Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1932, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1932. Ban Sunday Hockey Kingston, -- Playing hockey on nS municipal rinks in*King- ston on Sunday is taboo. On Suu- day afternoon complaints were made to the police about boys engaged in hockey games at a number of the rinks. As a roe i sult constables paid an unexpect- ed visit to the rinks where the games were In progress and call- ed "time" when the matches had reached a very interesting stage. A general warning was issued by the police that no haqckey games will be allowed on these rinks on Sunday. Agnes MacPhail To Speak Smiths Falls, -- At a meeting of the organization committee of the Smiths Falls unit of the Co- Operative Commonwealth Feder- ation, it was decided a mass meeting of ths organization would be held in the town hal at an early date in January, with Miss Agnes MacPhail, M.P.,, as the principal speaker. Flood Theatens City - Belleville. -- Local harbor front men are voicing the opin- lon that the city is facing the srobability of as disastrous a flood as any ever experienced here as the Bay of Quinte water 'evel rose three feet during the wight. Anchor jce has frozen in 'he mouth of the river and is dlocking the flow of water from he still rising water of the Moira River. Water has already invaded local boathouses, and according to one veteran, Jack Roblin, it the cold snap con- tinues, nothing can avert a flood. Siameso Pups Ottawa. -- Dog fanciers here aro thumbing record hooks in vain to find a precedent for the birth of "Siamese Twins" to a pure bred Boston terrier, own- cd by Henry Girouard. The pups, joined from head to girth, lived over an hour. One was a male, the other a female. There were seven pups altogether in the lit- ter. Warden Honoured Ottawa. ~-- In recognition of the invaluable services he has rendered the county during his term of office ag warden for"the past year, Dr. R. EB. Wodehouse, who is retiring from that office at the end of the month, was presented with a beautifully in- scribed silver coffee pot by his colleagues on Carleton County Council Saturday. Investigate Robbery Pembroke. -- Two young men of Pembroke, Lawrence QGareau and Boyd Anderson, were arrest- ed today in connection with the robbery of Charles Moss, post- master at Alice Station, 10 miles away, on the night of October 30 last, A third arrest iz ex- pected. appeared beforc Police Magis- trate MacGregor. but were not asked to plead. The sum of $290 { was taken from Moss at the point |; of a revolver. : Held Confirmation . Napanee. ---- Rt. Rev. John' Lyons, D.D,, Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Ontario, made his first official visit to St. Mary Magdelene Church «¢ Sunday morning, and wag greeted by a largo col ;regation. In addition to 'giving a forceful sermon, Dr. Lyons confirmed a class of four- teen which had been prepared: by the vicar, Rev. R. J. Dumbrille. Ferry Damaged Kingston. -- The steamer. Wolfe Islander, seriously dam- aged, was brought to Kingston, tonight in tow of the tug, Sal- vage Queen, and will go" into drydock. En route Mom King-, ston to Wolfe Island da Satur- day morning the Wolfe Islander ran aground on a shoal near hes destination, = The Salvage Queen was sent to her assistance ani succeeded in pulling her off the shoal and towing her here, Almost Asphyxiated Belleville, -- Overcome by a fainting spell while she was lighting the gas stove im her home, Mrs, Meyer Harris had a narrow escape from death wnen she was almost suffocated by the gas fumes. Her husband return- ed to the house before she was suffocated and Dr. W. C. Morgaa was: called, : She was taken to the hospital where she is report- | ed in a satisfactory condition. | Charged With Desertion Gareau and Andersoa | Belleville. -- Clarénce Cooper, Napanee, was arrested near here and will stand trial. for deser- | tion of his wife and family and