Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jul 1940, p. 7

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REAL ESW/ ANSE - BF GAN ow ma + Auditors JSCAR HUUSON AND COM- 'any, Obartered Accountants jonant and Annis Chamber. 7% dmcue Street Svuth. Telephone 4 lead Office. Toronto : Battery Service TTERIES CHARGED 75¢ WITH tal $1.00 Callec for and de: vered Stan Bligdon. 20 Mil 8t Rone 960 | Dental SR. 8 J. PHILLIPS OVER BAS- stt's. Special attention to X-ray york. Gas extraction Nurse in ittendance Phone 930 House 1312 J)R. R E, COX, DENTAL SUR: ean, 9 Simcoe N. Phone 233 lours nine-twelve, one--fivesthirty. venings by appointment. * (11Aug.c) JR. C. L. KELL, DENTIST, 26 imcoe North. X-Ray. Phone 1316. tesidence 1462W. (28Julye! Hardwood Floors 8 Ww. HAYNES, BUILDER dardwood floors laid, sanded, Inished by experts Latest equip- nent. Phone for prices. 199 Nas- au street. (tn Insurance 'EACOCK'S INSURANCE SER- ice. Consult us for any of your nsuranee needs. Successors to G 5 Nolan, 22% King Street Bast fa e- 2686, residence 145. !. C. YOUNG, GENERAL INSUR- jnce. Office phone 793, residence jhone 2895. {% Prince Street. Legal AL W. 8, GREER, BARRISTER. joNcitor, ete, 6 King Street East hone 3160. Residence 3514. Resi- lent partner W. C. Pollard, KC. pxbridge, Ontario, PF. SWARTZ. BAR- fister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to pan. 11 King St. East. Phone 282. Residence 3071J. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 'tc. Mortgage loans 5% %, Nation- J) Housing Act, 5%. 2¢ Simcoe st. North, (1Aug.c) SRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barristers, etc. Bank of commerce Building. JONANT AND ANNIS, BARRIS- ers, 7% Simcoe St. 8., Oshawa. shone 4. Allin F. Annis, BA, JLB. Emest Marks, B.A. %. D. HUMPHREYS, BARRISTER, sohcitor, etc., 24% Simooe North. shone office 814; residence 3207. doney to loan. "OSEPH P, MANGAN, KC, BAR- ister, Solicitor. Office 14% King 5t. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. lesidence phone 837. N. E. N. BINCLAIR, BA. LLB, £C, and J. OC. Anderson, KC. 3arristers, etc. Bank of Montreal suilding, 20 Simooe St. North, "hone 99. | sii Undertaking MEAGHER'S FUNERAL HOME. er it. E. Phone 907. (17Aug.c) PF. ARMSTRONG AND SON, roprietors Oshawa Burial - Co. 'uneral and Ambulance Service. Day and night. Phone 2700. 124 ng East. UKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. bast. Ambulance. Residence 60 ng St. E. Phone 210. Cartage MOVING AND DUMP TRUCKS, cinders, wood, coal, etc. 70 olborne Street West. Phone 605 (13Aug.c) Mortgages Articles for Sale BABY'S GO-CART, $250; LESTER accordeon, $5; small laundry stove, $3. 2759R. (146a) KITCHEN SINK, HIGH BACK bathroom basement stool; jack: heater laundry stove; gasol. stove; camp cot; open {firepla screen; awnings; 32 x 6 truck tix tube and rim; 2 tires 650 x 19; new truck tube, 32 x 6. 142 Simco. South. (145¢) 14 FOOT FLAT BOTTOM PUNT. Apply 387 Gibbons St. Phone 3136J. (145¢) CASH OR CREDIT Oilstoves, lawn movers, ice boxes, || dining and breakfast suites, ward- robes, kitchen cabinets, desks, dressers, porcelain tables, carpets, also summer cottage furniture and boat. BRADLEY'S FURNITURE STORE 140 Simcoe South. (4Aug.c) USED JOHNSON OUTBOARD motors. Ontario Motor Sales Phone 900. (22Aug.c) SAVE ON PAINT AND WALL- paper at Nelson's, 14 Bond St. West. Phone 841. Free estimates on horse decorating. (26Julyc) VENETIAN BLINDS, AWNINGS Estimates furnished without obliga- tion. George Reid. Phone 2104, 66 Bond West. (6Auge) LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S Furniture Store, 140 Simcoe South. (22Aug.c) BRADLEY'S BEDDING SHOP special opening offer, everything in bedding, inner spring mattresses, studio couches, cribs, complete, dropside couches beds, tubular steel cots, dropback day couches, angle iron, high riser, and all blade bed springs. Bradley's. 140 Simcoe South. (BAug.c) August Furniture Sale Wilson's Furniture Co. Studio Couches 50 beautiful studio couches to choose from. Very attractive