Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1940, p. 7

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-- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, , RT bide 1940 PAGE SEVEN ENFIELD LADIES HOLD AN AMATEUR ART COMPETITION Women's Association Met at the Home of Mrs, G. Bowman -- (Staff Correspondent) Enfield, July 15. -- On Tuesday afternoon last 25 ladies of the com- munity attended the W.A. meeting at the home of Mrs. Godfrey Bow=- nan, and enjoyed the afternoon to- gether, President Miss Bessie Pascoe presided, assisted by the sec- ary; Miss Helen Stark, and er, Mrs. W. Ashton. During a community picnic at the in the near future, } oe and H. Stark 5 Bo a committee to ar- for same, ' The programme 'under the auspices of Group 2 "and consisted of a splendid paper on "Home Influence" by Mrs. A. W. Prescott, a reading by Miss Vera Stinson, and an instrument duet by. Misses Ellen and Joyce Aber- thy, all items being much enjoyed. e devotional was well given by Mrs. H. Lackey. An amateur art contest directed by Mrs. G. Bow- man created much interest and at its conclusion a bountiful lunch was served by Group 2 under the con- venorship of Miss Elsie Samis, Mrs. Frank Moore of Union has donated a completely finished wool quilt to the Enfield branch of the Red Cross. This quilt was on dis- play at the W.A. meeting and was much admired. The Red Cross is extremely grateful for Mrs. Moore's generosity. The Union ladies are quilting two quilts at the Union schoolhouse on Tuesday -afternoon and the Enfield workers are doing likewise at the home of Mrs. Edgar Prescott. all work under the auspices of the En- field Red Cross. Miss Viola Shortt, teacher at Cane, New Ontario, is enjoying holi- days with her sister, Mrs. A, W. Prescott, and family, and incident- ally helping the Red Cross work. Mrs. James Gray, Miss Helen Gray, Toronto, Miss Luella Hepburn. Kedron, Mrs. Clarence Vice and Miss Donna, Columbus, spent Wed. nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith. Mrs, Arthur Ormiston is with her d rmiston, Maple Grove, for an ded visit. Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and Miss Ida McCulloch in Toronto on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hemphill, Mr. Earle Hemphill, Miss Irene Wads- worth, Toronto spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A W. Prescott. On Sunday the visitors, together with Mr. and Mrs. Prescott and family Mr. Aylmer Prescott, were entertained to dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, Seventh Line, Mr. Fergus Hoolihan visited at Valencia. Recent visitors with Mr. Mrs. James Stark include Mr. Mrs. R. Marlow, Nestleton, Mr. Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, Raglan, and Mrs. D. G. Ormiston and and and and Mr. hter and family, Mr. and Mrs, | ly attended. War Victims Safe in Canada Scugog Mrs. D. Hope; Corr.) SCUGOG, July 17.--Group No. 1 of the W.A. Centre Ladies added $10 to the Church Basement Fund on Saturday by a sale of home- made cooking to the summer visit- ors at Pine Point resort at the home of Mrs. FMurray McLaren. After the cooking was disposed of, afternoon tea was served by the hostess, Mrs, McLaren. Mrs, Carter assisted. « Mrs. O. Jeffrey and Mrs, W. Mark. Miss Audrey Hood is attending summer school in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mills of Ac- ton and her mother, Mrs. C. Wells, of Port Perry, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, on Monday. Mr. Ted Turner has returned to his home in Regina after spending several months with Mr. Murray McLaren. Congratulations to Helen Sweet- man, Myrtle and Betty Dawson of the Head School, who passed their entrance examinations on their year's work, and Doris Clark, passed by writing. Mr. L, Annis, who gave splendid temperance sermons on Sunday, was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, of Toronto, and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sweetman and Alene visited in Toronto on Sun- The Boy Scouts have returned to day and Alene is staying for a few.| their homes in Mimico after spend- days with her cousins. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, of Enniskillen, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. Rodman, Mrs. Pearson, of Oshawa, is visit- ing Mrs. Redman for a couple of weeks. ing a couple of weeks at Stephen- son's Point. . Miss Jean Hood and friend, Miss Grace Luke, of Oshawa, had a pleasant holiday in a cottage on | Crozier's Shore. Mr. Leonard Hope, of Tyrone, Miss Grace Hood is spending the | spent the week-end with his par- summer with Mrs. D. Crozier. Sorry to hear Mrs. H. Leighton is in the Port Perry Hospital, hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton, of Tyrone, spent the wek-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills. Mr. Gordon Mawson, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with his cousin, Mr. Fred Jackson. All | ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Long and Donald and Marie visited there on Sunday. Adelaide, been barred from Australia to con- serve exchange, so a big market for | exchange of second-hand copies has sprung up. Australia -- American | "pulp" magazines--"westerns"--have | | | | | WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE-- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your h. You get poisons go into the body, and you "feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movementdoesn'talways get at the cause. You need something that works on the liver as well. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and ie, they feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, make the bile flow freely. They do the wi of calomel but have no calomel or mercury {3 them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver pas by Jame ! Stubbornly refuse anything else. AMMON HOUSEHOLD LIQUID. Reg. 20¢ .... 13 AEROMIS GLASS CLEANER with sprayer .. 25¢ AEROWAX SELF- POLISHING LIQUID WAX . 29¢-55¢ TAMBLY about 5 Ibs. SOAP FLAKES, 53. MOTH-K| Protects furs and woollens-- 1 Ib. ... 29 For clogged drain pipes ... DRANO 33: SPOT ENERGIN REMOVER ........ 32 DI-CHLORICIDE +"... 53. --~Canadian Pacific Photo. Jooceent victims of a war in which their fathers are playing a noble part, these youthful evacues from England arrived unaccompanied in Montreal after an uneventful journey by Canadian Pacific services, In Windsor Station, Montreal, the young Britons showed deep interest in the railway's War Memorial commemorating the death of Canadian Pacific soldiers of a Canadian Pacific employes who are today generation ago--many of them fathers of the bringing the youth of England safe by land and sea from the horrors of Hun air raids. The services were con- ducted by Rev. H. Lackey and the pallbearers were all nephews of the deceased. The flowers were ex- ceedingly numerous and beautiful. To his widow is extended the sin- cere sympathy of this entire com- munity. Church services were well atténd- ed Sunday. Mention must be made of the beautiful floral decorations by Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Mrs. James Stark spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Abernethy and Alex, Maple Grove, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis and attended our church ser. vice. Mr. Frank Smith was a Sunday | plese. Herb Scott, | guest of Mr. and Mrs, Orono On Friday last, Mrs. Percy Lang- | maid and Miss Bernice Langmaid, | Mrs son, | Don, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Robert | Stocks and Roland, Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. David Philips and Myrtle, Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, Miss Jean Wright, Black- water, Mr. Earle Trewin, Mr. and Mrs Earle Stephenson and daughter, Vaughn, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. A C. McKenzie, Columbus, Misses Ferne, Fay and Mr. Willlam Gilroy, | Columbus. Master Ross Smith, Oshawa, spent a few days with his cousin Master Herbert Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman | and wife here. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir, Toronto. Miss Irmla Weir returned with them for a short visit, Miss Gladys Bradley is enjoying a short vacation at her home here. Misses Ellen and Joyce Abernethy, Maple Grove, holidaying with their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis. Several from here attended the 100th anniversary of the founding of Columbus church. Messrs. Carlson and Morley Etcher have donned the uniforms of the King. Carlson is stationed at 'Camp Borden and Morley at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman attended a wedding shower at Orono for Mrs, Bowman's brother and. bride, Mr. 