PAGE TWO Epidemic of Divorces Threatens in Washington and swiftest ways of saving mon- ey is to reshape the executive branch, The law requires tha® the Fresident shal} issue the necessary orders which aré then to be transmitted to Congress. If Congress does not disapprove, the orders then become, effective in 60 days, Mr, Hoover said that for Lhe first time in nearly 30 years of agitation effective measures for reorganization of the executive branch would be ready for con- gressiona] action, DEFINITE TREND UPWARDS IS SEEN Barometer of Can- the Canadian Ng year re THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1932 diate future were ras ported, a wide range of commer- cial and industrial activity Is covered showing that the tend- ency upwdrds is fairly general. Thesé cases vary from ' map.c syrup to office machinery, from advertising specialties to sponges, but they also point to careful and common-sense buying. In prac- tically 100 per cent. of cases the purchasing originated with buy- ers who had specified require- ments for the products they ex- amined. The pollyanna atmogs- phere was almost entirely misses ing as were reported expendi- tures for the vague, general puv- pose of putting money into civ culation, the Saturday Millinery Specials $1.79 New shapes in small or medium head sizes. Many have veils attached, hats Yat ordinarily Roould sell up to $2.95. special purchase enables $1.79 us to offer them at ............ HATS WITH LARGE HEAD SIZE Large sizes and smart styles at $1.98 and $2.95 New Coats Styles that are different with generous fur collars or capes are found in our assortment, We invite you to see them. Priced Moderately A Deposit Will Hold Any Garment Washington.--The burning is- sue in Washington seems to be "will or will not the Government of the U.S.A, come out against love?" The battle lines, as the phrase goes were formed with Dan Cu- pid on one side and the Civil dervice Commission on the other, In between are the great muss of Government employees who are threatening a campaign of "depression divorces" to save their jobs. The field of strife is littered with broken engupe- ments, discarded diamond soli- taires and love letters wrapped in blue ribbon. The whole trouble started with the Beonomy Law. That sp2ci- fied that it becomes necessary !0 reduce Government personnel, the first to go shall be those wao have wives or husbands a'so working in the Federal depari- ments, AR-RAILSEA TRIPS POPULAR Variety in Transit Sought by Travellers for Long Journeys CREPE SLIPS, $1.19 Angel Skin Crepe S'ips in white or pink shades, shaped tops with neat, .- narrow shoulder straps. Saturday Special .............. $1.19 SILK CREPE LINGERIE All Silk Crepe in plain tailored and lace trim designs. White, pink, nile shades. womans 31,98 PANTIE & BRASSIERE SETS $1.79 and $1.98 solution Suggested Several of the clerks thought they had the solution. Wives and husbands would establish separate residences, and presto! | They no longer wonld be tecnni- cally married, Everybody would Yeap his job and the civil ser vice commission would have to find 118 economy elsewhere, But the Civil Service Commis- sion came right back with a ru- ling that separate residences would not prevent the discharge of employes What's more peo- ple who occupied separate resi- dences, said the Commission, wére law evaders under the Ecc- 'nomy Act, "Well," said Miss Ruth Taui- ton, secretary of the Sational Woman's Party, 'here's what happened. At least fifty peop'e have come in here seeking advice about what they should do. Most of them want to get a divoren No hard feelings, you under- stand, but they would rather be divorced than lose their jobs. There are at least 20 women who plan to get a limited divorce which ought to get around the Economy law." Big Shake-up Planned Reorganization of the execu- tive branch of the Federal Gov- erment with the idea of effectiug economies wil; be undertaken immediately, President Hoover said yesterday. He has instructed Budget Di. réctor J. Clawson Roop to set a staff to work on a detailed in- vestigation leading to the pre paration of the necessary execu- 'tive order. The last session of Congress authorized such a re organization in the Economy Act. The President has maintained for months that one of the surest There is an In- creasing number of travellers nowadays who, when making long journeys, seek variety while in transit by so arranging an ti- vealed concrete evidences of 0 |nerary that they effect one stage trend upwards. After the close | by train, another by air, and of this vear's exposition a few [perhaps a third by sea. Such alr- days ago, reports were exhan:- rail-s L trips, with the novelty ively examined and the outstand- they afford, are, indeed, now ing fact ravealed was that actual | STOWINg very greatly in popular. business done and potential busi. | ity; and, such being the cace, it ness indicated by serious inquir- | 18 interesting to note than when, jes reaching exhibitors both show- jas from September Ob, a new des- ed greater volume than has been jeri. ar service--duplicating the | existing service---hag been oper- the case for two seasons. | The business results of the kx- ated by Imperial. Airways. be. Ee Hod : . | tween Palestine