PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1932 SAYS STATESMEN OF GREAT BRITAIN RE NOT BLUFFING Noted British Economist . Looks for Embargo on : U.S. Goods 'Afontreal. -- Britain's states- men are not bluffing when tuey say that it inay be necessary to out a virtual embargo on Inited States products if the United Kingdom pays the war debt in- stalment now due. And if Bri: tain does put on the embargo, :Hat will be Canada's epportun- ity. ' "This is the opinion of G. S. Soman, British businessman and secretary of the Empire Econo- mie Union, who was interviewed in the Windsor Hotel. "It will be Canada's great op- portunity -- if Canada has the courage to break away from geld and peg its eurrency on sterling," said Mr. Soman. '"There are some 20 other countries in the world which have already done s0." Britain Will Pay "There js no doubt," he said, "that Britain will pay up in the middle of this month, There is no question that it will do so it the United States makes the peremptory demand. She'll pay up in gold and not in depreciated currency." "But what about the hint that Britain may put - an embarzo against the United States," be was asked. "It is not a hint," he said quickly. "It is not a bluff either. British statesmen do not need to bluff, It is a very plain state- ment of what will have to be done. An inevitable -- a busi- ness move. "Consider this," he continued. "The United States has always sold us more than we buy from here -- two or three times ene amount, ag a rule. We cannot make payments for the balance in goods because the United States has high tariffs against our products. We cannot lenger pay in gold, because we need It. Therefore, we must adjust the situation. Britain has been slow to move in thig, but now it hag started and will not stop. "'We have had to use the tar- if weapon all around us," he said, The use of this weapon is supported by life long free trad- ers, because they recognize it as a necessity, Even if we do not like things like these, sometimes we have to do them." Doubtful Matter Britain will pay the instalinent shortly due, according to Mr. So- man, But whether the r¢ of Europe will pay is another ~v4 rather doubtful matter. The United States is not popuiar there. "It is very difficult for the Bri- tish public to understand the lack of appreciation of the world position that is shown by the American public," he said. met Mr, Hoov- er : with him when he was resident in Knagland for five- or six years. Wa ad- mire and esteem him. But why cannot he make a plain explana- tion of the facts to the Americana people? He knows them." "Party polities will not permit his showing sympathy wii the debtor nations," the reporter suggested. "Yes, but he must have known that he was going to he defeat- ed in the election. No Govern- ment has stood in the face of the world depression," Mr. Soman urged, "Why did he not decide o go down with colors flying and do some good in. the world by speaking plainly." In discussing the British war debt of $11,000,000,000 {o the United States, Mr, Soman pointed out that $3.000,000,000 of this had already been paid and that riost of the money originally borrowed had never left the United States, being used for the purchase of steel at prices as high as $350 a ton, when praseat prices are a tefith of that figure. "I honestly believe that if the supplies we then bought were re- valued at present day figures it Would be shown that we have al- ready repaid all we borrowed," | said Mr. Soman. "In dny event," he continued, "Britain is owed in war lebts very much more than the nited States." Conditions in Europe aro des- i