FANNING 7. SWAZ 17 BARRIS: ir, Seclicitor, Noun. Money to East, Phone Tos. (17 feb tf) o Solicitors. Notaries Pablie. ¢. Conveyancing and general stice in Law. Office 7% Sim- be Street South,, Oshawa, Phone G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. ._Annls, BA, LL.B. I's, p Commerce ae 1S 8 NGA N s 'Solicitor, Notary Public. onvayancer. Money to loan. Ot- co 14% King St. East, Oshawa. te 440. Roaiton0: phone 837. BYERSON RE:GHTON aser. Barristers, Etc. Bank of dm merce Bldg, & * at H BAR I ters, Solieitors, Ete. 244 Sim. be St. N. Phcne 8160. Residence 514. Money to joan. 33 A, C123 "Simcoe St. South. Tero hene 3038--565. *8 sant CD) Undertaking KR BURIA: CO., 67 KING k. East. Arsbulance, Residence 42 Simcoe Street North, Phone 105 and 210W. i SHAWA BURIAL CO., M. F. rmstrong & Som, Proprietors. aneral and Ambulance Service ay and aight. [Phone 1082W. 7 Celina. wr (att) Architects . C. STENHOUSE, chitectural work. Second floor oyal Bank Building. Phone 496. Residence phon2 909). Auerioness HONE 7164, W. J. SULLEY, uctioneer, Hy Bri st. 8. hgwa. Special attention siven pb household furniture sales and m stock and {mplements Your atronage solicited " Watch Repairing A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT ss watchmaker, repair shop ac 8 King Street West. Your trenage 1s solicited. For Rent "TGEORGE--EDWARD AMYLENE--LLEWELLYN You can now enjoy the refine- ment and exclusive comforts these residential apartments af- ford at very modest rates. Con: venient location; modern ap- pointments. Tasteful furnishings at small extra cost. For {nspec- tion phone DISNEY 13350 83th) FOR RENT -- GLADSTONE Apartments. Modern 3 roomed private cellar, laundry conveni- ences, Rent twenty-five dollars furnished. Phone 2604W. (27 nov ¢) FOR RENT -- 6 ROOMED house, central, all conveniences, hardwood floors, fire place, new- ly decorated, garage. Apply 91 Ritson Rd, N. (17 nov ¢) BRICK HOUSE, FIVE ROOMS. hardwood floors, all ccnveni- ences, nicely decorated, clean, low rent, Posseseion Phone 1408W. (100c) BEAUTIFUL FIVE ROOM apartment. Very modern, Garage, continuous hot water, refrigera- tion. Reduced rental Beatties, 161 King East, Oshawa, (99¢) WHO WANTS TO RENT A FIVE roomed bungalow. 238 Albert St. All conveniences. $5 week, Phone 833M after 7 p.m. (99¢) 6 ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT at 229 Nassau St. Apply 99 Gib- bon St (100¢) TO LET -- APARTMENT, ground floor. All conveniences. 262 King East Phone 1215W. (100b) FOR RENT--46 FAIRBANK ST, 7 roomed house, partly furnished. Finished attic. Hot water heat- ing, hardwood floors, electric fixtures. Phone: 858W. (101e) A COZY FRONT APARTMENT, 4 rooms with square plan hall. Frigidaire, Moffatt range, chest- nut trim, fruit cellar, laundry room, continuous hot water and garage, See and be convinced. Low rental. Pohne 269. (101c) = Beauty Parlors Transportation ARTAGE AND STORAGE. oleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- lists in furniture moving. Stor- e warehouse and moving van guipment. Phone 82. Insurance AVIS AND SON, ,INSURANCE, King St. Weet, Oshawa. The dest Fire Agency In Oshawa. 30 putable Fire Companies. ON LIFE ASSURANCE COM- py of fanada, Dominion Bank hambers, Alex. S. Ross, S. F. verson. Phone 1834. (15 oct tf) os and Surveyors DNEVAN AND SMITH, CIVIL ngineers and Surveyors, Osh- a, C. T. Smith, B.A., Sc., O.L.8. 2 1981. 411 King East. (12 nov ¢) Battery Service ATTERIES CHARGED 75¢ ith rental $1.00. Called for and plivered Batteries $2.75 and p. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mili St hone 960. Radios Repaired USSELL WICKS, CERTIFIED adio-Trician, servicing and re- ir, work guaranteed, Highest hality tubes sold. Phone 1148). Mary St. (22 nov ¢) Repair Service EPAIRS, STOVES, FURNACES, ashers, Radios, Electric appli- hces, awnings, We rent chairs, bles,, waxers, cleaners, ironers, nts. Phone Cleve Fox, Oshawa. '11 nov c¢) Palmist E MADAME BROWN FOR acup and hand reading. Busi- ss private. 