Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Aug 1940, p. 6

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PAGF SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1940 UN THE RIR WAVES RADIO FREQUENCIES CANADIAN STATIONS CFRB, 690k. CBL, 840k CHC, 580k. CBY, 1,420k. CKOC, 1,120k. U. S. NETWORK WEAF, (Red) WIZ (Blue) WABC (CBS) U. S. STATIONS KDKA Pittsburgh ......... ie WBEN Buffalo WGR Buffalo WHAM Rochester .... WiBW Baffalo WJR Detroit WLW Cincinnati SHORT-WAVE FREQUENCIES TPA4 Framce 11,750 «2RO Italy 11,810 EAR Spain 949 RAN Russia 9,690 PCI Holland 15,222 PRF5 Brazil 9,500 W2XAF Schenec ... .. 9.530 WIXK Boston 9.570 W3XAU Phila. ...... HBJ Geneva . MONDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 5.00 P.M. CFRB, Frank Luther. CBL, CBY, Sonny ames Orch. WGR, WABC, Kathleen Norris. WBEN, WEAF, Girl Alone. 515 P. M, CBL. CBY, Hellow to the West. CFRB, WABC, Concert Orch. WBEN, WEAF, Life Can be Beau- tiful. 5.30 P.M, OKCL, Tea for Two. WGR, News Flashes. WBEN, WEAF, Jack Armstrong. 545 P. M. CBL, CBY, News Flashes. CFRB, Safety Club. WBEN, WEAF, O'Neills. WABC, WKBW, Scattergood Baines. 6.00 P. M. CFRB, Dinner Music. ' CKCL, WBEN, WKBW, News Flashes. 6.15 P. M. CFRB, Claire Wallace. CKCL, Supper Serenade CBL, Relax and Enjoy. 6.30 P. M. CBL, WBEN, Sports. CFRB, News. 6.40 P. M. CKCL, Birth Notices CFRB, Wes McKni 6.45 P. M. CBL, Carson Robinson Ranch Boys CKCL, Breezy Rythms. WBEN, WJZ, Lowell Thomas. WABC, WKBW, World Today. 6.50 P. M. CFRB, Did I Say That? 7.00 P. M. CEL, CBY, Between Ourselves. CKCL, Wilson Ames CFRB, WABC, Amos Andy. WBEN, WEAF, Pleasure Time. WKBW, Fulton Lewis, Jr. 715 P. M. CFR, Light up and Listen. CBL, CBY, Recital, CKCL, Tim Maurice Orch. WBEN, WEAF, European News Roundup. WGR, WABC, Lanny Ross. WEKBW, News Flashes. 7.30 P. M. CFRB, Lanny Ross. CKCL, Al Leary. CBL, CBY, Instrumental Series. WGR, WABC, Blondie. 745 P. M. CGCL, Skillo Game. CFRB, Easy Aces. CBL, CBY, Are We Getting Better Movies? 8.00 P. M. CFRB, WABC, Tune-up Time, CKCL, CBL, CBY, With the Troops in England. WJZ, Little Ol' Hollywood. WBEN, WEAF, James Melton, tenor. | WGR, WABC, Ser | WBEN 8.30 P. M. CBL, WEAF, Alfred Wallenstein, Orch. CFRB, Quiz of Two Cities. CBY, CKCL, Toronto Symphony. WGR, WABC, Tom Howard and George Shelton. WJZ, True or False. 9.00 P. M. CFRB, WABC, Radio "True Confession" CKCL, Corbett at Console. g CBL; CBY, Master Works of the Pianoforte. WGR, News Flashes. WBEN, WEAF, Doctor 1. Q. WJZ, The Green Hornet. 9.30 P. M. CKCL, Eddie Stroud Orch. CBL, CBY, Dance Orch. WBEN, WEAF, Alex Templeton Time. WJZ, Daniel 'T. Tobin. 10.00 P. M. CFRB, WABC, Guy Lombardo Orch. CBY, WEAF, Contented Hour. CBY, CKCL, WJZ, Gallant Ameri- can Women. WGR, News Flashes. 10.30 P M. CKCL, News Flashes. CFRB, WABC, Columbia Concert Orch, CGL, CBY, Talk, L. W. Brocking- ton, K.C. WBEN, Theatre of Air. WJZ, Dance Music. 1045 P. M. CFRB, Trutn About Furs. CKCL, Ferde Mowry Orch. 11.00 P. M. CBL, CBY, WBEN, News Flashes. CFRB, Rex Frost WJZ, News; Eddie LeBaron Orch 11.15 P. M. CFRB, WABC, Eddie Duchin Orch. WBEN, Sports. CBL, CBY, Interlude. CKCL, It's Dance Time, 11.30 P. M. CFRB, WABC, Frankie Masters Orch. CBL, CBY, Concert Music. WBEN, WEAF, Lou Breeze Orch. CKCL, News Flashes WJZ, National Radio Forum Theatre. TUESDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 P.M. CFRB, Salon Orch WBEN, WEAF, Girl Time CBL, CBY, News; Osbo s Orch News 515 P.M. CFRB, WABC, Harpsichordis WEBEN, WEAF, Li! CBL, CFRB, Golde: CBL, CBY SiockK | WBEN, WEAF WGR, News Flashes 515 PM. WABC, WKBW, CFRB, Scatterge Baines WEAF, O'Neilis. CBL, CBY, BBC News. 6.00 P.M. Dinner Music WBEN 6.15 P.M. Claire W CFRB, CKCL, New CFRB, CKCL I CBL, Relax and Enjoy. 