Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Dec 1940, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE ASTHMA Jury & Lovell and other drug- gists have brought to Oshawa sufferers the big selling, eéffec~ tive. blood and nerve remedy for asthma, called DAVIS' ASTHMA REMEDY No. 7895. 5 Weeks' supply including = supply of Vitamin "A' in each package with new diet sheet. Get yours to-day and get results that last. Only $4 W THE OSHAWA DAHY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1940 ascistance from the Americas as much as, or even more than, it did ncec the moral, and particularly the material resources of our great neighboring republic: to the south' |on the third of April, when I made ' In the light of what has transpired | the statement to which I have re- during the last eight months, 1 |ferrsc." would enlarge that statement to »ead that "the Allies need the moral and particularly the material re mentation after victory has been achieved." Allies Need America Mr. Conant spoke of the place the Americas hold in the worla crisis. He then referred to his Can- nington -speech of April 2, which brought 'down upon him strong criticism, both here and in 'the |sources of all the Americas.' And 1 United States. would add, the Allies need is most "TI made the statement," he said: [Emergent and urgent, and the suc- | " 'The Allies need America. They | cess of the Allies depends upon the | years preceding 1940, said Mr. | his war machine by regimentation | airplanes, naval units, arms and ar- Conant, Canada spent almost a | to the nth degree. | maments of every nature and de- billion dollars for unemployment | nad 10019 Wal we snond hii | scription, and generally, to further relief, and none of that money was | particularly as a conquerea nation | Our war effort. spent for defense. | under German dominaiton," said 'I have no fear that the tempor- because public ovinion would not | Deties for us fo sam willingly | to this end would outlast the war. ba I | and temporarily to such regimenta. Our genius for self-government General stresing again that in the op. = Ye sen) 2 pub fang for lIBerly in Alf iis forms is bail Hi A ue | every. able-bodied man and woman too deeply implanted to ever permit $ {in this country to work building | anything even aporoaching regi- NEARLY 500,000 GERMANS BROUGHT HOME BY HITLER Jammed Into Ancient Castles in Great Re- rr ; -- ne - settlement Scheme FLL rrr ne " POOLED . TAMBL Solves Christmas Questions What shall | give? We hear that remark wherever we turn, and now with Christmas so close at hand many of us even say it almost in desperation. Christmas shopping is indeed a personal pursuit as we all insist on honoring and respecting individual personalities and for that reason we are universally pleased when we discover the appropriate or unexpected gift, so--that OLD-TIME SOCCERITE Fulham, England -- (CP) -- J. Coleman, old-timer on the Arsenal football team, died as a resuit of a fall from a roof. He played for England against Ireland in 1807. = By PRESTON GROVER Associated Press Staff Writer Berlin, Dec. 18 (AP)--In one of history's most staggering resettle- ment schemes, nearly 500,000 "Volk- deutsche"'--some pleased, some be- wildered--are being jammed into a Germany which Hitler said last week is already compelled to fight for more and richer living space. Some were rooted up from their homes along the Black Sea; some come from the Sovietized Baltic states, some from Russian-held Po- land. Many of these transplanted Ger- mans have been settled in new A gift that lifts the bath to the level of a glorious rite. Perfume, Soap, Tal- cum Powder and Laven- domeal. Complete Set of Luxurious Aids to Charm Containing Cold and Vanishing Cream, Rouge, Lipstick, Perfume, Powder, Skin Softener and homes in German-held Poland and East Prussia, but