Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 11 Jan 1947, p. 11

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SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1947 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE PAGE ELEVEN : sopwe. NEWS BUSH LEAGUE Standi creases nsnes Results Hell Divers 7, Hurricanes 0; Lumber~ 7, Bushwhackers 0; Easy Aces 5, oodpeckers 2; Strikers 5, Wildcats 2. 4 High tiple; Galbraith 775, B. 682 al High single Galbraith 338, P. Bor- yow 315 and B, Bent 302. Well I don't know. All I can say Is 'that those Hell Divers were y a wild bunch of devils last Tuesday. As you can see from the above results they took the honours in all depart- ments, y Galbraith, Borrow and Bent. They certainly Prod up some Jovely scores and bowled the highest of any team so far, that is on a whole, with an impressive 1520, the total be- ing for the whole three games 4052. Well it and your Divers destined to take "the end of this Section, a Nice goin' fellows it certainly is nice to know we have bowlers of this calibre in our league. Now to get on the people. Pete Lofthouse and his Lum- berjacks are certainly whackin' every- much to handle last Tu form of their fellow lumbermen the Bushwhackers as they took 7 pts from this so called bowling team. Harry Willlams was the only man to look like a bowler as he squeezed over the 600 mark. Yours truly was lucky enough to get over it for the first N Mosscrop Bowers and "fellers" for the Lumberjacks. Finally Harry Doyle and his Easy Aces have come to life as they took Bob Skel- ton's Woodpeckers for 5 pts, who bo doubt are layin' down as they Bireaay in the playoffs. Terry Gramm, Harry Doyle were making the id look fairly. easy with B. Nugent being the only one on the Woodpec- kers looking a little sharp. With the ald of S. Salmers and R. Wilson of the Wildcats the Strikers were able to take 5 pts from the Champs, as the two mentioned above were absent. Boss or no boss Ed you will have to get Wilson out more. It certainly wasn't the Strikers fault they took the 5 pts as no one man hit the 600 mark and they're only two 200 games on the whole team as well. How do you like that and they walk away With 5 pte. Thomson, you ought to hit your Jest in shame. Salmon hard usual to take more al 2 pts with rd nice 592 but he wasn't getting much help from the rest of the team. Lemon League honours: Single: T. Major 89, T. Major, triple with 380. FITTINGS LTD. OFFICE LEAGUE Last Wednesday night saw the start of the second serious of the above league. It than the last part of the first serious. If they keep it up many good scores Grocers have started the second tion 'with a Sang by taking four Points from Bassetis sid oy me up tied for i: J. Coulthurst 702, 634, J. MacInally 627, D. 8 Sobanski 663, G and D, Currie 608. It would be a big help to the secre- taries if the Bent | 4 a B'RITH BOWLING LEAGUE e first week's bowling of the New Your 1047, saw the teams hating one another with sll m might and main, and after the smoke of battle had Cleated Be had crushed ned circle Swartz 780, Ben 633, Horwich 632, Lavine 619 ang Cro- sler 611, High singles were: Mating = 306; Marder 259, Lavine Berns 250. Sonny Swarts 248, Mac lis 240, 33, OCroder 41, Hon wich 233, ii 227, Morrison 8r., Einhorn 213. Joss Stlestion nigh thiee Manning Swarts for. the Giiies Of Ah Week TH (71, 308 sng Morris Marder who is mainly respon- sible for his team salvaging one game from the Little Foxes and upon his best effort of the season. XO yaa high man on his Ben Bla team adnly i for the Lions Lod e Trappers. Comments Our hats this week to Morris Marder and = Bl and ack for 633, his "est effort since the "co BL of our league. We must hand it to those boys, as neither one a them were was a lot better bowling pl should be recorded in the future, Four | th good doubles were chalked up: Art Greenfield 457 (248); Marg. Taft, 447 (243); Albert (Woody) Woodhouse, 432 (262); Norm. Parsons back in old form) 421 215). Good singles for night were: 8 Ww. Bs Me. bell 212, H, Richards L , nearly took the low single as the high when he went a game ud bows ed 77, however Wil- a Burnett the lemon for the night with a Fy Eo The following is results of the first series. the Team Standing mi me No. 21 Wo No. . 