to e amusement of the Mothers, Mr. Wills gall around the floor, leadl: the w mob that were vainly looking for their burrows. Mr. Courtney just about flattened a gang of wild-eyed Cubs. It was so fun- ny. But Commissioner Bateman, the leader in the initial stages, politely made room for himself in the chaos, and seemed to slip into his burrow un- noticed, After this, campfire was lit, and the pack sang to | their parents some of the songs they learnt at Cubs, The White Six Fron Taylor) and the Blue Six (Tommy Graham) t on their very funny skits, whi were well received and heard. Then Akela told a short ,short story, about the Butterfly Who Riainpec, Executive Commissioner Leonard C Che Knight and So Ia. "rhis was followed by ple- tures, all three of the Pack turnin out. Grand Howl and Prayers follow and the meeting ended. Next week. Akela would like 3 very th are some promotions in the alr, David Donald is to become the Senior Sixer, and Allen Attersley will become Sixer of the Red Six. The others will move up. Then, the sixes are to be re- arranged, and the new Chart is just about ready. _ DON'T' FORGET REGISTRATION! It t, you mus not for- g Cul nald Lang soon gets k send thelr got-well wishes to you, with the h that you will Soon be able to run with the Pack AKELA, STH OSHAWA SCOUT TROOP m P to corners for Instruction. 8.M. Sutton took the fronp of or Tendertoot Scouts 3 en CK. Jihderzon, ABC, and Houlaen. C.M., took a class on the St. John's Ambulance Badge. About nine o'clock the Scouts were called into the circle for a snappy ame, After this, the Troop Was called nto the horse-shoe. The Nad was lowered, and the closing prayers were read by Gordon Sleeman, The Troop broke off at 9.30. D.A.N. 1TH OSHAWA SCOUT NEWS Good evening, ladies and gentleman, and anybody else who has the mis- fortune to read this column. This is your roving reporter, Snoopy, bringing you the news and views, and the odd Joke too, from the Seventh First, let me take you on a tour o: our meeting, to visit the different Loy different bad First, the marksmanship, wi Bear, 'Read ! Afni at wii en Fire a Gee, I m hit him, Gad Quent Thats that, al ow e knotter's class, and again We hear--"Well, you um it 3 and in here, out here, op here, and what have you through Time to leave this while oth a Fy But here is our meeting. Please ex- Cuse my errors or anything else as I was half asleep last ay Night, The me: opened as usual with prayer The winners of the Bki meet were announced, and Don Clark, Jack Dalby, Jim Ashley, and last but not least, Ray Souch brought home a third Place for the Seventh, Nice going, gang We adjourn to our corners to col- lect gues and hold inspection. At 7:50 the monthly contests for the hl is | with the, third ters CR jue aseting ended with Je by yom ince WIL" BIT "Bartle. ad Gedge don't Hee sweeping up Ul a of their Patrols, they will have the privilege of sweeping up to- gether next week. Town Leaguers (Continued from Page 4) Martin and Martin unassisted to tie things up at 4-4. Harlow, John- ston and Martin paced the Malleable team. Adair, MacDonald and Hart turned in a good game for the Dairy. Lineups: Malleable Iron--Goal, Love; def., Keene and Rousseau; forwards, Sandon, Johnston, Harlow; subs, Bentley, Martin, -- Goal, Clarke; def., Levine and Moore; Jorwaids, Clark, Hart, - MacDonald; Bruce, Henderson, Munroe, Pry Coach--Mr. MacDonald. In the bottom half of the Midget series Maple Leaf Billiards and e | Ajax tangled and ended in the only tie game of the evening 2-2. At half time Ajax held a two goal lead on goals by Baldsam and Deeth as- sisted by Rowand. However, the Billiard boys bounced back into the game both oss being scored by Keith d, assisted on one by Lintner. Kemp and Gallogley in the nets for both teams gave a fine performance. Deeth and Ariss MacDonald and Litner were the pick of the Maple Leaf Billiards. This Ajax team is currently playing in a Midget "C" group and are do- ing all right for themselves having eliminated both Uxbridge and Or- ono by considerable margins. All their home games are played at ® | as usual, "| vidson and Thompson; of | unassisted. also were dangerous on breakaways, | Taylor's Arena, their =ext home game being sometime next week. Lineups: Ajax--Goal, Kemp; def, Deeth P | and V7ard; forwards, Rowand, Ar- iss, Watson; subs, Ogden, 'Collins, Stoneman. Coach -- Mr. Lawes. Maple Leaf Billiardgs--Goal, Gal- logley; def, Neal and Switzer; forwards, Noble, MacDonald, ' Lit- ner, Coach--C. Town. JUVENILE In the opening game of the Juvenile group King Bros, blasted Kinsale Tigers by a 7-3 margin. The which | ice at this stage was very soft and bumpy but the teams battled it out King 