nearly 200,000 more have been crowded into an- cient castles and second- and third- rate hotels in recent weeks, awaiting the time when homes can be found for them. This is one of the most difficult tasks undertaken by the Nazi gov- ernment. Its stated purpose is to consolidate people of "pure" Ger- man race in one nation and under one leadership. This correspondent returned re- cently from a tour of some of the congested regions of south-central Germany, where these wandering Germans are packed almost like sar- dines into winter quarters It is generally assumed that many, will be sent into Lorraine and other parts of conquered France to bol- ster German control of that terri- tory. Others probably will be sent to the rich farm lands of Eastern Ger- many, where it has been difficult to keep a solid farming population on the land. Outside Wuerzburg, 2,500 Bess- arabian Germans were being quart- ered in a gigantic 16th century castle. Day laborers, peasants, sharecrop- pers. craftsmen and school teachers milled about in bewildered fashion in the rambling building. It is an enormous place, but not designed to shelter 2.500 persons. In one old castle, each family had a room. Often, however, walls of rooms were lined almost to the ceil- ing with bunks. Some of the familieg had a dozen or more children. Ong had 18. Many of the persons I saw in the castles and others in smaller groups seemed confused and disheartened by the tremendous migration that had sent them over hundreds of miles of strance territory to a land which their ancestors had left more than, 100 years ago. For the most part, truly German in origin. They are the great-grandchildren of thou- sands of Germans who left beaten Germany at the end of the Napol- eonic wars and fled eastward to the Black Sea coast > In the century and a quarter since then, they have mixed with' Rus- sian, Rumanian and other Black Sea populations to some extent. Most of them retained their German char- acteristics and German speech, however. One of the Bessarabians who had been a moderately wealthy landown- er said local laws compelled them to decide whether they would remain Germans or permit their children to pe taught Rumanian, Russian or some other tongue. s Moreover, he continued, they were _under pressure from Germany, Ru- mania and other localities to move. this group is CONANT DOUBTS ALL RESOURCES INWAR EFFORT (Continued from Page 3) fer than defeat at the hand "of Hitler. Mr. Conant, in explanation, said the present situation developed be- cause peoples of the democracies were slow to face realities. "It is by no means certain thai even to-~ day," he ocntinued, "with the very serious emergency facing us, we are accomplishing all that our re- sources, our industrial facilities and genius, and all that our people in all walks of life are capable of accomplishing." Hitler, who built his armaments by the method of the dictator, boasted repeatedly that there was no unemployment in Germany. He used his people on hic own terms and at his own price in the manu- facture of munitions. In the ten WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE-- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin'to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. I? this bile {snot flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up- your h. You get i d. Harmful poisons go into the body, and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn't always get at the cause. You need somethirig that works on the liver as well. It takes those , old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get e two unds of bile flowing freely and make Jou eel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they 'make the bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have noe el or mereury fi them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver pill Same | Stubbornly refuse spything else. " ia pictures. A DAINTY GIFT FOR A LADY -- Lavender, Perfume and 2 cakes of Soap FOR A LUCKY CENTLEMAN--the famous Yardley Bowl and Yardley Shaving Lotion. 