Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1940, p. 8

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nr Ne 1940 1 0 4 ¥ 4 i | THE AIR WAVES RADIO FREQUENCIES CANADIAN STATIONS CFRB, 600k. CBL, 840k. CKOL, 580k. CBY, 1,420k. CKOC, 1,120k. U. 8. NETWORK WABC, WGR, Ask It Basket. WJZ, Musical Americana. WEAP, WBEN, Mr, Dist. Attorney. WKBW, News Flasnes. 8:15 P.M. CKCL, Camping with the "Y." 8:30 P.M. CFRB, Auditions. CBL, CBC, Leon Zuckert Orch. CKCL, Singin' 'n' Steppin' Along WBEN, WEAF, I Love a Mystery. WJZ, Singin' and Swingin'. WABC, WGR, Strange as it Seems 9.00 P.M. | CKCL, Eddie Stroud Orch. * | CFRB, Goodwill Hour SHORT-WAVE FREQUENCIES 11,750 . 11,810 949 2RO Italy EAR Spain ... THURSDAY, RADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 P.M, CBL, COBY, Canadian Press News; At the Console CFRB, Salon Orchestra. WABC, WGR, Kathleen Norris. WBEN, WEAF, Gir] Alone. 5:15 P.M. CPFRB, WABC, Boy and Girl Next Door CBL, CBY, First Aid in the Home. WBEN, WEAF, Life Can Be Beau- tiful. 5:30 P.M. CECL, Tea for Two. CFRB, WABC, To Be Announced WBEN, WEAF, Jack Armstrong. WGR, News Flashes. 5:45 P.M. CFRB, Safety Club. WEAF, WBEN, O'Neills. CBL, CBY, News Flashes. WABC, WKBW, Scattergood Baines N 6:00 P.M. 'OFRB_ Dinner Music. OKCL, WBEN, WKBW, News Flashes, 6:15 P.M. PRB, Claire Wallace. CKCL, Supper Serenade. CBL, Relax and Enjoy. 6:30 PML CBL, WBEN, Sports. CFRB, News. 6:40 PM, OFRB, Wes McKnight. CECL, Birth Notices. OCECL, Breesy Rhythms. WBEN, WJZ, Lowell Thomas , CBL, Who's Who in Music? CBY, Allen Reid. 6:50 P.M. CFRB, Did I Say That? 7:00 P.M. CFRB, WABC, Amos 'n' Andy. CBL, CBY, Reflections in Song WBEN, WEAF, Pleasure Time, WJZ, Easy Aces. CEKCL, Twilight Musical 7:15 PM. CFRB, Light Up and Listen OCKOL, Musical Contrasts. . WABC, WGR, Lanny Ross. WEAP, WBEN, European News Roundup. . 7:30 PM. CECL, Al Leary, Sports. CFRB, Lanny Ross, CBL, CBY, English News Letter to Canada. WGR, WABC, Vox Pop. 7:45 P.M. OBL, CBY, Monica Mugan CKCL, Yes or No CFRB, Muskoka Broadcast 8:00 P.M. CKCL, Tim Maurice Orch. CFRB, Pantry Shelf. CBL, CBY, Piano Recital WEAF, WBEN, Good News. WKBW, WABC, Major Bowes, WGR, News Flashes. 9:30 P.M. WEAF. WBEN, Rudy Vallee. WJZ, Promenade Concert. 10:00 P.M. CFRB, Bert Niosi Orch. WBEN, WEAF, CBL, Bing Crosby. CKCL, Wishart Campbell CBY, WJZ, Louis-Godoy Fight WABC, WKBW, Glenn Miller Orch. WGR, News Flashes. 10:30 P.M, CBY, Music Festival. CFRB, Rex Frost. CKCL, News Flashes. 10:45 P.M. CHoL, Evening Cavalcade FRIDAY RADIO PROGRAMS 5:00 P.M. CFRB, Homespun Trio. . CBL, CBY, News, Jack Hylton Orch. WGR, WABC, Kathleen Norris. WBEN, WEAF, Girl Alone. CKCL, Vocal Varieties 5:15 P.M. CBL, CBY, Talk, Betty Svzuki CFRB, WABC, Concert Orchestra. WBEN, WEAF, Life Can Be Beau- tiful. CKCL, Kay Kyser Orch. 5:30 P.M. CKCL, Tea for Two. WBEN, WEAF, Jack Armstrong, WGR, News Flashes. 5:45 P.M. CBL, CBY, News Flashes. CFRB, Safety Club. ; WEAF, WBEN, O'Nellls. WABC, WKBW, Scattergood Baines. 6:00 P.M. CFRB, Dinner Music. CKCL, WBEN, WKBW, News Flashes. 