Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Sep 1932, p. 6

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wr "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, » By. Ut a ah 1932 a -- -------- | PAGE SIX / Women's Interests in the Home and the Communit Social and Personal Readers are invited to sub- mit social and personal ftems for publication in this column. Kindly send or phone them o The Times office, Phone 35 or after office hours to Phone 2443. Miss Alice Dowsett, of Crosiey is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs, John Payne. *. * 0» Mrs. W. Wright, Mrs. R. W. Meiklejohn, Mrs. C. R. Bastedo and Mrs. W. J. Whitby, of Stir- ling, were recent visitors in Osh awa, ! * Ld * Mr. Will Young, of Myrtle, spent the week-end at his home in Osh- awa, - -. . Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Mullen and two sons, Frank and Buddy, and Mr. Tom Hendron, all of Toron- to, were guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Bottrell, Arthur Street. LJ * LJ The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. Barrett, Rossland Road, are congratulating them on their 26th wedding anniversary on Sept. 21st. Ld LJ . On Monday afternoon, twenty- seven members of the King Street United Church motored to Sebright in one of Collacutt's special coaches to attend the annual fowl supper and concert of the Sebright United Chur... All spent a very enjoyable evening with their former pastor, Rev, C, E. Cragg, and Mrs. Cragg and were splendidly the Sebright ~cople home - delight w the vided. * x Mr. and Mrs. D. \V, Dalton, Sim- | coe Street South, were in Aur on Monday, when a joint birth party was held, in' honour of birthday of Mr. Dalton and an old friend of the family, Mrs. John Chapman, of Aurora, who was 78 vears old on Monday, Many friends and relatives from various parts of Ontario attended, and the day was spent very happily by all. At the FREE! 50c Jar of JONTEEL CREAM (Combination or Cold) 1 with each 50c Box of Jonteel Face Powder In your favorite shade $1.00 Value 50c¢ AT THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Simcoe 8S. Phone 08 King E. Phone 28 FREE DELIVERY Hamilton, Ont, -- "When one of my babies was four months old my | strength failed, 1 was not able to eat anything, had dizzy sick-headaches, de- veloped quinsy sore throat and felt miscr- eble all over--was confined to hed," said Mrs. J. Dunsmuir of 294 Beach Road. "I started using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and after a few doses there was a big improvement in my condition and when I had com- pleted the third bottle I certainly felt fine and strong again." f you want free medical advices write t Dr. Pierce's Clinic in Buffalo, N, Y. ag Strength Failed Pood. Comty Rooms. Reloxa ton Homelike Comforts. Fine loca ton, one Block to Ocean. Breathe Deep the Bracing Ocean Air. Cour: tesy, Politeness and Service ars Yours for Less Than You Think Write now iil BEAUTIFUL STATES AVENUE AT PACIFIC BC MALL tuto th nil RA a aun UL vy 3 ' tea hour, a sumptuOus repast was served, followed by toasts to Mrs. Chapman and Mr, Dalton, wishing them happy birthdays, and a large number of beautiful gifts were pre- sented to them. Mrs, Chapman and Mr. Dalton responded to the toasts, and thanked their friends for the kindnesses shown to them, A very happy gathering closed with the singing of "God be With You Till We Meet Again." BROUGHAM W. 1. HELD MEETING Interesting Papers Were Read on Agricultural Topics (Mrs. Brown, Correspon- dent) BROUGHAM, Sept. 19. -- The September meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. W. Ellicot, with a goodly number in attendance. The meeting was opened in the usual manner by the president, Mrs, E. Holtby, At the close of the regular business session, Mrs Dunn read an article from a Government bulletin on storing T. C entertained by They returned | fine hos- | pitality extended to them, and with | the program which had been pro-| the winter vegetables, Miss Cassels | contributed an excellent paper ot | agriculture and drew attention | to the fact that individuals, com- | munities and the nation were alive to the need of beauty iu agricultural life, evidenced by the | wonderful flowers seen whie driving along our roads sul- rounding farm and village homes, Mrs. Harvey at the piano led in community singing. Mrs. Ham- ilton and Mrs. Brown gave a their impressions of the National Anthem, Mrs. and daughters served refresh ments and all enjoyed a visit | over the tea cups. Miss Madeline Tummonds is visiting her sister Mrs, McWhir- | ter and family. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Carter, Mr all guests at the Albert home on Sunday. and Mrs. Grainger, day vis family, The W. Milne family of Green- Stevenson of Toronto, tors of the R. and Mrs. D. mily of Toronto, spent under the parental roof. Mrs. E, Holtby is indisposed a present. | ronto, Mr. R. I. Patterson and far.