THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17,1932 . CLASSIFIED SECTION Directo of [4 MANNING F. SWal17, BARRIS ter, Solicitor, ry. Mon loan. RS King St. Fast, Phone : (17 feb tf) ve 0 "Solicitors, Notaries Publie. Bte. Con and general "oractice Tn Law, Office 7% Sim- 't0é Street South,, Oshawa. Phone _ 4, G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. 'F. Annis, B.A., LL.B. ot C mmerce Building, ik Solicitor, Notary Public. Convayancer. Muaey to loan. Of- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 440. Residence phone 837. f G nN & Fraser. Barristers, Ptc. Bank of Commerce Bldg, & UMPHREYS, BAR- ~isters, Soljeitors, Etc. 241 Sim- ede St. N. Phene 3160. Residence .3514. Money to loan. . J. 2 . B.A, ter, 123 Simcoe St. South, Tee phone 3038--565. x «*8 sqpt tO) Undertaking LUKE BURIA: CO. 67 KING St. Past. Arabulance, Residence 542 Simcoe street North. Phone 2105 and 210W. 5 OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. ¥. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day. and night. Phone 1082W. 27 Celina. (ate) Architects 'C. CG. USE, Architectural work. Second floor Royal ~ Bank Building. Phone 1496. Residence phonz 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 7167. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcce St, S., Oshawa. Special attention given to homsehold furniture sales and farm stock aad {mplements Your patronage solicited. For Rent You can now enjoy the refine- ment and exclusive comforts these residential apartments af- ford at very modest rates. Con- venient location; modern ap- pointments. Tasteful furnishings at small extra cost. For iuspec- tion phone DISNEY 1550 83tf) 8 MANOR - APARTMENTS SPACIOUS AND NEWLY DxuC- orated. Every possible conveni- ence. Prices in accordance will the tiiaes. Janitor always avail- able to show you. Bradley Bros., Managers. (22 Oct. ¢) SPECIALIZING IN RENTALS HEATED APARTMENTS, $20 and up. Houses in ai] parts of city $i and up. Bradley Bros. (23 Oct, ©) TO RENT-- A COZY FRONT apartment, 4 rooms with square plan ball, Frigidaire, Moffatt range, chestnut trim, fruit ce lar, laundry room, cont:nuous hot water and garage. See and be convinced. Low rental, Phone 269. (82h) HEATED BACHELOR APART ment, furnished, clean and pr- vate. Box 620 Times. (sot) APARTMENT, CENTRAL. heated, 4 rooms and lath. Elec- tric stove, clean ana bright, fur- nished if desired. Box 831 Times. (sot) BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT ON Alice St. Apply to 310 Burk St. (841) FOR RENT--WARM COMFORT- able room in a private modern home, north, suitable for lady, gentleman or married couple. Board optional. Garage. Box 427 Times, (87¢) FOR RENT --6 ROOM HOUSE, all conveniences, very reason- able. Apply 265 Haig St. (§8¢cH RENT -- 6 ROOMED , central, all conveniences, FOR h 'Watch Repairing FA. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage 1s solicited. ..".. Transportation GARTAGE AND STORAGE. Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- ages warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. Wee, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in.Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies. EON LiFD ASSURANCE COM- pany of fanada, Dominion Bank Chambers, Alex. S. Ross, S. J. Everson. Phone 1834. (15 oct tf) ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM- pany writing Life, standard an substandard, Group, Wholesale, Pension, Accident and Health Insurance, operating in Canada pince 1850, seeks a high grade man to act as district representa- tive, We prefer a man between anges 28 and 45 who has demon- eptrated "he is capable. Insurance experience unnecessary. To a man who .can measure up to the re- quirements we can offer an op- portunity to build a career which is limited only by his ability and aggressiveness. Thorough train- ing . given. Address Manager, Etna Life Insurance Company Toronto.: (85h hardwood floors, fire place, new- ly decorated. garage. Apply 91 Ritson Rd. N. (17 nov ¢) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PAR- lour. All lines of beauty cul- ture, Permanent wave specialist. Oshawa"s oldest established Per- manent Wave Shoppe. Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) GENOSYA HAIRDRESSING EX- perts--on all kinds of beauty culture, Permanent waves Sur specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 50c. Facials, scalp treatments and manicuring. Coffee Shop eu- trance. Phone 1973. (6 July 1 mo) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty $2 50 up. Finger waving G0c. Marcel 'ing 35c. 10 Prince. Phone 688 (17 nov ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR dressing and Beauty Zuiture No. 9 Bradley Bldg. Phone 2%, Osb- awa, Ontario. (23 nov to MISS McKENNA, FINGER WAV: ing, marcelling, at your home or 156 Roxborough. Phone 1230F Reduced prices for permanent waving, (20 Oct. ¢) LORENE JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser, 92 Church St. Finger wave 50c, marcel 35c. Phone 21887, (5 nov ¢) Roofing "Engineers and Surveyors DONEVAN AND SMITH, CIVIL Engineers and Surveyors, Osh- awa. C. T. Smith, B.A., Sc., 0.L.S. Phone 1981. 411 King East. ; (12 nov ¢) WE CAN RESURFACE YOUR old roof like new, guaranteed, 1. small cost, Phone for estimate on this or new work. Phone 1643W June 13-1 yr. Furnaces ~~ Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢c with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered = Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mili St. Phone 960. ee Radios Repaired RUSSELL WICKS, CERTIFIED Radio-Tfician, servicing and re- pair, work guaranteed. Highest quality tubes at reduced prices. Phone 1148M, 44 Mary St. (21 oct ¢) GILSON FURNACES, AIR CON- ditioning Equipment, Coal Blow- ers and Oil Burners "Make Warm Friends." Cost less. Easy pay- ments. See your local Gilson Man or write Gilson Mfg. Co. Limited, 104 York St., Guelph. (54, 59, 65 71, 77. 83, 89, 95) Articles for Sale GOOD 8 wood. Guaranteed i cord, wood, $2.25. A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave, Phone 2628F. 8 WOOD, Street. Phone 233J and W. Hard- wood $3, softwood from $2.25 to $2.50. ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PRICES right, Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert. Phone 1079J. ND DRY BODY HAR ull measure, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft (13 nov ©) 79 JOHN (29 oct ¢) (14 nov c¢) NO. 1 slabs, body wood, Phone 2423W. 115 Annis, Cedar- dale. DRY BODY WOOD, BIRCH, Poplar, $4.00 per balf cord, cut and de- livered, FRUIT TREES, BERRY CANES, ornamental shrubbery, fall bulbs, Order now for Fall and Spring. No deposit. Oshawa, SAVE 25 PER CENT. ON COAL: Our blowers for hot air, water or steam furnaces. Jobs guaran- teed. Phone Cleve Fox, Oshawa. BEST BODY HARDWOOD, MIX- ed wood and Phone Robert Prompt HARD, SOFT, MIXED coal, coke, (7 nov c¢) Elm, $7.50 per cord, Phone 1716F. (24 oct ¢) Cleve Fox, (11 nov ¢) Phone (11 nov ¢) wood slabs, 1879W. soft Christy Rates For Classified Ads. Wirst Insertion--11% cints 'per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c. Eacl® subsequent tive word. Three tions for the price of two first cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box pumber '0c sdditioual. Professional Cards, insertion consecutive insertions nr Department consecu- 1c Business $2.60 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per morth for each additional word. PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad per inser: (three A new fever spot South The to peace is the Peruvian-Colombian map of broken out. along the border. Both after has been reported threatened by a revolt near Quito, soldiers to guard its neutrality in case of open war between Peru and Colombia. The other danger spot shown on the map above is delivery, 11 nov ¢) 148 bought worn. Ladies' and Men's, FOR SALE--BALDWIN APPLES, $1.00 barrel, hand Rosebush. Phone 908 r 31. FRESH ANI room manure, quantity, Dollar seventy-five load. Phone 53W, 165 Verdun Rd. SIMCOE Loblaw's, second hand SOUTH NEAR clothes and sold here, Slightly croft. (12 nov c) picked. M. aon (87¢) AND ROTTED MUSH- | pps. also spawn, Any their (14 nov ¢) HAND PICKED SPY APPLES, for sale. A. S. Tocley, ° east of r 6. FOR SALE--LADY'S RACCOON coat in three hundred dollars. for cash. Apply Box 618 Times. miles Oshawa, Telephcne 180 (88b) Mrs. splendid condition. Cost K. Bargain form, (87 89) BABY CARRIAGE Soeq condition. t, FOR SALE. Apply 97 Bruce (89b) Notice SPECIA hats cleaned and blocked for 25c at the Hub. 15 King St. West L FOR 15 DAYS ONLY GUS BANKS' corner Celina and Ash. All hair- cutting BARBER SHOP, 10c during depression, (17 nov ¢) Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN WANTED, to house gelling. Can make from $2 to § C.T.L. saw | C.J. HOUSE 3 a day. Phone 2215 took (89b) | ro period. Shoe Repairing YOU WANT THE BEST IN SHOE repairing. Shoes called for and delivered. Read, corner Mary and Colborne. Phone 672W. Jack (3 nov ¢) works Harmony News (Mrs. H. Willson, HARMONY, Oct. 15.--Mrs. In- gham has returned to her daugh- (Mrs. Johnson), after vis- iting with her son and other rel- atives in Sherbrooke, some time. Mr, and Mrs. spent the week-end and holiday with relatives in Toronto. : Mr. R. White had the misfor- tune of hurting his leg in a fall. ter's, He was doing some repair work and he slipped, falling to the ground and hurting Arthu spent the week-end and holiday ing. Mrs, Correspon- dent) Mr. for Que., H. Davenport phens. standing on a nail keg Mrs. his leg quite badly. r Dunham, of Brooklin, Oshawa, gram was a P. Timmins Michael gave readings and Mrs. Fletcher a (Miss L. Horn, HAMPTON, met at the home of Mrs. Kerslake, on Tuesday after- | president, Mrs, noon with the Katerson in charze. charge Mrs. C. J. Miss Katerson the county Uxbridge. and Mrs. echoes from Ww, C.J. Grace daughter, giving week Fenelon Falls. and Mrs. and davizhter visited at the home of Mr. H. Watchorn on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, R. Stephens and family, Bowmanville, Thanksgiving Day at the home of his mother, Mrs. Charlotte with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, W. Kclusky and family spent the week-end holiday with The Willing-Workers their regular monthly meeting at the school on Tuesday, the presi- dent, Mrs. O. Lander, presidinz. The meeting opened Lord's Prayer R. Luke," then the reading of reports, It was decided to hold meetings Tuesday instead of the first Tues- day in the previoue!y done. chasing some new for the Sunday school. The pro- thanksgiving and and month as Oct, of the gave convention George W. Horn presented provincial con- vention held at Brockville. These reports were both interesting and instructive in of work in the union. and Mrs. Mrs, the the Ruby, with will Miss Elinor Sykes visited Osh- awa friends on Monday. Ida Smale visited to relatives on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Greggory, visited at the home of relatives at prayer 