'and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis. Fred, Donald, and Elsie, visited relatives north of Lindsay, Miss Ruby McLaughlin, Union, with her friend, Miss Gladys Brad- ley. "ij Mr. and Mrs. James Connors, Port, Hope, are making an extended visit - with their. daughter, Mrs. Morley Sleeman, Mr. 'and Mrs. James Ferguson, Mt. Forest, recently. visited at the homes of Messrs. A. W. Prescott and W. Ferguson. Misses Verna Ormiston, Oshawa, and Mary Clemence, Toronto, en- joyed a few days visit with Mrs. W. Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Smith, Jean and Lloyd, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ar'hur Smith, Raglan. The Late Arthur Hubbard Citizens were shocked on Wednes- day morning last when it became known that Mr. Arthur Hubbard had suffered a heart attack while hocing his garden, and although medical at'ention was quickly pro- cured, Mr. Hubbard failed to rally and succumbed where he lay. The late Mr. Hubbard was widely known being 'a thresher, and was €jualled at machinery. many friends in his business deal- Ings, ang everyone had a good word fer him. Honest and scrupulous in all his transactions, he himself was a friend to all and this vicinity is | the poorer for his passing. The | un-" He made' | | ud? | Oshawa, visited the former's sister, Fred L. Smith. Zion (Mrs. J. W. Balson, Correspondent) ZION, July 15.--The looked lovely on decoration There were a variety of bouquets, and 'Mr. Atkins the florist, placed day. the grounds. The service was well attended and Mr. Carroll Anderson, Mewyor of Oshawa, gave a splendid address. He called to mind the time when his parents were the pastor The choir sang a prety anthem, "Abide With Me," and the male ' section sang Contrije Heart." Many visitors from other centres attended the service Mr. T, C. Glaspell gave the report. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith and Mildred, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Storms and family, visited gheir brother-in-law Mr. Frank Pascoe, The Flintoff fewnilies visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron on decoration day. Misses Eva Gordon, Oshawa; Geraldine Gracey, Bowmanville, and Jean McMaster, Toronto, spent some time with the latter's parents, Mr. end Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron, Joyce and Jack, visited her sister, Mrs. Levi Burgess and Mr. Burgess at Niagara Falls last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverley, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Knopsie, Toron- to; Mr. @ad Mrs. Eyman and fam- ily, Whitby; Mrs. K. Sidler and family, Thornton's Corners; Mr, and Mrs. August Geissherger, and family, Harmony, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissherger. Mrs, Norman Leach has returned from visiting her mother, Mrs. John Vice, and sister, Mrs. Robert Theo- hald (Mona) at Davidson, Sask, Mr. Fred Martin, Mr. Ernie An- derson, Miss Margaret Butt, Toron- to, visited Ma. and Mrs. Thomas Martin. Fred is staying for two weeks holidays. Miss Eileen Stainton has return- ed to duty in Dr. Slemon's office, Bowmanville. She spent Sunday in Petetboro. A number from Rotary week. ; Miss Diane Lee, and brother baby Brian, had a holiday with their grandma Stainton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harding and Mr, Charles Lander, Oshawa, vi- sited Mr. Russel Stainton. Miss Noreen Lang, Toronto, vi- sited with Miss Eileen Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Springstead, here attended fair in Bowmanville last funeral on saturday was very large- | Marilyn and Billy; Mr, and Mrs. | quilt on F | her cemetery | | her Sunday school Ross Young, Caistor Centre; Mr O'Dell, Quebec, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ayre. Master Arthur holidaying with B. Glaspell. Congratulations «re in order to Toronto, is F Gerry, his uncle, Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Scott (nee Beryl | Glaspell) on their recent marriage, which was a splendid affair. Gifts were many and beautiful, showing | and | | groom ze held. Mr, Scott's depart- ment in General Motors presented | the esteem in