THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1932 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and the Community Social and Personal Readers are invited to sub. mit social and personal items for publication in this column. Kindly send or phone them 0 The Times office, Phone 85 or after office hours to Phone 2443. The members of the Oshawa ennis Club are entertaining at Hallowe'en dance on Friday pvening in Rotary Hall. "This will [be the first of six dances, at which the members will be hosts during the season. 2 Mr. J. L. Nori King Street West, is among the Oshawa rep- resentatives at the Dairymen's Convention in Detroit this week. * The many friends of Miss Ele- ha Stacey, Simcoe Street South, will be pleased to hear that she is progressing favorably after her recent operation in the Tor- onto General Hospital. - *- LJ A marriage of interest in Osh- awa took place Wednesday, Octo- ber 19, at the home of the grand- parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCrae, Alexandra Boulevard, Toronto, when Miss Thelma McCrae Hunt, daughter of Mrs. Hunt and the late Albert R. Hunt, became the bride of Frederick Spencer Stratford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stratford. Following a wedding trip to New Per ect | IT-ALL-TOP HOSIERY (Exclusively KAYSER) Now $12 For comfort -- freedom -- longer wear--extra length-- extra width, "Fit-All- Top" is the hose. It fits every size leg to perfection--to the tall, it gives extra length--to the \ stout, extra width (to a full outsize)--at no extra cost. All because of the special flexible top which stretches according to the needs of the individual leg. No binding-- no pulling--nogarterstrainin *Fit-All-Top", Sheer and semi-serviceweightsinthenew fall shades; (Formerly $1.25). ® AT ALL THE BETTER SHOPS @ Kavsen MADE IN CANADA 12431 # TRADE MARK=PATENT APPLIED FOR been visiting the York and Louisville, Kentucky, Mr. and Mrs. Stratford will reside in Oshawa. LJ * Cards have been sent out by the faculty and students of the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, for the annual Hallowe'en festi- val to be held at the college on Friday evening, October 28, at 8 o'clock. A number of Oshawa Alumnae members and friends will be numbered among the guests. LJ LJ LJ] Mr. George Hart and Mr. Mor- ris Hart, Kingston Road East, are in Detroit this week attend- ing the annual Dairymen's Con- vention, Nt * LJ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Julley visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Parsgns Jast Sunday. L Te Mr. and Mrs! Frank Marshall were recent vsitors with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bickle, Ebenezer, LJ] LJ LJ] Mr. Thomas Knox has been visiting at the home of Mr. John Hepburn, Enfield. * - Mr, and Mrs. L. J. Brooks and son, Orland, visited Mrs. Brooks' sister, Mrs. Ceal Found, at Eben- ezer, last week-end. * * LJ Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Alger and Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Alger were visitors last week-end with Mr, and Mrs. James A, Armstrong at Warkworth. * . » Miss Wilma Werry visited her parents at Kedron last week-end » * * Rev, Fred Riding, M.A, of Ep- sley, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Riding, 260 King St. East. LJ LJ - Miss Kathleen Conlin spent last week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 8, Conlin, Kedron. »- * - Mr. and Mrs. William Batty were recent visitors with their daughter Mrs. HF. Werry, Kedron. Ad Ld »* Mr. W, Zion, and relatives at Tyrone. LJ * w Miss Norma Glaspell is spend- ing two weeks at the home of her parents at Zion. * * * Mrs. G. H. York is the guest | of friends at Lindsay, * » * Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bragg have | latter's par- ents Mr, and Mrs, H. W, Sabine at Marmora. LJ * LJ Mr. R. Williams spent last Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. W, L. | Mountjoy, at Kedron. * * * Mr. John Ayre, of Zion, has moved to Oshawa to live with his daughter, Mrs. Charles Selby, this city, * * LJ Mrs. George Winchester and daughters, Miss Audrous and Marjorie, of Lindsay, were guests at the recent meeting Echo Lodge, L.T.B. . » * been Harold Mrs. Orland Orr has visiting Mr, and Mrs, Mountjoy, of Kedron, . * LJ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott and Mrs. Albert Lott have been visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Balson, Zion.. .? LL - = Misses Ruth and Muriel Win- chester and Miss I. Coatsworth, of Lindsay, have been visiting Miss Luella Jagshav, Mrs. E. L, Vickers King Strect cast, kindly opened her home on Tuesday afternoon when the mem- bers of Mrs. W. Wallace's group of Simcoe Street Women's Association were entertained at tea. An inter- esting afternoon was enjoyed and tea was served to forty ladies. . LJ LJ Mrs. W, E, Phillips, Centre street entertained a number of music lov- ers of Oshawa during the tea hour yesterday, The guests were privi- leged to hear Mrs, John Ross, Mrs. Gooderham and Mrs. Davies, of Toronto, who were present to pro- mote interest in the Toronto Sym- phony Orchestra, - The Willing Workers' Club of Westmount held a bridge last eve- ning in the main dining room of the Genosha Hotel in aid of the welfare funds, The prizes for con- tract bridge were won by Dr, C, LE. Wilson and Mrs, Wilson, while Mrs, J. Davenport and Mrs. Ben- son were the winners of the auc- tion prizes, The convenor for the evening was Mrs. M, Matthews, while Mrs, McKay and Mrs. E. Warne were in charge of the table arrangement During the evening thanks were. expressed for dona- tions received from Smith Potteries, Mr, J. C. Ward, Mrs, Collacutt, Mrs, Davidson, Mrs. E. V. Lander and Mrs. Morris Hart, A very thloyiDlE miscellaneous shower was held on Tuesday eve- ning at the home of Mrs, 'W, Severs, 244 Burk Street, when a large number of girl friends of Miss New Wonderful Face Powder Prevents Large Pores-- Stays on Longer For a youthful complexion, use new wonderful MELLO-GLO Face Powder. wrinkles and pores. New 'French process. makes it spread more smoothly and stay on 'onger. No more shiny noses, Purest face powder known. Prevents large pores, Ask today for new, won- derful face powder, MELLV- GLO, that suits every complex- va. | th | th | kn | | she | | J. Sully has been visit- | ing his mother, Mrs. James Sully, | | } friends, of Re- | Hides tiny lines, | By Thornton W. Burgess THE DISCONTENT OF PETER RABBIT You'll find that honest meant As antidote for discontent. --~0ld Mother Nature. Busy people seldom have time to be discontented, It ig the idle, those who have nothing that they must do, who as a rule are discontented, Just take the case of Peter Rabbit Pet . had nothing to do but to fill that big stomach of his and that was not work but a pleasure, for all summer 'long there was plenty to eat all about him, In winter he sometimes has to work to get en- to eat, but not in summer, a few jumps outside the dear Old Briar-patch was the sweetest clover in all the Great World. At least that is what little Mrs, Peter would sav when Peter would sugz- gest a trip to the Ou Pasture, the Od Orchard or the Green Forest. So, having nothing to do but eat and sleep Peter became discontent- ed. He became tired of the dear Old Briar-patch. Little Mrs. Peter on the other hand, was wholly sat- isfied with the dear Old Briar-patch Site had no idle time for she had a ily of lively young bunnies to ke ep out of mischie d to train in things that Rabbits should w. She was too busy to be dis- the dear Old Briar-patch was the most wonderful place in all the Great World and said so. She said it so often Jost patience with work is ough Just contented. To her that Peter quite he: "What do vou know of the Great Hilda Kellar gathered to do honor to her in view of her approaching marriage on Sa lay. Miss Kellar was presented laige variety | of useful and t ul gifts by her who wi I her every hap- success in her married Dancing and g mes. prov ided piness and i hier i were served by t hostess. | Mr, and Mrs John Roach have returned to their home in Campbell- | ford, after spending three weeks with friends in Oshawa, Toronto and Peterborough. hest Colds Rub well over throat and chest VICKS OVER 21 MILLION JARS USED YEARLY WEAK, RUNDOWN Chatham, oy -- "About four years ago I was in a weak- ! ened and run-down condition," said Guy P. Brown of 9 Degge St. "After the least effort I would have to lie down. I lost ! br i weight until I was | i almost skin and | p hd bones. I never felt Sg like eating and when IT did eat, my food did not seem to nourish my sys- tem. I tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi- cal Discovery and gradually regained strength until 1 felt like a new man. I was able to do my work again, gained weight and felt