Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Sep 1940, p. 6

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'PAGE SIX ~~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1940 N THE AIR WAVES RADIO FREQUENCIES CANADIAN STATIONS CFRB, 690k. CBL, 840k. CKCL, 580k. CBY, 1,420k. CFOC, 1,120k. U. S. NETWORK WEAF, (Red) CBL, CBY, CKCL, Our Troops Overseas. WGR, CBS, Those We Love, drama, WBEN-Red, Telephone Concert, WJZ, I Love Mystery. 9.30 P. M. CBC, CKCL, Tor. Symphony Band. CBL, Voice of Firestone, CBL, OBY, Concert Orch. CKCL, Corbett 'at the Console WKBW, News Flashes. 8.30 P.M. CFRB, The Family Man, WGR, WABC, Court of Missing Heirs. CKCL, Snyder and Ross. CBL, WJZ, Information Please. WBEN, WEAF, The Treasure Chest 9.00 P.M. CFRB, Summer Night Revue. CBL, Montreal Concert CKCL, Eddie Stroud, Orch. THE OLD HOME TOWN twirws s sumone By STANLEY ) KNOW THE SPRING RAINS WERE THE HEAVIEST === THAT HIGH WATER MARK ON JUNIORS LEGS PROVE IT 'That Body of Yours By James W. Barton, M.D, POOL TREATMENT FOR WEAK MUSCLES FOLLOWING TILE PARALYSIS INFAN- self confidence is a great step for- ward to recovery. "The pleasures of crippled chil- dren ere few and they look forward to the pool treatment with a great deal of interest and joy." Unless the physical director or teacher is unusually gifted, the treatment in the dry gymnasium is monotonous and uninteresting. Should your youngster be in need of strengthening exercises following infantile paralysis, the above infor- mation may prove helpful in the tie of the various forces. ! "The criticism is not at all une eupected," he continued. "In my speech I sald: 'At the present time cach municipal council appears ta | be jealous of the control of its ows | police force." " 5 He said Ontario has many excels lent police forces, "but each force, i in a sense, is a law unto itself." § Canada, he pointed out, has many excellent militia units but they are all under the central control of the Minister of Defense. 3 When a youngster has recovered treatment. from infantile paralysis he may have a group or groups of muscles | that are weak and must be | CONANT ANXIOUS strengthened by exercise. This work | of strengthening these weak mus- cles by exercise is usually done un- 10 CURB TAMING i LAW VIOLATIONS S-- | | der the direction of an orthopedic physician. Difficulty in Enforcing Law| in. Toronto Suburbs Although the results obtained by exercises in a gymnasium have been Emphasized of great help, Dr. K. G. Hanson, Cornell University, in the Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, states that exercise taken un- der water has advantages over those given in the "dry" gymnas- ium. Thus the temperature of the pool is 85 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit and | Toronto, Sept. 30.--Attorney-Gen- therefore the application of heat is | eral Gordon Conant's blunt advo- {aken care of in this simple way. | cacy of Provincial control over | "Moist heat is better than dry heat | municipal police: forces, in hi and the even distribution of heat | CGiuelph speech Thursday night, through contact with water is ideal. | arose largely, it is understood, from The heat will relax the muscles | the admitted difficulty in curbing that oppose the weakened muscles | gambling in the divided juri