6.30 PM CFRB, News WBEN, Sports CBL, Mayor's War Fund, talk. 6.40 P.M. CFRB, Wes McKnight. CKCL, Birth Notice 6.45 P.M. WBEN, WJZ. Lowell CKCL, Tim Maurice Orch. CBL, Alan Reid, nist WGR, The World today 6.50 P.M. CFRB, Did 1 Say That? 7.00 P.M. CFRB, WABC, Amos 'n' Andy. WBEN, WEAF, Fred Waring. CKCL, Dance Period CBL, CBY, London Calling. Thomas. DAILY CROSSWORD 25. A language 26. Wide- 9. Covered with mouthed jugs | 31. Adjust 35. Type measures 37. Aloft 40. Source of fodine 41. Crust over a sore 42. A seaweed 43. Encircle 45. Iron rod 8. Neuter pronoun ACROSS . Establish . Girl's name . Capital of France . African water lily . Keen . Ceased sleeping . Definite article . Disfigure . Edible seed . Sells . Carry . Sewing instrument . The holm oak . Conjunction . Uncooked . Alcoholic liquor . Affirmative votes . Corroded . Evening (poet.) 34. Sun god . Arabian ruler 36. Go back 28. Supplies with men . Bundles To lose firmness . Born . Mineral spring . Adhere closely . Rabbit fur . Accecde 3. Cost ns A marble DOWN . A guarrel . Every one 3. Real 4.0n top 5. Nokleman . At sea small ig- ures (Her.) 10. Pantries 11. Cry of pain 16. Nuisance 18. Harass 19. Selenium (sym.) 20. Beast of prey 21. A fruit 22. Doctrine 24. A play 46. Size of type ABI] iH] |S] OO]! [NECIOIRIE ] IAILMIERRAITION] NEECMIWEINTE Yesterday's Answer 47. Afresh 49. Neon (sym.) 51. Land measure for meat Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc 7.15 P.M. CFRB, Light Up and Listen. WGR, WABC, Lanny Ross. CKCL, Musical Contrasts. WBEN, WEAF, European News Roundup. CBL, Red Foster, Talk. Police Safety 7.30 P.M. CFRB, Lanny Ross. CKCL; Al Leary. CBL, CBY, A. Maurice, songs WGR, WABC, Second Husband. 7.45 P.M. CFRB, Virginia Knott, pianist CKCL, Yes and No. CBL, CBY, Parachutes, a talk 8.00 P.M. CFRB, The Question Bee WBEN, WEAF, Green Variety Show CBL, CBY, Concert Orch. CKCL, Corbett at the Console WKBW, News Flashes. 8.30 P.M. CFRB, The Family Man. WGR,.WABC, Court of Missing Heirs. CKCL, Snyder and Ross. CBL, WJZ, Information Please. WBEN, WEAF, The Treasure Chest 9.00 P.M. CFRB, Summer Night Revue CBL, Montreal Concert CKCL, Eddie Stroud, Orch. WABC, WKBW, We, the People. WBEN, WEAF, Battle of Sexes. WGR, News Flashes. 9.30 P.M. CFRB, Treasure Trail. WABC, WKBW, Professor Quiz. CBL, WEAF, McGee and Molly. CKCL, WJZ, Fun With the Revuers. | 10.00 P.M. CBL, CBY, Composers' Series WBEN, WEAF, Bob Hope CKCL, Singin' In Steppin' Along. WABC, WKBW, Glen Miller Orch | WGR, R. G. Swing, comment | 10.30 P.M. | CFRB, Rex Frost | WBEN, WEAF, Uncle Walter's Dog-.| house. { CKCL, News Flashes. | 10.45 P.M. CKCL, Rendezvous With Romance 11.00 P.M. 1 CFRB, Slumber Mus. CKCL. Evening Caivacade CBL, CBY, WBEN, News Flashes 11.15 P.M. CFRB, WABC, Chester's WBEN, Sports Re CBL, CBY, CKCL, I Dai { 11:50 P.M {1 CBL, CBY: lou. B 4 CKCI vs Fl WJZ, Lou Breeze ( { WBEN, WEAF, I CFRB, WABC Salmon In Shark Wrecks 2 Beliefs ee WILLKIE LAYS PLANS FOR BIG CAMPAIGN. Willk rominee conduct a which an aide a campaign trip made Willkie summoned National Ch nan Jose} 'tin to come plane f ington to dis t with him and ¢ chairman and manager. called 'an a eastern campaign By STANLEY HES OUR LOCAL Z SLEEP WALKER THERES A BUSH LIKE THAT UNDER EVERY WINDOW FOR SAFETY > RA HY AY 4 VE 7%, THE OLD HOME TOWN _ sms + soe INCREASED PRICE FOR CHEESE URGED Higher Cost of Production Necessitates Prise Rise, Makers Say Belleville, Aug. 26.