cov- erings. $1495 up. You can save 40%. Mattresses New spring filled mattresses, gen- uine damask ticking, all sizes, extra special, $795. Also felt mattresses, rolled edges, well filled. Wonderful L Value, all sizes, $4.49. New Chesterfield Suites Luxurious suites, in the latest styles and most attractive cover- ings, fully guaranteed construction. Sale price $39 up. Liberal allow- ance on trade-ins. Bedroom Suites Thrillingly new, smart waterfall design, lovely selection. Sale price $39 up. Bave 40%. Breakfast Buites Choose from a grand selection, all styles and colours. Sale $18.95 up. Floor Covering Specials Inlalds, congoleums, feltols, heavy linoleums,i n all widths. Visit our very large floor coverings, rugs, and carpet dept. Save 40%. Our lower prices positively save you money. Wilson's Furniture Co. 40 KING W. - 20 CHURCH ST. (25Aug.c) Motor Cars For Sale | by day or week. Phone 377. . + « to'the phone and call 35 when you have | | | | | | | sonfething to buy or sell, rent or trade. Fast results at | low\ cost with Want Ads. I ad and use the Want Ads. | Phone 1855. For Rent Salesman Wanted 5 ROOMS AND BATH, 2 BED- rooms, verendah and back porch, linen closet off hall, hardwood trim and doors. Electric stove and laundry tub. Hot water heating Box 427 Times. (25Julytt) TENTS, BOX TRAILER, AND double or single brick garage. Phone 110J. (26Aug.c) 6 ROOMED HOUSE, HARDWOOD floors, garage, north end. Avall- able August 1st. Phone 3173W. (145b) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. AP- ply 20 Gladstone Ave. Phone 878W. (145b) FOR RENT -- HOUSE ON DIVI- sion St. Fully equipped for board- ing house. Will sell equipment rea- sonably. Phone 1550. (1442) WELL - KNOWN MAGAZINE with large coast to coast circula- tion desires representative in Osh- awa. An attractive and exceptional | proposition for an experienced agent. Apply Box 429 Times. (146d) Male or Female Help Wanted NOW I8 THE TIME TO QUALIFY for a Government job as Clerk Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began, Free Booklet M.C.C. Schools Ltd, Toronto 10. Oldest in Canada. No agents, (Wed. Fri. th) Help Wanted--Male OUTBOARD MOTOR FOR Rk... (144¢) ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping. Gas range in- stalled. 66 Fisher St. For particu- lars, apply 115 Burke St. (144c) NEWLY DECORATED APART- ment of the smaller type. Electric stove, built-in cupboards. Suitable for 2. Bradley Bros. 160. (144¢) 5 ROOM BRICK, ALL DOWN- stairs, conveniences, garage. To reliable tenant. Possession immed! ately. 1868 Stacey Ave. Apply on premises or 101 Westmoreland. (144c) 6 ROOMED HOUSE, 393 CENTRE St. Available August 1st. Apply 25 Buckingham Ave. (144¢c) 7 ROOM BRICK, HOT WATER heating, good furnace, hardwood floors throughout, large double liv- ing room. Drew Bt. $35. Phone 120. (142t1) 1034 CHEV. COACH, IN REAL good condition. 121 Clarke St. (145¢) "28 PONTIAC ROADSTER, GOOD tires, $36; Also tent 9 x 12. Apply to 112 Eldon Ave, Oshawa. (F.P.,146b) For Sale or Rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT IN the Bradley Block, hot water heat- ing, hardwood floors, nicely decor- ated, well lighted. Bradley Bros. (4Aug.c) ROOMS BY DAY OR WEEK; furnished or unfurnished light house-keeping rooms. 207 Simcoe South, between 5 and 7. (3Aug.c) MODERN HOUSE FOR SALE OR rent, at 168 Arthur. Apply Bond Bros. Service Station, corner King and Ritson. (144¢) PRIVATE HOSPITAL WITH FUR. nishings, including operating room equipment. Opportunity for nurse, or physician surgeon. Particulars call at Sunnynook Hospital, Whitby. (144c) BUCKINGHAM MANOR, 4 AND § room apartments, all modern con- veniences. Phone 1718. (9Julytf) SIMCOE MANOR, LOVELY apartment building, 1 ¢-roomed and 1 S-roomed, newly decorated, everything modern. See caretaker or phone 169, (5Julytt) Wanted To Rent Work Wanted ONEY TO LOAN ON OSHAWA other property. Mortgages now h force purchased. H. C. Higgin- otham. 