THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1932 MANNIN. F. SWA.:12, BARRIS ter, Sclicitor, Notary. Mouey to loaa. 11 King St. East, Phone 282. Residence 798. (17 feb tn) CONANT € ANN'S BAR] Is ters, Solicitors. Notaries Public. Ete. Conveyancing and general 'practice in Law. Office 7% Sim: cone Street South,, Oshawa. Phone 4, G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.: A. PF. Annis, B.A, LL.B Ef W. E. N. SINCLAIX, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building, oy JOSFPH P. MANGAN, EA, BAR: rister, Solicitor, Notary Public Convayamcer. Moaey to loan Of tice 14% Fing St. East, Osbawa Phone 446. Residence phone 837 GBIERSON, CRELGHTON & Fraser Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- i:ters, Solicitors, Etc 2414 Sim- coe St N. Phene 3160. Residence 3514 Money to loan oe S.J BENNICK, B.A, BARRIS ter, 1214 Simcoe St. Sonth Tese phcne 3038--565 "5 spt tf Undertaking LUKE BURIA. Cu, © KING St. East. Arsbulance Residence 542 Simcoe otreet North 216s and 210W OSHAWA BURIAL Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral] and Ambhulance day and aight Phone 87 Celina C0, MF 1082W Jun Architects i STENHOUSE GENERAL Architectural work. second floor Royal Bank Building. Fhone i496 Reside nee phon? 909) -- C. Auctioneer PHONE 716¢ W J SULLEY Auctioneer, 345 Simcoe StS. Oshgwa. Special attention given | to household furniture sales and | farm stock and {implements patrona-e colieited Watch Repairing Fi N GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop a 46 King Street West. Your patrenace Is solicited Transportation CARTAGL AND ~ STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond Wesi. Sgec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment Phone R2 Insurance DAVIS AND INSURANCE, 19 King St. Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies 3 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of Manada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Alex. S. Ross, S. Everson. Phone 1834 SON, Battery Service BATTERIES CHARCED with rental] £1.00 delivered Ba up. Stan. Blizdon, Phone 980 iB "Radios Repaired ELL WI tterics 20 Mii St KS, and re- Hizhest ALL MAKES OF paired, $y Adams, 1088 Ww rvice on Prices in your Phone pert radios tested Wales. Music Lessons VOICE PR ODUCTION Planoforte, ne Barber Shop GUS BANKS' DARBE] corner Celin ( 8 cutting 10c ~ Male Help Wanted "MAN WANTED mall farm. Gocd hon SINCLE work or and Times. WANTED farm hand, milker. Yearly 906 Times. Work Wanted SEWING LADIES' AND ren's, by day 31.50. Coat ed or made over Phone 927W EXPERIENCED eral, five years desires position. Times. RELIABLE a farm. Apply (112) HILD- COOK WOMAN TO GO ON Box 820 Time (113a) EXPERIENCED GIRL DE Si E housework. Capa if full charg City reference Phone 63231, 119 Huron Cres, (113a) aki "Shee Repairing PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We call and deliver. Phone 672W. Evenings 2524TW. Read, corner Colliorne and Mary (10 deg ec) Furrier FUR COATS REPAIRED, styled and cleaned. Linings, tons and supplies carried. also buy.and sell used Crescent Furriers, 119 Cres, hone 632M. RE- but- We Huron (113¢c) Phone | Service | Your | For Rent GEORGE--EDWARD AMYLENE--LLEWELLYN Fine, comfortable, residential apartments. Modest rates Super- for service. DISNEY 13350 (103¢f) FOR RENT -- 6 ROOMED house, central, all conveniences, hardwood floors, fire pface, new- ly decorated, zarage. Apply 91 Ritson Rd. N. £17 nov ©) WE HAVE ONE OR TWO NICE- ly furnished . or unfurnished apartments st Simcoe Manor or Victoria, equipped with every possible ~onvenjence Bradley Bros. (7 dee ¢) SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for rent. All conveniences in- 92 Alice Street, first. Apply Phone 67, (111e) MODERN, BATH- continuous