Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Oct 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1932 MANNINC F. SWAILTZ, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. 11 King St. East, Phone 282. Residence 798. ! (17 feb tf) CONANT & ANN:S BARRIS ters, Solicitors. Notaries Public. Ete. Conveyancing and general uractice in Law. Office 7% Sim- coe Street South,, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. F. Annis, B.A, LL.B, W, E. N. SINCLAT, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building, JUSFPH P. MANGAN, EA, rister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Convayancer. Money to loan. Ot- tice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GBYERSON, RE.GHTON & Fraser. Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg. GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- jsters, Solicitors, Etc. 241% Sim- coe St. N. Phene 3160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. §. J. BENNICK, B.A, BARRIS ter, 1234 Simcoe St. South. Teie- phone 3038--5865. «*5 sant tf) Undertaking CUKR BURIA: CU. 67 KING St. Fast. Arsbulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street North. Phone 2105 and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W 87 Celina (at) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural woric. Second floor Royal Bank Bullding. Phone i496. Residence phonz 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcce St, S., Dshgwa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements Your patronage solicited -- ---- ea Em Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop a 46 King Street West. Your patrena = 5 sollciter Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St. Weet, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of fapnada, Dominion Bark Chambers. Alex. S. Ross, S. F Everson. Phone 1834 (15 oct tf) ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM- pany writing Life, standard and substandard, Group, Wholesale, Pension, Accident and Health Insurance, operating in Canada since 1850, seeks a high grade man to act as district representa- tive, We prefer a man between ages 28 and 45 who has demon- strated he is capable. Insurance experience unnecessary. To a man who can measure up to the re- quirements we can offer an op- portunity to build a career which is limited only by his ability and aggressiveness. Thorough train- ing given. Address Manager. Etna Life Insurance Company Toronto. (8%h) Engineers and Surveyors DONEVAN AND SMITH, CIVIL Engineers and Surveyors, Osh- awa, C. T. Smith, B.A,, Sc., 0.L.S. Phone 1981. 411 King East. (12 nov ¢) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢ with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Miii St. Phone 960. eh Radios Repaired RUSSELL; WICKS, CERTIFIED Radio-Trician, servicing and re- pair, work guaranteed. Highest quality tubes at. reduced. prices. Phone 1148M_ 44 Mary St. 121 oct c) Repair Service For Rent GEORGE--EDWARD AMYLENE--LLEWELLYN You can now enjoy the refine- ment and exclusive comforts these residential apartments af- ford at very modest rates. Con- venient location; modern ap- pointments. Tasteful furnishings at small extra cost. For luspec- tion phone DISNEY 1550 83tf) "SIMCOE MANOR - VICTORIA APARTMENTS SPACIOUS AND NEWLY DuC- orated. Every possible convent ence. Prices in accordance will the times. Janitor always avail- able to show you. Bradley Bros., Managers. (23 Oct. ¢) SPECIALIZING IN RENTALS HEATED APARTMENTS, $20 and up. Houses in ail parts of city $15 and up. Bradley Bros (23 Oct, e) TO RENT-- A COZY FRONT apartment, 4 rooms with square plan ball, Frigidaire, Moffatt srange, chestnut trim, fruit ce lar, laundry room, continuous hot water and garage. See and be