Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1932, p. 9

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La THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1932 Gifts It's the.eare and thought that es into the selection of a gift at gives it its value--not the ce. Often some small remem; lance chosen with special re- rd for the taste of the recipient 11 win more approval than a stly token that has no indivi- al appeal. This year the shops e full of suggestions for gifts this type. They may be as costly or inex- bnsive as you please, hut the 11 mark of good taste guaran- ps their happy reception. Fine Perfumes There are delicate flower-like lors for the demure, flower-like rl. There are rare perfumes ith a heavy Oriental tang for e girl who's a bit more myster- bus. There are fresh pungent perfumes to be worn with sports othes=~just a hint of a [rag- Bee, And all of them eome in he most attractive bottles. Some 1] and slender with effective toppers wrought in flower hapes. Others, squat and square f.heayy glass suggest the rare, otic quality of the scents they nclose. Bath salts in large square bot- les--so lavish in size that they pake the girl who receives them ee] most luxurious and '"'expens ive', = There are smart-looking ompactis--some in. the large 'pancake' style so popular now. hey may be had in silver or fold or in colored enamel. One bspecially lovely one was finished n black enamel with initial in marca: ite, Gifts That are Decorative It's casy to make a room harming if it contains smart and ndividual accessories. Among hese are cigarette boxes of rich enamel in deep blue or scarlet-- he box bound in gold or silver. Dthers are covered in tooled lea- her with a smart looking print atop the lid. Still others to use on the dining table are of crystal vith ash trays--all initialed to natch. Ash trays in every con- eivable shape and material offer splendid choice for the small gift. Some are of quartz with ade or amber ornaments. Others pf pewter have an Early Ameri- can air. - There are quaint open dishes designed to hold cigarettes "DODDS KIDNEY ~ = 7/ made of bright-hued pottery-- these have ash trays to match. Most women loye the dainty elegance of tiny Dresden figures --they are charming in a variety of placings. There are other figures---{rom Scotland, from England in a hard- ier pottery with gayly colored draperies. For the mantel come vases of painted tin decorated with prints. Fantastic animals of white porce lain are amagingly decorative And the shops are crowded with the most fascinating array of small animals made of brown glags, of silver, of pottery. A particularly lovely pair of birds in silver, mounted on legs of black metal were used some ef- fectively as part of a dinner ta- ble setting. Other birds of glass are brillignt and fragile in effect --a bird of Paradise flaunted a lovely blue and crimson tail, tall stork-like hirds of amber col- ored glass stood on either side of a low bowl-also of amber colored glass. The New Books Holiday time brings a generous list of new books--novels, books on travel, biographies, technical books--a type for every taste The juvenile books have never heen so attractive and education- al. There are marvelous books jl- lustrated with photographs for the tinjest tots to enjoy and beau- tifully illustrated editions of classics for older children. Gifts of Stationery Boxed stationery in a wide variety of styles is most accept- able, If orders are placed early enough the sheets may be mono- grammed or engraved with the address of the recipient. For the traveler there are convenient compact folders con- taining sufficient: envelopes and stationery for a short journey. This paper is of excellent quality and veiy moderately priced so that it may serve as a "small" gift for those whom we may wish to remember with more than a Christmas card. Effective New Trays There is a particular vogue for attractive trays just now aud they are an excellent gift choices for they may be as moderately priced or costly as one wishes. Some of wood, are decorated with linen or wall paper, shellac ed for service. One is lined in nat- ural color linen in red or yellow plaid. Still others of tin are paint. ed in brilliant colors and decor- ated with quaint paper cutouts, Beautiful coffes trays of silver are simple and dignified in pat- tern or lavishly carved in intri- cate designs for the more preten- tious gift. It is difficult to enumerate all of the fascinating gifts that are displayed this scason to tempt our purses and our desire to give gifts truly individual and beauti- ful. Choose early and you will be certain of obtaining the pick of the gift world. Now that the election is. over ' U=w Walker is in Europ, Russell Sherwood sends word . ie has been released rem capiivity. -- Detroit Free ress. - Times' Classified ..ds. Get Results. BY MAYOR HAWKES and Folk Songs AT THE ADMISSION--10¢ OSHAWA PUBLIC WELFARE CAMPAIGN Drawing of Prizes GRAND CONCERT By Oshawa Ukrainian Artists Colorful Dancing --~ Music and Collegiate Auditorium TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. (A Ticket for the Chevrolet Coupe and 48 other prizes will be given with every admission) SPECIAL FIVE CENT FARE ON STREET CARS FROM 7 