PAGE TWELVE y THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1947 mm w ais dhe oo 0 Use Times-Gazette Classified Ads For Quick Results USINESS - PROFESSIONAL IRECTORY INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATIONS Puneral D Female Help Wanted Articles For Sale .. 38 Articles Wanted ... 3 vee 40 -- Auditors seven oo} Auditors A Por © sees. 32 BICKLE, ACCOUNTANT AU- Government reports and income forms p! , secretarial work. ne 1004J, 29: Arthur Street. y (Feb. 13) 8. T HOPKINS: CERTIFIED GEN- eral accountant, 24 Alger Bl Bt. East. 2127, Consultin pountant snd auditor. Sale ..... Automobiles Wanted {nsurance Instruction Automobile Repairs 18 Barristers Butiding Trades + 2-- Barristers AND ANNIS, BARRISTERS, hors St. 8, Oshawa Phone ¢ P. Annis BA, LLB. &£C. Sonclior (PFebl) Phone RESR. .0.. BARRISTER 3 on Ri or he Tesidence $014 Besidont C. Pollard. EC. Usbrioe®, GRIERSON. Barristers, eto. Bu MPHREYS, K.C.. BARRI eitor ete. Simcoe St Phones: iu 814; residence Money to loan. (Febl) --_-- AMES R MacBRIZN, BARRISTER + an Soltcitor Suite 201 10 King East G Hotel. Phone 349. (Feb13) OSEPH P MANGAN, EC. BARRIS- 0 Solicitor Money to loan. Office 141, King St. Easy, Oshawa Phone 445. Res. Phone 837. (Feb!) EST MARKS BARRISTER, SOLI- i Nn King E. Room 2 Phones: Office 55, 368TR (Feb?) SI K C., BARRISTER. No ENCLAIE. of Montreal Bulld- ing. Phone 99. (Febl) A. J PAR ETC., Toane 28 Simcoe North. Phone 1614 (Febi?) NNING P. SWARTZ, BARRISTER. Soliotior, Notary. Money to loan Bas- sett Block, suite No. 4. Phone 282 Res W/W. CREIGHTCS & FRASER. Bank of Commerce (Febl) STER, North BARRISTER, 4--Chiropractors iY AND Evi intm: Rs losin ening sppo rgd 6--Insurance KHILL, loans, National Housing Act | 3089J, ate Male Hel <i 'anted n Wan Chiropractors Dentists ......... : Male or Fmploymer. Nursicg Serv Wanted vissesses $1 | Optometrists CLASSIFIED ONE USSERTION ........ TWO INSERTIONS ..... THREE INSERTION ordered at a later date const spevecas Gardening and Supplies .. Housebnld Repairs 14 Houses Por Rent Loan Wanted Lost and Found .. 22 Legal Notices ..... 42 Female Help Wanted ... 39a Money to Loan .. 9 1.00 EACH ADDITIONAL INSERTION .25 {Above rates apply only to original order. Subsequent insertio sees Pets ard Livestock 34 Radio Nepairs .. 17 28 | Real Estate Azents 19 eesees 10 ve 8 Rooms For Rent .. 29 ~ Room and Board.. 30 Room and Board Wanted .. ..... 30s Veterinarians .... 7 Women's Column 23 ice .. 13 Wanted to Rent .. 31 veses B Wearing Apparel .. 33 AD RATES 20 Words Each Addh or Less Word A0 5 essence 02 031% 05 EF) ns itute a new original order) h for All Classified Advertisements before publication. Office Hours: P and 5--$5.00 per 20 words or less, 20c additional for all words over 20. Each initial letter, abbreviation $ and c sign. figure count as a full word. Box charged 10c additional, MUST be in by 6 p.m. the day Daily 8-6; . Saturday 8-5. THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! By Al Fagaly and Harry Shorten Bl mt -- "Bur, oFFIcER, NO THERE'S HARDLY hotly es § La, ie CiR0G3 1) WHAT / AND MAYBE 18 HAVE-AN ACCIDENT - / i BESIDES OBSTRUCTIN' ANY SNOW THERE X4 PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ' NIX' C'MON, START \ IT TOMORROW? gi SHOVEL im OFF OR § I'LL HAFTA GIVE nN AOU A SUMMONS! 22--Lost and Found 33--Automobiles Wanted FOUND, SMALL TAN SHORT HAIRED pup, long ears, two white front feet and white chest. Owner may have by paying for ad. 357 357 Centre St. (23 LOST, BLACK ~ COCKER SPANIEL, male, 3 years old, child's pet. Phone ) LIGHT TAN WALLET WITH ZIPPER lost last Friday evening, in Commercial Hotel, containing $4 and pictures. Phone 3568W. Reward, (23a) LOST, LADY'S SMALL WRISTWATCH, black bracelet, evening of Janual 20th, vicinity downtown or Simcoe N. bus, Box 4, es-Gazette, (23a) 23--Women's Column 8) SPOT CASH FOR YOUR CARS . AT Dodd's car lot 378 Park Rd. 8' Phone 3344M. (Jan18tf) 34--Pets and Livestock CANARIES