6:15 P.M. '| OECL, Supper Serenade. CBL, Relax and Enjoy CFRB, Claire Wallace, 6:30 P.M. CBL, Can. Mothercraft Society WBEN, Sports CFRB, News. 6:40 P.M. CKCL, Birth Notices . CFRB, Wes McKnight. CKOL, Accordiona 6:45 P.M. CKCL, Accordiana CBL, CBY, Joy Redden WBEN, WJZ, Lowell Thomas. WABC, WKBW, World Today. WGR, News Flashes. 6:50 P.M. CPRB, Did I Say That? 7:00 °.M. CKCL, Twilight Musicale. CBL, CBY, Joseph Marais CFRB, WABC, Amos 'n' Andy. WBEN, WEAF, Pleasure Time, WKBW, Fulton Lewis Jr. 7:15 P.M. CFRB, Light Up and Listen. WBEN, WEAF, European News Round-up, WEKBW, News Flashes. CBL, "Red" Foster, 7:30 P.M. CKCL, Al Leary. CFRB, Lanny Ross CBL, CBY, Toronto Clarinet Quar- tette, WGR, WABC, Al Pearce Gang. "DAILY CROSSWORD 16. Affirmative 32. Russian river 35. Conjunction § 38. S-shaped 21. Greeting 22. Ahead 23. Melts 24. Equine 26. Body of water 28. Word of negation 29, Weep 30. Ever (contr.) 3. Foretoken 4. Measuring unit (print.) 5. Excess of chances 6. Gentle . 'breeze 7. Deed 0. Seovvesd 10. Acquire 11. Covered with egg worm 39. Falsehoods 40. City in Penn- & sylvania quadruped 41. Finnish . Anglo- poem Saxon letter 43. Officer's assistant 44. An article 45. Colors 47. Grampus 48. Siamese coin Distributed by King Features Syndicate. Inc, « 7:45 P.M. CPFRB, Easy Aces. CBL, COBY, Talk, R. 8. Lambert; News i CKCL, Screen Tests 8:00 P.M. CBL, WEAF, Frank Black Sym- phony. CFRB, Game of Games. CKCL, Corbett at Console WGR, WABC, Kate Smith Hour. WJZ, Strictly Business WKBW, News Flashes, 8:30 P.M, CBY, The Army Sings CFRB, From Stage and Screen WJZ, Death Valley Days 9:00 P.M. CFRB, Name It and Take 1t WEAF, CBL, Waltz Time. COBY, Organ Musings WGR, Internationa] House Party. WABC, WKBW, Johnnie Presents. WJZ, Show Boat. 9:30 P.M. CFRB, Bert Niosi CBL, Along the Boulevard. CBY, Command Performance WABC, WKBW, Grand Central Station WEAF, WBEN, What's My Name? WJZ, This Amazing America 10:00 P.M. CKCL, Singin' 'n' Steppin' Along CBL, CBY, Violin Recital CFRB, Novachoral Duo WJZ, News Flashes WABC, WKBW, Thomas Dewey WGR, News; Wrestling Bout. WEAF, WBEN, Don Ameche and Cast. 10:30 P.M. CFRB, Organ Reveries CBL, CBY, The Book Window CKCL, News Flashes. WABC, WKBW, World Tonight WBEN, WEAF, Story Behind the Headlines. 10:40 P.M. CFRB, Motorists on the Move 10:45 P.M. CKCL, Jack Crayford CBL, CBY, Don Turner Orch, 11:00 P.M. CFRB, Slumber Music CBL, CBY, WBEN, News Flashes. WJZ, News; Johnny Messner Orch 11:15 P.M. CFRB, WABC, Dance Orch. WBEN, Sports Review. CBL, CBY, World Affairs CKCL, It's Dancetime 11:30 P.M. CFRB, WABC, Larry Clinton Orch. CKCL, News Flashes CBL, CBY, Woodhouse and Hawk- ins. WJZ, Bobby Byrne Orch. WEAF, WBEN, Byrd Expedition Gets 3-Month Term For Theft Of Metal Peterboro, July 4.