fine." All druggists. Fluid or tablets. If you want free medical advice, write to Dr. Pierce's Clinic in Buffalo, N, Y 2 All Children Benefit From the body building and health promoting SCOTT'S EMULSION ~» of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Rich in Vitamins A and D 18 | just happened to think of them and { wondered if they | sion of his discontent. {a very good thing that little Mrs, .jcommittees, _ . World?" he demanded. "You stick right here day after day. You don't even visit the Old Pasture any more, There is nothing going on here, It is the dullest place I know of. Nothing ever happens here, I'm tired of it. We ought to move, Yes, sir, that is what we ought to do. We ought to try living some- where else where there is something going on." 'Hush up, Peter Rabbit!" retorted little Mrs. Peter sharply. "The trouble with you is that you are lazy. Laziness and discontent go to- gether. There isn't a finer place in all the Great World than the dear Old Briar-patch and you know it only you won't admit it. Where is there another place with 'all the sweet clover we want so easy to get without risk? Where is there another place in which to bring up children so safely and with so little to worry about?" "There are plenty of places just as good and probably better," grum- bled Peter, "The trouble with you Fuzzy (he always calls her Fuzzy, for she was little Miss Fuzzytail before she became Mrs. Peter) is that you never go anywhere and you don't know what there is out- side the 'Old Briar-patch." "lI know enough to know when I am well off," retorted little Mrs, Peter, "and that is more than you appear to know, If you spent a little time taking care of the child- ren and teaching them the things they should know instead of leaving it all to me you wouldn't find it dull here. 1 never yet have seen a home full of children that was dul for those who looked after them properly." Peter hastily changed the subject. "Have vou seen the Bob White anily lately?" lie asked. "No," replied Mrs. Peter tartly What have the Bob Whites to do with the subject?" "Nothing," confessed Peter. "I here be had been lately when I happened to away.' il then Mrs, Peter spied one of the bunnies outside the Briar-patch and hastened after him. "I wish," said Peter, talking to himself as he watcher her, "that something would happen to drive her out of the Old Jriar-patch. What we need is a 'hange. Everybody needs it. There is nothing so stupid as sitting one place, Yes, sir, 1° wish something would happen so that we would have to get out of this place." Now Peter really didn't mean that it all. It was merely an expres- And it was Peter didn't hear him say it. (Copyright, 1932, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Peter Discovers an Army." INSTALLATION AT REBEKAH LODGE Gifts Presented to District Deputy President Branton On Wednesday, Oct. 12th, Osh- awa Rebekah Lodge, No. 3, held its installation of officers, Sister Frankie Branton, District Deputy President and SRaff performed this ceremony. The following of- ficers were installed: Sister Letty DeGuerre, Noble Grand. Sister Ruby Flury, Vice Grand. Sister Mary Shaw, Recording Secretary. Sister Eva Hastings, Financial Secretary. Sister Edith Evans, Treasurer. Sister Weeks, Warden, Sister Orpha Goyne, tor. Sister Frankie Branton, Chap- lain, Sister M. E. Wright, Guard. Sister Holdsworth, Right Sup- ' port Noble Grand. Sister Olive Parfitt, Left Sup- port Noble Grand. Sister Annie MacDonald, Right Support Noble Grand. Sister Ann Coulson, Left Sup- port Vice Grand. Sister Evelyn Sanders, Jr. Past Noble Grand. Sister Pear! Hanna, Musician. Brother Frank Hastings, Out- side Guard. After the installation, the Noble Grand asked Sister Bran- ton, District Deputy President, to speak and at this time Sister Branton was presented with a beautiful silver sugar and cream and tray on behalf of the Lodge, Sister Mary Shaw, Assembly Marshal, also spoke briefly and Sister Morgan, Noble Grand of Sunshine No. 222, spoke express- ing her good wishes for the com- ing term. Quite a few visitors were present. Sister Annie Thrasher, President of the Lend- a-Hand-Club then presented a beautiful Past Grands Collar and Case to Sister Evelyn Sanders, Past Noble Grand, on behalf of the Club, Each of the new of- ficers then spoke. At the close of the meeting all were entertained by a lovely banquet, which was Conduc- Inside