19 Ontario St. Phone 328. : (28Julye) Expert Watch Repairing A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT ss watchmaker, repair shop at King Street West. Your patron- solicited. C(t Money To Loan ; ONEY TO LOAN 'ON' FIRST ortgages on Real Estate. Prombt Prvice. Oshawa Real Estate Cu, hone 25, Oshawa. (10Aug.c) wn Mowers Sharpened WN MOWERS, CALLED FOR nd delivered by J. W Minard, 104 lina Street, Phone 1048). Work ranteed. (26Julyc) Lawn Mowers WN MOWERS SHARPENEL pllow ground for long service 75¢ o'k guaranteed. Parts and re irs, Called for and deliverca ter Brothers, Oshawa. Phone iw. (Aug) PLASTERING, STUCCO AND General repairs, Phone 1412M. (16Aug.c) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- tlemen. Nice locality. Every cone venience. Central. Phone 1943W. (10Aug.c) BOARDERS WANTED. CENTRAL All conveniences. Phone 2055. (3Aug.c) ROOM AND BGARD, PRIVATE home, central, bus service, nice lo- cality. 64 Park Rd. North. Phone 450M. (146a) Notice WE APOLOGIZE Sorry we had to disappoint some of our patrons on Sunday being sold out of our Turkey Dinner, but we did duplicate a tender juicy T.B. Steak, which was enjoyed by all We have doubled our Turkey order this week from our farmer. Make your reservation early fer a full course Turkey dinner, 50c., oh Sun- day. - Thank you for patronage, Commercial Hotel, (1450) WANTED--SMALL APARTMENT, or duplex, or would consider up- stalr flat in private home, by end of August, two adults. Apply Box No. 426 Times. (145¢) Business Course SHORTHAND, SECRETARIAL, accountancy, comptometer, dicta- phone. Classes commencing Tues- day, September 3. Oshawa Business College, 18 Simcoe North. Phone Office 1314W, residence 399. (PAug.c) Shoe Repairing LADIES' INVISIBLE HALF-SOLE- ing. All work guaranteed. Call and deliver. Phone 2073R. W Allison, 9 Athol West. (28Julyc) A COMPLETE SHOE BERVICE, invisible half soling, cleaning, dye- ing, etc. Fast Service, Phone 362. We Call and Deliver. Modern Shoe Repair, Jack Read, 83 Simcoe Street North. (30Julye) Financial WE PURCHASE | MORTGAGES and agreements secured by suburb: en and rural propetty. Phone North Shore Realty /Co, 80, Osh- awa. itil | (Auge) \ COLLECTOR FOR PART-TIME collection, earnings about $10.00 per month!" Apply Lloyds, M2 Yonge St., Toronto. Y146a) EXPERIENCED TOOL MAKERS. Apply in writing to Fleet Aircraft, PERSONAL LOANS For Any Useful Purpose Including Fuel Requirements ONE YEAR TO REPAY APPLY TO NEAREST BRANCH OF The Canadian Bank of Commerce 'TONTHLY ' DEPOSITS PROVIDE FOR REPAYMENT YOU MAKE 12 MONTHLY YOU DEPOSITS OF (P YOU JRROW ECEIVE OTHER AMOUNTS AT PROPORTIONATELY LOW RATES JOUR ESTATE I8 PROTECTED BY LIFE INSURANCE, WHICH THE BANK ARRANGES Personal MADAM NEVADA. Psychologist, Phrenolugist. 11-9. 98 Albert St. FALMIST Hours (29Julyc) Spraying PAINT -- WHITE WASH Oshawa Spraying Service. (3Aug.c) | Roofing ALL KINDS OF ROOFING AND repairing. Estimates free. J. | Pigden, 5¢ William St. East. Phone | | 3148. (11Aug.c) | Auction Sale BAILIFF SALE OF TRUCK---UN- | der and by virtue of a bailiff's war- | rant, there will be offered for sale, on Friday, August 2, 1940, at the | hour of 11 o'clock®in the forenoon, in the yard of W. J. Sulley, 344 Sim- coe St. S84 Oshawa, 1-1037 Chev dump truck, serial number 7151104- | 602. Terms cash, W. J. Sulley, Auc- | tioneer, Fred Swithenbank, bailiff. (146, 148, 150) | E. A. WERRY WILL OFFER HIS property for sale by public auction | on his premises, lots 17, and 18, | concession 8, Darlington, on n- day, July 20.--125 cattle, 50 pigs--50 | sters and heifers, 500 lbs. and up; | 50 steers and heifers, 650 lbs. and | up; 20 good spring grass calves; 5 | good Durham cows, Durham cow, | calf at side; Durham cow, springer. | Good. beef breeds. All -are good | quality. Good condition. 