93 Louisa St. Phone 36F. (7 nov ¢) Notice PECIAL FOR 15 DAYS ONLY ts cleaned and blocked for 25¢ the Hub. 15 King St. West (8 nov c¢) Music Lessons DICE PRODUCTION AND anoforte, Horner Smith. Now aching at Harris' Music Store, Simcoe St. 8. Free interviews. esdays only 7-9. i : (19 nov ¢) Barber Shop JS BANKS' BARBER SHOP, rner Celina and Ash. All hair- tting 10¢ during depression. i (17 nov ¢) Shoe Repairing DU WANT THE BEST IN SHOE pairing. Shoes called for and fvered. Phone 672W. Jack d, corner Mary and Colborne. (3 nove) ~~ FARM, pd location, Must be a bar- n. Not exceed $6000. Ex- hnge on _Oshawa property. adley Bros, (100¢) Business Opportunity [HAW A MANUFACTURER pds "Salesman Organizer" as tner, investment needed for pansion, immediate returns, te fylly please. This is a won- ful opportunify, Box 625 nes, (100¢) BETTY LOU BEAUTY PAR- lour. All lines of beauty cul. ture, Permanent wave specialist. Oshawa's oldest established Per. manent Wave Shoppe. Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) GENOSMA HAIRDRESSING EX perts--on all kinds of beauty culture, Permanent waves dur specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 0c. Facials, scalp treatments and manicuring. Coffee Shop eu trance. Phone 1973. (6 July 1 mo) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON. permanent waves specialty $2 50 up. Finger waving 00c. Marcel ling 35c. 10 Prince. Phone 688 (17 nov c¢) PENBER'S BRANCH HAIR: dressing and Beauly Zuiture No 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 2%, Osh awa, Ontario. (23 nov t? JOHNSON, HAIR- 92 Church St. Finger | marcel 35c. Phone _(5 nov c) Roofing WE CAN RESURFACE YOUR old roof like new, guaranteed, 1 small cost, Phone for estimate o1 this' or new work. Phone 1643W June 12-1 yr LORENE dresser, wave 50c, 2188J, UR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's. Special attention to X-ray wnrk. Gas extraction. Nurse In attendance "hone 959 House 1212 Wanted OPERATIC CHOIR FORMING good voices wanted. Apply Horner Smyth. Harris' Music Store, 11 Simcoe St, 8. Tuesdays 7-9 p.m. (19 nov ¢) WANTED--WOMEN AND GIRLS to decorate greeting cards, at home. No selling, Box 363 Sta- tion '"B" Montreal Art Shop, (100¢) HAVE ALL CREVICES AROUND your windows and doors caulked with Tremco Caulking compound. Shuts out cold draughts, saves fuel. Estimates free. Quinton Caulkers, Phone 62 Whitby, Motor Cars FOR SALE-- 1931 PONTIAC Coach, good mechanical condi- tion, 39 Nassau St. (99¢) 29 OLDSMOBILE COUPE, 28 Ford Roadster, 26 Chev. Truck, Good condition. Phone 1764W, (100¢) CHEV, COACH," A SNAP Apply 354 Division St. (101h) Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED, TR US T- worthy maid for housework and plain cooking, Age 20 to 25. Country girl preferred. Box 623 Times. ~ (100b) CAPABLE WOMAN WANTED to go on farm. Three adults. One used to nursing, No outside work, Phone 1250. (101a) Poultry . for Sale FOR SALE--BARRED ROCKS, White Leghorn pullets. 4th door south of Crossman's Garage, North Oshawa. (101a) ---- i ~~ Wanted to o Buy WILL PAY CASH AND CHEV, '28 Coach for late model Ford. Apply Oshawa Reliable Shoe Co. 19277 $125, Phone 2436W, (101a) Nov. 1st' Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion----134 canta per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 80ec. Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 16 per word. Three consecutive inser tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents & word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60ec. Box pumber 'Oc additional Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month tor each additional word PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY BODY HARD wood. Guaranteed full measure, 14 cord, 33.2 Mixed, $3. Soft | wood. $2.25. A. Wall, 292 Cour | cellette Ave, Phone 2628F, (13 nov c¢) ALLL KINDS OF WOOD. PRICES | Phone 1079J. £14 nov ¢) NO. 1 HARD, SOFT, MIXED slabs, body wood, coal, Phone 2423W, 115 Annis, dale, (7 nov ct FRUIT TRE BERRY CANES, ornamental shrubbery, fall bulbs, Order now fcr Fall and Spring. No deposit. Phone Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (11 nov ¢) | SAVE 25 PER CENT. ON COAL: Our blowers for hot air, water or steam furnaces. Jobs guaran- teed, Phone Cleve. Fox, Oshawa. coke, BEST BODY I ed wood and Phone Robert Prompt delivery. 