THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1932 Moan 1 aton WHERE BUYER & SELLER MEET 1oant ad. wa Section NNIN: F. SWAL 1%, BARI Selleitor, Notary Mouey to ad King kg ant Phone 1deuce Ls . (17 feb tf) 1 84 BRIS. ARNIS © § Solicitors, Notaries Publie. Conveyancing and général tice a Law. Office 7% Sim Street South, Oshawa. Phone B. D. Conant, B.A. LL.B. Anbis, B.A, LL. : _SINCLAI &, K.C., BAN mmerce Building, H P. MANGAN, E.A,, BAR Solicitor, Notary Public Ayameer. Mosed In tes ok is ing St. East, Osbaw 1 1h Ie dence phone 837 JASON, CREIGHTON & : Barristers, Etc. Bank of perce Bldg ? H UVMPHREYS, BAK , Solicitors, Ftc. 241 Sim- XK. Phrne 8160. Residence RT ener to loan. "HENNICK, B.A, BARRIS , 1214 Simeoe St. South. Tere 38-5685. Be pe 1°85 st tt) Undertakin IRE BURIA: COU. 81 RING Past. Arabulance iesidence 8 Simcoe street North Phone 03 and 210W BHAWA BURIAL CO. M FR mstrong & Son, Proprietors hnefdl and Ambulance Service y and aight Thone 1082W For Rent DISNEY FOR RENTALS In bewellyn, George, Edward. 4 rooined modern apartments, Houses, flats, rooms, List with Disney. Opposite Post Office, Plione 1550 . (136tf) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED or partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, every con- venience. Apply 21 Warren Ave. (134¢) 5 ROOMED BRICK, HARD- wood floors, modern conveni- ences. Low rent. 8 roomed house, modern, central, garage, immedi- ate possession. Phone 1408W. . (134c) FOR RENT--6 ROOM HOUSL. newly decorated. All econveni- ences, garage. $14 month, 216 Nassau St. (136c) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR | light housekeeping. Lights, water | iu heated. Apply 112 Celina St. hohe £546W. (185e; | Beauty Parlors GENG3UA HAIRDRESSING EX perts--on all kinds of beauty culture. Permanent waves our specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00: Marcell 5@c Facials, scalp treatments and manicuring, Coffee Shop en trante Phone 1973 (8 Juls 1 mo PRINCELEA BEAUTY SALON, speciaiizes in permanent waving, finger waving, marcelling, at low- est prices. 10 Prince. Phone 688 Celina (ath) Architects C. STENHOUSE. GENERAL hitecrural worl. Second floor pyal Bank Building. Phone 96. Residence phonz 909J. Auctioneer HONE 7162 W J SULLEY. ctioneer, 348 Simece St, S.. shawa. Special attention given household furniture sales and rm stock and implements Your trohace solic Watch Repairing A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT s watchmaker, repair shop ar King Street West. Your trcnace ts solicited BRANCI] HAIR dressing and Beauly "u.turs No 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 2%, Osh awa, Ontario. (18 dec ¢) PEMBER § 123 nov t*: JOHNSON, HAIR- 92 Church St. Finger marcel 25¢. Phone 21887. (8 jan e) INTRODUCING -- BARROWS Permanent wave shop. 25 Burk St. Croquinole Waves $2.75 up Finger wave and shampoo Hoe. am (16 dec ¢) NORMA'S BEAUTY PARLOR. 31 King St. East. Marcel Monday and Tuesday, 35c, balance of weeks 50c. Finger waving 50 with shampoo Phone 2525. (17 dec ¢) LORENE dresser, wave 50c, ioe, Transportation IARTAGE AND STORAGE pieman's, 85 Bond Wesi. Spec- lists in furniture moving. Stor- fe warehouse and moving van quipment Phone 82. Insurance AVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, King St. Wes:, Oshawa. The ldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 putable Fire Companies. Battery Service 7 ERIES CHARGED 7b¢ h rental $1.00. Called for and elivered Batteries $2.75 and p. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mil St hone 980 ppend upon, cost less, won't seze, power packed, 'Night an1 bay." Unique Battery Service, ntario St., Oshawa. (135¢) Radios Repaired RUSSELL WICKS, CERTIFIED Radio-Trician, servicing and re- ir, work guaranteed, Highest «a3 dressing and beauty culture at your home. or 156 Roxboronzh | Phone Violet McKenna 1230F. | nn (30 dec ¢ | DAFFODIL HATRDRESSING | Shoppe, 311 Athol East, Finger | wave 50c, marcel 40c, Mrs, Bell. 14427. (1 jan ¢) Engineering H. V. ELLEGETT, REINFORCED concrete structural design and detailing. Mechanical and struc- tural draughting, Phone 103W. * dee cd Music Lessons VOICE PRODUCTION AND piannforte, Horner Smyth, 'rom London, England, School of Opera, now teaching at Harris' Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. South Free interview and advice given { wood, $3 1 SALE ! copper tub for sale cheap. 