20 suck- | ling pigs; 30 shoats. During the afternoon a good sized | Limited, Fort Erie, Ont, stating ex- perience and when available. Only ! British subjects need apply. (145c) | | BOY OVER 14 WITH WHEEL AND | Carrier, for grocery delivery. Ap- | ply K. D. Sands, 28 Buckingham | Ave, (145¢) Wanted To Buy HIGHEST PRICES PAI' FOR iron, metal, rags, mattresses. Phone 635, Cedardale Iron Metals, back C.N.R. Station, (16Aug.c) WE PAY HIGH PRICES FOR rags, scrap metal and iron. 202 Annis. Phone 2423M. (TAuge) HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for good used furniture, oil stoves and dishes. Collis Trade-in Store, 36 King West. Phone 1030. (3Aug.c) Real Estate For Sale BRICK HOUSE, 5 ROOMS, GAR- age, North Ward. For less than Two Thousand. For appointment Phone 1445W. (144c) $2060 PER MONTH COVERS everything. $200 down. Better type home. Bradley Bros. 160. (144c) $2160 SOMERVILLE AVE, 5 rooms; $2800, Burke St. 6 rooms; $2500 Warren Ave, 5 rooms; $3500 Frederick St., 7 rooms; $3200 Alice Bt., 6 rooms. Jones, Ten Prince St. (27Julyce) Summer Resorts BPEND YOUR ' VACATION AT Moore's Forest Hill Lodge, located among the Pines on the sandy shores of Rice Lake, half mile east of Gore's Landing. Good fishing, boats and tennis, etc. Reasonable rates Drive out for fish, chicken or steak dinners. Address Cobourg, R.R. No. 1, Telephone Cold Springs Ex- change. (16Aug.c) Summer Cottages MUSKOKA COTTAGE FOR RENT, comprising 5 rooms, boat, ice, wood, coal oil. Pete Jackson, Henry Is- land, Gravenhurst, P.O. Muskoka (146¢) 03 @ Furnaces FURNACES INSTALLED, CLEAN- ed and repaired, Eavestroughs, etc. For real comfort, economy, and durability install a "Mack" -- the furnace built to last a lifetime. A H. Taylor, 237 Clarke St. (24Aug.c) Accounts Collected CENTRAL ONTARIO CREDIT EXCHANGE--"The Home of Col- lections". 3 Simcoe St. South Accounts collected; Credit reports. greasy pig will be let loose. The person catching the pig will be the new owner. A fine may be imposed { for anyone wearing a white shirt. | Free delivery. Terms cash, Ted | Jackson, Auctioneer. (145b) | FINDS COLUMBUS | MASTER SEAMAN Harvard Professor Traces Route -- Finds First Lafding Spot « Cambridge, Mass., July 26 --After retracing the routes followed by Christopher Columbus and studying his sea journals, Harvard's Pro- | fessor Samuel Morison announced | yesterday his belief that the dis- coverer was a 'master navigator and shrewd and accurate observer with a keen sense of beauty." Back from a month's sailing the OCaribbeen in a ketch. Morison said he definitely found Columbus' first new world harbor, on the Island of San Salvador, as well as his second landing place, in Northern Cuba. Last summer, in beginning the Harvard Columbus expedition, Morison seiled the route followed by Columbus across the North At- lantic. Most previous researches, he said, were in libraries rather than at sea. He added that existing charts of Columbus' routes were 80 per cent. inaccura e. This summer's quest, the pro- fessor sald, showed that the dis- coverer's first landing on San Sal- vador must have been on a beach on the leeward, or west side, of the island, known now as Hall's Landing. Reefs surrounding the isle would have wrecked Colum- bus' vessels hed he tried to gain shore except for a twe-mile open- ing on this side, Morison explained. Following the course of the ex- plorer's first voyage as described | cant | tory" | destined for success. | mobilized | Wales, "hree German | Esher, three from Arundel and a in his very detailed journal, Mori- son salled from San Salvador to the northern coast of Cuba, - and came in halfwey between Bahia Bariay and Puerto Gibara, both of which, with many other "Cuban por &, claim the Bonor of being | Columbus' first Cuban harbor: He found that Bahia Bariay fit- ted well Columbus' description of his first Cuban port and that Puer- to Gibara anewered the description given BY Columbus of his second port. The purpose of the Harvard ex- pedi fon, which last year carried | Professor Morison some 10,000 miles to 10 countries, was to make a defi- nite estimate cf Columbus as a sea- man and a discoverer and to iden The sea exploration of the expedi- Phone 2330. (4Aug.C) tion now is ended. tify definitely the places he visited. |. RAGS, BONES, OLD | TIN ALL SAVED Campaign Against Waste Succeeding in Britain-- Nothing Thrown Away London, July 26 -- A rag, a bone or an old tin can--all are demanded for Britain's mighty war effort. The country is borrewing a leaf from 'he dictators' system of economic self- sufficiency. ' Here, howevey, the campaign against the waste by saving and salvaging is not dictated by pov- erty of resources. Britain wants to produce as much food and re- cover every bit of scrap so valuable shipping space may be reserved for essen ial war material and foreign exchange be conserved to buy it. In this country, you dont toss away that silver paper from a pack of cigarettes. 