perate now, according to Mr. So- § man. World trade has fallen to 20 per cent. of its normal value, "I wish," he said "that the ® American people whe prate so [© much of peace, and talk so much (1 of disarmament, would remem- @ ber that wars do not always come + from motives of political aggran- | disement. Just as often tney I come from extreme depression ol and the courage of despair. "Just recently I have been In § Clermany, and 1 think the Cer- I mafis are coming to that point. § They feel that they have nothinz nore to lose and maybe would be better off if they fought for something that they might gain. You cannot enslave 70,000,000 people; clever, energetic people," 'Democracy has run wild in the United States, according to Mr. Soman. "Democracy has failed all 'over the world, for that mat- ter," he sald. "But when states- en, when great men, get to. ether, know that certain things should he done, but then refrain from doing them because they #46 afraid to face the people who glected them; then that no longer democracy, It is mob rule, * "In England we have practie- lly made a surrender of our bowers of Democracy by electing ¢ National Government. Soviet Russia and Italy found out somo ime ago that Democracy won't flo in times of stress, Others rill algo find that out." €88 fx * William Sunday Enfield News ENFIELD, Dée. 6.=Mfs, W. Jd, Ormiston a very ple-~an! onto, the gues' of Mr. and Mrs. tertained at the aume and Mrs: Albert Mr, and Mrs. A, DeMille, Cart- wright, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Arikur, Hubbara Mr, and and fanilly visited Mr. and Mrs, Henry Webber, returned home 'sit in To- Scully. She was also. en- of Mr Nidderi. Mrs. Talmage Henry Burketon, on last. : Solina, spent a her daughter, guson, recently, cently returned enjoyable visit with ber son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albery Nid dery in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Columbus, Master Jamie and Miss Grace Stark recently enjoyed a visit in Toronto. Mrs. William Mrs. Mrs. John Hepburn has Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. BE. Annis, Montgonery, few days wilh Lloyd Fer- re- home from Wallace 'Scott and son, were recent guests of Herman Pasco2, after visiting her daughter, bert, spent a few days and Mrs. Hugh Anis, Mr. Angus. MacLeod week, Mr. Lloyd FerguSon m suddenly broke. tending Stark, Mrs, Frank Gil- With Mr. Solina. , Solin, Was in the village one day .ast has been laid up with a bad back caused by a fall he sustained when a rope on which he was pulling, Miss Helen Stark, who js at- Oshawa Collegiate In- stitute, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and M 3, James Mr. Lloyd Cochrane was in To- ronto on business on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oriniston were invited guests to a party given at the Home of Mr, and Mrs, Herb, Stainton, Hampton, on Tuesday night, The mail Boxes all along the line look quite resplendent in their new coat of aluminum paint with black lettering. The Job was done by twe young men from Oshawa, who sooner than be on relief adopted this novel plan of carning a few dollars, Mr. Charlie Henry attended the Orangemen's Dance in their hall at Enniskillen last Friday night, Miss Helen Pascoe; Wick, was the guest of her rents, Mr. and Mrs. L, C. Pascoe, for the Jeek-end. : Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Rahm and Miss Ada, Burketon, visited with , his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry | Rahm; on Bunday last. Mr. Frank Mason, Mr. Lyman Gifford, Mr. and Mrs, William Hepburn, Miss Luella Hepburn, Kedron, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Ormiston, THe