which the bride him with a beautiful electric: radio Beryl was 'much entertained at teas and showers, the last being from class of who gave her a nice cake Some of the mothers went along and served lunch. We are all glad to know she will live in Osh- awa, and will sometimes retu see her old friends. The W.A. quilted 'a Red Cross riday at Mrs. F. B. Glas- pell's, and the 12 ladies in attend- eace had a chance to see all of Beryl's presents and the things for home. Wedding cake. was served to all, and a social time wa spent. Miss Norma Glaspell is ing a well-earned holiday girls, enjoy- ir the | north country for two weeks. six large pots of flowers around in | | | "The | | been Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cameron, Mr. Reford Cameron, and Mrs. Russel Staniton, attended the funeral of Mrs. Wood in Tyrone. The late Mrs. Wood was the mother of Mrs Herb Cameron, Tyrone and Mr John Kivell of Solina, and was over 90 years old Miss Rae Venner, Hamilton Be, whose mother was Miss Stanley Chant, and father, Mr. Arnold Venner, a former good teacher here; is visiting her cousins, and Jean Cameron. and Mrs. S. G. Chant, relatives in Toronto. Miss Isabel Vivian and bey bro- ther, Bethesda, ave staying with their aunt, Mrs. Reford Cameron, while their mother is ill in Bow- manville hospital. Mrs. Vivian is progressing nicely. Mrs. R. L. Stainton and Mrs. J. W. Balson vi- sited her in Bowmanville for a little while. Mr. and Mrs. Balson visited Mr. and Mrs. Hevvey Hag- erman and family at Bowmanville Beach on Sunday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morrow and Mr. Keith Morrow, Toronto, and Miss Vera Hagerman, Port Hope. 2 Mr. Russel Perkins is under the doctor's care with rheumatism around his heart. A group of little folk from To- ronto: are holidaying at Mr. Will Hasink's. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Ruth, Doris and Jean, visited Mrs. Bal- son's sister, Mrs. Eldridge Nelson and Mr, Nelson at Frazerville, Sun- day afternoon and brought Miss Betty Balson home, after two weeks' stay. The W.A. have packed several sacks of old woollens to be sent to Chesley to be made .into blankets for the Red Cross work. The pack- ing was done at J. W. Balson's by a committee of ladies, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. W. Balson and Jean went to Toronto on Saturday. Jean had an audition in connec- tion with Ken Soble's program, but doesn't expect to get on a program till later on. Jean played a piano colo emd sang. There, were other soloists and dancers, which made a nice program. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron and family, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Cochrane in Bow- manville, little | rn to | WATER for bleaching .. JAVELL oy X13 | 1° For Auto and SPONGE Household. Reg. 25¢ FACE CLOTH SAFE-T-DRY Soi TERRY CLOTH Assorted Colors. Reg. 60c Plus 25¢ deposit on tin (returnable). 19] eal i Qc 49: Neat 1 gal. mover, waterproof containing Nail Polish, Polish Re- Cotton, Sticks and Emery Boards. ALL FOR 1.25 AMBLYN PEGGY SAGE PICKPOCKET N OIL Small S0¢ zipper case Orangewood BABY SOAP For tender skins Si 20: & i ABY | BABY POWDER Small ay 25¢ | BRITISH FLOOR WAX Te sive "your floors hard, glossy finish. 1-1b. tin. Reg. 39 33 TAMBLYN Delicately soft, yet strong. Ideal handkerchiefs. TISSUES to wse instead of Box of 200 Sheets BARGAINS Reg. 85¢ ....... Nursery Special Kit All Baby Powder for Soap and Cream 3 We CHU Daggett and Ramsdell Creams COLD CREAM Reg. 1.50 97 ¢ Res. 85¢c £6¢ CLEANSING CREAM DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 2cants | Xo n25e 1] 00 "sii I poy V2 PKG SPECIAL OFFER .- 69¢ 0. ABS.&C. 5: SALOTYN B55.» LAXATIVE TABLETS 100s. Reg. 3%9¢ for 23: PAROWAX--I Preserving Needs CRYO ...............; MEMBA SEALS MEMBA PECTIN .. FRUIT JAR RINGS, 12's, 25¢ .. 3 for 27¢ 2 for 29¢ Ib... 2 for 25¢ 3 for 14¢ 23 EPSOM = PAROL MINERAL. ma | OIL for Constipation 81. Medicinally Pure 1 Ib. Reg: 156 coveeecere 15¢ ... a 9 149:-:99: "AGAR, for Sanuripation PAROL 49c-u. 99. Kathleen | Kahleen has | visiting her grandparents, Mr. | and other | LUX SOAP FLAKES RINSO SOAP FLAKES SUNLIGHT LAUNDRY SOAP 10 for 49¢ LUX TOILET SOAP ... LIFEBUOY TOILET SOAP the pein of an Injury ~ it promotes netural Resling. Never be withe outit!Buya tube today. 