148 SIMCOE SOUTH NEAR | Loblaw's, second hand clothes bought and sold here. Slightly worn. Ladies' and Men's (12 nov c¢) FRESH AND ROTTED MUSH- room manure, also spawn. Any quantity. Dollar seventy-five load. Phone 53W, 165 Verdun Rd. (14 nov GOOD WOOD FOR SALE. HARD and mixed wood. Cal] 742J (99¢ HARDWOOD, MIX- soft wood slabs | Chpisty 1979W. | Cc GENTLEMAN WISHES LARGE living and bedroom combined, | with or without breakfast, goed | quarter, central. Apply Box 702: | Times, (101a) Unemplosed I Men Gain Weight on Toronto.-- 'And thry have ah Put an walsh cineca the gst tim on the scales." The special cook to convalescents at Seaton House, | one of .the hostels for unem- | ployed men in this city, smiled | as he made his report to Mrs, W. | J. WiNfinson, on her daily round ! as buyer for the city. Three hun- dred-odd. men sleep there and | are served with good and nour- | ishing meals; the figures given of meals provided since the open- ing of this house were at the moment 220,565. But special at- | tention Is accorded those who | was through, | recalling | but his | | ality | moderate right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert [v {during t | patriot won | what 'er in 1921, P he | | ) Lin 1926 Toronto Fare: | Women FRANCE Ss "GRAND OLD MAN" COMES BACK | Neither Age Nor Political Upsets Can Down Poin- care, Who Returns at 72 to Senate BY MINOTT SAUNDERS Paris, == Raymond Poincare has staged another come-back. Seven- ty-two years old, and so physically cnfeebled that he was unable to take an active part in the campaign, the veteran statesman and one-time "savior of the franc" scored a per- sonal as well as a political triumph recently when he was voted into the French Senate, Five times premier und once pres- ident of France, Poincare many times has struggled back from de- feat and obscyprity. Two years ago his friends were convinced that he and two major operations left his body weak and partially paralyzed, and for a while his mind seemed to have lost some of its clarity and | fire. Several times, in fact, France was stirred by rumours of his death. Still a Leader But now he's in the Senate nd seems as uncanny as ever dates, quoting doctrines ind formulating policies, come back, Nobody ¢xpects h able to take the rostrum en is keen and his per still leaders of 1d conservatiy Poincare, as Dei I followed his Andre Tardieu he campaign, Ar has to be nspires Fo al Premicr 11 at prograi Fig exhorted d the aged Cedar- |, (11 nov c) | Ut 11 nov ¢) |. amentary he considered th his country When the radical mcare garded as litigally Speech that becar as rec alled two years te ted the n ot rar came alr 1 the hist downijall hicals and Soc the atu Room and Board Wanted |' ed nsidered a financial rcing almost brut migl befor of from convalescent, leave hospitals really fit; some men, suffering such ills must therwise have to hey were these older rthritis or wait for vacancies in the Home for In feura are This those ntime they over, for , and mea watched evperiment heen a vles housed s a city who have resident in Toronto. Beeides those in Seaton House -and Wellington House is still larger there ar® other who come for meals--ahout 150 daily the kitéhen are served, sometimes, by mem hers of the Local Conneil who come as volunteer ane day three women, wives loctors, 1d the wife of an art- ict app€red to help 0 See or Phone us 4 RE NEW DOMINION LOAN y to be announced soon J. C. YOUNG Phones 7982895 for a critical illness | In |» hit | and dininZ-room they of | it His | in | Poincare | BIG REDUCTION In GENERAL MOTORS FRIG- IDAIRES. Two years to pay. On show at Ontario Motor Sales, 86 King St. E. Two products worth trying Old lish DRAKES' %i% HORSE RADISH SAUCE ahd BENGAL RELISH Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa 1.15 p.m, 7.15 pan, SUNDAY _AN HOLIDAY SLHEDULE (Raste me) n Standard Geing Ww ii One 1928 Chevrolet Coach. | One 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, 9.40 a.m. 12.15 p.m, 11.10 p.m. GRAY COACH LINES (Effective Sept. 25, 892) (Eastern Standard Tim: LEAVE OSHAWA LEA "oronTo Repairing AM, Ih : "| Watches Raymcnd Poincare has emerged from the carefully guarded seclusion | 26-45 