'every They are pur- hymn books prayer in The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. WEETING HELD BY HAMPTON W.C.T. Interesting Reports Given | of County and Provincial Conventions Correspondent) 14. Kerslake and carrying temperance Miss N. Horn Kerslake contri- buted a plano duet and the meet- ing took the usual form of clos- Clatworthy spent relatives frontier, ' Enrique Olaya Herrera, right, of Colombia, contr ring to a $10,000,000 defense fund. Pern has asked the Pan-Am- erica Conciliation Commission to settle the dispute. Equador, which on America new jungle has threat lying nations rushed Peru had President the war has the Gran Chaco region, where Bolivia and Paraguay again are pre- paring to resume their struggle. ibuted a wedding | TIME TABLES J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE 4Y; Prince St., Oshawa 7.20 a.m. SUN DAY Bowrsanville sent Ma 0 35a XI gf and Ban- C. W. Souch, on Wednesday. Mission Rally met in the by with Oshawa calling on Rev, second | py, igkillen, to they had Day, speakers were One. | and stressed Mrs, F. Mr. W. G. story week. tato from her The school PICKERING Boyes thur and Mrs, 1 --The W.1 "Mrs. F. Wi Miss | 12s and daughte Burns | the week-end wi devotional | and son, Russell Mr, and Mrs. ( ronto, Law over the | Miss A. been the guest Murk:or, this wv Miss Florence reports of were vis held at Barron on the n Sunday ton, and. Mrs, Pilkey Mr, and Mrs, and | the marriage of Thanks- at | snending relatives Armstrong CH Charles, 1 few and Mi visited Spent "ving Day Ste- . Pr. V.. uncle and aunt, Toron- iH. ]. Clark, here. The missionary the church on Wednesday night, was well attended by and other interested the neighboring churches in the presbytery, Rackham conducted the meeting Armstrong, secretary of missions, Toronto, and Rev. Mr. returned missionary Whitefish Lake, the missionary work. Doidge raspberries in his garden two pounds three ounces. children an afternoon at the Bowmanville on noon, throdgh the generosity of the Rotary Club. troops there seized the city of Leticia, inside Colombia's | and nephew, William of Toronto, spent 1 and Peterboro, and Mrs. The th Mrs, Davis nm, of Mr. and Mrs. J. week ( Mr. and Mrs. W. L. ( day in .Fairbar Charles Ham, of a visit to the village this week. Mi ing, of Gravenhurst of Monday at the hom rally, held In ministers ones from Rev. W. J. M. Whyte, of introduce E. A. foreign from Alberta. These interesting the very need of picked red garden last Mrs. Bessie Robbins hus a po- weighing theatre at Friday after- Pickering News (Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent) Oct. 13-Mrs. W, Davis, Sunday with Ar- es f Tor 0, spent Burrell orf Durham, has visited with hey sister, ) Mr. and Mrs. R. 7 soont the Wo ih Tabez Hal in Toronto on Saturday their niece ourtice are vs this week with s. Ripley and son, the former' with parents in Wallacetown on Thanks- Englehart, paid 1 Mrs, Cartwright ng Dav with their and Mrs. Field Toronto, spent enjoyed of his parents and family of Georgetown, Squires. and daughter, Anne, of Misses Bunting. F. F. and Mrs. Balsdon and ily of Burford, with relatives in the village. Mrs. R. Douglas and Miss Miss Myra Cronk, of spent the holiday at the Mrs Thomas Maddaford children, of Toronto, were visit t the Dwyer t Mr. Norman Gordon R. H. Cronk and Miss Quarterly Meeting, The the late Jeremiah O'Connor, A large crov the on Church St, present and | sple ndid prices Ny 1 y the Whitby P the gue The es of the ian M.S, were local Presbyterian W.M esday atrternoon, at Hering mecting he s of the two societic of Mrs. W. J. Miller present to Miss Ma Scott, of work of the Society