6--21; No. 3-19; No. 4--18; 0. 1! High average man:--W. Branch 186.6; Ledies--T. Pipl Pipher 190.1. High double, Man--G. Rorabeck 479; Ladies--H. Ri- chards 451, High single, Man:--J. Puh- y 288; Ladies--H. Richards 298. The A of the first night of 2nd ser- ious are as follows: Team No, 5 3, No. 6 0; No. 13, Fo, 20; No. 72 No. 81; No. 3 2, No. 4 1. Let's see if another team can win the title of the second "serious" so well as ie-eyed in the | his we expect the boys to stay and not disappoint us, We know their calling there will be a play-off in the spring third and show No. 8 crew there is such a thing as competition. ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH © Last Monday evening saw some more nice bowling. Jack Bent rolled a nice single game. Jack was over two hun- dred in the sixth" e and ended up with 202, What happened Jack? Did those four pins get you or the head pins? We thought you were 80 ing to beat Bus Gibson single Better luck next time, Jax) Pus Gibson bowled a nice' game He bowled 507 wy Nice bowling Bus. and Wildcats three from the Ramblers. Tollers two Rie Top Not» chers and Hot Dogs two from teurs. Bea, Simmons and Maude Ama beck are bowling some grand games this year. They are showing up thelr husband this year. Keep on hitting them hard girls. Ladies' high si pe --Bea , SITHLORs 248, Ruth Bathe t Lee 224- 207 M . Rorabeck 224, M, Gray 23 B, 8 212, D. Col 211, Cann 210, Violet Taylor 200, Vers Bint , Barb, Coleman 200. Ladies' high double: --M. Lee 431, R. Bathe 423, Bea Simmons 416, M. Rora- beck 411 Men's high single: --Jack Bent 202, Bus Gibson 260-247, P. Bent 233, PF. Coleman 233, Bob Bent 233, E. Edmond- son 224, Gord. Shemilt 218, Joe Fol- 4 dest ay Norm. Fisher 214, H. Lee 211, aldron 205, A high double:--Bus. Gibson 507, Ross Clark 432, Bent 427, Bent 426, Earl Edmondson 412. Team Standing sessesne seven ens Jesters .... sessrene Hot Tollers .... Wildcats .... Top-Notchers Ramblers dadeix desea « esisssicens MONDAY AFTERNOON 'LADIES The holidays over, there is a marked increase in the ladies' scores, which looks good for 1047. Sorry that I was unable to put the plece in the paper bl high scores. 244, Blanche Norton 243, Lou Borrow 242, Elma Hunt 238, Bea Northey 234, Milly Lofthouse 231, Anne Daley 230. Triples: Fan H. 720, Helen McG. 678, Vera Hele 675, Ann Illig 675, Vivian Wakely 654, oy H. 642, Anne D. 634, Dorothy H. 623, Blanche N. 613. The Standing Die Hards ... LADIES' STORE LEAGUE With the start of the second section |3 Wt have foul teams tied for first place. Ozhaws Electric Supply captured four Joints from Pattenicks--the first time it has been done this year, Natéonal Jack | he ut |g, . | Skinners Mon! Te | Mary Simmo: The (Jean Tutton 635, Ann Kush Flying Bangtail Arrives in U.S. "Peaclaw," one of six race-horses flown from London aboard a Skymaster plane to race in California, is led from the plane by Trainer E. G. Burni- son of Swag 2 ranch, California. Peaclaw was transported from Newark, N.J., to Sanford Farms in Long Island by truck. The other five horses were flown non-stop to Los Angeles, 'Owners insured the animals for $264,000 during the flight, B. Bint for his single game of 318. Al- = r Press for their team score of 3634. 1329, HE 1140), 3 Nice e going fellows. h Three Gi Couvier e 10 ng . 