and tiius there will not be stretch- | of the Toronto suburban area, ing of the weakened or paralysed | The Attorney-General Hoque ( fibres of the muscles." The oned, claimed the matt f gen- | ; up the youngster and | eral interest to the Provi the same time, law enforcemen {icers recalled he urged York Co Jast year to come w whereby the high county con would be a Provincial Police office He also offered to place seve may too | assisting Provincial Police on an on the in- | county force, in vi of the co were it of an arm or leg tretehing 'the weakened int > loodvessels of the part. | large urban popul The offer RHEUMATIC wdvantage pointed out | was rejected by Council. | RS motion of the arm or 1e water probably pro- >, the (kneading harm by low or Di anson |i that when the In all but two counties in for this cg be Province, the high co ] are Provincial Police Accept This Generous Offer are nec- ensuring Tamblyn's will return your money, if one bottle of Ru-Ma does not give you relief from -rheumatic aches | and pains; sore, swollen and pain- joints. No mattter how long you uffered, you must get relief Try Ru-Ma and be | nced, Accept this generous of- fer now. | WABC, WKBW, We, the People. WBEN, WEAF, Battle of Sexes. WGR, News Flashes. 9.30 P.M. CFRB, Treasure Trail, WABC, WKBW, Professor Quiz. CBL, WEAF, McGee and Molly, CKCL, WJZ, Fun With the Revuers 10.00 P.M. OBL, CBY, Composers' Series WBEN, WEAF, Bob Hope CKCL, Singin' In Steppin' Along. WABC, WKBW, Glen Miller Orch WGR, R. G. Swing, comment 10.30 P.M. CFRB, Rex Frost WBEN, WEAF, Uncle Walter's Dog- house. CKCL, News Flashes. 10.45 P.M. | Rendezvous With Romance. 11.00 P.M. Slumber Music Evening Calvacade, He said the merits of the Toronta Police Force are not questioned. "Few if any cities or other come munities are better policed than Toe ronto," he added. g The excellence of the force is ine dicated by the number who have one to other departments, he said, and cited Sergeant of Detectives H. S. McCready, appointed Deputy Commission, O.P.P.; Sergeant of Detectives Wilbur Dawn, appointed inspector, Oshawa Police; Sergeant of Detectives John Hicks, appointed Chief Constable, Kitchener, and De= tective Sergeant J. MacConnell, ap= pointed Chief Constable Etobicoke Township. § "Notwithstanding the criticism 3 | that has been offered, the fact still remains that, while in theory the Attorney-General is the chief law } enforcement officer of the Province, as a matter of fact, such is not the | said Mr. Conant. 'In addition to Provincial Police, there are actually about 200 separate and distinct law enforcement jurise in the Pigvince, in the form of various police commissions } ind municipal councils controlling icipal police, without any co= ordination of the various forces. I said at Guelph, is an if not an impossible WIZ (Blue) .... WBEN, Wellenstein Symphony. WHAM-Blue, "True or False!" 10.00 P. M. CFRB, WABC, The Radio Theatre. CBL, CBC, Lion Zuckert, Orch. CFRB, CBS, Lux Radio Theatre. WBEN-Red, Dr. I. Q. Quiz. 10.30 P M. CKCL, News Flashes, Ferde Mowry Orch. + OBL, To be announced. WBEN, Showboat Variety. WHAM-Blue, Hollywood Variety. 1045 P. M. CFRB, Truth About Furs. CKCL, Ferde Mowry Orch. 11.00 P. M. CBL, CBY, News Flashes. CFRB, Newscast. Style Talk, WJZ, Olmstead dramas. 