a ie PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, Iv. _ © TODAY'S SPOR TING FEATURES : TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Twenty-one Players Out With Toronto Leafs at Kingston | 75 Jr. Boys Register for Oshawa Hockey League Blue Devils Win Game From Westsides by 11.1 Score Thornton Hobart Is Out for the Season With Injuries Mimico Administer Drubbing to Verdun Lacrosse Team y Bill Wanless, Formerly With Blue Devils Died in Montreal Blue Devils Gave Smart Display in Beating Westsides Local Team biomed om os SED Well in Every Departent [Jig Sport Snapshots |=: ! right-hander who won 27 and | 4 3 ines : He i : 4. |1oet 9 with Memphis last season. | By winning las hit the Blue Devil ) Ww I Phis y winning last night the Blue Devils kept pace with Invictus as Yarzy Vance on Flock Featured Plunging Game! third quarter Oshawa scored an- iast year's champions of the T.R.F.U. administered an 11 to 6 defeat to The only man definitely con- other touch Cutler plunging over ai- ' Lastsides in the first game of the cvening. The Invictus team were | sidered on the block in Brooklyn While Tribble = Played ' icr Clarence Elliott had recovered a : |! ..c better oi the two in the first encounter although neither team show- | i8 Dazzy Vance, the veteran who | Cutler and Clarence Elliott , got beyond centre field. In the , {uimbled punt on the Westsides five : : : T used to burn up the league, Hack Best Game of the Year vard line. In the fourth quarter cd anything to warrant them beating Oshawa, There Were [numerous Wilson, bb his failure to . | Hubbell kicked for a touch in goal ; iumbles and scrambles with Invictus showing a nice working team only | reach great heights with the Intercepting : Forward giving Oshawa their final point, | ; "l1in fashes, Dodgers last season, drove in 122 Passes for Nice Gains-- Westsid Fink Quester | Hubbell | i They scored seven points in the first half with a rouge and a convert Tans. Cabs. facing stifter home . stsides (0) (¢] DC CT FE, ; wa re 2% A A i ie Cubs, c 8 3 > Hubbell and Follis Were | «io returned the ball into touch | i ' while Fastsides were getting 2 rouge, Invictus added another three} hposition next year hy the at the Westsides forty yard line. On | |? % A points in the third quarter with a placement and increased it by onc | White Sox purchase of Al Sim- Much Better Than Their | the first down the Toronto crew i cd . : Lin the fourth with another rouge. Eastsides then came to life and onc | mons, Mule Haas™ and Jimmy 4 Dykes, for $75,000, are scheduled Opponents in Kicking | pale five yards wise Cutee i i it of their halves went down under a kick and recovered the ball to run 10.7 one i wl loanl re roken up a ward pass. ubbe Be | | Ry . 3 e = yd and Passing kicked on the first down into To- | [forty yards for a touch. pair the fences battered down hy * ho » i the Yankees in the World Series. { onto territory. Westsides made two yards on the first down and tried a \ dampencr was put on the spirits of the Blue Devils last night The Blu Devils advanced another | forward pass which Tribble collar- hen Hobart was removed from the ga th s P 1 . . i ba vas ove » game in the second quarter with : 4 Mimico Swamp step in their champions! hunt la ed and ran back for a twenty yard sia iia tn : p fick champlonsimp hunt ast 3 oe cial injuries which necessitated his removal to the Toronto East Gen- night at Ulster Stadium when they | gain, to the home team's forty yard i i . . had a distinct advantage "in every | line, The Blue Devils tried a for- 11 Hospital. Following the game a number of the players paid a visit Verdun 15 to 3 geparinient of play and defeated | ward pass which failed and on the | BILL WANLESS to the institution and were informed that the player had sustained a INessidcs by : Soom 4 J i third do : fuihel 4 Jucd Sack a [ Former star of the Oshawa cod [fracture of the cheek bone and would be confined to hospital for sev- " / Wap rg . b siiawa team never played | centre and hoofed the ball far back | Devils of two. yaers ago, who Cae this indus eg ai otonty, Wet, =0.