205, M, Powell 286, R. Wright 291, , Couvier 2%, P. Simmons 205, H. Cornish 269, R. Keeler 268, S. Sargeant Comcos ... Bill's Place . PLR OIIII0OD® MAYFAIR LADIES' MAJOR Th the gals at the Mayfair Lanes turned. th he heat on Thursday night when Mh bowled such scores as these: Mary Birchman headed the list with 2 beautiful triple of 895 (190, 372, 333) while Innis Pipher ran a close second with 861 (250, 270, 341). argeant was third 1 Vera mons 644, Jean Bradley 840, 626, Nor: Sawyer 623, Lorraine Knight 622, 'Malble Whinfleld 617, Janet Peel 601, There is is able to produce will have to try hard double he. - | te without handi- | tearm how why they 6 the 3 Bons, Lefty Wills Tay ey night of nightmares and let every his But, the STINKERS, w man of the hour and the onl idual with a sipgle e over and a 711 triple, sound claim Although the final outcome never in doubt, ommilet RED RAIDERS and PS spittied. MacLean (735) jd Andrews (715) made a good e but the rye i HR ex-president Mackness in it all, man in such an exalted position should do much better than around 165 onours for ht. Fal ably with (He an he other TOPS were good too but that's enough for today. Standing Total BEBRE8S848 SM CLOUDS 3, Cheterfields 0; Players hams 0; Camels 3 Spuds 0; 3, kies 0; Exports 2, . CO HNWAMLLDN 'High _s iii . Eider 264 and M. Jack High dou Elder 458 and M k 439, MEN'S STORE LEAGUE Mayfair Lanes After a tworneek lay-off oR Surg the Christmas season the Btore League Sommenced thelr vo wotivities esday night. Christies 8 Bread tinue to set a ® plistering bles : i Lawrence 540, A so that tf this se I a thrilling race, Alger J req form OBL, Bas Silents continued ly Pace Enosking off Pedlars to the tune of Three-Star Selection :--E._ Couvier for his 3 game total of 768 (386, 217, 265). * | night however, and to points apiece. UMS | wound 3 the fh ht with 3 309 single s | ership last night taking the odd point h | 2-1. Dunne Tallors moved out of the by was | Billiards leaving the Billiard b were no shut-outs handed down last Black's Ladies' Meagher's Electric took 3 points out of 4 from their respective oppo- nents Central Hotel Grill and Horwich Jewellers, while Victor's Sports & Cycle and Pearl's, Collette Beauty Salon and Mills Motor Sales split the count for 2 Team Standing Central Hotel Grill ,. Horwich Jewellers .... Pearl' ve Meal hers Electric ... les' Wear Gontette Beauty Salon Mills Motor Sales . wwwwotioit MOTOR CITY MEN'S MAJOR Bill Pipher after sitting out the first game gave the Poye quite a thrill. He or two. is the Fri os in this Lilt this season Gay Construction took over the lead- giving h third from Wilson's Furniture while Canada Bread were losing to Doves Supertest cellar taking two from view s in the bottom spot. Burns Credit PAE took two from Jury & Lovell's while Palm Cigar took two from Kinlochs. Doug. Harding with three nice con- sistent games of 200, 281, 287 for 858 showed the way, 'closely followed b Freddie Ashworth 836, m Jack 8 Bill Bentley 801, Lloyd Hall 794, Johnny Trott 774, "Pi Mackie 764, Myrle Reeson 759, Frank Brady 756, 'Ted Grath 746, Lloyd Magill 731, Gord. Brown 725, "Smillle" Cummings 714, Art. Greenfield 709, Doug Keeler 702, Standing Gay Soustrustion oe Canada Mec- Sec. Total 13 27 1 11 1 > | and Mr. Heffering were | Again Heads ICRA JAMES HEFFERING who was re-elected president of the 3 | ICRA at the annual meeting. Col. R. 8. McLaughlin, vice-president, ous- ly returned to office with the fol- lowing directors named for 1947: Fred 8S. Orpen, William H. Moore, J, J. Conway, James Heffering, R. S. McLaughlin, William B. Hendrie, Gordon Perry, John G. Cella, Col. K. R. Marshall, and Stratton Demetre. R, L. Horrigan was ap- pointed secretary-treasurer, Former Kitchener Ball Club Owner, Bill Rider, Passes Kitchener, Jan. 10.--(CP)--Harry Tolton Sr. widely known sportsman and shirt manufacturer, died here last night. He was President and |g owner of the Kitchener Club in the Michigan-Ontario Baseball League, about 25 years ago. As a profession- al bicycle rider he won the Zim- merman Trophy in 1894, and later toured Europe on a bicycle. He is survived by his widow, one son and a daughter. The funeral services will be held Monday. Manitoba Fans Are Giving Generously For Young Victim Winnipeg, Jan. 11--(CP)--Mani- toba hockey clubs and fans have |H come to the aid of Ron Henley, 17, member of Winnipeg Canadiens in the Manitoba. Junior "A" Hockey League, who lost an eye during a league game last Monday. Fans at Thursday night's Bran- don Elks-Winnipeg Rangers junior game here