convinced. Low rental. Phone 269. (82h) HEATED BACHELOR APART ment, furnished, clean and pn- vate. Box 620 Times. (8otf) APARTMENT, CENTRAL, heated, 4 rooms and hath. Elec: tric stove, clean ana bright, {ur- nished if desired. Box £31 Times. (80tf) BRICK HOUSE FOR RENT ON Alice St. Apply to 310 Burk St. (841) CASA LOMA, 161 KING EAST, five large rooms and bath Very modern. Garage, low rent, Im- mediate possession. (86¢c" 6 ROOMED HOUSE FOR RENT. Modern conveniences, central lo- cation, reasonable rent. Apply 120 Louisa St. Phone 2343W. (86¢c) HOUSE FOR RENT--CENTRAL self sustaining, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1693. (86¢) FOR RENT-- 3 ROOM BATH flat, water, lights, no 'heat, $8. Phone 2924W. (87h) FOR RENT--WARM COMFORT- able room in a private modern home, north, suitable for lady gentleman or married couple. Board optional. Garage. Box 427 Times, (87¢) TO LET-- APARTMENT, ALL conveniences, ground floor, lock- er in cellar. 262 King St. E. Phone 1215W. (88a) HOUSE TO RENT---44 CHAR- les Street. Phone 183 r 5, Bow- manville or Wm. Webster, first door south. ' (88a) FOR RENT --6 ROOM HOUSE. all conveniences, very reason- able. Apply 265 Haig St (S8¢cH Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU BEAUTY PAR. lour, All llnes of beauty cul ture, Permanent wave specialist Oshawa's oldest established Per manent Wave Shoppe. Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) GENOS\{A HAIRDRESSING EX perts--on all kinds of beauty culture. Permanent waves our specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, Facials, scalp treatments manicuring. Coffee - Shop en- trance. Phone 1973. (6 July 1 mo) PRINCELLA:- BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty $2.50 up. Finger waving §50c. Marcel: ling 35c. 10 Prince. Phone 688 (16 oct ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR dressing and Reauatly Tuiture No 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 2%, Osh- awa, Ontario. (23 nov t?) MISS McKENNA, FINGER WAV: ing, marcelling, at your home or 156 Roxborough., Phone 1230F Reduced prices for permanent waving. (20 Oct. ¢) LORENE JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser, 92 Church St. Finger wave 50c, marcel 235c. Phone 2188J, (5 nov ¢) Dancing STUDIO" OF DANCE ARTS, ALL types of dancing classes now forming. Masonic Temple, Satur- day. Professional talent supplied. G. Cotterell, J. Eiliott, (14 oct c) REPAIRS, STOVES, FURNACES, Washers, Radios, Electric appli- ances, awnings. We rent chairs, tables;, waxers, cleaners, ironers, tents. Phone Cleve Fox, Oshawa. < 11 nov e) * Room and Board BEDSITTING ROOM, BOARD optional, also two Collegiate girls, board and room. Phone 833M. 125 Alexandra St. (g6c) Palmist SEE MADAME BROWN FOR teacup and hand reading. Busi- ness private. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. (7 nov ¢) Work Wanted WOMAN WILL DO HOUSE- work, mending, plain sewing, nursing, exchange room and board. Box 624 Times. (86¢c) DOMESTIC WITH SIX YEARS' experience, 2 years in Dr.'s home, wishes position, Phone 17037, (31h) Aucti tr URSDAY, OCT, 27 -- AUC- tion sale of farm stock imple- ments, hay, grain, roots and fur- niture, the property of the late F. L, Brown, Myrtle, Ont. Sale at 11 o'clock sharp, Sec bills. Wm. Maw, auctioneer, (88, 94) Wanted OPERATIC CHORAL CHOIR forming, good voices wanted, so- pranos, altos, tenors and basses. Apply Horner Smyth, Harris's Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. S. Tuesday, 7--9 p.m. )86¢) WANTED ---- MONDAY MORN- ing heavy truck, with rack, cap- able of carrying 50 to 75 barrels of apples. Enquire 231 King E. Phone 16. (88a) ps Roofing WE CAN RESURFACE YOUR old roof like new, guaranteed, 1. small cost, Phone for estimate on this or new work. Phone 1643W June 13.1 yr. Furnaces GILSON FURNACES, AIR CON- ditioning Equipment, Coal Blow- ers and Oil Burners "Make Warm Friends." Cost less. Easy pay- ments. See your local Gilson Man or write Gilson Mfg. Co. Limited, 104 York St., Guelph. (54, 59, 65 71, 77. 