-=--0ne of ine better rugby than they did last night | of the goal line for a rouge. The died in Montreal yesterday. ral days before the exact extent of his injuries could be ascertained tnest exhibitions: of lacrosse seen and just could not go wrong in anv- | hall travelled at least sixty vards The injury will mean that the plucky player will be out of the game |in Toronto this year was mar- thing they tricd. They had speed on | Westsides got a break when they for the rest of the season. He received his injury when he was acci- | red in 'the final period last even- the attack, an n in the cick . ita . i a . ' " he attach and a toe kicked on the third down as they alternates, Hooper, Noah, Cameron | dentally kicked in the face after making a tackle. Hubbell also was ing at the Maple I.eaf Gardens plays that was x watch. | were able to recover on a fumble. | (ravef I-Varley i i p he when the Verdun team, cham- The line opene $ foct ide for | However they conld not chpitalize @ Crawfore nd ar I liniured in the dving moments of the game when he was hit in the face pions of Quebec and Ottawa dis- 4 ould n ze as fFicials leferee Jo \ ir : ; : . y s : . whi ll) ta pass through, | they gained nothing on their Pid a M oh : So : with a stray flying fist, He was removed to the dressing room where | trict, overwhelmingly beaten, w ; th an x 10 ol mpire, Mike Sanesoncg . "oe p ¢ ' - o lle on 1 defensive the team plunges and kicked short. The Blue | [ine 1. Charlie Lewis lie was attended bv Trainer Lobban, who stated that the injury was showed the thousand-odd fans A tackled like fiends and made the Devils were playing a kickin he inesilan iarlie Lewis. present that they could not "take oi AL going tough for their opponent ad. Hubt if Kick i g fa not serious, it" and started out to make a CAPTAIN GRID CHAMPIONS t: and ubbell. kicked on the first | * * % * Donnybrook of the game. The | Tho Montreal A.A.A. (Winged Wheelers) Domini football cha: Work Like Machine | down. Westsides tried a forward Winnio e , Pla | : : : ) 3 1 Ame. he | ] al ALAA. inged or ominion football cham- Fhe local team as a'whole played | pass on the first down but again P g y | Oshawa sportsmen received u severe shock this morning when they | final score was 15 to 3 in favor | pions have elected Wally Whitty captain of the team, Whitty was Ta $ : ; death in Montreal yesterday of Bill Wanless, star half of the Suburbanites, and after | knocked out in the game with Toronto Argos last Saturday but will eath m Le the second period started there | be hack in again and going strong against the Hamilton Tigers this a wonteral game, but head and | Tribble intercepted and made a nice Fo Me ( y carned of the ot f 1 or ann up |! i W" hawa' Blue: Devil ol y two vears i Bill : back with the Oshawa' Bluc cvils rugby team of two ) 5 _4g0. "| was little doubt as to the ulti- | week-end. shoulders above the rest were Trib- | gain before he was grassed. Hub ble and Cutler. The former is " ced ag: nm the first i c hel pe Phe f SY play- | bel kicked again on the first down | = was on the staff of the Montreal office of the General Motors of Can-| mate winner, ing the best game of his career and | to the twenty-five yard linc I'he Winnipeg, Oct. 20.--Ready for ; 3 : Verdun in the first eight min- seemed to bc able to sense where | Toronto team could not make an te Ea tern trav 20. Winnipeg | da. Limited, and had been ill for some time. Some time ago he con- Abed nd i un . . ie isk 4 n Kastern ay, ] 1 | 2 . us * . s of play ] i cording : w ron irit« the play was going on almost every | progress through the Oshawa lint ARLE 1 stood. bY cted pneumonia and was seriously ill, meningitis setting in later and C fds TS ag According to the newspaper re- | spirit; they do as a mob what Rl A ei Sh LE La : g ; a Argonauts yesterday tood d > : 2 . "| Ontario champions and scored | ports of a show staged by colle- | they would never think of doing r land kicked so that Oshawa were | waiting for word which will take | icine his death, H: was about 27 years of age, and was a native of | three goals before the Mimico | gjans at a local theatre, one of |as individuals. squad zot their bearings. At the | the features was a "love scene "The second trouble is that outset it appeared as if the Lake | with a freshman taking the part | they have a rudimentary sense of the failure of the forward passing ae an - . ; away 3 + 1 deep in their