FOR SALE, SINGERS AND hens, ready for bh Apply 400 Montrave Ave, Phone 2885. (23¢c) 1 REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL. Soven weeks old, 461 Floyd Ave, Fie 22¢ BROOD SOW, DUE IN UARY second litter. Phone 1567J. (21c) REGISTERED COCKER SPANIEL PUP- Ples, grown dogs, blacks, blondes, prod SPENCER SUPPORTS, INDIVIDUALLY designed. Phone 3445J. 24--Personal DON'T SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM, Let your Rawleigh dealer help. Names of grateful users on request. Telephone 21k. (Feb 5) BROADLOOM RUGS, NEW MODERN decorators' colors, custom made, seam- less, up to 13ft. width. Write Acme Rug g West, Hamilton. (March22) 25--Real Estate For Sale '5-ROOMED COTTAGE FOR SALE IN Jost | end, Apply to Box 2, Times a PEACOCK'S INSUBANCE SERVICE. Consult us for any of your insurance needs. All of insurance Insiuding life. 231% ine Street Bast, i 7--Veterinarians DR. G. B._BOOTH. LARGE AND Shall Shima aera Sop 8--Funeral Directors, DALTON BURIAL COMPANY PUNERAL Home -- Ambulance bulaies Service. 78 75 Charles 8 ". Phone 4 eb20) 9--Money To Loan FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED BRADLEY BROS. (Peb2s) CLIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE FOR FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY . wy SR ar North Shore Realty Co. Ltd, PHONE 81. OSHAWA (Tues-Thurs-8at) 10--~Instruction REGISTER NOW CLASSES COM- mene each Monday. Shorthand, subjects. Oshawa Businiss College, 18 Simcos St. North. Phone Buw. ) Building Trades GORDON BROUGH, PAPERHANG- A painting. Day or nights. Phone 30 DAYS POSSESSION, 5-ROOMED Cottage. Recreation room in basement. Garage, All conveniences. Central lo- cation. $4.600, Tors arranged, G. Bar- row Real Estate Broker, Bure 25 $4500, HALF CASH, MODERN, 4-ROOM house, centrally located. Immediate possession. Phone 206J between 6 "BS a A REAL LOVELY $-ROOMED HOME, quite central, hot water heating with a stoker, hardwood i at- tractively ear $93 This property will appeal hi 00.00. you, Bradley Bros. 1 BUILDING Blvd, 44x136, water on street. A 9 79 Rosehill Blvd. mile west Oaawa, "Ques WAY. an.14) PUPS FOR Jian (238) Elizabeth Hig Eu Phone 161M1, 35-- Wearing Apparel ONE FLIGHT JACKET, SIZE 44, choice of two, slightly 'used. Phone 31M, (22¢) WE BUY AND SELL USED CLOTHING, Bate for Advert: ander this ding--3c per word each inser in tmam charge 45 cents. AVALC DANCING AT Wed - Sat. Pri, King West, SEATING EVERY TUESDAY, THURS: day and Saturday nights at Sayiors Arena, Whitby. Special rates for ties of 50 or over. (Tues-Thurs. at) "A PAIR OF COUNTRY KIDS" 3 ACT play by by Ebenezer Foung ¥ Re: Kin, Church, Friday, 8.1 Adults 35c; Oniidren 20c. EVERY Nine ti 12 (Tues-Fri) pm. 38--Fémale Help Wanted Potential Force (Continued from Page 3) mass of the people by this means," Dr, Cassidy said, Lesson In Democracy Finally, Dr. Cassidy described the recreation movement as a potential force in the political life of the nation. "In the commun- ity centres we've got to learn to There are lessons here of the first impcvtance for our democracy," he averred, Even though recreation had been accepted as a public respon. sibility, Dr, Cassidy pointed out that this development had brought with it new problems. "How much government re. CAPABLE GIRL 18-30 FOR GENERAL housework in private residence. Good ay--sleep in, For Jernienare, phone Kifsdate 2821, Toronto (22¢ EXPERIENCED Ww. ) Steriised, and new. Carrying a big stock of Co suits = pants, 21 Bond St. W. Sam Schwartz. (Feb?) 36--Articles For Sale FOUR-BURNER GAS STOVE, Sipa oven, Cream and E20en: enamel, Be) ; condition, 441% Simcoe N. ALSO NEARLY NEW 600x16, Phone "a CAR RADIO, Goodyear tire, 23a) BABY PRAM, MAROON, year, like new. Phone SOW. -- 1] QUEBEC RANGE | HEATER, WI WITH oven. Phone 3627R. (23b) McCLARY ELECTRIC STOVE, 3-BURN- er, top and low oven, all WOIKIng. Goll ing, pio twenty os ven dollars. 