11.15 P. M. CFRB, WABC, Guy Lombardo CBI, CBC, Britain Speaks. CKCL, It's Dance Time, CFRB, CBS, Col. Lecture Hall, 11.30 P. M. OBL, CBC, To be announced | CFRB, WABC, Golden Gate Group WBEN, WEAF, The Backstage Wife | CBI, CBC, BBC Newsreel 5.15 i M. | WBEN-Red, Burns and Allen. CBL, CBC, Club Matinee Variety. CKCL, News Flashes CFRB, WABC, Classics in Tempo | KDKA-BNC, Reading Adventures, WBEN, WEAF, Stella Dallas, play 5.30 P.M. CBL, CBY, Allen Roth's Orchestra. WBEN, WEAF, With Lorenzo Jones CFRB, Variety Corner. 545 P. M. CBL, CBY, War-Wise Housekeeping WBEN, WEAF, Young Widder Brown. CBS, WKBW, Swing Unlimited. 6.00 P. M. CFRB, With the Goldbergs. CKCL, News flasnes, Supper Ser- | enade. 6.15 P. ML CFRB, Claire Wallace CBY, CBC, Canadian Press News CBL, Relax and Enjoy. 6.30 P. M. OBL, OBC, Popular Song Period CFRB, News. 6.40 P. ML CKCL, Birth Notices, CFRB, Wes McKnight. 6.45 P. M. CBL, BBC London News CKCL, Rhythm, Organ Music WBEN-Red, Lowell Thomas WABC, WKBW, Little Orphan An- nile. U. S. STATIONS KDKA Pittsburgh WBEN Buffalo .... WGR Buffalo WHAM Rochester . WXBW Buffalo ... WIR Detroit WLW Cincinnati .... SHORT-WAVE FREQUENCIES ET FIRMING (raion 10 (ne MANES IHOCATE tm m0 HM asses | 10-1 ro [BASK ROAD Folk Yokel } HITLER'S EFFIGY eel | BUNEDATFAR Brod News From 0 DICTON TOWN The recent request from the Do- minion Government that all munici- palities which have been on Day- light Saving Time should continue so, has interfered to some extent with the plans made by the CBC to broadcast from the grounds of the Picton, Sept. 30--R. S. Duncan International Ploughing Match at hief of the agricultural representa- St. Thomas, October 15, 16, 17 and | tives *h, Ontario Department 18. However, Don Fairbairn, the f A ure, speaking at Pic CBC's Farm Commentator for ti id the rural Ontario Region, wil I )] fairs had been cancelled this Ploughing Match f the four ye s a matter of wartime econ- it's on, and will broadcast the the department planned to in- market reports and items of which would | est concerning the match He gave ai the regular Farm Broadcast f h 1 int fth apid growth of Ontario Region at 12:30 p.m. East- ario and had words ern Standard Time or 1:30 pm icton Fair with its Eastern Daylight Saving ' For the benefit of list the | grounds, arrangemen made so thal the heard 2RO Italy ... EAR Spain RAN Russia .. PCI Holland ... PRF5 Brazil W2XAF Schenec .. WIXK Boston W3XAU Phila. : HBJ Geneva ....... cesses 14,538 concert, and "C" and "D"" Compan- ies of the Hastings and Prince Ed- ward Regiment staged a military review. Inspection was made by Lieut.-Col. B. C. Donnan, Belleville Patriotic banners and costumes featured the children's parade, in which over 1,000 scholars took part. | Prizes for the best marching went to Bloomfield, Jack Blakely's room of Picton Public and S. S 10, Ameliasburg winning awards for best decoration S. 8. 