--Members of the Belleville Cheese Board + un- | animously endorsed a resolution re- | questing: readjustment of the price of Canadian cheese, at their re- gular weekly meeting here. Coples' of the resolution will be forwarded to Prime Minister Mackenzie King Federal Min + of Agriculture and the Ontario Cheese Patrons' Ass ation the onable ould the increas- he * Collingwood quate food and supplies for its fighting forces and civilian popula- tion, but added that the draft on labor and expansion of many in- dustries was making it difficult to maintain the cheese industry at i present prices. Consideration of the request is also asked from the Bri- tish Ministry of Foods. Included in the resolution was a request for on the Dairy Products Board. It was felt that since Ontario manu- factures seventy-five per cent. of | Canadian cheese exported to Brit- | | ain, more adequate representation for Ontario makers should be pro- vided on the board. None On Relief At Collingwood Collingwood, Aug. 26 pburn's announcement provincial aid in 'regard would be cut off took no effect for there is not person on the Collingwood lls at present William Whipps, 1€ { oflicer $ most: of -- Premier that all to relief in one ed he EE -- That Body | of Yours By James W. Barton, M.D. MANY THYROID CASES CURED WITHOUT OPERATION In my student days the severe type of goitre -- exopthalmic goitre or Grave's disease -- was a serious matter to the patient and his family, It often meant travelling hundreds of miles to some out- standing surgeon and often the case was too far advanced to ob- tain successful results. Today, while practically every hospital has one or a number of surgeons skilled in this operation, it is known that many cases can be successfully treated by X-rays, and still others are relieved of their symptoms by rest and medicine, There are, of course, certain cases in which operation should be performed as pointed out by Drs. Walter Redisch, New York, and William H. Perloff Philadelphia in Endocrinology. Ontario representation | relief | 1. Those cases in which there is mechanical pressure ' present, aside from the regular symp- toms of severe goitre. Cases in which one or more nodules or lumps can be felt, firmer than the remainder of the gland. Those cases in which other forms of treatment such as rest and iodine have failed. . Wherever there is immediate danger from heart and blood- f vessel disturbances | In recording the results obtain- ed by use of iodine alone, Drs Redisch and Perloff state that iodine causes a great improvement in some patients, has no effect in others, and makes still others | worse. By using sodium iodide with the pure iodine, instead of potas- | sium iodide, results showed about | 10 per cent. of the cases completely | and permanently cured, 40 per cent. | yms so long as iodine | per cent symptoms, | but I'Dr. with some signs and symptoms still present. I have spoken before of the great number of cases cured by X-rays, which is safe and allows the pat- lent to do his daily work although treatment requires many months. The thought then is that while many cases must undergo surgery, and others treatment by X-ray, there are many other cases in which iodine alone, or iodine with rest, brings relief of symptoms. These facts are, of course, known | to your physician and you may therefore rest assured that if he re- commends surgery, it is because he is trying to prevent further damage to your heart and other organs due to the over-active thyroid gland. ON THIS DATE --- By -- FRED WILLIAMS Twenty-five years ago today (Aug. 26, 1915) Sir Robert Borden sailed from Liverpool for New York on the Adriatic. He was returning to Canada a dissatisfied man, both with the manner in which the British people were taking the war and of the slackness in munitions making. He had the satisfaction that the steamship was well escort- ed by three destroyers --- the Bri- tish navy was on the job, then as | now -- and the journey was ended without mishap or interference | from the enemy. His first act in New York was to | call upon D. A. Thomas, the Welsh M.P. and coal magnate, who was the | British purchasing agent in the | United States; and the prime