1 lass 58 "1 ht Bo Huts Shas ten re 84 Alice St. Phone 1012 (23a) DINING -ROOM, LIVING-ROOM, BED- room suite, other household furniture, a like new. Phone Whitby 979 after 8 p.m, 4-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, AND SUM- mer porch for sale, at 237 de ve., Oshawa. SIX PO. BREAKFAST SUITE, NA tural and red. Apply 154 Yemiun = 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, FOR Central. Immediate FOR (23a) Box | 949, Times-Gazette. Aggy LARGE BUILDING, , TWO APARTMENTS upstairs, large hall downstairs, suitable for store, 'dance hall or apartments, Good cellar. Apply 200 0g eat. el 26--Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY 8 or 9 Roomed House Suitable for two families. Possession desired March 1. Must be well located. BRADLEY BROS, 29--Rooms For Rent ONE LARGE FURNI PAINTER AND FIRST-CLASS NFECORA- for. P. Danniels, Phone 2718R. SHED BEDRQOM, itabl e or two girls, 5] Sou or on Apt. 2, 134 Stmcoe South. TWO ROOMS FOR _ RENT, SUIT TWO gen at 116 Albert St. __ (23) (Tués-Sat) BUILDING CONTRACTOR, CARPEN- Wy repairs, remodell! , planning, de- ng. Thomas Gill, Sommerville Ave. Phone 1503J. (Feb.27) CARPENTRY, HOME ALTERATIONS, and general repairs. Call evenin H. Boyd, 16 William E. Phone 23 ATR. 'egal SILVER - FLEX INSULATION +4 old attics, Reflective Mn work for factories, stores, Rarag In- formation phone 1352 2W. bs 29) SAND, GRAVEL, CINDERS : CRA Cartage, RR. 3, Bow- Phone 225 GGS, industrial spraying Ex. maa er white hip All work NS) wo teed. Phone 3630 Rang) FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR one gentleman, in clean comfortable home, with every convenience. Very central. Apply 10 Centre St. (23a) ROOM, FURNISHED BEDROOM, CEN- tral location heated, PhonelO04W. 202 Arthur St. 00: (23b) NISHED BEDROOM, CON- also PORTABLE KITCHEN CUPBO. sale. Apply 49 Arlington Ave, 5-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, COM- plete with spring and mattress. D. Wilson Rd. North, Phone load SOME LATH (23a) APPLES, 8PYS, , LA- Sapte, cooking onions and po- ots, wax turnips, delivered. tatoes, Shaw, 262 St. Jullen St, Phone 4423). (234) between 5 and 7, ROLL BACK SINK, nails, Phone 1608M. 1, 1941 SPARTON RADIO CO! 1938 R. record player, 199 Gibbon n Street. (220) 12 . GAUGE SHOTGUN, x At ~ CONDI- tion. Apply 497 St. 'Lawrence ars c) 7 Days Guaranteed Delivery on VENETIAN BLINDS Made tn measure. Pree estimates and installation, J. W. Melley, Phone, Noon or Eve- nings, 4101W. Distributor for MET- WO Industries Ltd. . (Tues-Thurs-Sat) MAN'S BICYCLE IN GOOD CONDI- tion. Price $20. Phone 3828W. (22b) ELECTRIC BI BROODER HEATER, NEW. $2250, Apply 22 McLaughlin Biya, Cc DESK! DESKS! WRITE TODAY FOR FULL PARTICU- lars of our office desks, steel filing cabinets and miscellaneous office furni- ture for immediate delivery. Coopers Desk Shop, 326 Queen W., 730 (21g) Coon id APPLES AND POTATOES for sale. _Phone 2553J. (20e) SEVERAL USED | HEATERS AND COOK stoves. Thoroughly Jecondisionad. 156 Simcoe 8., before 6 p. (Feb.10) LARGE FURNISHED BEI Jinuous hot water, , no Ligne Very Phone 1008W. (23¢) OIL BURNERS i" PLUS A Somplete. Reliable Serve Sutwt- 29a--For Rent SUN LAMPS FOR RENT, SUN KRAFT ultraviolet, using cold quartz tube per month, Mebgher' 's, Simcoe Sort, 30--Room and Board WiLL BOARD SMALL CHILDREN OR bables, by week or month, Apply 347 Mitehell Ave. (23p VENETIAN BLINDS S55¢ PER Measured A installed gore a re hone 4046J. ) Reld. Phone 2104. 68 Bond (Jan23) (Jan18) Fy He REFRIGERATORS -- ORDERS TAKEN now for the remote installed modern household Refrigerator Bell's Ref! ation, 182 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 2 Fel ) | SILENT GLOW OIL 3URNERS FOR Cooks SAND. GRAVEL, CINDERS LOAM and general haulage Robert Mulr, Qourtice. Phone Oshawa 77J4 (Jan24) EXPERT TILE FLOORING LAID BY setters Variety of colors Pree mates Phone collect 653. Bowman- ville, Bromley and Son, (Febl4) ONTARIO PLOOR SANDERS FLOORS laid, sanded, finished on floors re. finished, Phone 3434J-4277J. (Feb8) estl-\ 30a--Room & Board Wanted ROOM BOARD DIN PRIVATE home for young man. Not more than ten minutes walk from business sec- tion, Apply Box 941, Tines-Gasatie 31--Wanted To Rent SMALL HOUSE IN OR CLOSE TO 12--Personal Services P A VON QUNTEN SaDERT SWiSS 2 3 [3 Street West. Your patronage soiciied 'eb20) NEW SERVICE SLEaNERSs = 16A Ontario St. Phon Feb20) 1i--Household Wie PFURNITURD - REPAIRED AND RE- upholstered. See materials for overing. Dw Dalton. 