roads in this vieinity are in a very bad condition at pres- ent, The heavy trucks are cut- ting them al] to pieces. Mr, ahd Mrs, Arthur Ormiston are ptill confined to their beds, Their many friends hope both will soon be better. The attendance at church on Sunday was very noor owing to bad weather and roads. Rev, J. M. Whyte delivered a thought- ful address, basing his remarks on the first chapter vf Genesis. Principal and Mis. Mervin J. Hobbs, Bolina, visited his moth- er and sister, Mrs. John Hobbs and Miss Vera Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs, Fred L. Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lang- maid, Oshawa, last week, _ Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Brads ley, Tyrone, visited hep sistef and fami'y, Mr, and Mrs, George hm on Sunday, ; Mr. and Mrs. ge Av Little Britain, spent a tow on last week with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Rahm. : Mr. Garnet Brown, Burkeioh, was a recent guest of Mr, Nos man Stinsen. Mr. W. J. Ferguson, Entiise killen, is helping his son, on Lloyd Ferguson, for a few di this week, ig s MODESS New Low Price 12 Towels to Each Package 2 for 49¢c A didi dl dlcAc 4d) dT dT 4) A] 4] a) 4d) d) 4d) 4) Money" --a fact which we impress uoon you most forcibly by means of this seasonable list of suggestions and BARGAINS - FORTHE' W N NINE EVLCNCLTNLLNCLRIICE SCL EXTRA 6 Cakes All for and One Bow and Arrow Claimed to be worth at least 75¢ SPECIAL Calay Soap 69¢c + WILL PRESENT PRIZES BEFORE CHRISTMAS: Undoubtedly, the thousands of Girls and Boys who took so much time and trouble in compiling a list of names for our Bicycle Contest are wendering when the names of the winners will be published, and more important still, when the Winners will receive their Bicycles. But you may well imagine what a stupendous task it is to examine and pass on the merits of these tremendous lists. However, we can now assure you definitely that the Prizes will be presented before Christmas. The Judges--I4:. Barr and Mr. Sinclair--will make their decisions in a few more days, and then we will present these Fifty-Nine Christmas Gifts to our lucky young friends. They, at least, will be quite sure that "Tamblyn Saves You Correspondence Cards Fine Quality 39¢, 2 for 785¢ EBACE CREAMS , Milkweed Cre LUNCH BOX Complete with Vaewem Bottle Price SO¢ Revery Creams. Reg. 50c. 23¢ Icilma Cream co 0¢ Pompeian Face Pond's Cream ..... .&R # Yardley's Ladies' Set Face Powders Three Three Secrets. ... Seventeen Soc. 85 51:99 Yardiey's ¢ {4 o Ashes of Roses : $138 DOGS | Ai and cas Me ost Popular rice 49¢c /~ NTR Sa 5a 4 RENAUD'S Merning-- Noon-----Night Perfume Cotornut Oil Reg. 25¢ 18c 2 for Contains Lavender Perfume, Smelling Salts, Talcum, rT Bath ¥ Salt Tablets, Soap, Sh Rinse. Aluminum Bronze Snap Shot Holder Price 99¢c t. FLEURS Ik: Lo r 4 fe Ey / fpr Minty's Tooth Paste 23¢c nd 38¢ iquibb's Toot aste ..- 23¢ *nd 38¢ Colgate's Tooth Powder -. 18¢) 2 for 35¢ amphorated a Aristocrat Hot Water Bottle Reg. $1.50 Value 99c¢ Friar's Balsam Reg. 28: i9¢ Reg. Cc Oil of Eucalyp- tus Reg. 28¢ Res, 50¢ 37¢ Radiator Alcohol Gallon Paro! Reg. 75¢ S3c¢ 2 for 1.00 37c 1.19 Drugs--Patents Soda Mint end | Pepsin Tablets | Pure Witch Hazel Reg. 25¢ Chlorate | of Potash Tablets | Reg. 10c | 3 for i9¢c | * Reg. 45¢ 33¢ | Tamblyn Dys- pepria Remedy Reg, 50¢ 3%¢c | Reg. 1.00 Sodium | BOC Phosphate Reg. 35¢ | Com- pound 2 for 19¢c | 18¢ Tambive Tamblyn Res. 23 18c 2 for 35¢ Worm Jeyed' Fluid 29¢ and 37¢ t Carbon Lithia Tetra. Tablets | chloride Reg. 15¢ | Reg. 28¢ 16¢c Wood- ward's Gripe . Radiator | Glycerine | Epsom 39¢ Py Bromo. 