BOY PASSES A YEAR IN COMA Exactly one year ago on the 21st of October Joe Huggins, then 8, was stricken by sleeping sickness and went into a coma. He has never heen conscious since. But physicians now believe that time may effect a cure and that he may suddenly awaken, Joe is able to open his eyes now, something he couldn't do a few months ago, although he doesn't see what is going on around him, Here you | see the unconscious boy being fed with goat-milk,, his only food, | by Mrs. J. T. Rider. She took Joe into her Memphis, Tenn., home | when his father was unable to care for the boy. GIRLS WORKERS TRAINING COURSE McLaughlin said that.zmore ever before, Jesus Christ, needed to solve the problems | | which confront us. More and more we are coming to realize as Jesus has always insisted, that the infinite value of the indivil- | ual must be recognized; we must Dr. D. N. McLaughlin cease to think 2 im zip {a unit jas g S remark n Gives Opening Address | ihe Gospel of Mark, Dr. Me- | of Course | Laughlin pointed out how Je solved the great problems which faced him, and became fitted to Dr. D. N. McLaughlin, of the understand and help us Social Service Department of the | At thea monthly meetings United Church, in a very master- | Year, Dr, McLaughlin will ly way, introduced the study | tinhe his study of "The I "The Life of Christ," which he is% Christ" with these two int: to lead at future meetings, at a | groups of Jeaders, joint meeting of the Oshawa | Following the study Girls' Work Board and Mpys. | the election of officers Tait's group of graduate C.G LT. | Oshawa Girls' Work who are preparing for lesaer- | lowed. Mrs. W. H. Tait, ship. | elected President of the Referring to the present as a | with Mrs, Olive Petley, new epoch in the world's history, ' P resident; Miss Marjorie | tha | than | was this con= y of rested period, of the was re- | Board, Vice DBlew- ott, | Miss ponding Secretary. MOUNTED POLICE are being em fic at different points in the West | End of London, | being { mounted and two other © | worked Board f3i- |g | are so well trained that the po- | licemen are reins and use both hands for gig- I nalling. ™ Beautiful Coats FINEST OF PURE WOOL COATINGS--BEST OF GUARAN- TEED SILK LININGS--Luxuriously Trimmed with Wolf, French Seal, French Beaver, Arabian Lynx, Kolinski, Muskrat. Regular sizes and half sizes. A Feature Value at $24. 75 | 50 SMART NEW Felt Hats Values up to $2.98 SELLING FOR $1.79 See Special Window -- Secretary; and Johnston, Corres- Recording Nellie DIRECT TRAFFIC, Mounted policemen ployed to direct traf- London the tried with experiment only three officers in Whitehall points at first. It s0 well that the system being extended, The horses able to drop the Scotland Yard officials der is being are convinced, after watching the work of the men, that their wi- © of vision gives them a better control of traffic. periment that foot policé can be released for more The ex- extended important duties. two I hours At present it is not intended to use mounted officers at such busy centres as Oxford-circus, dilly-circus and Trafalgar-square. Before such places as these are brought under further Picca- mounted control experiments will be car- ried out at places convenient for the horses to re- main stationary in the centre of the road. To avoid hardship for the horses the mounted men on trafic duty will be relieved every hour or mounted men, where it is by other Women may now legally drive cabs in Winnipeg, present the NEW QUARTER POUND BLOCKS HERE is wonderful value in this handy new size block of the well-known Cadbury Milk Chocolate. It is easy to carry, specially divided to break off in small sized pieces, - and has that same quality which you instantly recognize in all Cadbury's Chocolate. There is no milk chocolate better or nicer to eat than this world-famous Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate, because in every quarter pound block there is a glass of rich, full cream milk fresh from the farm. Is it any wonder that Cadbury's Milk Chocolate is so popular? Try one of these new blocks today. It is a delightful chocolate experience. IN NUT anp PLAIN MILK CHOCOLATE DELICIOUS -- ECONOMICAL -- CADBURY LIMITED; MONTREAL cue in charge of the new officers and ee -- CADBU CADBURY'S BARS ARE NOW HEAVIER THE QUALITY IS UNCHANGED AND THE PRICE REMAINS § ald EMPIRES FAVOURITE CHOCOLATE 80