75 Charles. Phone 40! © (PFeb8) To Adisabiie Repairs SMITH'S RADIATOR REPAIRS * Soa. roby ghubuils 251 Jobs Bt. , RE- Phone (Feb20) tenant with steady pe Phone 163J12. 12, (2%) EX-SERVICE MAN AND > WIFE, ¢ ONE child 2 years, wanting 4 rooms or house. Steady employment, Phone 2¢93R. (22c) URGENT, 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED rooms wanted Will pay $25 reward for same. Phone 3628J, (21¢c) 32-- Automobiles For Sale 31 DODGE STAKE BODY 1-TON truck, serial Five new tires, 195x50. $281.97. E. Milgate, BR BR = Bow- manville. . Phone J } (Tues.-Sat.) 33--Automobiles Wanted . jacket ete and Sharp Electric. Phone 4501. (Jan21tf) COAL RANGES. LARGE SHIPMENT Just received. Some with reservoir. Dif- ferent sizes and makes. D.V A, credits accepted. Meagher's, Simcoe Norn, (Feb.8) WRINGER ROLLS KEPT IN STOCR for all makes of washers Jack Bid- dulph. 68 Simcoe 8t. N. Phon o 3800W © (Jan2s) 37--Articles Wanted 1 CHESTERFIELD CHAIR, SUITABLE gor. I Jeupholstering, Apply Box No. 5, (23¢c) air om PAID FOR [RON mattresses. Phone metal, 635, Cedaranie" Iron - Metals, back CNR Station. (Febl) SPOT GASH PAID FOR GOOD USED furniture, ice box. Whucheo heater, cook stoves. 24 Bond West. Fhone doen, (» PIANOS (JANTED FOR CASH WTL- & Lee, 79 Simcoe North Phone 238s, e (Feb24) LAEZSHORS AUTO WRECKERS -- tor wrec ES Opportunities a phid. Phone og SOR 1278 (Febl5) SMALL GROCERY AND MEAT BUS- iness for sale South, Apply 186 Simcoe St. Turnover $300 per week, (218) CASH FOR YOUR CAR. BRAMLEY Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe St. North GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED ice boxes, cook stoves and heaters. 568 King West. 3326W. (Febs) 38--Female Help Wanted Fhone 4695W, ( WANTED, EXPERIENCED COOK'S belper, Apply Queen's Hotel. (22¢) Apply Mayfair Lanes Cor. Celina and a) Cc Restaurant, Streets, WANTED, EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP- er, stenographer, to work in Teady-to- wear store, Must have pleasant per. sonality, neat ance and ability of Write Box 301, (22) MODERN HOME, ALL CONVENIENCES, jhe adults, Y Fequires household help, ve in vate quarters, good Phone 378. "ay CAPABLE GIRL, STEADY HOUSE- work, good salary and working con- ditions, references required. Phone 203. (21d) AVON PRODUCTS NEED FOUR LA- aids, Shiry or over to fill open ter- in Oshawa and Whitby, no ex- nh necessary, but neat and ener- Eenc, Ch for Box Times-Gazette, (21e) 39--Male Help Wanted ERIENCED PAYROLL C AN EXP! 5-day week. Permanent position. Box 3, Times-Gazette, (23 1) adv t. TWO AGGRESSIVE, .CLEAN CUT sales-minded men, Ages 22 to 45, to train for life insurance representatives. Men that are dissatisfi with their present earnings and future are ur to investigate this advertisement, Ra- pid promotion assured to the Ent men, Apply 'Box 835 Times-Gazet sette. e YACANCY. RAWLEIGH BUSINESS w open in Oshawa. Trade well es- tablished. Excellent opportunity, Full Time. Write at once. awleighs Dept. ML.