2.00 TWIN SHAVING ACCESSORIES for a gentleman you would like to please--After- Shave Lotion and Tal- BOTH FOR 1.60 SOLDIER'S CLUB BRUSH .... 1.29 MILITARY BRUSH KIT--Halr bruch with scissors, comb and file In sipper top KEYSTONE BRUSHMASTER--Real chony beck with mixed bristic 99¢ BRUSH AND COMB SET--Lcatherette cose contains brush set in rubber and geod quality comb .. L.49 TWO-TONED CLUB BRUSH---Siberian bristle ser fn two-toned solid maple back ROLLS RAZOR The English razor that has the lifetime blade Strops and hones itself. SUPERLATHER MEN'S GIFT SET res Lilac Shaving Lotion and Brilliantine with the famous SUPERLATHER SHAVE CREAM In a rich Holiday Package 69. PERSONAL GREETING CARDS Your choice of folders or embossed cards printed with a picture from your favorite negative. @fr49¢ -- 10 fr 79¢ -- 25 fr 1.49 SHAVING BOWLS YARDLEYS ,..... 1.00 DEVON .......... 29¢C ALL-CLEAR (the new soap with the moist ther) veresrrrerinsssareroneere.s BGC BABY BROWNIES Carefully designed small cameras that take excellent Extremely simple a to operate, 1.25 - 1.000 Other. Brownies 2.75 -- 6.75 10.75 -- 11.00 PLAYING CARDS, single 43¢: cieees 36¢, 98¢, 2.00 and up being the case, a visit to your Tamblyn Drug Store might quite possibly solve your problem as there you will find a comprehensive We cannot begin to tell you all the wonderful gift items we have, but we can tell you that we have many suitable for practically every occasion with variety to choose from and gifts you will be proud to give, so use your Tamblyn Store in your search for the appropriate gift and of course you may make any purchase you assortment of Gift Suggestions of Charm, Beauty and Quality. wish at the modest prices appearing on our displays or in this our partial list of Suggestions and Bargains for the Balance of the Week in Gay Christmas Packages NEILSON'S-- vee. Tox. 25¢--1 Ib. 50¢--2 Ibs. 1.00 ALICE BLUE PAGE & SHAW Standard-- ] 1b. 1.002 Ibs. 2.00 P. & S$. Miniature .... 401. 25¢--1 Bb. 1.002 Ibs. 2.00 P. & $. Debutante Assortment, 1 Ib. 1.00 Nuts and Fruits in Butter Creams CHOCOLATES > + fd SHAVING «nel SMOKING GIFTS & SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES 50's 60c--100's 1.20 WINCHESTER CIGARETTES ... 50's 60¢--100's 1.20 1b. 60¢--2 Ibs. 1.20 CANADA DRY GINGER ALE Packed in BrilNant Holiday Packages 3--Pamily Biss Bottles .... B7¢ plus deposit 6-12-05. Size Bottles .. ree se-- .. B7¢ plus deposit 6--Individusl Size Bottle ., 27¢ plus deposit BRUSH SPECIAL Popular "Stubby" shape brush made {by Keystone. Solid back of real ebony has good grade of grey and black bristles and sterling silver inset decoration, REG. $3.00 VALUE 1.99 WILLIAMS' Gift Set for Gentlemen Contains a bottle of the famous Aqua Velva Le- tion, a tube of Williams Shave Cream and 0 tn of atter-shave Tole, ALL FOR 98. WOODBURY'S MEN'S SET Complete list of these popular men's needs in » unique package. 98: Select your Christmas gifts from our complete line of all the most popular brands In handsome holiday wrappers. BRITISH CONSOLS CIGARETTES EXPORT CIGARETTES . GOLD FLAKE CIGARETTES SPUD CIGARETTES WINGS CIGARETTES .. TOBACCO--FINE OR COARSE CUT, . IN CHRISTMAS TINS .... COLGATE'S MEN'S SETS BUCKINGHAM CIGARETTES ... 50's 60¢--380's 1.00 50's 60¢-- 80's 1.00 .... 70¢, 78¢, 80¢ 98¢, 1.49 50's, 60c¢ PALMOLIVE MEN'S SETS LIFEBUOY SHAVING SET SHAVING BRUSHES , jax faclor ; # HOLLYWOOD .Hollywooo 1 Make-Up Sets i . for blondes, brunettes, ~.. brownetles, redheads Xn ia ; G AUTOGRAPHED MAKE-UP SET Max Factor Hollywood Powder, Rougeand Tru-Color Lipstick incorrectcolorharmony. Ause- gradbed by famous screen sears. §4Y95 COTY FACE POWDER AND TANDEM TESTER . XE TOILETRIES awd PERFUMES OTHER GIFTS $1.15 1 ) 98¢ EVENING IN PARIS PERFUME ...... 