territory. Clarence | them eastward in que of ine London, Ontario. He came to Oshawa about three years ago, to enter Fame ot Westsides on more than | Elliott then came to the fore with [ Mann Cup and the Dominion box : : TM { Canad dova e of the ont ree occasion cing e spot | icc 3 . eH ha he services of t weneral Motors © anada, and as onc « out- : i : : : 1 to A: the 1 - ... | two plunges anc ior nine and an- [ lacrosse championship al the service bie pera : az} 1 til he received Shore team, playing in its thir- | of Gandhi and a freshette that | humor. They think that it is wit 0 dhe 2 : tc. nice other for five to place the ball only Battling a deiermine 1 buts tanding members of the Blue Devils rugby squad until h ce tieth game of the season was leg- | of goat." The reviewer said that |ty to pelt young girls with toma- for manv yard Fe o =0 B ; fifteen vards out. Cutler plunzed reary hatid of British Cotyniia cerions injuries. He was later transferred to the Montreal office of the | weary, and the Verdun players | "applause, which was generous, | to:s. E 3 Ss 1e Was one « * s . 2 stie artists, tired after a heavy ' , h ar "en J arri . ; tor six vards and C. Elliott added b swarmed around "Tooke Harri-| took the form of rotten toma- am : the hardest men on the team to othe Aire nd carried the ball | Schedule which brought them to f company. son's citadel and completely dom- | toes." 'The time has come for the stop. Cutler was right i is glory Sin . "get vard Cutler fo Winnipez, the Squamish Indians, 3ill was a very popular young athlete while in Oshawa, Lis modest, snated the play. Little over two | public to take an interest in these and scored two touchdowns plung-| 7s 4 1 yares, €r Com- | ~oast champions, and conquerors : : : td vi. dy ok Bde ge A ; Violation of Decencie colleze affairs. Fathers and mo- 3 Ss NF he ke n * fOr L , i ming m "yr anming tor hi a 05 ire in the community 'S § aps wher isd 2 in . ing through the line for wains of | PI€ted the attack by going over for | 4" iparia, went down to defeat | Uiassuming manner w ; tim a host of friends in the community minuLes hag ated Wl Dr. MacMechan, writing in a {thers throughout Nova Scotia from eight to twelve vards consis. | @ touch which was unconverted. last night. the Argos climaxinz | who will regret to learn of his untimely death, Lo re s Ehret Rng Jo ison. | local newspaper, declared' that | might ask themselves if they pay tently. Another good ground gainer ; Second Quarter a brilliant series with a 16-to-7 * ¥ ® * Oe ater Holz. | What the reporters called a "frol- | heavy college fees for the privil- iy ner good grow g With the opening of the second win. Over two hundred and fifty watched the New York: Americans and A mind : 314 a fal ates ol je"! was a "violation of the ele-|ege of having their sons and quarter Westsides showed their first Entering the game tied at 12- \ : a h sterd ring. and it is berg figured on the scoring eh mentary decencies." He added | daughters exposed to such indig- real spirit of the game and assisted | all, tho Argos took the twe- | ew Haven Eagles in action. at the arena ye ay m a of another goal, D. Archer ma ; | that the. custom of hazing was nities as they were exposed to in by some good playing moved up tic | match series by a 28 to 19 total expected that an even larger number will be on hand during the re-|ing the pass, Holzberg appéare/ not of English origin, as many | the Garrick Theatre last Friday field and moved in close so that | for the Western championship mainder of the wek when the teams get down to real business, The 10 Le BVELYWhese on the Hone, believed, 'but had been imported | between eleven and one o'clock." ~ a Plies he A . either taking passes or Eivin ni 3 V8 able to kick for i rouge Wi Bouble. Blues turned 4 | teams are traveling faster all the time as they find themselves and | 0" 00 Pa Mimico players I ae Jitey State the de It is whispered on the campus ia after ax wk: et Jd | perfect performance to heat the | | : a The iia . ' i en 3 rose to ie ge- A However, Jafier Plas a jared i a but the Indian | Plenty of action can be expected from now on. The Americans prac- | gaomed unable to hold him in | fence of hazing. Murray Rankin, that there are Dalhousians who Sani fhe