grate, 5 ROOMS, room, refrigeration, water, electric stove, Reduc King East RE 151 FOR ONE OF THE Y: stands on north nd Bond (112¢) RENT -- SEVEN ROOM house as city limits, wired for careful west corner of Simcoe a 2642 Street FOR rental 54% FOUR ROOMED ) | West (112 BRICK, HARD- | modern Conve oomed hous Immed A 1 14 FURNIS nusekes (11%¢ TWO OR THR Beauty Parlors GENOSIIA HATRDRESSING EX perts--on_ all kinds of beauty culture Permanent waves sur specialty Finger wave an shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 50¢ Facials, scalp treatments anc manicuring Coffea Shop en trance Phone 1973 (6 J PRINCELLA BEAUTY permanent waves specialty up. Finger waving 00c. ling 35c¢c. 10 Prince. Phone 688 (17 nov c) PEMBER S BRANCH dressing and Beauty "u.turs No alled for and | - $2.75 and | CERTIFIED | THE jor {for i John Jacek | 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 2%, Osh awa, Ontario. (23 nov tf JOHNSON, Churct marcel St Finger 35¢ Phone ed rental. Beattie's | § (111e) | Articles for Sale SOLID BODY HARDWOOD AND softwood. Guaranteed full meas- ure. A. Wall, 292 Courcellette Ave. Phone 2628F. (16 dec c) ALL KINDS OF WOOD. PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert Phone 1079J. aE ; (14 Det, e BLACK"S WOOD, 79 JOHN ST. Phone 233) and W. Hardwood $3 Coke. Softwood from $2.25 to $2.50. (2 dec ¢) COKE §9.50 PER TON CASH, Stored under cover, Cedardale Coal & Coke Company. Phone 1107. (2 dec ¢) BODY WOOD, CEDAR, ELM, Poplar, Birch, seven dollars cord, Four dollars half, cut, delivered. Phone 1716F. (7 dec ¢) HARDWOOD LIMBS 1; CORD 32 Bodywood 1; cord $3. Softwood 1; cord $2.25, Phone 2T2TW (10 dec c) GOOD DRY BODY HARDWOOD, Guaranteed fu! easure. 1; cord $3. H. Keete Bond West. hone .320W (1134) FOUR BU RNER GAS STOVE with [a and thermometer Must be condition, Apply Box 610 Ti: (113b) (112¢) | OF TINITED CHYREH (1120) Marcel: | HAIR: iA USED BABY CARRIAGE IN| | good conditi I Apt. 20, | | 39: Simecos f113a) | | mes - Hall for Rent CAYILION RENT- for dances, | ete. Fur- 422 King | WESTMOU NT ed at hres r informat reasonat rates private parties, J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE Office Phone 793 Res, Phone 2895 Prince St., Oshawa | TIMETABLES | BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY (Eastern Standard Time) (Effective on ind after May 1 1932) Week Lay Schedule Going - West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshaws ~~ Whitby F 6.20 a.m 6.55 a.m 3 0a.m, 4% Arrive | | Two products worth trying ys ld English DRAKES Style [Il HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa Arrive Bow- manville 7.20 a.m 8.15a.m Leave Ushawa 6.50 a.m, 7.50 a.m. Hospital One 1928 'Chevrolet Coach. One 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, Rose, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 1 135 King 8t. W. Phone 1160 | i 10.45 11.00 p.m 1 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHE (Bastern Standard Time) Going Weat Leave ArTive Oshawa Whitby Arrive | Leave r Hospital | | Bowraanville Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTE It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair ind make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN ins East Leave Leave | Hospital Whithy Oshaw, Bowmanville | GRAY COACH L INES (Effective Sept. 25, 1932 (Eastern Standard Time) THEY Governor bi tic national friend, ot his town | "President-makers"--hy inklin chairman of. ¢he Demo secretary and life lon shown with poured in unon him in New Yor upon ! that there ; ' le in 1} hi lection, * sponsibi for th i MISSIONS 10 BE PRESENTED Fer Expert Workmanship and Service Phone 707 NEW SERVICE CLEANERS & DYERS Rates For:-- lassified HATR- | les e) | Dental i. S.J. PHILLIPS, Special