--Convicted of stealing a quantity of metal from the Department of Transport, Ross Dixon, of 'Peterboro, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment by Magistrate W. A. F. Campbell. William Calvert, of Harvey Town- ship, pleaded guilty to the same offense, but was allowed to go on suspended sentence for one year as he had no previous record. A LOT OF HOOTSTOWN HAS CAPTURED 0 THAT HAS BEEN GOING OVER TO -- Ct -- -- a of Yours By James W. Barton, M.D. RESUSCITATION FROM DROWNING At a time when swimming and boating are at their height, I be- lieve it would be well for all of us to be ready to give a helping hand In cases of drowning. The old idea that unless the body is recovered in | five minutes or less, nothing can be done, was wrong, and resuscitation | has been accomplished when the | individual has been in the water | over half an hour. In fact, we read of cases where recovery has taken | place. after even longer periods In the water. | At this time, therefore, T would like to refer to the repommenda- | SECRET AGENT X9 tions of Drs. D. W. Lougheed, J. M. Janes, and G. E. Hall, University of Toronto, in the Canadian Medi- cal Association Journal, All mud, or other substances should be removed from mouth and throat. The body should be gently lifted by the waist, to allow as much water as possible to drain from stomach and lungs. The body should then be placed face down- ward with the head and chest low- er than the rest of the body. With the head of the patient slightly drawn back and lying on one side, the Schaefer method of artificial breathing should be started im- mediately. The tongue should be pulled forward. If tongue does not remain forward and a catheter is available, catheter should be push- ed gently down throat and if foam blocks it, the foam can be drawn out by suction. A "perle" of amyl nitrite, if available, should be | erushed and held over open end of catheter. It is, however, the Schaefer method of artificial respiration that is the most important part of the treatment. It is as follows: Place the patient face downwards on the ground, then, without stop- ping to remove clothing, commence artificial respiration. Put yourself astride on one one side of patient's body, in a kneel- ing position, facing his head. Plac- ing your hands flat in the small of his back, with the thumbs nearly touching and the fingers spread out on each side of the body over the lowest ribs, lean forward, and steadily allow the weight of your body to fall over upon your hands and so produce a firm downward pressure. By this means the air (and water if any) is driven out of patient's lungs. Immediately thereafter swing backwards, rapidly removing the pressure but without lifting the hands from the patient's body. OTTAWA CREATES TOOL COMPANY Ottawa, July 4.--Particulars of the newly created Citadel Merchan- dising Company, Limited, an or- ganization formed to Insure the supply of machine tools and other equipment essential to war indus- try, were announced Tuesday by Munitions Minister Howe. The company, although fully=owned by the Government, is operated as a non-profit, private organization with offices in Montreal and with representatives in Ottawa and New York. Citadel Merchandising now is in full operation co-ordinating produc- tion