-A-310-189, Montreal, : (Jan10-14-24-28) A GOOD RESPECTABLE art time chauffeuring. Apply imes-Gazette, 21c) WANTED, boy, for Box 948, THREE SALESMEN WANTED HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY An Agency-minded solid Canadian Company offering Accident and Health Insurance has established a Branch in Central Ontario to gen and service Central Ontari Advertising material and other neces- sary sales assistance is furnished sell- ing complete coverage of Personal In- surance. THE LINES THE PUBLIC WANTS Lifetime Disability Hospitalization Surgical--Franchise Group Life or Health Accident Experience not essential but helpful. Can give exclusive control that will net $5,000 Jeatly to Ren man. Apply personally in writing to KENNETH N. KINGSTON 435 GEORGE STREET Peterborough, Ontario. (23a) 41--Employment Wanted LT TRY VAST EXPERIENCES day or evening engagements. Mrs, Joseph A Anderson, 387 Phone (23c) EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL NURSE, now available, Phone 1526, (23¢c) EXPERIENCED CLERK "TYPIST, DE- sires position in a doctor's or dentist's office, ox 1, Times-Gazette. (23b) EXPERT REPAIR ON ELECTRIC and all other electric house- ranges hold. appliances. Frank Snudden. Phone 2887TR. (Feb.11) 43--Auction Sales be sold by Public Auciion, 31st. 1947, far: Ihere will on Friday, January implements, hay. grain, poultry hr ment, household furniture inc iqi new Beatty washer, the Rropefty Ken Webster, Lot 21, Con. 7. 'mile north east of Brooklin, Sale at 1 p.m, Terms cash, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. (Fri.-Mon.-Tues ) 1946 EGG PRODUCTION Egg production for 1946 is esti- Egg production for 1946 is esti- mated at 345 million dozens which is about 29 million dozens below 1945. This decrease in production, together with the high domestic consumption, makes it impossible to fill completely the present contract with Britain, says the Current Re- view of Agricultural Conditions in Canada. Shipments will be about 60 million" do:+>ns, which is 23 million short of the 83 millions called for in the contract. ponsibility should there be? What is the role of the public re- creation agency vis-a-vis private agencies? "In regard to physical facilities, do we want beautiful new struc- tures? Should they be built as separate community centres or should they be incorporated with schools and libraries?" These were only some of the questions posed by the growth of public recreational programs, Dr. Cassidy told the conference. The speaker, who had been Dir- ector of the School Social Work at the University of California and an administrative officer in Bri- tish Columbia's Health and Wel- fare Department, recommended the Canadian Youth Commission's report, entitled "Youth and Re. creation," as excellent background material, This report rave a comprehensive survey, describing "the poverty of leisure-time activ- ities for young Canadians" prior to and during the early part of the war, Dr, Cassidy was introduced by Gordon McMahon, director of community recreation in Whitby, Rural Area Recreation Earlier in the afternoon, Nor- man Lindsay, director of the rural section of the Ontario Adult Edu- cation Board, spoke on recreation in rural areas, Mr. Lindsay pointed out that in rural sections the recreation dir- ector is faced with quite a differ- ent situation from that in urban municipalities, The strain and stress of everyday living is not as acute, hours of work are longer, the family unit medns more, neighbors are not so close and so on, He stressed, however, that there should be programs in the rural communities so that the people there will not be obliged to go to the urban centres for their recreation, In referring to the development of recreation on a county basis, Mr, Lindsay spoke in particular of Simcoe County where Miss L. Colley is director. Miss Colley, who is attending the conference, was chairman for the discussion which followed Mr. Lindsay's talk, The exposition by the daily news- paper of mal-practices in medicine in the United States city, led to a state wide investigation and the conviction of three pseudo-doctors. TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received during the next 10 days for the interior painting of the Canadian Legion Hall, 90 Centre Street, The lowest or any tender not 'Oshawa, necessarily accepted Full particulars and in- spection of the premises can be secured