83, 89, 95) Dental CR. S.J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY BODY HARD wood. Guaranteed full measure, 1% cord, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.25. A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628F. (13 nov ¢) BLACK"S WOOD, 79 JOHN Street, Phone 233J and W. Hard- wood $3, softwood from $2.23 to $2.50. ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PRICE: right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert. Phone 1079J. (14 nov ¢) NO. 1 HARD, SOFT, MIXED slabs, body wood, coal, coke, Phone 2423W. 115 Annis, Cedar. dale. (7 nov ¢) DRY BODY WOOD, BIRCH, Poplar, Elm, $7.50 per cord, $4.00 per half cord, cut and de- livered, Phone 1716F. 24 oct ¢) FRUIT TREES, BERRY CANES, ornamental shrubbery, fall bulbs, Order now for Fall and Spring. No deposit. Phone Cleve Fox, Oshawa, (11 nov ¢) SAVE 25 PER CENT. ON COAL. Our blowers for hot air, water or steam furnaces. Jobs guaran- teed. Phone Cleve Fox, Oshawa, : (11 nov ¢) BEST BODY HARDWOOD, MIX- ed wood and soft wood slabs, Phone Robert Christy 1979W, Prompt delivery. 11 nov ¢) 148 SIMCOE SOUTH NEAR Loblaw's, second hand clothes bought and sold here. Slightly worn. Ladies' and Men's, (12 nov c) APPLES FOR SALE--SPIES, Snows, Kings, Sweets. Russets, Greenings, Baldwins and Starks. $1.00 barrel up. A. H. Clemens, near Hampton, Bowmanville 6. Phone 237 ring 3. (86¢c) FOR SALE -- CHESTERFIELD suite and other furniture. Tele phone 2712. (86¢c) FOR SALE---VICTROLA, SETEE and chairs. 31 Bruce St. (87h) $1.00 barrel, hand picked. Rosebush. Phone 90S r 31. (57e) M FOR typewriter, perfect $25. Telephona 865. (87a) room manure, also spawn. Any Phone 53W, 165 Verdun Rd. FOR SALE----MISSES" WINTER coat, fur trimmed, like new, sel] cheap. Apply 214 Burk St, Shee (87h) MOFFATT GAS STOVE. 4 BURN- er, in good condition. Apply 495 Masson St, Telephone 488. (87h) FOR SALE--FACTORY SAMPL} Meagher, (88a) cheap for cash. 92 Simcoe North. John price. Apply 294 Division St (88a) HAND PICKED SPY APPLES, 0c. ! ant, SpECTAL FOR 15 DAYS ONLY | P for sale. A. 8. Tooley, 2 east of Oshawa. Telephcne 1280 rq. (88h) "Notice hats cleaned and blocked for 25¢ at the Hub. 15 King St. West (831) MRS. STALEY ANNOUNCES Mrs. Daniel, 28 Warren, sole agent, this district, of her French Furniture and Silver Polish. Telephone 1545]. (86¢c) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR bungalow in west or north of city, 9 roomed frame house in good condition, 2 lots. At pres- ent rented to light housekeepers. Apply 94 Willlam St. E. (871) Salesmen Wanted MEN WANTED TO CONDUCT renowned Rawleigh Home Ser- vice business. Reliable hustler can start earning $35 weekly and increase rapidly. Write im. mediately. Rawleigh Co., Dept. CN--40--S, Montreal, Canada. (77, 82, 83, 87, 88, 93, 94, 98, 99) Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY-- 30 LEG- horn or rock hens, also 1 cook stove, 1 bed. Box 529 Times. (87b) WANTED TO PURCHASE-- Farm tractor, state make, age, where seen and cash price, H. Malcolm. P.O. Box 338, Oshawa, (88h) PURCHASE -- blue, pure (88h) EX- good WANTED TO Male Persian kitten, bred. Phone 2122. WANTED-- A DUPLEX press wagon gear With wheels, Phone 1654 r 31 (88) Female Help Wanted domestic work in Whitby, Prot- estant. must be fond of children, experience not necessary. Reply stating age and wages expected to Box 621 Times. A WEL], KNOWN TORONTO concern is in need of ten persons in Oshawa or vicinity to take charge of subsideries of their company. Each party must have a capital of at least $200 to jin- vest in their own business at stock in trade. FOR SALFE--BALDWIN APPLES, | SALE -- UNDERWOOD | condition. | quantity. Dollar seventy-five load. | (14 nov cy | washing machine, will sacrifice | FOR SALE--FELECTRIC HEAT- | er, in good condition. Reasonable | miles | | {job. Free booklet, The M. C. Ltd., Toronto (10), 7 (77, 83. 