11651 r 4. | McCLARY | CAPABLE HO U § BH KEEPER | wanted for farm. One that pre- Tuesdays, 7 to 9. Phone 1490. (21 dec ¢) Gas ROBO GAS, "WONDERFUL gas saver'. Saves you money, more power speed and mileage Articles for Sale BODY HARDWOOD §3, ALSO softwood, Guaranteed full meas ure. A, Wall, :92 Courcellétte Ave. Phone 2491F, (18 dec ¢) ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert Phone 1079J. (14 Dec. c) WE SELL SLIGHTLY WORN suits and overcoats, also ladies' goods, at 148 Simcoe S.uth, We also buy clothing, (16 dec c¢) BODY MAPLF, HARD AND soft slabs, body aiemlock, good measure, prompt delivery, low prices. Phone 1716F. (21 dec c) BLACK'S FUEL--BODY HARD- 1 cord. Coke $9.50 ton. Slabs $2.25 3; cord, All 'ue! under cover. Phone 233J. (28 dec e) DRY HARD _BODYWOOD 3% cord $3, mixed 14 cord $2. Johns phone 1993M. (18 dec ¢) HARDWOOD $2 1 CORD, kindling $2.25 34 cord Reduction on larger orders. Corson's, Phone 1941M, (1 Jan ©) READY MIXED MUSHROOM manure, also fresh and well rot- ted. Some at $1.75 per load, also fresh spawn. Phone 53W, (3 jan ¢) BODY WOOD SLABS, $3. Mixe. $2.75. Coke $9.50, Phohe 2423W. Frank McQuaid, Cedar- | dale. (6 jan ¢c) CHOICE CHRISTMAS TREE, reasonable prices, Phone orders now. W. Borrowdale. Phone | 3712. (24 dee c) { OF "SINGER SEWING machines, $10 up, Payments can be arranged. Singer Séwing Machine Co., 18 Ontaric Street. | (1340) | A GOOD BEATTY WASHER Jok 11 (134h, Times. | 55 ROCK PULLETS FOR SALE. Phone | (135h) ELECTRIC RANGE low oven with shelf. $35, Annex | $5. Jarry D. Wilson, Hardware. (136¢c) OAK HEATER. | new. Apply 67 Wilson Rd. | (136a) Female Help Wanted Apply Gordon. Short fers good home to high wages. Apply Box 14 Times. (136a) WANTED--WOMEN AND GIRLS to decorate greeting cards at | home. $5 ; r hundred. No sell- ing. Moritreal Art Shop, Box 383, | (13861) = Ho me ee Dental, UR. 8. J PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention #8 X-ray work. Gas extraction urge in attendance hone 95% House 1312. < BRITISH MARKET IMPROVES The current Issue of the mark- et report of the Dominion Live Stock Branch contains the fol- lowing reference to conditions in the British market: "Reports from the British market indicate improved trad- ing. At Birkenhead, although the supply of Irish cattle was very liberal, there was a ready clear- | Death Is Faced by | ~ion and that the entire | Communist Mortgage Sale MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF the Power of Sale contained in a ¢ertain mortgage, which Will be produced at the time of thé sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction upon the premises themselves, known as 618 Howard Sree, ony of Osh- awa, by W, J. Sulley, Auctioneer, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1932, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, all and singular that certain parcel of land situ- ate in the City of Oshawa, and being composed of Lot 12 on the West side of Howard Street, ac- cording to Plan 159. On the premises is said to be erected a two-storey brick veneer dwelling house with asphalt shingled roof, 7 rooms, three plece bath, hot air furnace and electric wiring. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS: Ten per cent. of the purchase money is to be paid down at the tie of sale, and the balance to be pald within thirty days thére- after, For further particulars and information apply to Louis S. Hyman, 16 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortzagee. (124, 130, 138) PFASANTS BEING SUPPRESSFN BY HAND OF SOVIET aced by Those conceived and built it. It's on a structur, Resisting Grain Collections Usually when oil from the gea bottom, bujit from shore site. But this well Moscow. ~Serious peasant re- sistance against Governfhent «rain collections in the Kuban ~ozion of the Northern Cancasus has developed in recent weeks, ijt 's revealed. Violence was reported in some | a, onjag listriets, necessitating official | pov red unpression, { thar = It was known that Communist cheaper warty leaders and the secret serv- build 2 ice were rushed to the Kugan re- Lder Ate Kuban errick. underwent a He did it, 'A 'horouzh cleaning. Many local | 80-foot stecl piles Communists were - expelled or transferred. Many were arrested. The Red Star, organ of the War Commissarfat, referred to "successful sabotage organized Yy Kulaks (propertied peasants)" in the Kuban region and warned that enemies of grain collection would he "erushed and destroyed by the iton had of the vroletar- jad dictatoréhip." Stich phraseol- was not an empty figure of but meant actual death guilty of anti-Sovict- est pier, and a pier construction that for quarter than a pler, steel party barge had project had ogy speech, for those ism. WIt the power tb do hard work is not talent, it is the best possible substitute for it"--President' Gar- Geld. USED CARS We have an exceptionally fine stock of cars on hand Likely is to the and California's steel "oil island" and C., L. Roberts, the engineer who BY ERSKINE JOHNSON Ventura, Calif.--The ideal job, combining work with pleasure, has been discovered here. ; steel "island" built a half mile off shore to support an oil derrfek. Workmen there wouldn't think of going on the job without plemty of bait and a rod and reel, They bait their hooks when they come on the job in the morning, and keep one eye peeled for pibbles as they work, unloaded drove them deep into the shale bottom 35 feet below the surface. Divers to drop to the ocean and supervise the sinking of the piles and their alignment, The engineers in charge of the | exceptionally weather to help them, but even so it was no easy trick to unload" and drive the steel piles, ing two tons each, from a barge which was pitehing and WEILL DEBATERS | PLAN BUSY SEASON | Competition With British |" University Over Radio ¢ drilled | on the waves. a pier is derrick was 1800 feet | out beyond the end of the long- would be | very costly. So C. L, Roberts, Los | engineer, $75,000, of a more million he could island for the oil floor good weigh- surging TIME TABLES | ANVILLE OSHAWA & WHITBY sows Eas Standard Time) (Eastern (Effectivs_on vod LL 1932) Ween Day Going iti, Sas Ne FASS hy age & 2 228 PEPPTTE Prem 8 BpaRzaBbdal a " Nua Sm SHEE Bos, PURO Cm 3 8 REGLES PUUPTTE ® Sw Bsa ags ® 2 ™ 1] Cats 2 ew 5 TEP PY ¥ 383838 BEE BEE opis 4rd og Tove pus a) 858 ppeefee 5358: peposba 1.15pm, 3 3S mwa "388 2.15 pan, "8S vee a vd of 83 - SeNnuna = & 5d SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (Bastern Standard Time) Going West Arrive Hospital 11.40 p.m. GRAY COACH LINES (Effective Sept. 25, 1932) (Eastern Standard Time) | LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO P.M, AM, P.M. 2.30 b3.30 4.30 b5.30 6.30 b7.30 8.30 09.30 10.30 AM. ab.45 a7.30 8.30 The only mishap {came after the "island" was fin- | | ished, and the derrick equipment was being put aboard. The trans- | port barge was lifted by a surg- ing wave and her hoom broken. The "island" had to be so | | bujit, of course, as to withstand | | tremendous wave and wind ac- | tion, and high eceentrie loads. Once the piles were set, a | framework erected, and a plat- | form buil: on top, setting up the | derrick was a simple matter, Oil will he pumped ashore through |"°1 Fund six-inch steel' pipes laid on the | Scr on toe to vick up for Mcntreal ocean floor, Drilling will .begin | and East, ocn, and Roberts expects to | |-strike oil 500 fect below the sea | 5 | floor. Construction of oi! well and fishing island is ex- pected to open the way to fur- | ther exploitation of under-sea oil, Hitherto it has been customary to ignore oil lying beneath t seat at points too far out to be reached by piers, I oa 10.2 o 10.30 cll.ze b2.30 11.30 a--Daily , except Sunday; b--Saturday, Sunday and holidays only; c--Sunday only; d--Daily except Sundays and holidays. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Tram Service Effective December 5, 1932 Eastern Standard Time EASTBOUND ity. except Sunday. " cept Sunday, WESTBOUND this unusual | CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective December 5, 1932 (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily Trenton Local he | xcept J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE Office Phone 793 Res, Phone 2895 . 4Y; Prince St, Oshaws Two products worth teylng . ay Ne English DRAKES' gyte™ - HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH Sold Every One 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON=-ESSEX ! 133 King St. W. Phot | Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTS If your watch is not giving satisfaction we ean repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- ds awa Rallroa 20 Simcoe St, 8: Phone 18D Fine Watch Repaifing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. : i --s The New Burtol Process Gives ULTRA-RAPID SERVICE IN DRY CLEANING PHONE 707 We Call and Deliver | ar Daily, | Sunday, . repartet x4 18 p.m Balls. { f ie aan, aly. | Debatin Union. narl x For Ottawa Montreal and East Flap \ Westbound 1 6.335 a.m. Daily, rics will r.of student! ractice. The | these ( { of moc! give da speakers i first one nest 1 of uy, . Daily place | os ntc and West anlv--flag, ne: Wednesday evening in the | wT | McGill Union when the leader of | apposition, Max Ford, will pro- * lack confidence onservative admin- » Harold Lande, ¢ Vote of held early in the New Year. This sitting will be known as an old boys' debate, Former well-known McGill debaters have promised to takle part For the first time in Canada it is m ¢ present ( ation 1 veteran debater. parliament will be AOMP, DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVER. 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Délives Inwerial Lime Rickey A Real Drink 5c and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Druggist at all Superior Stores | | ! Another mock Montreal --With two victories al- | ready to their credit, McGill de- baters are planning {further con- quests, A debate with the Univer. sity of Montreal is scheduled for immediately after the Christmas holiday, Another will take place vith debaters from Cornell * and all are priced low for quick sale. These are some of them. Jack Wilson, 266 Ritson North. t1 dee c) ance under brisk trading, and while prices were not very much higher, being a little under 1-2c. improved, there were indications of further strength. At Norwich store cattle market; the under- tone wag firm and dealers were asking higher prices, The con- tinued poor return on the Pound Sterlinz is an almost insurmount- able obstacle to exports of Cana- uality tubes sold. Phone 1148M 4 Mary St. planned to introduce the Oregon = (| style of debate here. There will be |}! ; three Speakers on igi cide. The We buy Old Gold ana Sfites first speakers outline the argument, We repair angthi bought the d in a Poidvugy Wott On Oshawa"s Main Corner ___ Jewele Cleaning and Dyeing FIRST CLASS SERVICE ON ALL our work. Fur coats cleaned and relined. Ask for prices, Gold Medal Cleaners. 21 Bond BE. Phone 8863. (19 dec c) (23 dee c) LL. MAKES OF RADIOS RE- aired, Prices reasonable. Jas dams, 276 Grooms Ave Phone 098W. (6 jan c) BSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, EX- bert service on all makes of dios. Prices reasonable Tubes FOR QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND | SATISFACTION | | 'end your clothes to the OSHAWA LAUNDRY 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1981 Pontiac Special Sedan 193¢ Austin Coupe 1929 Buick 20-478 1929 Ford Coach speakers engage in cross examination and the last two speakers sum up the argument, University. The McGill