5, Hallowell, S. S. 12 Hallowell and S. S. 12 South Marysburgt had Other and CKCL, CFRB, CKCL, MONDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 5.00 P.M. dictions Patriotism is Keynote Banners and Costumes as Children March . School, mn Those weak ti dictions water buo \ keeps the weig TUESDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 P.M. CFRB, Salon Orch, WBEN, WEAF, Girl Alone. WGR, WABC, Serial Drama Time CBL, CBY, News; Osborne's Orch, News. from over Bruce Falconer model airplane were Frank Sifton Thomas. Those were Billy He Keith Algar and Dick was Chris Lockyer of t} Trenton. t form of mas situation." of massage ith the hest model \ ton | Thomas do though 5.15 P.M. Ri CFRB, WABC, Harpsichordist : WBEN, WEAF, Life Can Be Beauti- ful. . CBL, CBY, Madal French, talk. 5.30 P.M. CFRB, Golden Gate Four- CBL, CBY, Stock Quotes. WBEN, WEAF, Jack Armstrong. WGR, News Flashes 545 P.M. WABC, WKBW, CFRB, Scattergood Baines WBEN, WEAF, O"Neills. CBL, CBY, BBC News. "Car ; om, Canada!" th 6.00 P.M. pr ited by the CBC each S CFRB, Dinner Music. night, presenting the stc CKCL, WBEN, News Flashes ada at war, at home : 6.15 P.M. CFRB, Claire Wallace. | CKCL., Supper Serenade CBL, Relax and Enjoy. 6.30 P.M. the orse races y Hor race ime come constab!s gram i0S10E remon.e iuaing tal i the btrt ojects more ea the pool even , thus central tem municipal- 1 braces ! the pool gives. « rol in t sored by Sir Thor icton Chaj the patier the ling that he is ter, TODE., t does not » attendance de- apples to the ry and hurt \i r ~ "Edward Regime: rsea 1S Aa ne hin f i} that he fe eneect ed the main point i png Ra be farms and in { The held last night tion witn that not 1 to fall great ; lel ono pv RCA v t the Fair board. nfidence. Important Time Changes -- 105e areas. does not affect count may ind of Trenton gi MUGGS & SKEETER By Wally Bishop WAL SIR, HITS A FUNNY THANG... AH FOUND HIM RIGHT DowN THAR NEAR WMAR YoU SEED THET ONE O YoRN " DONT , RECKON HITS TH SAME ONE THOUGH ! lone Y WELL, T GUESS TS Just: © WELL THAT EFFIE SCARED ALLIGATOR AWAY, SATURDAY. WE HAVE T START __ xvod TobAY J or VAN with a chronicle of ac all fields of social endeav Sunday at 10.00 [/ EFFIE! WHERE [{ DID You GET THAT TI_ALLIGATOR 7, 1], mi prt Sav Til EET EFFES ) ---- Yea! 4 FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT AN( = ° ™ FooT: ToC L STARTING TODAY Ys > a cy THAT LL END HER RORPOISE BETTER BY LESSONS 'M p- RG ror A WHILE j 7 DRE . pe A Se EVERYTHING 7 oF i h LL {f~ z - 5 0 ily =r os a 0 WV 7 ; \ pms to 10:30 p ee WE WONT HAVE | CFRB, News ANY TIME FoR 6.50 P. M., CFRB, Did I Say That? 7.00 P. M. CBL, CBC, Topical Talk CFRB, The Eventide Echoes WBEN, News, Musical Interlude. WKBW, CBS, Two News Periods. 153 P. M. CFR, Light up and Listen. CBL, CBY, Jose Bethancourt's Or- | chestra. CKCL, Rendezvous with Romance. WBEN, At the Musical Party. WKBW, CBS, Hedda Hopper, talk 30 P.M CFRB, Music From the Studio. CKCL, Al Leary. CBL, CBY, Recital Seri WKBW, CBS, P. Sull 45 P.M CKCL, Tim Maurice, Orch, CFRB, Easy Aces. CBL, CBY, Meet Aunt Penny 8.00 P. M. CFRB, WABC, Amos 'n' Andy CKCL, CBL, CBY, Off the Record. WBEN, WEAF, Fred Waring's Var- iety. an, news. 8.30 P. M. CBL, CBC, To be announced. CFRB, It's Doublz ) 9.00 P. M. t Theatre period. WBEN, Sports CBL, Mayor's War Fund. talk. | 6.40 P.M. | CFRB, Wes McKnight. | CKCL, Birth Notices. | 6.45 P.M. WBEN, WJZ, Lowell Thomas. | CKCL, Tim Maurice Orch. | CBL, Alan Reid, organist | WGR, The World today 6.50 P.M. CFRB, Did I Say That? 7.00 P.M, CFRB, WABC, Amos 'n' Andy WBEN, WEAF, Fred Waring | CKCL, Dance Period | CBL, CBY, London Calling. | 1.15 PM. CFRB, Light Up and Listen. WGR, WABC, Lanny Rosa. | CKCL, Musical Contrasts. WBEN, WEAF, European News Roundup. CBL, Red Foster; | Talk. Police Safety 7.30 P.M. | CFRB, Lanny Ross. CKCL, Al Leary. CBL, CBY, A. Maurice, songs WGR, WABC, Second Husband. 