min- | ister spoke his mind freely. "I in- | formed him that the British gov- | ernment ought to have made up their minds as to wnat they want, | that the essential question was ade- | quate supply and that the location | of orders was an entirely secondary | consideration." Thereafter there | was an improvement in the situ- | ation, but it was a good 12 months ' before the slack in supply was | caught up. Sir Robert tells passengers on the White, of that among the Adriatic was a Philadelphia, an intimate friend of Sir William Osleg and of Theodore Roosevelt, and a strong anti-German. While in Enge land some of his friends had pre~ sented him with several cases of champagne, of which a considerable portion had not been used and had been brought on board the Adriatic, He asked us at dinner to take wine with him and then begged our per« mission to give a toast that never varied from night to night; "Te Hell with the Kaiser!" When he reached Ottawa, Sis Robert called on Sir Wilfrid Lauries and told him the result of his mis- sion to England. The Liberal leader "seemed much impressed, looked very thoughtful, and finally said: 'I'm afraid this will be a very long war'. Mail Service Resumed To Unoccupied France Ottawa, Aug. 26. -- Postmaster= General Mulock announced in a statement Friday night that mail service for private and personal cor- respondence now has heen resumed to unoccupied France, including Corsica, Algeria, the French zone of Morocco and Tunis. Mail service to occupied France, due to the apparently complete dis- ruption of communications between these two 'parts of the wuntry, is cut off, the statement added. However, an arrangement has been made with Thomas Cook and Son, British travel agency, for for- warding private and personal com- munications to occupied France under the same conditions as this company now accepts similar com= munications addressed to persons in the Channel Islands, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and other enemy occupied territory, Cupid Prefers Dorothys Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 26. -- Cupid must have been concentrating on Dorothys, mused County Judge Robin Reid as marriage licenses 643, 644, 645 and 646 were issued in a single day. The permits went to Dorothy Glantz, Dorothy Ray, Dorothy Venter and Dorothy Ose senkop. By Wally Bishop AGI LF LIAR FER EFFIE Hol STILL PorpY BoY | WONT HARM YA! ay i) WHOA! Cr HA / NHIN AH RIDE STIODY Now! WHOA FoRPY BOY! YA GOT A LIL MIXED UP, DIDNT YA EFFIE ZT OH WELL .. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN! Nn daw BR GN \ ACCIDENT, NAWTHING THET PURPOSE DONE IT A PaRPOISE! ..T MEAN. Ho' Ho! COME BACK HERE, YOU, BEFORE T I'LL STAY IN THIS SEED SHE CAME OUT HERE AND JUST DISAPPEARED! /7 BAG UNTIL IT GETS DARK= THEY HAVEN'T GOT ME YET = NOT BY A LONG SHOT! -- DONALD DUCK -- --AND SEE IF POP CARES! orld Richts Reserved Copr 1940, Walt Disney Productions BAW... x { LISTEN HERE, POP... THAT KID'S bh GOTTA STOP YOWLING, SEE! LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY IT WISHT IT WAS YOUR S$ ; = HH HONEST, TEACHER ~ IT MAKES ME FEELGLAD ALL OVER TO GOTO SCHOOL AGAIN ~ BUT CHOOL IN ALLELUYA THANK YOLI,HONEY. BUT MR. HALLEE WISHES TO HAVE YOU ENROLLED INAVERY EXCLUSIVE 4 EASTERN SCHOOL FOR By Brandon Walsh YOUNG LADIES? IT SOUNDS & SORTA YOUNG R LADIES IT WILL BE FAR MORE FORMAL AND DIGNIFIED THAN OUR LITTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL AT HOME THE SCHOLARS ARE CAREFULLY SELECTED ~~ ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF PUPILS ARE ACCEPTED BACKGROUND IT IS,0F COURSE, EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE ~IN ADDITION TO MONEY, A PUPIL MUST HAVE THE PROPER FAMILY. SOCIAL. --

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