at any time during business hours by contacting the business manager B. Jacklin, at Legion- Hall. $35,000 Raised (Continued from Page 1) pose were approximately $2,300 with a balance carried forward from the previous year of $151.89. The Women's Guild report show- ed receipts totalling $2,205.83, of which bonds were purchased amounting to $2,127.32. The organi- zation has on hand bonds totalling play together and work together. $4,600 The afternoon branch of the Wo- man's Auxiliary raised a total of $425.58 during the year and the evening branch $406.97. The report the latter organization revealed too that four bales had been packed during the year of a total value of $75. A large amount of dorcas work had also been carried on by the af- ternoon branch, Receipts in the Sunday School during the year amounted to $548.28 and in the choir, $45.29. George Hart Retires 'W. E. Baker, people's warden for the past two years, was appointed rector"s warden, replacing George Hart who retired after five years service as church warden. With re- ference to Mr. Hart's retirement, the rector, Rev. D. M. Rose expressed his gratitude for Mr, Hane service to the church and E. G. Higgins, chairman of the nominating com- mittee extended a vote of thanks to him on behalf of the congregation. E. F. Farrow was elected to the office of reople's warden made va- cant by the appointment of Mr, Ba- ker as rector's warden, Commenting on the year's achievements, the rector in his re- port pointed out that sufficient funds had been raised for the pro- posed new parish hall that the Par- ish Advisory Council was now in a position to consult an architect with regard to preliminary plans, He ex- gratitude for the assistance given by Rev. E. A. Justice who had come to the parish as curate last June. Mr, Rose went on to report that there were now approximately 800 families on the parish lst, with 37 additions this year and 19 removals. A total of 40 had been copfirmed, of which number more "th%n one half were adults, There were also 50 marriages, 61 baptisms and 35 burials and the meeting stood as Mr, Rose paid tribute to those faith- ful 'members who had been called by death during the year. The total number of Communions made during the year was 3,721, with the number at Christmas and Easter being larger than usual. More than 600 took Communion at Christmas and 407 at Easter. Referr! to the work of the Sun- day School, he said that an attend- ance of 213 in the junior section had been recorded at a recent ses- sion, which was the highest for some years. He sald the average at- tendance in this section of the school was about 75 per cent. of the enrolment. Since last fall, hie said, the senior section had been meet- ing at 10 a. m. and then attending the 11 o'clock church service. In moving that the rector's report be adopted, Mr. Hart added the thanks' of the vestry for Mr. Rose's faithful service. Officers Elected The three members of the vestry appointed to the Advisory council were C. File, E. G. Higgins and J. R. MacBrien. Lay delegates to the Sy- nod were George Hart, C. Lamon and W. R. Fleming, with T. H. Mc- Dowell and W. E. Baker as substi- tutes : The eight sidesmen appointed by the rector were L. Beal, Hy Hill, D. MacGregor, A. Ridgen, D , G. Sheridan, E. Shortt and W sar- gant, while those elected by the ves- try were H, Davis, E. Green, W, Floyd, J. Jackson,.R. Joyce, O. Ma- gee, D. Hall and H Suddard. C- Seaton and 8. Hopkins were appointed as auditors and J. Hig- gins and O. C. Richardson as mem- bers of the parochial tribunal. A budget of $10,161 was adopted for 1947, which provided for salary increases for the rector and the sex- ton. Spots Split Rail, Flags Down Train Pembroke, Jan, 28--(CP)--May- nard Silke of Pembroke was credit- ed last night with averting a pos- sibly serious railway wreck when he spotted a broken rail on the main line of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way