745 P.M. CFRB, Virginia Knott, pianist CKCL, Yes and No. | CBL, CBY, Parachutes, a talk | 8.00 P.M. CFRB, The Question Bee WBEN, WEAF, Green Variety Show DAILY CROSSWO ACROSS 7. Hindu 26. . Hindu sacred garment literature . Wheel-hub 8. Having . Coronet eyes Full of . Fortified holes 11. Six-sided . Wrath polygon Ooze At home Spawn of Harass fish Mandate . Mingle Talks Insane noisily . Mercenary Aside Leveled to 22 Cuttlefish the ground 24 Malice . Mallet 25 Eat away . Vertex 28. Street In New York 29. Short sleep 30 Thrash 31. Correlative of neither 32. Triangle 84. Fashion 35. Step 36. Arrives 37.0ld English 28. 30. 33. 34. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 43 IPIAIRIE IO) AM EA] RD Harp-like instruments Forbid A flood MIE [RTY] NIS[E] EBBCORIMOE, RIUIEIRNIENION ISIE] PICA Conjunction Jewish month [5 = Ramble Mohamme- dan call to prayer 44. Level Showily 45. Withered imitative of 47. Finish art 49. Worm ' rs Yesterday's Answer 1 Tq ASSERTS HATCHET | USED IN ASSAULT (AU ALD Picton, Sept. 30 n argument ir the tool room of | tion company i ett, Picton, | trate's court her I'hu ed with assault, The « was Roy Sa} Picton found guilty costs.or 2 appeared in court on his face, alleged t attacked him witl caused a gash which 1 stitches to close. Say began v concer sett de mentioned t argument began to get out of his could go to had ¢ he could the airport Frenchmen were en Bassett was empl Clarke-Francis at but was work 1 local saw-filer, the fracas. DONALD DUCK --. ARDS comm ALLIGATOR - Nog \ WRESTLIN' ia ZN p SST «= Cone 1940 King Features Synchiate at eR ELE INRIA A wT Sa irr? 5B ae Ine. World SECRET AGENT X9 -- T THOUGHT THIS WAS A BUSY PLACE, X-9....IVE BEEN HERE THREE DAYS AND EXACTLY NOTHING HAS HAPPENED THE ONLY THING COMING UP ON "HE CALENDAR 1S THE TRIAL OF YK" AND GRANDMA' FOR SABOTAGE. BUT THEY'RE GAFE BEHIND BARS -- Hmm! DAILY AM., EH? 1 MIND 2 WHILE AT THE PBI EO WHAT'S ON YOUR WANTS A HUMAN INTEREST sToRY ON THOSE TWO DAMES YOU'RE HOLDING HERE A THRIST-QUENCHER! IVE BEEN SENT BY MUGGSY, TO DORA DRYE| fr Copr. 1940, Walt Disney Producticgs World Rights Roserued oSNALD! ) LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THIRSTY V WE'RE d . J NC Y AGAN, Di hured by Kine Features Sndiae. the By Brandon Walsh 1 THE RICH KIDS IN SCHOOL ACT TERRIBLE PROUD .. NONE OF THEM WOULD TALK TO ME AT ALL --~ BUT AT LASTONE KID ~HER NAME IS MADGE ~ SMILED AT ME AN' SAID, HELLO". AIN'T IT GRAND IT'S AWFUL IMPORTANT ~ 1 WAS SO EXCITED I COULDN'T I'M FROM THE MISSES DE STILES' 5CHOOL~ MY DOG,ZERO, LIVES HERE --~ COULD 1 TALK TO HIM, PLEASE ? ITS A BIT coin. 39. EARLY. BUT. Constellation 42. To wander 43. Roman money 1 46. Twelve things IIT TT Ti 48, 8 RL IE ' Spirit 50. Before (Fr.) COMFY | 51 KENNELS | Compound MANAGER j ether Wrest Ago (Scot.) 52 53. Hl If 1] ' IE 4 / DOWN 1. Asterisk 2. M2mber of Japanese race 3. Anger : / 4 5. Wrath Goddess of night 6. Astringent ' mineral Pm --_ = he 1940, King Features Syndheate, Inc, World rights reserved Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc. 9-30 |

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