nd ™ hh out lads played nobly standing up | tice from 9 to 10.13 with the Eagles taking the next hour and a quarte:. | check. Three minutes and a half | member of the council of students secretly disapprove of hazing but g orw 5s o Falls ' ox B | 1 agai : i i v 4 4 Sriger 4 and io Jrom ali well under pressure of the first | - » » * later Holzberg secured again, | of Dalhousie, signed the next let- Who would not venture to give to: Boultbee placing the ball at cen- | 0g" (0 ong quarters, but tiring | aa eilstered ar the. Hotke . raced up the side and passed to | ter on the subject, characterizing | their views public expression be- tre field as half tine arrived rapidly. in the last two from th Over seventy-five junior boys registered at the ockey meeting J McCarthy, who tallied, Mimico | Dr, MacMechan's criticism as | cause of the fear of becoming Third Quarter ; terrific pace Rotary Hall, The number who turned out to the call of the exccutive | supporters appeared mighty glum | "very vague." Mr. Rankin could em Special demonstra- nlaved a great game with Boulthee Oshawa kicked off to start thc Frank Hawkins, Olympic 'goal- | was st encouraging to those in charge who are making cvery effort | and the cowbell which made its | "see no connection between toma- | one. he subject bids fair to be appearance Monday night was [toes and immorality." x boas of Senieptioy or college : debaters § winter, but what- 1 th re io] sec alf -: after holding the an ar » Argos' ros { i iti i at outside, both were deadly in their | second half and Trey '& U1€ | keeper and star of the Argos' ros- in , teams for the junior competition. The executive of the Osh- ; i Then Wa Nino Renzi oa tackles and made good zai n estsides safc Cutler went in for | ter last night, was too much for 1 yi | mute indeed. TE To enone, Tres: or es i law; ocker ; will now decide what rules and regulations will RAEN ident of the students' council, | Ver result, the boys and girls will be at it again next season 1 League first possible said he had seen the show and € rules or no rules, police or no po- plunges some lengthy plunging to hove thie | the hard-worked Squamish hoys Always the Best ball down to the Toronto s ( -- -. - p \ 4 | Bani 27, ; ge tn : : 3 fi fte ine fore 3 § : : ' : tn eabd An wad found nothing objectionable | I Blue Deyils were in the lead hiteen yard ie Jelore H fumble date t is the intention of the executive to organize a scnior leagu in it. Mr. Neco tin ood Privy gy lice. Precedent has given them a cost hawa the ba owevel . Watch this column for an announcement, Dr. MacMgchan investizated the | license not unlike that held by quad's ) i the league which will be gotten under way at the from the start scoring six points in | €¢ 5 c L y § S Th . : Vic ve i a Westsides could not get tae play to t. omas are * ¥ ¥ ¥ matter he would find that the | the mischief-maker on Hallo. the first quarter and holding the s > opposition off the score sheet, The | centre field and the. march for the . d | y Waptip dod ; Eo we'en. 1 e : i Lina 1 PRT AC : . + the ractice of initiation was of Eng- points carne fi rouge following | Westsides goal linc started all over) = in Quan ary | I'he Oshawa Di 1g rers have been practicing this week down at th RATEPA | arian. nor trom. the United BOIL Thee : , ai . : * had' stated, | Times' Classified Ads. Get Results, a sixty yard kick by Hubbell and | again with a Fallis to Hubbell for- Stadium in preps m for their crucial game here on Saturday against | States as the doctor had ~fOIV ET 1 1 OM ny an unconverted touchdown scored | ward pass taking the ball twent : ' et: 24 i. [the Sudbury St. Louis Club They realize that they have a real task ack Slater, president of the by Cutler, In the ond quarter | vards to the twenty-five yard lne. St. Thomas, Oct. 20.