and flagged down a west-bound freight with a red apron just be- fore it reached the spot. Noi the broken rail at a crossing, Si telephoned the railway station Silke and was told a freight was due. Wife: "Well, dear, I'll meet you at the Biltmore at twelve for lunch." Husband: "All right; but please don't be any later than one." Smoke Overcomes 4 Firemen, Woman In 3-Alarm Blaze- Toroato, Jan. 28 -- (CP) -- Four firemen and an elderly woman, all overcome by smoke, were admitted to hospital last night and another 20 firemen were temporarily knock- ed out by smoke as a three-alarm fire destroyed an apartment blbck on Dundas Street at the western city limits. Damage totalled several thousands of dollars and traffic was disrupted as many streetcars were "trapped" between the several lines of hose. Thirty families living in apart- ments in the building, formerly the Victoria Hotel; an old landmark in West Toronto, were forced to the street. They were lodged in nearby apartments. The fire was believed to have started in a basement of the Bamboo Grill, Chinese restaurant. Altogether 23 apartments, some of them housing more than one family, were. damaged. Christ Church (Continued from Page 1) $2,686.31. Mr. Corben also pre- sented the report of the Mission Account which showed total giv- ings of $448.99 which was $20 above the allotment set by the Synod. her pleasing feature of the meeting was the report of the An- glican Advance Appeal, presented by F. Brown, which showed a to- tal for the year of $1,728.29 as BEANM 2 Soest from the Synod for $1,6 Seis Elected Officers elected for the ensuing year were as follows: -- Rector"s Warden, John Long; People's Warden, W, G. Corben; Sidesmen, H, Beamish, J, Broad- bent, L. Eveniss, S. Fox, M. Francis, K, Weir, W, Meredith, T. Gill, T. Hopkins, A. Metcalfe, F. Brown, M. Adams, G, Leslie, K. Brisebois, P, Phillips, F. Wet. more, G. Knowler, J, Drummond and F. Black, Lay representatives to the Sy- nod named by the meeting were: T, Hopkins and A, Evans with S. J. Mannell and S, Gales as alter- nates, B. Andrews was appointed as envelope secretary, while G. Knowler and J, Scarrow were ap- pointed to the Parochial Council, F. H, Wetmore and W. H, Gib- bie were re-appointed as auditors while Miss Dorothy Beamer was re-appointed as treasurer, Appointments to the Deanery Grand Chapter were: J, Long and W. G. Corben _ 8. Gales, F', Brown, Jack Lee, G. Leslie and T. Gill. The present Building Commit- tee composed of Messrs Hopkins, Twilley, Wetmore, Long, Corben, Gibbie, T. Shields, Singleton, Knowler, K. Hopkins and Mrs. Knowler was re-appointed to car- ry on until the building is com- pleted and turned over to the Wardens. A Property Committee compos. ed of W, G. Corben, F. H, Wet- fore and F, Brown was named to look after the church building while a committee composed of F. Black, T. Hopkins and A, E. Johnson was named to look after the landscaping of the vroperty. Reviews Year's Work B® his review of the year's work, Mr, Cleverdon paid tribute to the men of the paris' who visited the members of the Par- ish and invited them to attend the church. He also extended his thanks to the Wardens whose co- operation during the year had made a splendid contribution to the work. Both, he said, were fine men and had been of very great help to the Rector. Voices Appreciation Mr, Cleverdon expressed appre- ciation of the choir and organist and thanked F, Brown, chairman of the Anglican Advance Appeal, which had proved very successful, Thanks were also expressed to Al, Evans and the members of the Building Committee; the staff and teachers of the Sunday School, and the Chancel Guild, The amounts raised during the year by the various organizations of the church were as follows: Evening Guild $1,337.82; Ceut-a- Day (Evening Guild) $487.19; Women's Auxiliary $1,186.35; Afternoon Guild $494.57; Sunday School $310.75; A.Y.P.A, $68.34; Choir $155.48; Men's Service