'The old iron sink or bedstead in some dark base- ment corner hes definite scrap value A regiment of women. called "Salvage Sallles," has been recruited to 'ell the housewife what to save. The "Dig For Victory" campaign brought results in thousands of va- lots turned into small gar- "ens and now a "Low Heals For Vie- apnéal to women appears The Higher the heels the grea er the amount of wocd and leather reauired. Timber | is scarce now in 'war-time Britain and one timber control official | estimated 50,000 tons of weod a vear are used for women's shoe heels, Billboards Plastered Billboards everywhere are plas- tered with such signs as "Let Your | Shenping Heln Our Shipping" and "Heln Win the War On the Kiteh- en Front" The idea iz for the hcusewife to cv down on purchas- es of imncrted goods and guard against waste, The ministry of food helps her by periodically publishing advertise. ments on what foodstuffs can serve the desired purpose. An advertise- ment for potatoes praises their food qualities, ne es they are home grown and adds: "More potatoes mean less bread and fewer ships to bring wheat from overseas" Linked with the plea for economy on the kitchen front is the question of salvage. The report is current that saving was e will be compul- sory and people will be penalized for dumping such material indis- | criminately into the garbage pail. Parishes Mobilized ministry of supply has every one of the 10,000 parishes in Britain to provide scrap metal The scrap includes tins and metal refuse ordinarily thrown into quarries or gravel pits. Boy Scour s, Girls Guides and Women's Insti- tutes were enlisted in the effort. Money froem disposal of the waste goes to the Red Cross agricultural committee, Supply Minis er Herbert Morrison has received from an 80-year-old The woman two heavy steel fenders and | | her treasured fire irons. One coun- try church sent 10 tons of iron rail. ings that used to surround it. Other trophies in the salvage drive in- clude a six-ton gun from North guns from German tank from Portemouth. Students in Liverpool go from door to door as rag-and-bone mer- chants. Birmingham offers its gar- bage men a bonus of one shilling three pence hundredweight for waste paper. Southgate, in North Lon- don, opened a "vig ory dump." In less than 5 year the amount of Tule salvaged has increased five- old. MEAT PRICE LESS THAN BEFORE WAR Federal Government Lists Comparisons in Beef, Pork and Bacon Toronto, July 26.--Housewives in Ontario are actually paying less for some cuts of beef, pork and bacon than what they were paying for the same cuts before war broke out, ac- cording to the. official retail prices listed by the Federal Government in the Labor Gazette. For other cuts the fluctuation is almost negli- gible, : Sirloin steak cost 28.6 cents per pound last June, 288 cents last Mzeeh, and 28.5 cents in June, 1939: for corresponding periods, rib roast cost 21.8 cents per pound, 22 cents, and 22.1 cents; stewing beef, 14.2 cents, 14.5 cents and 14 gents. - Fresh leg of pork cost 23.2 cents per pound last month, 23.4 cents last March, and 24 cents in June, 1039; salt pork, 21.4 cents, 21.5 cents, and 21.6 cents, Breakfast bacon, unsli cost 20.1 cents per pound last month, 29.6 cents last March, aad 290.5 cents in June, 1039; breakfast bacon, sliced, cost 32.1 cents, 32.8 cents, and 32.5 cents. Ham, boiled, ready for eating, was gg cents per pound last month, 56.5 Cents