'Bros. were trailing 3-1 at half time as Johnston per- ong | formed the hat trick scoring 3 goals | for Kinsale assisted on one by Lin- ton. Houston scored the only King SNOOPY. | Bros, tally in this half. The second i Lig was an entirely different scene as the line of Mowat, Anderson and | Haire collected 8 points among ed | them, Mowat collecting three goals and an assist. Anderson potted two goals and Haire added a goal and assist. King Bros. completely domi- k. | nated the play in this half and kept Coates in the nets for Kinsale really moving as they shot from all angles. For King Bros. Mowat, An- derson and Haire sparked the at- tack. Johnston and Linton were always trying for Kinsale. A total of 5 penalties were nanded out. Lineups: King Bros.--Goal, Dalby; def., Al- lard and McGregor; forwards, wat, Anderson, Haire; subs, Hous ton, Heron, McWalters, Vanston, Walsh, Pickell. Coach--Jack Adair. Kinsale--Goal, Coates; def. Da- forwards, Gibson, Johnston, Linton. , In the concluding game of the evening Mercantile Tigers hammer- ed a 4-2 decision over Empire Life. The game was a scrainbly affair with Tigers carrying much of the play. Sundin opened the scoring Corner added another assisted by Hoar. Fletcher made it Insurance lads came to life, ham- mering in two fast goals. Turan- skey and Richardson being the goal getters, A Hoar from Fletcher com- bination ended the scoring. All three penalties handed out were for tripping. Empire Life received two and the Tigers one. Thompson of Empire Life was the only casualty receiving a gashed lip. Hoar and Southwell were banished for fight- ing. Fletcher,. Hoar and Corner paced the Tiger attack. Burt Rich- ardson and Turanskey battled hard for Empire Life. Lineups: , Ross; def, Brown Ontario Regiment Hold Convention day Convention. will be one of not yet complete, far advanced to The program is , but is sufficiently indicate that it the best At St. Andrew's Hon W. L. Anderson, Minister of Public Works, Province of New Brunswick, that the Canadian News DAILY ORDERS PART 1 By Lieut-Colonel M.P. Johnston ED Commanding II Armd Regt (Oat R) Order No. 6 (Res Force) Oshawa, Ontario 14 Feb 1047. Last part I order issued No. 5 d/6 Feb 47. Sub No. Subject 1, DUTIES Orderly Officer for week com- mencing 17 Feb 1047, Lt. A. Cay. Next for duty: Lt. W, Graham. Bn Orderly Sergeant for week commencing 17 Feb. 1947, Sgt. O'Connor M. J. Next for duty: Sgt. nsham. . F. Del 2, PARADES Unit Parade will be held 17 Feb. 1047 (1) Officers as detailed (2) OR's: NCO's Course 2000 hrs--2030 hrs Drill 20385 hrs--2105 hrs Gunnery 2115 hrs--2145 hrs Wireless 2150 hrs--2220 hrs Map Reading 3. DRESS Battle Dress, Anklets, or Short Puttees, Web Belts, Berets. 4. ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY CADETS R.C. Army Cadets will parade as follows 17 Feb 1047 1930 hrs 22 Feb 1947 0000 hrs Unit Transportation will be arranged for a/m parades for out of town personnel. - 5. ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADETS R.C. Air Cadets will parade as 3-0 assisted by Brown. Then the | follows 18 Feb 1947 1000 hrs Toit, Transportation will be Unit n ar- ranged for a/m parades for out of town personnel. (MP. Johnston) Lt. Col ED Commanding 11 Armd Regt (Ont R) and Corner; forwards, Hoar, Sun- din, Fletcher; subs, Wilde, Gaine. Coach--Jack Adair, Empire Life--Goal, Toms; def. Thompson and Burt; forwards, Turanskey, Richardson, Southwell; subs, Hood, Bruce. ince in Canada. An attendance of 500 Announcement is made today by egates from every prov- is expected during the three- provement in every Province, the interval, research work been going on and the results of and comprehensive in the long ci Association. In has To The Newly Remodelled DANCEY Shoe Store We Extend BEST WISHES We take pleasure in announging that the new modern lighting system was supplied and installed by us! ill --Conih PHONE 341 ELECTRIC We're Proud to have been chosen as the SUPPLIERS: OF THE MIRRORS in the Newly Remodelled , Dancey Shoe Store SALCO ART GLASS 141 ALEXANDER BLVD, TELEPHONE 1237M Our Congratulations. ! Were proud indeed to have had the opportunity of designing and installing the new marboleum tile floor in the newly remodelled Dancey Shoe Store, wb Custom Built Floors 27 Arlington Ave. -- Oshawa -- Phone 727TW qth We (o ~ 317 SPADINA AVE. The Newly Remodelled DANCEY SHOE STORE The Neon Tubing Displays Were Supplied and 'Installed by . . . L. RUDDY CO. Limited TORONTO, ONT. ongratulations to the Newly Remodelled DANCEY SHOE STORE We are proud to announce that all the plumbing was supplied and installed. by LIBBY PLUMBING CO. 23 CELINA ST. PHONE 281 -

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