Debating Union Seo- ciety will send strong teams in the | sgted in your home. Charles Vales. Phone 3350J (5 Ian ¢) HONE NATIONAL RADIO Sapvice, 2803M. equipped to lo- kate trouble on any set, Work daranteed. Tubes sold. g (26 dec ¢) Roofing HAYTON, THE ROOFER, ROOF- ing, caulking, chimney repairing, Free inspection and estimates. Phone 1643W. Shoe Repairing es i THE CHAMPION SHOE RE- bair 'does particular work for particular people. Skates sharp ned a new and better way. nc ick. Goloshes repaired. We col- ect and deliver. Phone 1216, 17 Bond East (19 dec ¢) RICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We call and deliver. Phone 72W Evenings 2524W. Jack Read, corner Colborne and Mary i; . (10 dec c) Palmist a SEE MADAME BROWN FOR | teacup and hand reading Busi- hess private. 93 Louisa St, Phone 30F. (28 dec ¢) ------ . x . I l Pete and Livestock | GANARIES FOR SALE--CHOICE singers from three dollarc up. Jhristmas special. Guaranteed §inger, new cage and stand com- lete for six dollars. A, Henning, Jshawa Aviaries. 129 Colborne E. Phone 1916F. Ee. (135¢c) For Sale or Exchange GREEMENT OF SALE AND me cash 'to exchange for near ear house in Oshawa. Apply to 19 Ontario St. _ (136b) 0 ACRES; SOME STOCK AND plements to exchange for smali ear house in Oshawa, Apply ox 14 Times. als (186h) 6LEAR HOUSE AND CASH TO @xchange for 6 room modern Bouse, central. Apply 19 Ontarig (1362) STRAYED TO 118 ET.DON AVE, black, female, police dog. Owner can have same for paying for cdv. (134c) Notice SCHOOL BOYS WHO PLAY Hawaiian Guitar wishing to join 2a Hawaiian orchestra, phone 633F for informatio: (134c) Atito Loans a AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- financed. Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering | Disney Block, King St; BE, H, A. Pimes Classified Ads: get results; a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car. Campbell Auto Finance Co. Ltd. MacDonald, r e p r e sentative Branches throughdiit Ontario. (6 jan ¢) i) Work Wanted wishes position, good references. Phone 11167. (124c) Livéstock COWS FOR SALE--HOLSTEING and Durhams, half bred Jerseys, renewed and goringers., Phone 1567W. I. J. Clemens, AA (136¢) Wanted to Rent FARM--100 ACRES OR MORE. J. H. Johnston, Maple Lodge Farm, With, (1363) / "He is lappicst, bé he king or peasant, who finds peace in hi home.""~Goethe. Remember -- Louisa M. Alcott wrote a simple account of a home that is now famous, dian catle at this time. Store cat- tle at Norwich sold during the week from $39 to $68 at current rate of exchange. The effect on prices of the poor return on the Pound Sterling is indicated in the fact that at par exchange thes» prices would, in Canadian funds, be $12 to $19 higher. ARCHER MOTOR SALES Port Perry Phone 18 Great Britain, next half of the session to the iversities of Toronto, and Vermont. It is also quite likely that McGill debaters will "go on the air" again this year, an inter-Empire debate beirig planned with a university in | To train their debaters in ready Un- | CO. LIMITED | | | AND DRY CLEANING | LAXO 5 1b. Bag, 30c HOGG & LYTLE, LTD. For Cereal or Muffins P'hone 203 CTE RCT Mill St. Phone 2520 OSHAWA Ladies' JERSEY DRESSES $1.95 I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King St. W.; Oshawh TILLIE THE TOILER- | MAC CERTAINL DESERVES A LOT OF CREDIT For coachHinGg A TEAM THAT BEAT \wAHoO A -- an EEE § IE ills By Russ. Westover | | HOPE THAT MR. SIMPKINS SHOWS HIS APPRECIATION OF MAC IN PAX MUST HURRY OH, MAC ('M GONNA TELL THE BOSS 70 GIVE A DINNER- DANCE NIX, TILE I'T'S NICE OF You OF THOSE THAT way, RUT] \ DON'T wianT A BANQUET DONT BE SILLY - NOW FOR A LIST TO BE IN-- Ries JL 242 & ENTONVE. BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo, McManus TO READ TO You- IT Wik IMPROVE Your YOUR WIFE ENGAGED ME IT DOESNT MAKE A PARTICLE OF DIFFERENCE TO ME- YOU ARE THE ONE TO BE PLEASED - 00 You L HAVE TO READ TO HME INS WHERE ARE You GOING ? L: 12:1 ©1952, King Features Syndicite, tnt, Grek Britta tights ceserved