in 'March, and 55.4 cents in ! June, 1939, TRIBE OF CATS GIVE ANGLERS COMPETITION "The Terror" Leads Band of Felines at Fishing Re- sort Near Azores Pacific Grove, Calif. --Millionaires and other celebrities whose haunts is the Monterey Peninsula have re- cently noted new and unusual com- petition in the fishing line from the feline section of the animal king- dom, writes Blackburn Sims. The home of this crew of inter- lopers is a little fishing resort called Camp Ideal--two and a half acres of gardens from the Azores Islands somehow dropped down on the point cf land also occupied by the lighthouse. Scme native Azoreans have hcre built trim, red-roofed, white cottages with miniature Ro- meo and Juliet balconies--set amid Monterey cypress and pine and a boundless variety of flowers. Home of a Strange Race There is a high outcropping of rock, similar to that in Central Park--honeycombed with miniature caves and passages, its base smoth- |.ered in flowers. In this Gibraltar |of a halcyon and blossomy Eden | there abides a strange race of cats, | as wild as shadows and groomed to | the last whisker with that perfec- | tion achieved only by wild things-- | cats speaking an iconoclastic tongue {or long, wailing syllables, each yee- | aow so drawn out one cannot imag- breath enough ine how they have for it. Head of the house and master of the clan is a great-great-grandcat, | informally known as The Terror. He | is rarely seen by day, but is a night prowler--a profane, riotous' fighter, ruling his domain with an iron jaw. Over three feet long, he is a dark maltese with a deep fur coat which indicates Persian blood not too far up his family tree. His tail seems eighteen inches long; his head about five inches across. He prob- | ably weights fifteen pounds or more though that estimate is not likely ever to be versified. Catching him would be a big order. Weighing him--well . The Terrible Terror The Terror's movements are those of the big-cat tribes--pumalike and slinky. When he tries he seems to travel with the speed of light. One split-second he's here -- the next one-thousandth of a second he has evaporated. All the human eye can catch is an etherish streak of gray. No one knows how many makes up the Clan of the Fishing Cats. They move so fast and are always so far out of range, identification is difficult. The closest to being civilized are two blacks--the Duke and Ms son, Boots, blue-black mid- night with white spats on all feet, white whiskers, lemon-yellow neon | eyes, Camp Ideal is only about a good drive shot from the ocean's edge | and nearly any time of day one or | more of the cats can be seen streak- | ing it down Lighthouse avenue to- ward the beach. They are usually gone for an hour or more and re- turn at a leisurely pace, as becomes the true gourmet after a gorge of fresh sea food. It is difficult to catch them at their fishing, but it has been done on several occasions. The Terror is a past master of the art and will tackle anything within reach of his husky forelegs. One day recently he was seen to drag out a five- pound crab that was hanging on to a rope of kelp for dear life, 'A couple of yards of kelp trailed after The Terror who, crab in mouth, ducked over a pile of rocks to a safe spot for dining. First off, he bit. into the crab's head, putting him hors de combat. Then he tore off the legs, cracked them and licked out the meat. He opencd the body shell by biting all the wav around it, opened it up like a pie crust and polished the platter clean. Co-Operative Fishing The Duke and Boots fish together. They take small fish--up to 10 or 12 inches--from the pools the tide leaves in the wave-pocketed and polished rocks of this rugged coast- line. Sometimes they lie flat on their bellies on & rotk in shoal water and grab for smsall crabs and fish. They must have especially good hooks, for they seldom miss making a haul once they make a strike. Out comes a sanddab, bat- tling for life and liberty. If the Duke's got it, little Boots helps hold it