HOSPITAL SCOUT AWARDED HIGHEST HONOR "FOR 'CARRYING ON IN THE FACE OF EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES," Wallace Kinnaird, a member of ihe Robert Louis Stevenson Scout Group, attached to the Hospital for Sick Children at Thistletown, received the Cornwall decoration, highest Boy Scout award, and the third to be awarded this honor in Canada. Injury in a football game in 1930 led to amputa inspiration to all at the hospital. Mitchell, president of the Boy Scout organization In Ontario, making the award. atlon of his right leg, but despite great pain Wally "carried on" and became an Picture shows, left 'to right, Mr. Willlama Kinnaird, the father; Wally and J. W, quality. Cor. Conant and Annis St. COKE !! Positively Dry This Coke was placed in our sheds in September and fore has not been exposed to rain or snow, so that our Ouse tomers are assured of absolutely dry Coke of the very finest Cedardale Coal & Coke Company G. DAVIDSON, Manager, loading on the family and slip- ping away, to the accompzniment of bells, to the house selected for that year's party. Times have changed, In the course or rol- lowing a livelihood, the family has scattered. The members, in many cases, are miles away from home, perhaps half a continent apart, Time and distance make most of the old re-uniong im- possible. That fact gives the Canadian National Telegraphs a wonderful opportunity to be of service and family messages of greeting and good-will are con- sidered important telegraph busi- ness. Mailed greetings cannot reach their destination on Christ- mas Day for their i8 no postal delivery. They may arrive days late or days early due to abnor- mal mail conditions. There fs added a more faithful of workers to his cheerful arm) than the Canadian National Tele- || graphs, who are ready at' 'ally times to be of service. TOO LATE : "When does 'the 5.30. tesver" demanded the city man of a well- known railway porter. "At hall- past five," was the reply. "Well," continued the traveller, "the church clock says 27 minutes past, and the post office clock is 32 minutes past. Which am I to go by22 2Y er can go by any clock yer like," responded the porter, "but yer ¢cJ7"t go by the trainm, "cos it went five minutes ago." 80 THE STORY GOES St. Peter--"Can you give any reason why you should enter here?" festival of the year. Befcre life became the complicated af- fair it is today, the family re- mained all its life in a single community. The Christmas gath- ering of the clans was a simple matter of hitching up the sleigh, breaking parole. Mrs. Ruby , | Modern Ambassador | Keller, at whose home he was | Of Old Santa Claus arrested, was taken into custody, | | -- a psychological time for the ar- rival of glad Christmag tidings and that is on Christmas Day when the scattered family mem- bers are gathered around thelr separate hearths thinking of each other. Santa Claus never Applicant--*"Well , , . I owned an automobile for 20 years and never tried to knock a locomotive off the track." St. Peter -- "Enter, Brother, Common sense fa » "~avenly vire tue!"--Misour! Pacific, ~~ pleaded gullty to,vagrancy and was remanded fora week. GRISTMAS SPECI; 5 LR cd eee eo se ie mp Times' Classified Ads Ge¢ Results. Montreal.--Christmas still re- mains the most important family : : $ ) 3 5 $ s ! ) 4 % id bok SF XMAS SHOPPING HOURS 21, 22, 23, * 9.80 pm. Sat.: " 9.80 pm. Fri.: " '* 10.00 p.m. Sat.; " an ie FRESH MADE 24, * 10.00 p.m, 10.00 p.m. ' 10.00 p.m. 2 25° § 30, * ai, § Mincemeat NEW CROP MIXED NUTS 17° (in chell) ALMONDS Ib. WALNUTS |b. PEANUTS Ib. BRAZILS Ib. FILBERTS Ib. Sound end Sweet XMAS CANDIES Jelly Beans Rock and Spools Chocolate Drops Humbugs Gum Drops 15% SATIN MIXED 2 Ibs. 925°¢ PLAIN OR ALMOXD ICZD 29° TURKE GEESE CHICKENS SELECTED YS At Lowest Market DUCKS Prices Whole or Half SMOKED HAMS iw. 12 FRESH HAMS ib. 10. Fresh Made SAUSAGE MEAT Fresh Fillets .............15¢c Smoked Fillets 15 29c 35¢ 63c NAVEL ORANGES Doz. Choice Spinach ..........c.cevueie...i. 2 Ibs, 23¢ CRANBERRIES. Fresh Radish ........ hana Sasisase eo vsisaiisens sists virnn..2 Bunches 15¢ COOKING ONIONS. 10 Pcunds . Celery Hearts .............. arses 2 for 25¢ Large Cocoanuts ........co0ernninne.., Each 5¢ o} CHOICE LEMONS. Spaiéh Onions ............. ieee 5 lbs. 25¢ * Doz. 25¢ Tasty ALMOND ICING . Clubhouse Stuffed OLIVES 18% ox bot. Evaporated APRICOTS . . Faney Table RAISINS . Glece CHERRIES . Xmas CRACKERS . . Leémon end. Orange PEE! gs pkg. 1-1. pkg. 20¢ % th doz. Blonched ALMONDS . . Send Hates -pkg. Blanched BRAZILS =. . pkg 10¢ Facey TABLE FIGS per pkg 3Q¢ Domninvon PEAS . . No. 2 tin 14¢ Welch's GRAPE JUICE . bot. - 33¢ Nature Best TOMATO JUKE 2 His , 18¢ Shirriff's JELLY . . |2-0z jer 24¢ Karavan Stoneless DATES . . 2 pkgn 38¢ Delicious bot. HORSERADISH 10c | Fancy ! COOKING FIGS 3 Ibs. 25¢ | Christmas Puddings Cc Apprezimate 3 re) ' IN EARTHENWARE BOWL § DATES HAL ow! Faney Quality { Seventeen AR GE Cl A RA OE OF TO a a a 1505 ae 1 A TA A A A oA A 1A A KING EAST PHONE 28 JURY & LOVELL'S SIMCOE S. PHONE 68 Spanish Soaps Three guest Cakes 29¢ Every Gift From the Rexall Store Says 'Merry Christmas' Electric Hair Curlers 98¢ Flashlights Complete with Batteries 65¢c Focusing Models $1.50 Jasmine Bath Salts | In silvered box Turrets, Buckingham, British Consols, Guinea Gold, Winchesters, Other Foreign and Dcmestic brands. PERFUME ATOMIZERS Manicure Sets 29¢ Others -- 60c $1 1.50 4.50 Yardley Bath Cubes Six in Box 50c ttractive DeVilbis Perfumizers of smartly tinted glass in soft $1.00 and $2.50 Elizabeth Arden....$1.75 - $3 Evening in Paris ...... Sess Gardenia Rare ... Hudnut's Debut Quelque Fleur . 3 Coty's pastel shades. 89¢c to $3.50 FINEST VELLUM STATIONERY with Bottle of JASMINE PERFUME A complete assortment at new low prices. In a most beautiful box of silver and black. Regular value $1.75. SPECIAL DuBarry Pet Pound 49c¢ § Traveluxe Contains: Creams, Powder Perfume Gardenia Sets of Rare Beauty All sets are gorgecusly boxed in golden cartons that fairly glisten. Powder and Perfume ....$1.50 Talcum & Face Powder $1.35 Skin Softener and Talcum $1 Lotion and Face Powder $2.00 Christmas Crackers 25¢ doz. § AND UP BODY POWDERS Narcisse Body Powder $1.00 J | Jasmine Dusting Powder $1.25 § Elizabeth Arden's .......... $3.00 § Rubber Vanity Dusting Pcwdz; $1.00 : Georgia Rose Special Gemey ..... Yardleys ... i 25¢ Williams' Holiday Luxury Package Contains all the popular Williams' requisites for a pleasant shave. 'Regular sizes of Aqua Velva, Luxury Shaving Cream, Lilac Tal- cum, Dental Cream and Elder Flower Soap. 89¢ Neilson's Chocolates, 2 a # Hunt's Chocolates, Ib. ...........cocurrirnninns Christmas Candy WHAT A VARIETY d Steckings filled ....ccocveeiinnnees .2 for 5c to 50¢ each sensei 31.20 Candy Canes ...... Children's Boxes ...........ccevensurnsenennnn. 25¢ and 50c Laura Secord Candy Fresh from the Studio 45¢ 1b. One pound Box--50¢ Two pounds and over--45¢c pound fi Play Ball § ENGLISH ROLLS RAZORS NICKLE e===-- SILVER FINISH pl) FINISH Hawkeye Camera \ Grey--Black. Names engraved free of charge | PERSET $1.75 SOAPS Brotaley's Violet ....3 for 78¢ eesianserenesansenne ed fOr 78e Ds Lavender 3 for $1.00 Jasmine Soap and Per. fume .. rssrsnsensinat BBE DuBarry ..............3 for $1.00 R. & G. Violet +..3 for $1.00 Wocdbury's ............3 for 69¢ Bronnley's Lily of the : Valley ..............3 cakes 75¢ Wardonia Razors Entirely new idea in sha from Englan d. vay CHUBBY SET Blades and Ras .. $1.00 Blades and Razor .. OXFORD SET Razor and Blades in Satin lined nickle case. $1 0) Waterman Desk Sets Bases of Argentine Onyx and Brazilian Marble and fitted with ' genuine Waterman Pens Regularly sold for $5.00. "Price $3.49 LOWEST PRICES IN OSHAWA SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR REXALL STORE

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