contributed $350 for the young player in special boxes set up at the rink for the purpose. Other donations totalling $500 have been received, Ajax U. of T. By BOB RIFE In their last exhibition game before commencing play in their regular league, the O.C.V.L Senior Basketball squad went down fighting to a sure-shot aggregation from the Ajax di- vision of the "U. of T." by a score of 49-30, last night in the local Collegiate gym. The two teams seemed rather evenly matched in the first half of the tilt, but it was only when half began that the Ajax quintet found their shoot- ing eye and took a commanding lead which they never relin- quished for the remainder of the game. The O.C.V.I. team displayed many new plays, all of them of not only a crowd pleasing type, but of a type that is sure of working when fully mastered by the players. Straight-Away Tactics The Ajax boys on the other hand had mo seb pattern of play, but with the forwards bor- ing in and then tossing the ball hack to such set shots as Mills, they managed to keep the locals well in hand. The first quarter started off with Oshawa staging a ganging play which kept the ball in enemy territory, until they fin- ally found the twine for the first basket. . Ajax then got possession and rolled up the floor only to have the Oshawa squad take over possession and quickly flip in 'another counter. The "U. of T." boys then started to take chances with shots from all directions and although few of them hit the hoop the ones that did managed to keep them in the running. Torrens showed extremely well in this half, as he sunk four to be high scorer for the half. Crawford Goes Well "Wimp" Crawford ran him a close second with three baskets and just as many attempts. John Elliott and Bill Chant kept up a nice passing attack with Chant acting as the bucket man and using a lovely hook shot to perfection. Mills the wonder man of the night took three shots at the Oshawa hoop and sunk two baskets. His record of "four for four" in the second half is something that anyone would be proud of. The score at the half was 16- 16 and the Oshawa squad had a small edge on the territorial play, but didn't get as man) shots away as did the fi breaking Ajax team. Ajax Stages Rally After the time-out the Ajax team were an inspired group and they went out in front by Ex. Tilt Over 0.C.V.l. Cagers Students Win four baskets and then six bas- kets with nary a reply from the Red, Green and Gold. Oshawa finally got over their amaze- ment and.proceeded to play a much poorer game than in the first half, Their plays would not click and the only time they scored was when they were right under the basket. Ajax, on the other hand, seemed to find the going easier and started to let loose a bar- rage of set shots. Mills with his sharp eye accounted for four while Torrens' hook-shots from either hand were not only pretty to watch, but, fattened the Ajax tallies considerably. With the score 37-21 the Osh- awa rear guard stepped into action and started to close in on the opposition basket. Only one basket was netted in this manner, while the holes it left in the Oshawa defensive set-up were very plain to see, for time and again a fast breakaway allowed Ajax to sink a field goal. Sneakers Click Few Sometimes these breakaways would nearly backfire for the Ajax team, as the first shot was missed and then a fast Oshawa recovery, along with a long pass set up a basket-hanging forward of the locals for an easy stab. Sometimes these basket-hang- ing tactics paid off, but on other occasions the man under the twine hurried his shot, or tried . a "fancy one", and so. lost his opportunity. Oshawa made a desperation rally in the last minutes of the game, but it was of no avail as the Ajax team carried off the win 49-30, The game on the whole was cleanly played but in the last quarter a few elbows and hips were tossed around in places where they would do the most good, or harm as the other fel- low might say. Officials--Referee: Bob Patte; Umpire: Don Seeley; Timer: Jim Anderson; Scorers: Cliff