7.30 - - OUR SPECIALTS of his famous home, "Le Clos," Above you see the aging statesman--formerly his country's | In | I'retident and Premier--as he appears in typical poses, in France, casures Yel s still igratulation. Health Broke Down in the wood breakd uman apparent h21p to repair laundr) rvwhere es inm ith the Women's Feet Less Yeor or tore Shapely Than Men's | | | the atera omen' From is found take sizes cent cent gi r 1.9 1-2 31.2 serve | sizes below three. Among men 38 | Times' Classified Ads. Get Results. a large re {5 percent of women of four to five; pictured below, to return to public life | "35 It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 a--Daily except Sunday; " b--Saturday, | Sunday and holidays only; c--Sunday only; | 4--Daily except Sundays and holidays, plo lines, | Instead, 1 ¥ strolls ving letters | about th arden and his beehives, NCS to sit in a rustic shelter | | | rece S-- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective September 25, 1932 Eastern Standard Time EASTBOUND 9.45 a.m. Dairy. 1.59 p.m. Daily, 4.42 ba m. Daily, , except Sunday, behind the house. He's Well Guarded fe policeman is. constantly except Sunday. 4 REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 q12 Simcoe St St. South J f--Stops ob flag to pick up for Montreal | and East. : WESTBOUND daily. ' p.m. Daly i 58 p.m. Dail y, except Sunday. m. dail . CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective July 1, 1932, (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily Trenton Local = [AOMPSON pi} DRUG STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver +26 a.m 10.30 am nday x4 Ire n m | n Daily, except Monday, aily tawa, Montieal and Last only- | Westbound except Sunday, a.m. Dail n. Dail Lraily .m. Daily pom. Dail Toronto and Wes! agly n= except Sunday litic cal I fe. -- flag. Imperial Lime Rickey A Real Drink 5c and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Druaggist at all Superior Stores feet of sizes s nt have siz ards and he | percent have for | to eight; eleven perce {9 1-2 and upw ent take 6 > fee man has no time » electric refrigerator. per- -- In jealousy there is more love | {of self than of anyone else, spotlessly clean vimpathy | Some of <9 1-2 or low. An authority was asked if he did not think men's feet on the | Whole & better shaped than | { wo men's "th se days. He said that | was certainly tpue, owing to wo- men's feet being malformed-- their great toes b ing turned in- | wards and their joints swollen What is | by the too-small shoes they wear. men's and | There is no fundamental differ- | between the feet of men {and women except that men's are | about an inch longer and wo- | JERSEY DRESSES men's are usually fatter, But | 24 per- jmen's feet are far from pcricet, $1.95 21 per- | too. I. COLLIS & SONS | | percent 50-54 King St, W., Oshawa shoes and barber | | who hesitaties is very apt He { better of the bargain. to get the Home is where all the married { children drift back to during a | depression, Eng {ence cn EE We buy Old Gold anc Silver | We repair anything bought i in a Jewelry Store BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner | J I Al ; Ladies' number of ex- arch work hers upwards; and 10 TILLIE THE TOILER- ouT VES, AGAIN TONIGHT, TLE? egal OH, GOSH. MAC 1S COMING CVER "TONIGHT - STOP SOMEWHERE SO | CAN /PHCNE kin) To EYOLAm | ¥oraoT CAN'T WE I'M TTHROLEH BEING A FOOT- BALL FOR "You ANY LONEER!- THROUGH! YOU UNOER - LEMME: TALK TO HeR, MRS, JONES HELLO, TILL\E - WHY, MAC JUST CAME (N - HE SAYS YOU HAVE A DATE WITH HIM = YOURE TRYING © LAND A FooT BALL | tn, Tnt., Great Brito rights reserved {0-37 *y& 1932, King Foimbiss Syn! BRINGING UP FATHER BET EVERY WOMAN Ind STEN TO HER LAST 'VE DONE AS YOU SAID- A BARGAIN SALE TO DAY AND I'LL BE THERE:MI95 LOTTA VOTES WONT HAVE ANY AUDIENCE iN THE TOWN HALL TO Bren ION SPEECH: m I'M HAVING TOWN WiLL THATS | THE BOY: STRANGE AS \T MAY SEEM -NOT ONE WOMAN SHOWED UP AT THE "TOWN HALL. NOT EVEN M195 LOTTA VOTES: THE SPEAKER: SHE | ATTENDED THE BARGAIN SALES | WHICH ARE GOING ON NOW AT N THE BIG STORED - Great Broan nghis teserved | € 1932, Kiig Features Syndicate. Inc