--Unoffi- ; 4 1 : : : | sobnomocs lass, al gave 'the A h 3 1 yal ce ; cial word received here that the | oi their hands as this northern team is the strongest they have met i ¢ ass, {sO gave 'ine Westsides had a little the better of,| Tribble plunged for seven yards and local O.R.F.U. i mediates 7 ; . : J performance his approval, Aree. ocal O.R - intermediates may | 41,i ycar and with the Ontario Intermediaté¢ championship at stake they Another Attack i the territc 1 plas ar d managed to | Clarence Elliott completed tor a ba grouped with Camp Borden, | , . : : : alm y 3 ' { c a 3 gh a|first down doing a nose dive over ' can} are taking no chances, The game Saturday is called for 2 p.m. so that i But these letters did not end | NEW MARTIN ) i i Dr. MacMe score a sin point through a wi paw g t RET . % : ; . wich dréw a bye, ig not receiv- 3 ¢ ? rouge. But after half time they | the line of scrimmage. Blue Devils | oq With enthusiasm by the club | if a third game is necessary it can be played tlic same afternoon (Conti ned f from page : | the discussion chan were in their own end of the field | then made another costly mistake | (Meials. The club is facing a de- ' tion of the City Ce kl Li mhing dipped his pen again: ~= TODAY -- practically all the time and rarely | and passed. the ball to the wrong | ficit of nearly. $1,000, and travel- over a large tract of land on lease '1 am glad to find 'leaders of | team and Westsides were again in | ling expenses to and from Camp 3 " from the Oshawa Street Railway | student opinion' defending the "THOSE WE LOVE" : bis, kh = : e tional League, who = will train | half a dozen recruits from the | ono for park purposes. \ | initiation scenes at the Garrick vith possession. But the Toronto team | Borden would eat up any profits ; Leafs' roster before 'the teams: ompany park A au; es ii ¢ | w could make no progress whatsoever | from local games, it js feared. with the Leafs, was at the stad- nig cA tD Dore. " i question was asked regarding the Theatre. According to their own | ; MARY ASTOR and were forced to kick Oshawa re-| The club has applied for a group- [ium yesterday morning, and said Rp here taxes payable on this property S, G admission, they see nothing ob- | KENNETH McKENNA covering at centre. A Hubbell to|ing with Sarnia. and London on | that his players would get down Carnell declaring that they amount- jestionaile o Beliing airls yu HALE HAMILTON C t x pats or a '. #1 rOrk ' ¢ 4 $23 ; ns This acti a i ymatoes. supose: 1f they | ® forward pass was good for a [the understanding that Wallace- | to work today. Roach expects Ne l Cl b ed to $234. a year. This action was SL Sa LIB ges: ; de - Ho Een ade to the thirty | burg has defaulted the remainder | several players from the Leafs ationa uos declared by one speaker to be a Sore walking Will a lady on Bay. Comedy gaut 0 id in [of its zames. St. Thomas is left | and, as the world champions will "good way of letting the Strect | TIn&ton Street, and some hooligan ANDY CLYDE yard line, Blue Devils fell down in f 2% gooc wa) g : _| began throwinz rotten tomatocs in thei Toning ae Westcides held without a. group through the | only carry sixteen players, the ee ew a ent Railway - Company out of paying h Wo 1 3 omA ints " E thei: plunging as withdrawal of Amherstburg af- | Syracuse team will probably draw " Ald. Stephens. from the jo her, they would consider it a THE GIDDY AGE tight but the locals were lucky | lo ino™t wo sames to the local - taxes', Ald, Stcphens, Hom ihe pond joke, and make no effort to and recovered their own kick on the} oo The .co-operation of the New York, Oct. 20.--Even chair, declared that the action of | srevent nim. five yard line giving Cutler another | carnia Club in securing the new though all hands deny that the the City Council had heen prompted "Ome critic is correct in stat- chance to plunge for a touch which | grouping has heen solicited. It is Gl . Braves, Cubs, Giants and Reds | Dv a desire to find work for the ing that hazing is an old Dalhou- was not converted. Just at the closc [ understood that the London elub orious Stars already have hooked up in one unemploy ed," this policy being Tet pio) adition. It Ji a thoroughly of the quarter the Oshawa linc op- | is opposed to admitting St. Thom- . of the biggest of all baseball [With a storm of enticisti on ihe] hat, tradition. have alway: encd up a hole and Robson shot | as. In One Picture! trades rs all over the Na- | grounds that council can find plenty | thought jt stupid and vulgar, and through for eight yards. iis tional League are tugging at the [of work for such men taking into | now that I have left Dalhousie, Fourth Quarter trunks of rival clubs like thieves and