McColm and Bob Rife. AJAX Its irgs Ja fts ° Ul Menich, rf ., 1. Westell - nN CBN hOIa - BAWO NINNG - OO NNO HEAWO, NID HUAN HO HMNHOW ONOCO CONMNT CLD OP: COO Ox NWN Findlay FIER | Cha i of scorl! s attempted; fgs--field a--f{ree throws attem throws scored; p--personal fouls; pts-- total points scored. oo 0 --fga-- fleld || CHATHAM CURPER DIES AFTER FALL Chatham, Jan. 11--George Wil- fred Peters, 48, prominent in Chat- denly at his home Wed, night. His death followed an accident at the Chatham Curling Club on Dec. 28, when Mr. Peters had the misfortune to slip and fall on the ice. In addition to being anh ardent curler, Mr. Peters was considered one of the best trapshooters in Eastern Canada. At one time he was champion of Eastern Canada. He was a member of the Chatham Golf and Country Club, the Cana~- dian Indian Trap Shooting League, the Hamilton Gun Club and Shaw- nee Club, and the Kent Club. circles, passed away sud- | You | Fights Last Wight | By The Associated Press New York -- Tony Ji out; pointed Tony 4] 144153, New 'York (10) * Flint, Mich--Jock Leslte Flint, Dock, Lf out Bennie May, atte: 'Mont HAMILTON RINK LEADING AT DETROIT BONSPIEL Detroit, Jan, 11 -- (AP) -- The 'Bonspiel, the world 1d sesies of The Tarleton rink walloped Rhyme's Portage, Wis., quartet 11-4 as the Bonspiel opened yesterday. The Proverbial Ounce of Prevention May Be a Pound of Grease With cold weather making new demands and strain- ing different points of wear in your car--the need for the right weight of grease is paramount! Let us do a thorough cleaning and greasing job for you, and preserve your car through winter's demanding months of driving. TUNE IN CKDO -- 8.45 p.m. "SINCERELY KENNY BAKER" MON., TUE., WED., THURS. & FRIDAY T ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. King and Mary Streets Phone 900 AGAINST EXPLOITATION OF SCHOOL SPORTS GROUPS 8t, Petersburg, Fla. Jan. 11 -- (AP) -- The National Federation of High School Athletic Associations yesterday authorized the Assocla- tion's executive committee to con- sider ways and means by which the district of Columbia, Ontario, Brit ish Columbia, and Alaska, could be- come allied members upon applica- tion. As an outgrowth of its determina- tion to keep high school athletics functioning primarily for the high school boys and girls and not for exploitation of any group, the Fed- eration adopted a strong resolution against all-star sports contests. STANDINGS O.HA. JUNIOR "apn cocoon 22882588 SEosasnNs HS 8 woSERERESS owNnoo=o Youn Ranger, . . 28 ust Hine is the complete standing with four-point games I as two games lost or won and single games in case of a He with each team getting two points, Future Games Today--Windsor at St. Michas)s (4- points); Marlboros at St. Catharines (4-points); Hamilton at Galt, O.H.A, SENIOR dois 8 er8 seeves WL 1578 3 cocoon 8888 328k aShal ° N : a A Hamilton Tigers Owen Sound . NATIONAL LEAGUE P WIL Stratford cesses 5 3 2eeiia BERue NaU®wa --_---- R=838 omic Recreation Glub NOW OPERATING EVERY SUNDA MAYFAIR LAN at the ES Membership may be secured at the Mayfair Lanes at any time Shipstads and Johnson Pebrniry 3-4-5-6-7 0 p.m. Matinee---Wed., Feb. 5 0 p.m. Box Office Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily No Telephone Reservations Will Be Accepted MAPLE LEAF GARDENS, GE FOLLIES of 1947 |... MAIL ORDER APPLICATION Carlton and Church Sts. Toronto, Canada Gentlemsn: a d is or for = following reserved seats for Ice Follies of esssees Boxes at $3.00 1947: Enclose Stamped order (made payable to Maple Leaf Gardens) for $.esssecessssscese essssssodst Tier Blue, South End, Rall and Promenade at $2.50 sessene 2nd Tier Green and North End at $178 essesss 3rd Tier Grey at $1.00 DATE OF PERFORMANCE WANTED (1st Oholce) cececssscssessense (2nd Choice) nfs risstineriy r Wed erformance) (If Tickets requl day, specify whether for Matinee or Evening P: NAME seescosseccessessscssassssssscesssscsssssseess ADDRESS sesosceecsesssscessscssscsccssssecesesees PHONE

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