19¢ Ble | Salotyn | Tablets | Powders Reg. 18¢ | Reg. 28¢ | Reg, 28¢c 12 for 38¢ | Tamblyn | Fowders H Reg. 40c | Reg. 1.00 29¢ | 69¢ -------- sprig Clarke's: Mizture 2forl.78 HOLE STATIONERY Beautiful Holiday Packages 25¢, 49¢, 69c, 99¢ A Tamblyn Head. ache | 18¢ Fine Quelity Coating 2 for 35¢ Four-Pound Boxes Hive Crowp : CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES "Hard and Soft Centres HUDNUT'S SET Contains Three Flowers Face Powder and Three Flowers Toilet Water Price $2.50 SOAPS WEEK| YARDLEY'S Shaving Lotion Shaving Cream and Talcum Price $2.25 : Ashes of Roses Syrup Reg, 28¢ ¢ 2 for 38¢ Rani: hk Mitt { Javelle Powder Reg. 8c 18¢ 2 for 38¢ Keene with Card 49¢ Water Seltzer { Lange | 1 9 C | dale's | Cinnamon | 33¢ | 2 for 68¢c 44c latum | Bisurated | 19¢ and Maruesia | and 73c¢ | 6a- | 37¢ Mentho- Mus. tardine Reg. 28¢ 18¢c 2 for 38c Extraordinary Value Brownies. $2.25 and $3.25 Hawkeye Folding. $6.74 and $7.74 Beau Browoits $4.25 and $5.25 Pocket Jr $6.00 and $7.00 Quelques Fleurs BATH SALTS 5 TOILET SETS Price $2.50 BATH SALTS In a Most Attractive Container Playing Cards 34d¢ and 67¢ (Christmas (greeting Cards w-39c-TTc-%r Pearl and Ivory TOILET SETS Brush--Comb--Mirror 2in Box viii... $1.00 4 in Bok cnneves..n e Woodbury's. ..... for §9¢ Salomen's Lemon. . for §S¢ Roger & Gallets' 3Sc. 3 for $1. P59¢ Hudnut's Perfume . "Beautiful Packages Formerly $1.50 Price $1 00 eesaen. 20c, 38¢, 50c¢ Potter & Moore's Lavender 35c¢. 3 for $1.00 Hair Preparations Revery Brilliantine. Reg. ensssses BIC 2 i &é Yardley's Brilliantine. .. c Pears' Solid Brilliantine Reévery Hair Tonic c. Santax lion . Shampoo. Reg. S0c.... 29¢ X= A] Ieee MAKE-UP MIRROR Waddington's Playing Cards (New Style) $1.00 and $2.00 for 19¢ Not Mere Than 2 te a Customer Princess Flakes .2for23¢ Oxydol .. Tells the Tempera- turé Remarkable Léw Pricé $3.99 Very Fine Nickel or Pastel Shade Handles. Price Ge 2 for 33¢ Ivory Snow iia 2 for 23¢ mrt, «T= Four-Piece Electric Hair Curling Set Fully Guaranteed Price $1 99 A Beautiful Packs; Fram In Beautiful | Silver Burnished Photo Enlargements from your favorite negatives HAND COLORED With Inches A | f In Beautiful | Bad { A | } 89 Complete 1 Burnished Individual Bath 75¢ Tw BATH SALTS Most Attractive Both in Appearance and Price i] Potter & Moore's Gift Set for Men No. 621--Shaving Soap in Bakelite Bow! and Mitcham Lavender Shaving Lotions Price $2.00 J Coty Quelque Fleurs Caron's Black Narcisse €. Silver Djer-Kiss. Reg, $1.50 Frame PERFUMES Original Seiled Bottles S¢. $1.00, 2 85¢, $1.68, $3.00 850, $7.00 While they lait ...... 79¢ Yardley's _ | Lavender Bath . Salts and Soap Price % 1 50 Colgate's Shave Lotion Reg. 50c ...... 33¢ 2 for §85¢ almolive Shave Reg. S50c ...... T8 89¢ each Can also be had in Calendar Motints for 5" = 7" sise enlargements colored and mounted. 210r$1.75 Original Bottles Price Sweet Pea Perfumes $1.00 |Golden Glint Shampoo : 22c, 3 for 65¢ Potter & Moore's Gift Set for Women No. 565--Mitcham Lavender Perfume, Toilet Soap and Bath Crystals $1.50 Frosilla rans; 6c eg. Fl ¢ 2 for 35¢_ usesis 39¢c, 2 for 75¢ azin'k Depilatory Cy 2 for Dielatons a: REL BATH SALTS Dainty, GLAZO SETS Prices §2,00 4183.50 os Attractive, Useful i Frency Ivory Hair Brush Special Value $2.49 Yardley's Lavender Water Prices 35¢, 65¢, $1.00. $1.50, $3.50 Délightfdlly Perfurhed 39¢-2 for 75¢ Electric Heating Pads - Fully Guarantéed Price $4 99 3 tr $2.00 CIGARETTE BOXES Ejector Style Wonderfol Values 99¢ and $2.49 iN 5 i 59 STORES IN ONTARIO TAMBLYN, LIMITED Free Delivery To All Pa Ul rts. of the Cc ¥ ry Same Cut Prices from Windsor to Oshawa