Club $62.11, Try a classified advertisement for quick results. Polish Vets Prove Most Satisfactory Toronto, Jan. 28 -- (CP) -- With few exceptions Polish war veterans who immigrated to Canada for work on farms are proving highly satis- factory in Ontario, the weekly Stop report of the Ontario of Agriculture revealed today. Western Ontario farmers report 8 sharp demand for sows and boars and in Bruce county a significant increase in bacon production is ex- pected. As in other Ontario dis- tricts recent mild weather has brought relief to farmers who have been drawing water for their live- stock. Livestock in Southern Ontario is in good condition with milk produc tion steady. Feed supplies are re- ported scarce but the supply of grain is satisfactory. * Central Ontario orchardists are concerned about scale insects which they report ordinary lime sulphur treatment is not controlling. West~ ern feed grain and concentrates are scarce. Production of poultry flocks is high. Inquiries for seed grain are filter- ing in from Eastern Ontario. Hog producers report a slight increase in the demand for breeding stock. , Egg production and the produc- tion of whole milk is increasing in Northern Ontario. All classes of livestock are reported doing well Holy Trinity (Continued from Page 1) reported that the Women's Auxiliary had contributed $506.50 for mort- gage payments. The Women's Guild had paid the tax bill of $103.85. Balance in the current account was placed at $242.45. Much Repair Work / In connection with the mainten- ance account, for which receipts totalled $2,009.94, Mr. McLellan ex- plained that a great deal of repair work had been done during the past year. Both the interior and ex- terior of the church had been painted and the brick veneer siding had been completed. Total collected for the missions account was $599.68, made hd of a balance of $167.47 and offe gs of $430.94. Presenting the Sunday School re- port, Alfred Perfect said that there were now 121 pupils in the school. -| Mr, Perfect advocated formation of a boys' club in addition to the scout and hy groups already 'functioning at the church. Total receipts for the Sunday School were listed as $263.01. Women's Groups Active The Women's Auxiliary reported a grand total of $968.06, while the Women's Guild had total receipts of $525.67. The bamar, held by the W.A., brought in a total of $197.49 and a sale of sewing, sponsored by the Guild, resulted in receipts of $102.55. The choir report ghopes receipts of $208.32, It was poinfed out that the choir's project for the year would be the installing of chimes for the organ. A balance of $157.81 was on hand to be directed toward this project. Stanley Mason and Thomas An- derson were elected as the two lay members to the Synod. Re-elected as envelope secretary was Fred Schultz. Sidesmen elected included: Mr. Anderson, Mr. Bellingham, Fred Mason, Stanley Mason, Carl Kram- er, Fred Schultz, Ray Martin, Chris Willoughby, Ronald Nicholson and Reginald Fitches. Sunderland, England -- (CP) -- Surface - flaws which suddenly spread to inner layers were blamed by dealers for "explosions" which shattered new glass tumblers in many homes. [ Watch and Clock REPAIRS Guaranteed Service! Oshawa Clock Shop 504a Simcoe St. 8. -- Phone 4475) FURNACES e BOILERS OIL BURNERS Vacuum Cleaned @ Repaired PHONE 3760J ED THOMAS 111 Elgin Street West FOR KELVINATOR SALES & SERVICE Domestic & Commercial PHONE 87 Eastern Electric Construction Limited HARDWOOD FLOORING Lald and Finished Complete! FLOOR SANDING! M. LEGGETTE PHONE 3744W1 CRAZY GLASS! Auto Glass that is "crazed" obscures vision -- when clear sight is vital. Now, isn't it unwise ' to neglect replacing such glass? The sensible thing, wher one thinks of it, is to drive here. Have New Auto Glass installed -- "reasonably" Agents for DUNLOP TIRES "THE WORLD'S FINEST" wa"s 25 ALEXANDER BLVD. Expert Vulcanizing and Recapping IRWIN AUTO PARTS PHONE 1094 A