down, getting vigorously slapped by the fish's tail. One strong-jaw bite back of the head puts the fish out of business and the meal's on the table, The clan eats its game , fresh down to fins and bones--then fish- es for another one. It it's a season of low tides, the stroller sometimes happens upon a bone pile of 20 or 30 skeletons--otherwise the tide washes evidences of the catch away. One thing is certain--the Fish- ing Cats of Camp Ideal, without so much as a penny in their pockets. catch more fish and crabs than many a dude with $60 reels and all the rest of the latest equipment from high-class . sporting goods stores. RADID SPEAKER Fred Birchall, of NY. Times, Will Speak Sun- day Night Mr. Frederick Birchall, Canadian correspondent of The New York of the Director of Public Informa- tion to speak on the new radio series . "Let's Face the Facts" next Sun- . day night, July 28th. Mr. Birchall p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, «ad he network of the Canadian Broad-' casting Corporation. Lancashire-born Frederick Birch- ¢2l is one of the outstanding news- paper editors and correspondents of th2 world. In 1931, at an age when most men are willing to retire from active service and to take life leis- urely, Mr. Birchall relinquished his post as Managing Editor of the New York Times to go to Europe as Chief Europes Correspondent for that paper. He quickly found himself embarked upon the busiest and life. Step by step he watched the power in Germany and to domin- ation in Europe. He was present at all of the momentous conferences and events which he.e occurred in Geneva, Berlin, Vienna, Rome, Munich, London, Paris and other European centres, in the last ten years, and for the brilliance of his reporting he was awarded the Puli tzer Prize, the highest honour which can be given to ta American news- paper man. Into his recent book "The Storm Breaks", Mr. Birchall compressed such a graphic chronicle of history in the making that it quickly sellers. In talking to the men and women of Canada next Sunday night, Mr. Birchall will be support- ed by a personal acquaintance with and knowledge of European men and affairs that few other writers cem match, Why are fish such good food for children? One reason is that fish * are rich in Vitamin D, a desirable property in children's diet. How to Overcome Piles | And Rectal Soreness If you are annoyed with itching . plles or rectal soreness, do not neg lect the same or run the risk @f an operation. Any itching, soreness or - painful passage of stool, is nature's warning and proper treatment . should be secured at once. For this and use as directed. This formula, which is used internally, quickly re lieves the itching and soreness and aids in healing the sore, tender spots. Hemroid is highly recom- mended, is easy to use and it seems risk an operation when a simple remedy, which is so pleasant to use cost. WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Bassetts JEWELLERS .On Oshawa's Main Corner L Armstrong | Fuels Coal - Coke - Wood PHONE 272TW OFFICE: 59 CHURCH ST. We Treat You [] The Year O WATCH REPAIRING Let us repair your Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, etc. Work Guaranteed. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELLER 20 Simcoe St, S. - Phone 189 Brantford Roofin and Builders' Supplies McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES, LIMITED PHONE 1246 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 1 Karn's Drug Stere FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 78-79 NEXT P, 0. NOTED NEWS MAN i " vy " will be heard over a coast to coast * Ps most exciting period of his whole ° rise of Hitler and the Nazi party to : purpose get from Jury & Lovell or . any druggist, a package of Hempoid * may be had at such a reasonable M td wo ar 7 "ay Times, hes accepted the invitation ,.. ac ¥ a will broadcast from Ottawa at 10 17 jumped into the ranks of the best = x the height of folly for anyone to"

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