94, MAN WITH CAR TO TRAVEL with manager with fast selling product, Call at Commercial Hotel between 5 and 7. C. £8, 00) (88¢c) Motor Cars BIGGEST BARGAIN rr YET! Tires 87 Masson $115 rac) "hav spd: at ash Che plan and [ hatter: a § nen FRESH AND ROTTED MUSH- | - Aro ft "mmigratinon Ca~'ificata ete Wind] Reward, 'net Saturday. Times Off return to re (87¢c) WEDNVESDAY AFTER Office. Kindly telenhone (RRa} T.0ST noon in the white purse, a7. Prat LOST--- TUESDAY MORNING +hite and tan heagle hound nup Yinder kindly phone 27423% For Exchange TOURIST CABINS. hooth. ¢ acres rarden, main highway ~hange for | | cash. Pox 523. TOM )N nees, two vill nvent fx 2nd (RSe) Prospect News | (Miss Dellor Martin, Correspon- dent) PROSPECT, Oct giving passed rather quickly with a few visitors A number at- tended the foul supper at Utica The heavy rain kept quite a number from attending. The girls of the Prospect In- stitute met at the Church on Saturday and went for a through the bush in the after- noon gathering beech nuts, re- turning to the Church where buns and roast apples, Mrs. A. Gilroy and Mrs, George McClintock are improving after (86¢)° | i | 0) OUSTED BY COMMUNISTS Jranded as "traitors to the working (Not a commis- | sion proposition), Box 525 Times. | (87¢) HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT | lady's | 12.--Thanks- | hike | they enjoyed a weiner roast and | class," were expelled from the Commun. | ist party for "teying to re-estab- | lish capitalism in the U.S.S.R."| They are Gregory Zinovieff (above), long a holder of high So- viet and Leo Kamenef! (below), brother-in-law of Leon Trotzky. Twenty-two other Com- | munists, accused of being co-con- sp'rators -revolu- | tionary o"sarization," were expeil- | ed with them, officas, ' ' a counts POCKETROOK | and | 1nd Lost | ! in urine. Gin Pills relieve kidney {and | two weeks remodelling the home | of these two Russian leaders | Sure Signs of kidney troubles are pain in the back, difficult urination, deposits ! trouble by gently soothing and | TIME TABLES healing the inflamed tissues. 50c # SOWMANVILLE OSHAWA & WHITBY box at all druggists. . 5.) 1 G5 E.} : REY as? Adan with Miss Mae Barber on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gorden celebrated their = twenty-third wedding anniversary last Friday, had dinner and spent the eYen- | |] | | ing with Mr. and Mrs. FF. Mar- tin, Mr. and Mrs, Williams, Mr, Mrs. Howney and children, of Prince Albert, were guests of Mrs. Lorne Tompson on Sunday. Mr. John Moore, ter, has been engaged the past | Mr. A. Grey. Rev, Mr. Durnie, of Utica, had charge of the services on Sunday afternoon tev. Mr, Totton being in Utica where he had harze of the anniversary "ser- ices being held there. Mrs. Will Owens, of Port Perry, epent Sunday at the home f her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. troy. Powe.s Agree to | 1 Hold Conference | n. Oct. 15 Brit i reed to rgency re at Gen- 1need yesterday, tween and | 'or which she dizarman obiection "temporary." erence Her today described as i a A PRINCE MICHAEL GOES HOME TO PAPA King Carel of Rumania had abru | Crown Prince Michael, from a holiday visit with the.boy's mother, Prin- And here ycu see the 10-year-old prince as he entered a car enrcike to the bozt and his nat've land. K'ng Carol was reported to havo been