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT. Every Heart Responds to the Appeal of Home All lights focus on the home at Christmas. It is the setting for happiest holiday hours. Gifts chosen to make this spot more charming are gifts selected not for a day, a week or a month but for years to come. The cameras have been crank- ing busily so that you might see how attractive such gifts cap be Some are designed for comfort and utility---some for decorative purposes--but all do their bit to add to the beauty of the home. To M2ke the Living Room More Attractive and Comfortable Perhaps that lounge chair of Dad's is getting a bit shabby-- , why not replace it with a new ne so that the long winter even- | ings at home will be even more | attractive than of old. There are | many stunning chajrs--some up- lolstered in rich dark red or 'recen leather, others in tapestry or smart corded fahries. They are o very comfortable that Dad will f cherish a happy memory of the glver's thoughtfulness for many years. Mother, too, might ajpre- ciate a comfortable chair, per- haps a 'pull-up type, covered in attractive brocaded fabrics or gay flowered chinta. There are end tables----conveni- ent for holding an additional lamp or book ends, Some in Ear- ly American style of pale, honey- colored maple have convenient drop leaves. Others of mahogany in more formal design have a a rack for books. The New Lamps More and more lamps are com- ing te play a paramount part in the decorative treatment of a room. And pever have there been s0 many styles from' which to choose. A tahle lamp with a white | pottery base decorated in flowers, in bas relief has a white eilk ghade finished in heavy frald in palest green, Another 6f metal wag painted bright vermilion and decorated with an attractive old nrint the whole treated with a dark brown shellac to give a mellow, antique effect. The shade for this base was of parchment in deep brownish yellow. Still an- other had a base of wood in the shape of a column, finished in dull gold leaf. The shade wax parchment in pale eream color decorated with a delicate leaf border. Exquisite Accessories For the Table Every woman loves to ereate new and beautiful effects in ta- ble decorations. And gifts that will make this possible are espec- fally welcome. A visit to a linen shop reveals the infinite possibili- ties in table linens. There are scarves and runners of antique Italian filet. Rich damask cloths in beautiful patterns may now be had in delicate pastel tones as well as the familiar white. There are peasant sets in gay striped linen for the informal meal luncheon sets of bright checked gingham or linen in plain colors decorated with appliques in flow- er or fruit designs. Glassw®re and China The newest patterns in glass- ware are stunning. A complete rauge of types from water gob- I reached them to wriggle through, I was half- way to safety when the beast awoke, With gleaming eyes it sprang. My yell wag drowned by the impact of its huge body against the ars and I was hurl ed headlong among Safe! I got off lightly with a broken arm and shoulder." The narrator of the next story spoke as follows: "While waiting for a train on to go into the waiting room There he told me that his only son had been killed in the great war but the boy's mother be- lleved each year that hs would return at Christmas time, Ke- cently she had become blind and helpless and the ony craving she had in the world was to fae her boy near her. She had forced her husband to meet each train, For the sake of his wife the hus- band on seeing me hac deter- mined to stage a bold deception. I was, he sald, of similar physi- que and age as his own boy go he pleaded with me to take his son's place. I finally agreed and on the journey listened to a reci- tal of the part I was to play. The greeting and preparations that awaited me were ample re- and endeavored | | £15, : jand from their winding sheets | emerged men and women in even- the cargo. | Christmas eve a palr of pathetic | eyes looked into my 'ace. Their | possessor, an old man, asked me | parations for any distasteful feel- ing I might have had. I shall never forget the old lady's heau- tiful eeuntenance as she blessed us both. She passed peacefully away en Christmas night." From New York the third odd Christmas experience comes: "When 'down end out' in New York on Christmas eve a man offered me five dollars to accom- pany him to his Fifth avenue mansion. I gladly closed with the offer and on reaching our des- tination discovered that I had te impersonate Satan at a spook party. After = being arrayed in suitable attire, I was conducted tu the scene of the revel. The guests eame in aunto-hearses and were introduced to me as J sat on a raised dais. All those invited wore fearful masks and were garbed In white shrouds from head to feet. In my immediate vicinity were some repulsive- locking witches murmuring in- rsntations round a cauldron sup- posed to be full of hell-broth. At 3 a.m. the costumes were doffed ing dress. The host shouted 'to hades with everything and every semblaj ce of spookdom was thrown at me. The bells were ringing as I left--richer in ex- perience and with five dollars of | the best. | CHURCHES ASSIST THEIR OWN NEEDY Hamilton.