and Iraq, pas- hibition fall into two classes. In| 4ngore travelling hy this route its trade fair aspects, the Can ; ( | will, when either eastward or adian National Exhibition fis | westward bound, be able to wtil- meeting place between manufiuc- | jzo aircraft, steamer, and train, turers and the trade. It combined journey offering this class that some of the most | many advantages and attractions, striking examples of renewed a¢ Travellers by this service from tivity were reported. Included | London will, for example, ac- were certain types of machinery | complish their first stage to Paris manufacturers, British West 12- [on 'one of the big luxury air- dian houses seeking outlets for | liners, Then, changing from air new lines, textile manufacturers | Way to railway, they will pro- and exhibitors selling to d-part- | ceed by train either to Trieste or ment stores, retail furriers ana | Brindisi. Here a change will be retailers in women's wear. rood made to one of the steamships of products constituted another | ihe Lloy A-Tric mpany, branch ne industry whera a buy- | {1 1 U0 MRS 8 fan Sn ing spurt on the part of ret where motor-éars. will Son. } ers was generally reported On | . M an , vey passengerg to the air-station the whole there was a genersl tendency apparent to re-stock, it R from which point the | . new alr service opefat without delay, on a mueh larg- er scale of purchasing | easthound each Monday to Bag Vand. a return flight being sched- the case last year fuled every Wednesday: This ser- | The other type of | vice provides a cheaper though amined wag concerned | flower route from Europe to hibits where sales were made d Iraq given hy the all-air rect to the consumer Hers ervice, while, at the same time, certain luxury ded it is quicker than the all-gurface nitely below normal and avoids the urface- | cosmetics, however, the cases where major inrea wlio recorded. In the motor business varied with (h¥ ual exhibitor. Thore wa 3 creasing volume of interest AT trucks of all type The averag: lie | ala t tia . Lloyd-Triestino steamer visitor was more nt 1 . " fay BR lower-priced cars, perhaps Brindisi or Trieste, : y lg . Apart from fits attractions for in past years, as well as In utility | 4004004 and travellers, the new and economy of should render far easier eral manufacturers land quicker the journeys of Iran sults that topped 1931 fi | officials to and from Europe and a considerable percent C'ypru while it maj Most striking single ces a¢ also enable the Traq" Administra the jump in sales at the dgricuai- ition to accelerate mail transport - = EE . --- | & j i - tural implement show Over - . emer Edmonton ; will let the pcople judge of the W 95 per cent of the exhibitors Europe has now done all ft have a president the nam¢ | charges against him The this section reported gre: { . ro perity in the | of Hug John MacDonald Sound, | people vready judgd.-- stimulated husiness Th cover | United without = effective | .o though a good Tory change' | Toronto Mail and Empire, practically the whole and promp ) American co-opers party colours. «= Lethbridg» | - gS Ee farm equipment from tractors to | tion. - Dr. Nicholas Murra ra'id, | There aré some of us very specialize! machinery | Butler, president Columbia Uni- | 1 especial mi ii the Taking twenty typleal cases | versity | es] ally 8 to be discour: where increase or indicat Ex-Mayor Walker of New York |... Dolieriy : : largar volumes of husine Results | continues jauntily to say that i? hs London. Toronto adian Business tional Exhibition this GOSSARD CORSETS HALF PRICE A few pairs of discontinued styles in which our sizes have become broken. Ycu may find just the garment that suits. Regular $4.95 to $8.95 values . $2.49 to $4.50 TRIBUTE TO DOMINION DEAD | Heroes of the Canadign Expeditionary Force will be honoured by the Mother country when this i group, work of the March brothers, is unveiled in Canada. seen above as it neared com. | pletion in Hyde Park, London, Eng. was in |in a THE NEW SCARFS, 89c Hand painted designs on silk canton in the leading fall shades. A special offer at ..... We are members of the Inde- pendent Merchants FREE Hand- writing Contest. All you do is sign the Free coupons in our store and deposit same in the Ballot Box, Other Valuable THIS MAY BE YOUR LUCKY DAY. Prizes . YOUR PHONE 609 18'2 KING ST. W. One sister is a brilliant lawyer | A in Quebec; another, Mrs, Reeve (Onata Wotana), of Calgary has ROKER written novels that are known STOCK B Hollywood. -- It wag in 1929 that Mrs. de Rouville decided to represent hey her office here. In the last three vears she hag carried on a con- | Alberta siderable business, particularly | ---- : Edmonton exchange was opened, | represent him. However, ac- ty the rulings of the only males could enjoy here .and abroad, and has dong a | Has Field All to Herself in | brother-in-law, Mr. Reeve of Cal- with women, in stocks, When the Edmonton.