in its v labour, The ter | hear fields of ty Pleasing contributed by 1 Mrs the close of the program, the ors were entertained at tea | local ladies, The Missionary Group had ¢ of the program at the Church Y.P.S5. on Wednesday mg, and gram Mh: mond's, secretary of the O Presbytery Y.P.S. was presen gave the Mrs. P, Blackstock on October 27th, ing the. Claremont society week, Arthur and Mrs. Boyes and son, Jack, spent the holiday with Austin and Mrs. Franklin, at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs, James Richardson holiday visitors with Lorne and Mrs, Mrs, G. Ward and son, W Niagara Falls, spent the week-end with the spent the holiday daughter, Helen, of Toronto, visited with the Misses Bunting on Monday. Toronto, home of her parents, R, H. and Mrs. Cronk holiday home James McQuay is visiting his | Richardson were in Pclham during the week-end attending the Friends' sale of household effects of took daily. place on Saturday at the residence goods bron of Toront resbhy- | a special 1d at the 5 WET Agincourt, tell about the addres most interesting as well as instruc- 'ocal numbers were Spratt MacGilhvary, of Whithy, "harge provided a splendid pro- Lucien Michaud, « shawa devotional topic, and 'also presented the claims of the Presby- tery rally which is to take pl urged that as many young people as could possibly do so, to attend, The Society are looking forward to oN "ng ve 88s were ab.45 a7.30 ilmer, | 830 9.30 b10.30 11.30 P.M. fam- | 12.30 L130 a--Daily Sund BOWMANVILLE. OSHAWA & WHITBY (Eastern Standard Time! (Effective on rod after May 1, 1932) Week Day Schedule Going 8.05 a. 15am. 9.05 am, 10.0Ca.m.- 10.30 a.m. =12.10 Eastern Standard Time) 7.30 p.m, 10.55 pou GRAY COACH LINES (Effective Sept. 25, 1932) (Eastern Standard Time) LEAVE OSHAWA AM. P.M, 1.20 except Sunday; b--Saturday, Office Phone 798 Res. Phone 2808 Leave a.m. BIG REDUCTION In GENERAL MOTORS FRIG-. IDAIRES. Two years to pay. On show at Ontario Motor Sales, 86 King St. E. Two products worth trying DRAKES' Se" HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH "Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa ND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Weat Oshaws " | One 1928 Chevrolet Coach. I One 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, | Ross, Ames & Gartshors i HUDSON--=ESSEX f 135 King 8t. W. Phone 1160 11.10 p.m. R Watches OUR SPECIALTS If your watch is not giviag satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for LEAVE TORONTO AM, P.M. d6.00 3.30 a7.30 430 8.30 5.30 9.30 630 b10.30 b7.30 3.30 bo.30 ; 10.30 b2.30 11.30 only; 9.45 a.m. and] 23am on 11.03 p.m. (8 A. F.|and East. . D CANAD! { +.26 a.m, 1 10.30 a.m. village | Sunday. x4.18 pom. ; 12.05 a.m. ts of | x For Ott S. on | Fax. 706 am, 3.12 p.m 6.50 p.m. About mR.55 p.m. rgaret an ys only; y d--Daily except Sundays and holidays. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS T Service Effective September 25, 1932 Eastern Standard Time 4.42 p.m. Daily, 10.22 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 12.32 a.m. Daily. 1.01 a.m. Daily [--Stops on flag to pick up for Montreal . Daily. . Daily, m. Daily, . Daly. i Effective July 1, 1 n. Daily except Sunday, m Toronto and West oniv--flag. Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. S§. Phone 180 rain EASTBOUND Dairy. Daily, except Sunday. unday only). Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South WESTBOUND aly, except Sunday, I AN PACIFIC RAILWAYS 932. (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily Trenton Local Daily, except PRUC STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVER. We Deliver Daily Daily. awa. Montreal and East only- Westbound 10 Simcoe St. 8. Daily, Daily. Daily, except Sunday Dailr, arious | She s was spoke | 8) He-Ne enough tr are, and At | Visit=- yy the Mr, Sh | hear at dear? Mrs. things rupt, Mrs. nited cyven- f Al- t, and --W atterfox--W hat Shatterfox Dan Hooker is going bank- her hair, and the Whittingdon's are having a divorce. Imperial Lime Rickey A Real Drink Sc and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Druggist | at all Superior Stores ho was the girl you just ver mind, darling, I'll have ouble telling her who you did you yesterday, the Theatre All of sorts Amos Maynard has dyed ice in He TIP visit- next 50-54 Exclusive Agents for I. COLLIS & SONS i We repair anything bought in a Jewelry Story BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner TOP TAILORS $22.50 King St, W., Oshawa Dental DR. S. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. "hone 959. House "Repair Service REPAIRS, STOVES, FURNACES, Washers, Radios, Electric appli- ances, awnings. We rent chairs, tables,, waxers, cleaners, ironers, tents. Phone Cleve Fox, Oshawa. J (11 nov ¢) : Palmist EEE MADAME BROWN FOR teacup and hand reading. Busi- ness private. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. (7 nov ¢) ~ Wanted to Buy © WANTED TO PU ASE-- Farm tractor, state make, age, where seen and cash price, H. Malcolm. P:O. Box 338, Oshawa, 4 (88b) WANTED TO PURCHASE -- Male Pérsfan kitten, blue, pure bred, Phone 2122. (88h) WANTED-- A DUPLEX EX- press' wagon gear with good wheels, Phone 1654 r 31. (88¢c) WANTED TO BUY--CAGE FOR white mice. Phone 448. (89a) Female Help Wanted WANTED -- EXPERIENCED housemaid. Apply Commercial Hotel. , / $i (89¢) For Sale TEAM WAGON, ALSO FORD roadster for sale, Apply 225 Gib- bon ial SI (89¢) 1312. For Exchange TOURIST HOME, CABINS, booth, conveniences; two acres garden, main highway. Will ex- change for city property and cash. Box 523. (88c) ~ For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR bungalow in west or north of city, 9 roomed frame house in good condition, 2 lots. At pres- ent rented to light housekeepers. Apply 94 William St. E, Lost LOST -- MAN'S POCKETBOOK containing Hong Kong draft and Immigration Certificate, ete. Lost last Saturday. Kindly return to Times Office. Reward. (87c) Male Help Wanted A WELL KNOWN TORONTO concern is in need of ten persons in Oshawa or vicinity to take charge of subsideries of their company. Each party must have a capital of at least $200 to in- vest in their own -business as stock in trade. (Not a commis- sion proposition), Box 526 Times. (87¢) MAN WITH CAR TO TRAVEL with manager with fast selling product, Call at Commercial Hotel between 5 and 7, (88¢c) (871) TILLIE THE TOILER- \T'S GOOD To RE HOME, MUMSY. 1 [21932 AR Tearures Syndicate, Me. Great liritain niyis reserved. HERE'S ONE THAT LOOKS LIKE AN INVITATION HEY: 0 WEAR HEY! now CAN You REAT IT. AN INVITATION Oo A SHIPWRECK BRINGING UP FAT ~---- NOW. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN- ' SHALL CONFINE MY TALK TO FACTS: YOU MUST KNOW THAT IF MR-JIGGS 1S ELECTED HE Will DO NOTHING TO IMPROVE THE CITY. IF YOU WILL LOOK AT THE CLASS OF MEN HIS ASSOCIATES ARE- 'T WILL BE EASY TO SEE THAT THIS CITY WOULD FLOURISH WITH GRAF T-- € 1932, King Fearures Synchcatd, Ika, Gest Britain rights reserved: DONT YOU TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT MY FRIENDS 1 DREAD TO THINK OF WHAT WiLL HAPPEN WITH THIS TYPE OF MAN AT THE HELM. AND | WARN ALL WHO GO TO THE POLLS THAT- NOW LISTEN= You CAN'T TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT ME- By Geo. McManus . HUH! 1 GUESS THAT'LL HOLD YOU FROM TALKIN ABOUT ME ~