incensed by the news that Michael had learned | of his father's aficir with Mme Magda Lupescu. cess Helen, in London. ptly ordered the return of his son, of Manches- | "4 om | Hospital LEAVE OSHAWA AM. bt Savi Tine) (Effective ger pied May 1, 1932) Ween Day fioing West Leave Leave 60am 6.55am. 20 Arrive ® ao as Bw 258 so S TTYTYP ppeeles 2p ppaad ~ o 24 B ona a2&N 28 - ° PY & T 8; SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (Daylight Saving Time) Coing Leave Leave Bowrsanville Oshaws 8.0 a.m, 245p.m 6.45 p.m. 10.20p.m Arrive 9.40 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 3¥ um. 7.45 p.m. 11.10 p.m. 2.50 p.m 7.15 p.m. 10,35 p.m. 10.55 p.nu. GRAY COACH LINES (Effective Sept. 25, 1932) (Eastern Standard Time) M. 2.30 b3.30 4.30 bs.30 6.30 b7.30 8.30 bs.30 10.30 cll.20 except ds5.00 a7.30 8.30 9.30 b10.30 11.30 a6.45 a7.30 12.30 130 a--Daily Sunday; ; Hospita) Gshawa Bowmanville LEAVE TORONTO AM, P.M. 3.00 11.30 b--Saturday, Sunday and holidays only; ¢--Sunday only; | d--Daily except Sundays and holidays, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Train Service Effective Ssptember 25, 1032 Eastern Standard Time EASTBOUND lv, except Sunday, i ndays f--Stors on flag to pick up for Montreal and East. WESTBEOUND 50 a.m Iv. 05 a.m. Daily 40 a.m. Daily, 12 p.m, Dx: i Rr , except Sunday. 9.17 p 4 6 6 . m. daily. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective July 1, 1932 (Standard Time) Eastbound 2.26 a.m. Daily 10.30 a.m. Trenton local Daily, Sunday, ; x4.18 p.m. Daily 1.62 a.m, Daily 12.05 a.m. Daily Ti For Ottawa, Montreal and East only- lag except except Monday, Westbound 35 a.m. Daily except Sunda 706 a.m. Daily, 312 p.m Daily 6.30 p.m. Daily, m&K 35 m. Dail m Torontc and West onlv-- flag, except Sunday , Remember--Andrew Carnegie gave a fortune that books might be available to all, FOR QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND SATISFACTION Send your clothes to the OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED Mill St. Phone 2320 OSHAWA J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE 4Y; Prince St., Oshawa Office Phone 798 Res. Phone 2895 BIG REDUCTION In GENERAL MOTORS FRIG- IDAIRES. Two years to pay. On show at Ontario Motor Sales, 86 King St. E. - Two products worth trying DRAKES' Old English Style HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa One 1928 Chevrolet Coach. ! One 1928 Chevrolet Coupe, Ross, Ames & Gartshore i HUDSON--ESSEX i 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 | Repairing | Watches OUR SPECIALTE It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make {it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189. 4 REPAIRING Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 "4 12 Simcoe St. South PRUGC STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE 9-roomed Brick Veneer House, Patricia Avenue, hardwood floors open fireplace. For particulars, Apply J. H. R. Luke, Phone 871 or 687W, Imperial Lime Rickey A Real Drink 5¢ and 10c Bottles At Your Grocers or Druggist at all Superior Stores | TILLIE THE TOILER- MY DEAR THILOREN WE HAD THE MOST E "TIME, AND FERDIE WAS SUCH A GENTLEMAN - XCITI NG SO CONSIDERATE By Russ. Westover et ne -- -------- OF CUURSE You DIDN'T NEED TO WORRY WITH THE ROBINSONS DoING ROBINSONS \ OM, KNEW YOU'D BE SAFE WITH MAC ALONG BOTHER THE - AWN, MRS JONES, I'D WA BRINGING UP FAT By Geo. McManus eta ------ attendance, rhone 959. House 1212, LL, YMA "THIROLIGH ~~ ---- ©1932, King Features Syndicate, lac.. Great Britsin rights reserved. = HE CUGHT TO GET ELECTED. HE CERTANLY 1S HANDSOME YES AND s0 HE CERTANLY GETS MY VOTE THE MOVIE CONTEST WiLL. BE OVER, _ "TOMORROW. EP CR --------

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