because I value Dalhousie's good name, 1 have taken the Westsides line look ver at times, Hubbell and F 'ed well on the half ling in the kicking n which thev outdis- tanced their opp ts tiem after time, Thev both secured splendid lensth while the height of their punts bothered the Westsides' 1alves and gave the ends plenty of time to get down ur - the ball Ellis, formerly of Balmy Beach, they were : consideration the fact that the un- After round Tril Te p employed were not in receipt of After the turn around Tribble oronto L ols in an apple orchard. Before long [ ¢MPIO} ; carliest opportunity of protesting completed the yards with plenty to T; : the fruit may fairly rain down. pay. : Sted against it wr spare. Westsides recovered on Osh- 1 There seems to be little foun- | No formal motion was tabled on "Mv vounr critics : P Se forward pass and kicked on in raining daton at the moment for Boston |cither of these subjects, The new-| oy Young EaLics Shou ook Trabel the Ring s Jightvap the first down to Hubbell, who re- ------ reports that Wally Berger, club-|ly elected president appealed for organizations and mo Yosld ai / turned the ball on the run to the Kingston, Oct. 20.----'Queen's bing centre-fielder, and Babe [greater activity and co-operation iN | oxford, 'Edinburgh or Dublin. T (9) R 0 N T (0) home team's twenty-five yard line | gymnasium is really far ahead of Herman, of the Reds ultimately |the ward association, and a number | phere is no subjecting new stu- where Boultbee smeared the run-|the Notre Dame gymnasium 'in will land here with the Gants to | of new members were admitted fol-| dents to physical indignities be- Single--85¢ Return--8§1.55 i team with Mel Ott in one of the [lowing the business of the meeting. | cause they are freshmen, under EVERY HOUR ner. Westsides gained about four | South Bend, Indiana, where the Black Hawks trained a couple of major league's outstanding out- the quaint idea that they are on the half hour ards on their first plunge and kick- A ya into touch at np poe: yard linc | Years ago," declared Coach Dick fields, with Kiki Cuyler and thereby taught manners and good on the second down. 'Tribble made | Irvin of the Toronto Maple Gabby Hartnett winding up with behavior. The whole matter of |, from 5:30:40. $0 £56 yards and thew Tallis kicked to | 1-eafs, world's professional hoc- the Braves, Freddy Lindstrom 4 classes, with their presidents, (Except 10.30 a a % oh 50 the ten yard line and after making anions. 4 poh oney iy Jan a United 3 simportstion from the | ff and at 645 and al. daly a no gain Westsides kicked out to the morning. : : 3 SHOWS 2. 30. 7, 9 Veeck After Talent "As to investigating further || 1030 am, PS 5.30, 7.30 and AO DAILY ' thirty yard line, From that position | = "we are more than delighted But--Bill Veeck, president of the affair at the Garrick, the py Sat, Sus 8 Hol uly, iL, Huphell booted for Ansthes point | with , Kingston as a training || Mat.-Children 10¢: Adults 25¢ || the Cubs, is reported heading paragraph quoted in my previous : ie ball going into the salety zone| camp," continued Coach Irvin. Eve.-Children 13c¢; Adults 40c || east wth designs on the outstand- letter was supplied to the Chron- | | LEAVE TORONTO icle by a student who was pres- EVERY HOUR He ol in the corner of the field, During | "We have everything we want i ar J jul ng talent the Giants, Dodgers, the remainder of the quarter West- | here and a good deal more. The NE as hi the, Gia . ent. He did not give all the facts. is GENE QUITS POLITICS Sides were n their own end of the gymnasium is wonderful and the Max Carey, manager of the Prof Ensen Student He did not tell that ona young on the half hour ! (iene Tunney has given up his | field pratcically all the time with the [boys are all highly pleased, not Y ow of | Professor Engages Students | man fell off the stage and was so || from 8.30 am, to 11.30 p.m. # y g p Robins is perched in full view o gag badly hurt that he had to be car- (Except 1030 am. and 12.30, 2., campaigning for Governor Roose. | ¢xception, of once when they com- | Only with the facilities for train- Sa Re : 3 : paigning Sam Breadon in St. Louis, plead In Newspaper ried down stairs. I presume 'the |i and sr 10.03 pm.) velt because he