5S¢, 1.00, 2.00 PERFUMES Delicate and lasting these famous fragrances includ- ing the popular L'Origan ww and Paris are available in handsome presentation packages priced at 75¢, 1.25, 2.50, 5.00 and up HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed 3 yeers. Special, eaten os ih dabbled, be Guaranteed | yoir. P) Special ,.. 000000 89¢ ELECTRIC HEATING PADS. 3.98, 4.49, 5.79 BRACERS--In special Christmas box . ALARM CLOCKS ,.. sever veo B78 1.19, 1.80 snd wp SPARKLET SYPHON, somplete with bulbs 4.50 FLASHLICHTS double FIRST AID KITS .... , 69¢, 98¢, 1.28 79¢ ASHES OF ROSES PERFUME MARVELOUS MAKE-UP KITS MARVELOUS 2-PIECE SET MARVELOUS 3-PIECE SET GEMEY PERFUME Tay GEMEY BATH SET .. GEMEY 4.PIECE SET .... VIOLET SEC TOILET WATER VIOLET SEC BATH SET .., LENTHERIC GIFT SETS .. 1.50, 1.60 re ry yy 1 HOUBIGANT PERFUME .... 75¢, 1.10, 2.00 AND UP LANVIN MY SIN PERFUME ..... 3.25, 5.50 AND UP AND UP working pencil fo match along with a bottle of Skrip. COMPLETE, 2:50 SHEAFFER'S Clipper Set Strongly built pen with gold plated nib--iridium tipped. Smooth HUDNUT Triple Loese Powder Vanity, ss Wlustraved- .... 000 vsuvinse HUDNUT Double Loose Powder Vanity, with Watch Case Design ,........... HUDNUT Oblong Enamel Cae Rouge and Loose Powder HUDNUT Single Loose Powder Vanity In Red White and Blue Enamel Case ,,., YARDLEY Round Gilt Finish Case with Loose Powder ,, YARDLEY Square and with Loose Powder,.,,. COMPACTS cieies 4.00 2.78 Colgone. In beau- tiful Gift Box ,,4,0 Four Piece Set Containing Rouge, Perfume, Face Powder and Lipstick. je vein hee. 1:00 Three Piece Set Face Powder, Rouge and Matching Lipstick NEATLY 7 S¢ BOXED .,. Lov-Lee COLOCNE Refreshingly delightful. In Fresentation Package \, E Ih 1 if £ Lov-Lee BATH OIL Perfumes the bath--softens the water. Neatly boxed. fume and a purse size of face ALL FOR PERFUME In neat gift boxes 25¢ 50c¢c 1.00 1.75 A gift set containing a small bottle of per- 25¢ 25¢ 2.00 | coioGNEs | HUBNUT .,......0.. 60g, 4.00 LE BARRES, asserted odours S0¢ ASHES OF ROSES .... 50¢, 1.00 77 EVENING IN PARIS .. 804, 1.00 I WRISLEYS SPHIRE, asserted floral odors ...... 5.00 CHERAMY APRIL SHOWS . 409, 75¢ nd up HOYT'S COLOGNE ...0000 00004. 369, 68¢, 1.48 HOUBIGANTS TAU PLORALE DELRAY APPLE BLOSSOM ~ Cesianeaneia 100 780 BOUQUET LENTHERIC ASHES or ROSES The perfume of happiness bination nd Toilet Water, TOILET WATER and PURSE VIAL of PERFUME In maroon gift box GIFTS Richly packaged com- of Talcum CARESSE In brilliant metallic package. 2 WW | BUBBLE BATH. Fer a ixurioas bath of bubble. S0c -- 75¢ -- 1.00 New Idea A wafer-thin case of translucent blue plastic contain- ing three Cutex manicure essentials with needed imple- ments, 2.00 Other Cutex Gift Sets : CUTEX GIFT SETS 35¢ -- 65¢ -- 79¢ -- 1.80 and wp YARDLEY BATH YARDLEY APRIL SHOWERS DUSTING POWDER EVENING IN PARIS DUSTING POWDER AND TolLEY WATIR BATH LUCERNE BATH SALTS 39¢ CRYSTALS ,.......3.20 . ' LAVENDOMEAL ,.,,1.10 YARDLEY BATH TABLETS............, S8¢ YAKDLEY DUSTING POWDER ,,,¢00.. 3.80 YARDLEY TALCUM POWDIR.....40¢, 88¢ OCER AND GALLET BATH SOAP .......48¢ HUDNUT DUSTING POWDIR..... 60¢, 1.00 1.00 Esau do Cologne crisply fragrant with the famous odors -- Tweed, Miracle, Shanghai, $1.00 $1.28, $1.35 PETS Captivating little fi oe hy Fish, or Duck --made of sponge, each containing a coke of bath soap. 3 9e FLORAL FANTASIES Eau de Cologne in really true Floral scents. Handsome scroll bottle in unique box 1.00 In Special Box BOUQUET CASHMERE ~~ LADIES' seri. Face Powder, Perfume. and on J ny ag ee 500: " SOUTH AFRICAN o) Eau de Cologne f&2» LAVENDER $1.00, $1.50, $2.25 DUSKY ROSE 28 $1.25, $2.00, $3.00 rr i r rr i

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