2 for 85¢ Unguentine "It ie positives septic = It eases SUNBURN "Groot Apply TAN-GEL WATER SOLUBLE JELLY Milk of Magnesia Highest quality -- Pleasant flavor -- Gently laxative -«-- I antacid --Full pint bottle. | deul 9. and a beautiful Georgian style etched glass tumbler - FREE Features Comforts for the Bahy This week in the Tamblyn Group of Retail Drug Stores you will find on display an assortment of Baby Requisites such as Cereals--Soup--Milk Feeders--Nipples--Diapers--Tonics--Baby Oils and Talcum. enumerate all the Baby Necessities we carry in our Stocks-in-Trade, but will give you some idea of how we could be of assistance to you in respect to your Baby's Growth, Health and Comfort, and while we do not profess to have everything your baby will need, we felt that you would be interested in knowing that we are equipped to serve you with Fresh Quality Merchandise not only for your Home, but also for Your Baby, and as an indication of what you could expect from us, we list herewith a representative group of Merchandise as Suggestions and i i for Thursday, Friday, Saturday That does not Te sve vow, Sw a (£8) avs Mas, WOODBURY'S SOAP 4 cakes for 24. PEP UP YOUR COMPLEXION #8 you cleanse with Dioxogen Cream -- 'Try Dioxogen Cream. See how NE smooth and refreshing it feels on vour skin. Remarkable "ED, cleanser! Remarkable NSE=27) toner | Its extra besuty in- RRA for you. Toy kt tonight} DIOXOGEN CREAM 49c for cleansing and skin toaing ® Eye cialisty' covery . look (due A fatigus Lonny 15 Sidon HEADACHES =~ 21500. 25¢ [= 6 oz. 49¢ 1502. 95¢ 2601. 1. 59 ae FIRST AID ADHESIVE PLASTER,'3" ADHESIVE PLASTER, 1" x 2% yards ... CAUZE BANDAGE--1'2" wide . MERCUROCHROME, for cuts .,... TR. IODINE. Reg. 20c, 13¢. 10c-23c¢c 23c-45¢ e253 for 166 J SARRONOL _.. 4 for 28¢ CASTILE SOAP BLONDEA Sir 10: TOILET SOAP CAMA KRK'S 57... 5101 9c NEW ERA CAUZE, | yd. 18¢ -- 5 yds. 35¢ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SOLUTION, 9¢--14¢ ZAM-BUK OINTMENT DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT J. & ). FIRST-AID SPECIAL KIT .. MECCA OINTMENT x 2'4 yards | . 9¢ 12¢ ee. BE 2 for 23¢ Reg. 35¢, 19¢ Reg. 25¢, 19¢. _Reg. 45¢, 37¢ * re -- I ---------- PABLUM-- Baby Cereal--1 Ib. , LATEX NIPPLES. Reg. 10¢ ene. 3 for 17¢ LATEX BABY PANTS--Extra Strong = BABY ROBINSON'S BARLEY. Reg. 37¢ cee 33¢ PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA. 39¢--2 for 78¢ 45¢ for 4S¢ $1.00 FLOODLIGNT Sireamiined _dougn in black sad copper Complete with botteries. $180 Automatic Spetiight Always in focus. Block ond chromium. Complete with batleries CA prices include FRESH dered BATTERIES $1.25 SPOTLIGHT Streamlined design in black and copper. Co: pele wah bemeder ~~ 23¢--A45¢--79¢ 23¢--2 GLYCERINE SUPPOSITORIES, 12's _.__ MENNEN BABY INFANT iy EAR Al AND | ULCER SYRINGE CASTORIA--Safe = Infants LACTOGEN BABY FOOD .. TWIN-TIPS ee 10¢--25¢--850¢ Boe 47¢--94¢ 25c¢, 39¢--Res 50¢c, 37¢ OIL Reg. 25¢, 19¢--Reg. 50c, 37¢ 29¢89¢ 69¢--1.69 ee SL 3 LAUNDRY IVOR SOAP--Large ......., Jr] 8c OWN SOAP BABY' inno fr 5c EVANGELINE Kid Finish Stationery Heavyweight Vellum, 1 pad (50 sheets) and 23 pkg. Envelopes. BOTH FOR MAKE-UP ENSEMBLES Red Flare, a brilliant success for toilored moments; Pep- DELIGHT SOAP INFANT 5 for 24. Tour SOAP . PALMOLIVE CASHMERE : BOUQUET SOAP PAISLEY 25... 3w 17 « ELECTRIC Light Bulbs 15-25-40-60-75 or 100W, permint Pink, for the new gentleness in fashion. Regular dollar Du Barry lipstick, each echoed in rouge ond har- monizing, powder, "3w16. 317 ODEX DEODORANT 2 for 11 MANYFLOWERS sou i w]e And Curl Comb FREE E TOILET SOAP . COLE i Sf And ' Glass Frult Bowl FREE rd Se lather that won't delicate skin, SPECIAL PRICE 6 =: 23 TAMBLYN Boracic Soap with Lanoline An exquisite toilet soap--white, even textured to give a soothing creamy irritate the most by Richard Hudnmt Max Factor Hollywood PaN-Cake Make-Up Like a miracle... = it helps hide tiny com. plexion faults «makes the skin look smooth as velvet - lays lovely for house without re-powdering. 1.85 deckled Colored in Oils 88¢ ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL An Elite Folder -- heayy rich Sky with edge -- 6" x 8" from your favorite negative. COMPLETE 33¢ 2 for 65¢

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