attention Gas extr: on >ndance "hone 950 OVER BAS Bouse Wanted OPERATIC CHOIR good volres wantec FORMING r ORM r - RADIOS RE- | Sin to X-ray | Nurse in | Ads. ¥irst [nsertion--11¢ per word Minimum charge for one sertion 30c cents in consecu- le per Each subsequent tive Insertion word 'hree consecutive inser tions for the price of two first juesertions (thre cents a word) Minimum charge insertions 6ie Je for three Box pumber additicual Professioral nr Cards, $2.5 no - for 20 words or less, 16 cents a word morth for each PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Business per mont! per ON d the horns THE siden and the Be Immense crowds overflow Of | landslide And New "It looks vith the squank o York's own Al Smith, doesn't at?" Department win saving a goo, 'TILLIE THE TOILER- ~~ to 10 p.m ial TO tomed to £24 Times 111c) For Sale or Exchange TOURING CAR IN GOOD ninz order. Will sell cheap or {exchange on good radio, 282 Arthur Notice UNDER SIG NED, owner of the Patent, arranrce gra licenses inventjon quately following to manufacture, of the patented in Canada, tn ade- supply the No. 295,043, for the issued Novem- 1929 for Muffler Goer For wile D. J. juilding, Hamilton, ber 26t Can- TAN RAT Kindly re- Reward (113¢c) "WHITE Nov Barrie AND 11 112 Ave, VICTORIA | South, Mrs. R: neo 2. Reward. Phone 3g, m 3a) Remi, Livestock MILE. COW FOR 350 R 3, NEW Phone SALE. (113¢) RUN- | Apply | €113¢) | "ACTING | iz empowered | demand there- | tol further | smitn, pip 117." D. commiitee, the RIDE WALKS 0} New publican rn YS ind Col. Lot Preside *f want ' York, filling defeat Hew ESIDY toosevelt's own is t-clect to «ay with a brown derby NT-ELECT. appraisal M. Howe tele just on word," thon 1 lee w James Fa (standing), are as ns of Roo e NEW YORK to greet the juare thower na scanned carly return cong | LE: Ave OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO | P.M. AM, M. THE JEWELER | Official Watch Inspector for | Canadian National and Osh- | awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St, 8. Phone 189 d6.00 al.30 8.30 2.30 b3.30 4.30 b3.30 9, 6.30 103 b rley (left), Roosevelt's ratulation sevelt said ho and 30 EH 5.30 | 6.30 | 7.30 53 re. the are | bo 20 | REPAIRING ine Watch Repairing Oar Specialty FELT BROS. I'stablished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South = 3 -------- THOMPSON i Eo STORE | PHONE 22 WE CELIVERS9 | 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver lies' JERSEY DRESSES $1.95 I. COLLIS & SONS 70-54 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 396 Choice Meats Centre Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. N. Your House and Con- Strong Insure vi J. H. R. LUKE ax mt Burglary hr: 571 in Companies Ask Insur- it. on carry GRTW Tl or "FOR QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND | SATISFACTION clothes Imperial Lime Rickey A Real Drink 5c and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Drugzgist at all the OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING | CO. LIMITED Mill sr. Phone OSHAWA i Send your to Democratic 2520 razzberries, sand said, Superior Stores By Russ. Westover MAC'S LaWD UP IN RED - NOW'S WHO'S GOING TO CCACH CUR "TEAM \AIMEA) WE PLAY WAHOO SATURDAY Zz od COACH, tL WHY ~OT LE ME BE THE | ATeELL, You'Re GONNA ) HEAR PLEATH L ABOUT ONE NOW Do | GET THE Joe? a pt) Ra | ToMTINLED (© BRINGING UP FATHER | By Geo. McManus THE PROFESSOR OF | / Re NCGS THE UMIVER SITY 9 i GOING TO CALL ON se] YO TO TaLr ABOUT SONNY YE FUTURE IN SCHOOL 3 SHOU 0 BE AT NOW y BELIEVE '7T OR NOT-1TS -- c 50 - ) [ NOW 11a REGARD FIO YOUR SOM COMiuG BACK TO | COMPLE TE HIS { COURSE ny OUR L rive ih Y= A | YES - HES ONLY BEEN HOME TWO WEEKS AN ME WIFE AN ME HATE TO THINK OF. Hiv GOIN BACK TO THE UNIVER) TY =~