and procurement of machine tools in Canada to assist in firms occupled with war orders to obtain adequate supplies of equipment. While the Citadel Merchandising Company operates under the direct supervision of Mr. Howe, it is ad- ministered by the following direc- tors, all of whom serve without re- muneration: Thomas Arnold, chairman, Mani- toba Steel Foundries, Ltd. presi- dent: L. J. Belnap, president, Con- solidated Paper Corp, Ltd. vice- | E. Gravel, director, Bell Telephone y president; J. D. Johnson, president, | Co. of Canada; F. K. Morrow, die Canada Cement Company, Ltd.; C.| rector, Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. Canadian Tire Corporation 50 BOND TREES EAST NO PRICE INCREASE | YET ... « « BUT = | Numerous enquiries have been reccived askin, y g what effect the recent Budget 'has hind on tire prices, Our answer . , , NO PRICE INCREASE YET ... but... tires will soon cost from 80c to more, | according to size and weight. "pL Rm. Save by buying NOW! . . . or, if you prefer, a small deposit will "lay away" your meeds for the mext 60 days. ? "Super-Lastic" continues to be Canada's outstanding tire value! Save' by buying direct! , . . assure but one small profi pgs Profit betwesn factory SUPER-LASTIC TIRES and TUBES SUPER- LASTIC "MAH ER"? First Line 4-ply 1 C.T.C. "Junior" 4th line C.T.C. 'Special' 3rd line Super- Lastic 2nd line 1 4.75/20 5.00/19 5.00/20 5.25/11 5.25/18 5.25/19 ©: | O. uanm Rann 25 & SRR ORE MBAR | Ag, C2083 | 3388 pada Bail dt 2nd Bott i pp pt | pt i a Neue | Haid Toa - 33%3 a © 5.50/17 5.50/18 5.50/19 2% pai 10.10 I NR OD 6.25/16 "en 6.50/16 "es 7.00/16 ae 12.45 12.45 PEPER hi aa] Soe For good value and guaranteed parts and so forth, buy at CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION STORES $0 YOU THINK THE KEY YOU FOUND WN BABES HAIRDRESS FITS ONE OF THESE LOCKERS, I FEEL SOMETHING = A PIECE oF Pid THIS 15 FOR SMALL, WIRE "HAIRED LEFT HERE ABOUT A MONTH ASO BY A * -- -- DONALD DUCK -- vila MUMBL RAISE MY RENT, WILL HEZ MUMBLE-- GRUMBLE=---\ LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY WEEDS TO BE PLOWED UNDER. T'LL BE A CARIBBEAN THEY'LL GROW IN THEIR LITTLE GARDENS CATFISH IF THAT HERD OF YOUNGSTERS AINTA PERTTIER os" SIGHT THAN ANY FLOWERS 1 AINT DENYIN' "THAT -- BUT THERE'S A LOT OF HUMAN WEEDS STARTIN' TO COME UP OUT OF THE MUD IN HALLELUYA ~ DONT PRETEND YOU DON'T KNOW TM ATALKIN' 'BOUT "THEM STRANGERS IN TOWN YOU KIN SEE THEYRE POISON IVY BLOSSOMS STRIPES DOWN \ THEIR BACKS ~ Werld nights reserved Copr. 1940, King Features Syndicate, Inc, LOOK WHAT I GOT FOR YOU ~ BABY CARROTS EAT/EM ~ THEY'RE SWELL ~ TUST LIKE E5.OR FANCY DAD BLAME IT. WITH WHITE THAT TOUGH GUY FROM DOCK ST. AND MUGGS ARE GOIN' TO FIGHT TODAY! I HOPE MUGGS HASN'T K.O.'D HIM ALREADY I Corr. 1940, "Ung Features Syndicate, Inc, LET'S STEP ON IT OR WE'LL MISS THE FIRST World rhs rererued LOOK! DO YOU SEE el. 0 ie HAIN'T YA GONNA CHALLENGE .. JUST AS SOON AS THE 'BLACKOUT 1S OVERLY,

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