--For the third year in uccession th. United Churches of Hamilton have combined to raise a fund for the relief of the r among their own cong: This year a $10,000 offer taken in the church DOSE. Wi h the wthorities least six churches are suffering from almost complete 1 tamong the f{: pending upon hom to keep the doors open, cizhteen churches jor share of the burden of missior unemploy and - and ¢ to bear | work and relief. CODE REVISED FOR | RADIO SHIP CASES Montreal.--The idea of Dr. | Raoul Berpard of Brussels, Bel- | gium, hy which an international, multilingual medical code would | be used on all ships, larg small, is sponsored "by the Ca dian National Steamships here, Thouzh large ships carry thei own dectors and have their ow freighters and othe Il ships carry mo qualified sician. The code would. en- | le the officers of any ship + the language spoken | rd, to communicate by wi | less with the doctor of any other ship and secure medical advice. | Thus the handieap of not being | able to comprehend the desecrip- | tion of symptoms or the medica! | advice given, would be overcome and many lives would be saved annually, It is reported that the and | | i Christmas , " SHOE SALE ¥ Children's Shaes-- 95c $1.35 $1.60 $1.88 Childs' Bedroom Slippers = 65¢c 75¢ 85¢ 95¢ > d-- SEE WINDOW DISPLAY ~ v code will be in use hy Janu- ary, 1938. EN TT -- No Need to Worry, with i MAPLE LEAF Anti-Freeze | MADE IN CANADA Enjoyable winter evenings with friends it bridge or L marred with anxiety about the safety «f your car. ture of Maple Leaf Anti-Freeze vith wider, Your desler gives yes Alco-Mcter service to provide positive fro? wsiteation fae a: Park your car outside with the conyplety assurance hat WOUR RADIATOR WILL NOT FREEZE, : Also Removes Carbon--Write Uls About This MAPLE LEAF "ANVI-FREEZE" For Trucks, Buses, Taxis and YOUR CAR Sold at Leading Garages, Service and Filling Stdtions. CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL gu 3 ALCOHOL CO., LIMITED J r Vi Wh ole Bi oh Family : lets to dessert and beverase glasses come in exquisite crystal or glass in brilliant red or sspph- beautiful Make Nelson's Your Headquarters for Christmas Shopping--and Save. SUNDRIES and TOILETRIES Hundreds of Items to Complete Your Lists at Moderate Cost AT drinks -- they are "crackled" and painted Karn's Drug Store Yardley Gifts ......... Shaving Supplies .. Cigarettes Cigars Cigarette Cases Razors Flashlights Kodaks Thermos Bottles and Key Rings Photo Albums FOR HIM William's Shaving Set Palmolive Shaving Set 75¢ & 98c Fountain Pens and Pencils ven 2DC UP Stationery Compacts ..75¢ up 1.00 up Kits ...50c up Bath Salts FOR HER Yardley Gifts Body Powder ........ Cutex Sets . Fcuntain Pens and Pencils Perfumizers Ivory Pieces ...... PRE Toiletry Sets ...............all prices wrens. 35 up rene. 35¢ UP een $2.25 up irssarrsiisiin at WP Electric Toaster Compiste with Cord $1.89 Complete % U Smiles'n Chuckles Canda's Greatest Value 50c a lb., in ! 1b, 11b., 1%; 1b., 2 lb., 3 Ib., and 5 lb. a packages. KARN'S DRUG STORE TIE DRUG STORE FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 'Next to Post Office Phone 78 ed on the glass. There are wi sets of pale purple glass with a glass tray to match. And odd pleces of glassware galore--dec- orative pieces for the table--a bowl for flowers has low candle- sticks to mateh. There aye candy and nut dishes In white and deli- cate pastel tones--everything in fact to make the assembling of a beautifully appointed table a sim- ple matter, Chinaware takes on great var- laty in style and decoration this season--plates are as often square or octagonal as round--indeed the types are inclusive. Why not discuss this matter of a "gift for the home"? It wil) bring great dividends in happi- ness throughout the coming year and the end will be achieved without too great an outlay for household furnishings have never been so moderately priced, Amazing StoMes of Christmas in Various Places Here are some amazing stories of yuletide spent on the high peas, under a tropic sun, apd in danger and adversity: "One Christmas eve in the tropics I stowed away on board a vessel at a colonja} pert," writes the hero of this tale in relating For Mother SILK SCARVES SILK LINGERIE GLOVES HOSIERY SWEATERS LUNCHEON SETS DRESSING GOWNS HANDKERCHIEFS SHIRTS For the Boy GOLF HOSE SILK MUFFLERS HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES AND MITTS SWEATERS CAPS TIES GIVE L GIFTS For Dad SILK MUFFLERS HOSE LINED GLOVES SHIRTS NECKWEAR PYJAMAS NIGHTGOWNS HANDKERCHIEFS For the Girl LINGERIE HOSIERY SILK SCARVES GLOVES AND PULLOVERS STATIONERY BERET AND SCARF SETS HANDKERCHIEFS SHAWLS PULLOVERS SWEATERS FOR THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE "BABY" KNITTED 2-PIECE SUITS NIGHTGOWNS BLANKETS CARRIAGE COVERS MITTS, ETC, ETC his experiepeces. Stumbling aboyt in the dim musty hold 1 came into hatd contact with what felt like a stout balustrade. 8queez- ing mysell through the uprights I revelled in comfort on the soft yielding straw. Curled anéep in the straw lay a huge tawny lion. I was heslde myself with fright. Inch by fnuch and sweating with fear, I crawled toward the bars. ! * NELSON'S it The Store of Bigger and Better Values

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