- -Alone in her cho- | Mr. Reeve procured a seat on it, privileges of the mighty. Win a Car or tino C meh: decert than wa busine ea with ex than were lines Pianos yronte were two | croscing of desert Passepgers make fl journey in a we { hours where their alr-sea-ra t. hound direction fly in 51 | from B ad to transported hy car to | join a | for Gallleo, he 1 Then the government passed the sex disqualification act which al- lowed women privileges on boards and in public offipes, and gave Mrs. de Rouville the right tb sit on the exchange. It was abbut that time, however, that the slump came, and she was never able to benefit by the law. . Although women are still backward in financial matters, and have not yet developed® the keen insight into such things as men, they are fast coming to the fore, she feels, as a result of her experience. Many women still go to the exchanges without the least idea of what they are do- ing, But this number is gradual- ly decreasing and the newer wo- man interested in finance is_en- lightened, : ea-port to tha PILGRIMS HONOR PENN, To eommemorate the 256th anniversary of William Penn's migration to America, the Penn Club and Friends' Hfstorical Society are visiting sccres of his life in England. The pilgrims are seen here as they view the Great Quaker's former home at Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, Eng. operation Sev- reportea ro» ures service lalsh to The young Grits at made ve with can to restore 3 States range of ,!sen field in Alberta according to | and = ANU f Kmily McLean in the Edmonton |to younger | Journal, R. de Rouville is a wo- | cording man stock-broker, still keeping | board, her fingers on the pulse of things | such great deal of scenario work . In . | gary, in Edmonton and opened Province of appointed Mrs. de Rouville What with wind and weather "and hard water, our skins lose their natural oils and wrinkle early. You can forestall those |--------- -- "betraying little lines which mark the passage of the years, Wolfe's Monument Attracts Tourists by keeping your skin soft and : " , who refuse Henry L, for | Times Classified Ads. Get pliant. How? After basic THIS IS éleansing with Du Barry Spe- 'cial Cleansing Cream and 'Skin Tonic and Freshener, apply Skin Food and then "Muscle Oil, following direc- 'tions which come with every The towering shaft of Wolfe's Monument on the Plains of Abra ham in Quebec, rates the victory in 1759 which won Canada for the British flag, is a mecca for thousands of tourists who visit the famous St. Lawrence river port. The monument marks the spot which commemo- . CRACKELS «= ISN'T IT GOOD ? THE CHILDREN ARE CRAZY SAY ! IT's GREAT! I'VE NEVER TASTED ANYTHING SO CRUNCHY MYSELF ! t ABouTt IT ! where the gallant Wolfe, leader of : the Beitish expeditionary force, died, iw pierced by several bullets, just as the victory was won. This decisive battle marked" the end of a century and a half during which time Que- 28 King E. Phone 78 i bec, founded in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain, had Been the headquar- . E : 3 o r. WEAK KIDNEYS. cms ; monument was erected In 1849. Mr. New in Lo 0 ks oe Ne w in Tas te ! . : New in What it is! i '] 0 it. --_-- { ayo dos ter, Oscar Drouin, a member of the legis /Bdith, age 5, was {troubled with weak lative assembly of Quebec City, Is "kidneys. When she shown standing beside his new Ford was on her fee V-8 victoria, parked by the monu- ment. The ca ift f th 3 Twas a gis trom the UR latest cereal creation, and Q Jthe first really all-new cereal in years : ; ; Crackels. You have never seen or tasted anything re- motely like it. 'Du Barry jar or bottle. - KARN'S DRUG STORE ' first taste of them will tell you why children lové them : : : why little eyes dance when Crackels come to the table. And little bowls are passed for more. Some mothers serve Crackels to coax children to: take all the healthful milk and cream they need. Others give it between meals by handfuls right from the 0X: Crackels are seis popped corn. Crunchy jack: 4 Wholesome as any cereal can be; Economical, too, for there are twelve big helpings in every packages as freshly as crackera %e «derfully so that they now act in a crunchy than any other cereal. Your from while she seemed to e." control over Liberal Association of Quebec City. New in looks : ; : shaped like tiny /hormal way. She is no longer restless pillows, sun-coloured. So light PL received immediate relief 'Carter's Little Liver Pills," declares Mr. {Asthur P, 'I recommend them to suffer. QUAKE R r kianeys at all Sho was restless and H ous, hardly slept % , > at all at night, and Edith Fortesene Jher appetite so poor," said Mrs, A, Fortescue of 12 Alfred St. "Less than "oF nervous and Ler appetite is fine." ; { . ; Fa they float on top of milk or cream: 7. Send 100 to Dr. Pierce's Labormary, oF HY Wh ERE a SN . New in taste ; : : a flavour you JE EA Nn Outi tor wis) JAg, : A have never tasted before. -- Ney in what tis i + : not just one Si + . cereal but a blend of different grains fe A " Liver abies with the most nourishing parts of Rheumatism and Indigestion." " use they are PURELY VEGE- 4 7 LE. 8 geatle, afisceivs tonis to both and , Dr. Carter's Little Pills are without equal for cor- ipation, ity, Bilious- Pp) two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Anuric "Tablets strengthened her kidneys won- each, : "Both Corrected More delicate, more crisp and 7: Famous Vegetable Pills f He and Poor oa pkgs. Sold Meade in Canada by The ; 3 Quaker Oats Company, largest a | 13 2 dg . wih] : is cereal millers in the Empire.