believes the | pleted a forward pass for yards to | iP3 but with the fine spirit which ing his case for one of the Car- except Sunday I watic 'candidat "gure to | centre field only to have Fallis re. | 188 been shown hy officials here : ' p leaders of student opinion' see 10.30. a.m., 12.30, 2.30, 7.30 and 9.30 Democratic candidate is "sure to v dinals' three first basemen, Duel bir Tl od Toi ! DT Ti a, be elected." Tunney is shown as | cover another attempted forward on and the people in general, I know = Bill MeKechnie of the Braves " fing shjectionable 1m that | : Eastern Standard Time 4 " A i > " 4 we are going to enjoy our stay in : vi he returncd from a brief visit to | the next play as the game drew to Kingston and I believe that the is in Boston, eager and willing Halifax, N.S.-- Whether or not | cent' in my first letter. I stigmat- Paris, where his wife is recover. | a close so that Oshawa were able to i : 2 | (0 talk trade ; . ing from an operation. kick back into Toronto territory, Blavers Nill m op a gieat deel, Bill Terry, bowing to the adu- [it is "a violation of the element Yost, Ihe scones jn the Garrick as The Teams: anid wats pre 5 TE urned out BILE ult lation of home crowds at a pri- pty. decelicies to Jul Fouon nw a"v Injas on 3 i he e emeniary de. PARCEL EXPRESS P i i . > . e gymna- hi BES : matoes at young ladies is beside | cenc an repea ccord- Oshawa -- Flying wing, Fallis; | sium, where they donned their i vate celebration, has one ear |, issue; the controversy has |ing to the mere dictionary, de- oitiwiss all CEE, | halves, Tribble, Hubbell and Ellis; | uniforms and then went to the : 4 {cocked for long distance calls i PW r 'propriety r L : | Rates. Special : " | developed into a letter-writing | cency means 'propriety of behav- || (except U.S.A, points) El from the Giant office in New |, ; 1otition between students of | for, what is required by good . snap, Gray; insides, Logan and Wil: | Richardson Stadium for the first | weekly. Finest A-R-E-N-A son; middles, C. Elliott and Cutler; | turn at physical training. Sergt.- Waskty, Eines York, Whers Yo lei) 8 et Dalhousie University and one of [taste or delicacy." But my young |§ wickets and information at EL ; rhat ; : ) Public Skating every day. After outsides, Boultbee and Hood; quar- | Major O'Regan of the staff of | gooms. Relaxe = their former professors, Dr. Ar- [critics do not know the meaning noons 2.30 p.m. Evenings, 8 p.m. |ter, Kohen; alternates, Myers, the Royal Militaiy College put Hon. Homelike Comforts. Fine loco. give. 5 : chibald MacMechan, and the|of the word. Pelting girls with Gray Coach Lines General admission, 25¢. Chil- | Guiltinan, Hobart, Brown, Robson, | the players through the most | wen, one Block to Ocean. Breathe Ancient Steve McKeever, NeW | qyegtion is: to haze or not to [tomatoes can hardly he consider- Geaosha Hotel--Phone 2825 dren, Saturday afternoon, 10c. James, T, Eliott and Colmer. strenuous drills they have ever | peep the Bracing Ocean Alr. Cour president of the Dodgers, points | pq50, . ed 'propriety of behavior, or what OSHAWA Westsides--Flying wing, R. Tay-, had and, While they were just | tesy,PolitenessandServiceare Yours to $200,000, set aside from the Dr. MacMechan, who retired in | is required by good' taste or deli- New York and New Haven Pro- | [or; halves, E. Beverley, Norman shout oa if when he Aiighed for Less Than You Think. Write now. Pe Fn Jat sos he 19] sie 0 yours as Drofessop cacy." The Joie fe twofold. fessional Teams practice dail Simi 1 4 , they were unanimous "pu * 0 > Ww + | of English at Dalhousie, com- ack Spirit ppd ET Dom. y 8 Smit marie Bay 1 suap. in saying that it was "the real SERINE, SITES ERSTE While Carey, in St. Louis, at- { mented on the recent capers of "The tomato hurlers are nice, Everybody Welcome ris; middles, D. Ferris and Kear. thing." - tempts to pry either Jim Bottom- Dalhousians by protesting respectable young people who g . : Shy onteides J Gai dB Gon. Mickey Roach, manager of the | hs ley, Jim Collins or even Pat | "against this whole silly business | come from good homes. But ihey yo sides, J. nan ain; | Syracuse Stars of the Interna- m8 Crawford away from the Cardin- | of college initiation or hazing." |are carried away by the pack