- ily and Mr. Patterson Sr., of To- Sundayed with Mrs, Ww. Cowie and John. | Mrs Tummonds of Manilla has | returned home after a pleasant | visit with the McWhirter family. Mr. Ross Wilson is a | of Whitby High School. i up | er, of Saskatoon, The Tyron residence apartment, Mrs, Sylvanus Phillip of Min- den and daughter, Mrs. Gardin- were recent relatives here Love family have their home in family have taken in the D. Gannon visitors of their The Amos returned to onto, Mr was A. Sissins of Haliburton, a guest of the D, Gannoi family on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wetler and Mrs, Ed. Crocker and son, of To- ronto, spent Wednesday at the home of L. and Mrs. Mathews. The John Everest family of Toronto spent a day with their | people during the week. | left | | Prices for garden products and fruit are very dscouraging to the grower these days with nothing for the producer, when ex penses for marketing are met. Mrs. R. D. Miller | her birthday on Sunday, the W.I. | | | members making her room a bower of heauty with flowers for the occasion. -- Zion News dent) ZION, Sept. 19, -- Mrs. Alfred Ayre visited her cousin Mrs. Bert Gray in Peterboro for a couple of days and attended the exhibition, Quarterly service was heid here Sunday morning and sacra- ment was served by the Elders, Russel Robbins and Tracy Glas. pell, Rev. Mr. Rackham gave a splendid address. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Wel- come called at the school to see their daughter, Miss Helen, oa Wednesday, Next Sunday, Sept, 25th, at the church wil] be rally day, when a joint service will be held in the morning and program will be fo,- lowed, A baby gir] arrived at thie son, on Sunday morning. weil, . Weiner roasts seem to be the very popular thing these beauti- ful moonlight lights,vas two weie held in A. T. Stainton's flats this week by the young folk. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson and Bobby, Mr, and Mrs. F. FE, Bartlett and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hagerman and daughtars and Mrs. R, Richards, Oshawa, have been visitors this week af J. W. Balson's. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs." George Sonley on the birth of a son in Toronto recentiy, George was formerly a Zion bey but in now in the T. Eaton Co, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Robbins and Miss Ruth visited Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Langmaid, of Hamp- ton, Sunday afternoon, Our sheep men are atiending All is Oakwood, Blackstock and Lind- The meeting closed with | Ellicot | ed with and Mrs. Frank Carter, of Green- | river and the Beelby family were |: Gray | Mr. and Mrs, Kerr and son, Mr. | were Sun- | Miller |! river and the Clayton Axford fa- | Sunday student | | Officer G. V. Clubbe w Tor- | celebratea | (Mrs, J. W, Balson, Correspon- | home of Mr. and Mrs, Anson Bal-- GOOD from the FIRST SIP a cup of tea made with delicious ==" SUPERB BLEND OF INDIAN. @C 1 |p ' AND CEYLON BLACK TEAS : J. Lyons & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto _¢@. ------ say Fairs this week. My, Bert Glaspell has returi- ed from London where he was an exhibitor last week. Raglan News (Miss Allie Avery, Correspondent) RAGLAN, Sept, 19. -- Miss M, Miller, of Oshawa, spent the week- end with her parents. 4 M'ss Susie Bray spent the week end with relatives in Port Perry and attended the fair while there. Misses Verna Hodgson and Hazel Pierson of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierson, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in our Church Sunday at the close of the regular Scrvice. Mr. and ited with Sunday. An 'r froni Church service at Sunday afternoon and evening. Mr. Lloyd Th...pson of Toront spent the week-end at his honic | ner Vi§s- Mrs, Charles Luke relatives in Toronto on here attended Manchester .on Miss Ruby Wilson recently visit friends at Myrt! Mr. and Mrs, A. he week-end in" Miss Hazel ally services will ay, S.pt. 25, at the o'clock, An excellent rranved and everyOne attend. Church 1eld S+nday cve 30 pan. Mr. and Mrs. L. | pp and fam- | Burketon were Sunday visi- | with Mr. and Mrs. Earl} of i of the Cl at the Ch . and Mr pect were - . and Mrs, J. | Miss Marion H Tummonds of Port week-end at their Chicken Thieves Kingston. --Chicken 't! work mn this district, Saturday morning th: night a number of 1 ster had been taken of A. WA street. A I missing rooster mi covery if offered stated that one of its | tionally large and of a ring worn, ' about twelve or trom the mises desc hears fc urteen p HONEYMOONING AT '86 AND 70 came again to Philetus W. Parish, 86, and Mrs, Emma 70, so today they are honeymooning at Shelby, Romance Elizabeth Sha Mich, It is Mrs, Parish, a g ffer, sary a few months before her first Parishes are shown above. Parish's third marriage, ndmother, celebrated her golien wedding anniver- | 5) his bride's second The new husband died a year ago, The G55 BEDTINE STORIE / By Thornton W. Burgess WHEN A NOSE WAS USELESS It sometimes seems 'tis vain to try "| On any one thing to rely. --Reddy Fox. in which Mrs. had approach of the Laugh- x Brook for a drink, had finai Iv made a shrewd gurss that it was because she had babies hid- Dee pool ghtfoot the a certain -- Light with Economy "me S10 save money on your electric light bills, follow the example of large buildings. They know that EDISON MAZDA Lamps--not nameless imitations--give greatest value for current consumed. Buy them by the carton. MADE IN CANADA EDISON @ MAZDA LAMPS L.22 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED { to run. puzzled by | | makes | of | where {| drinking and had no troubl> at all in finding her trail. BOWRA ELECTRIC & HARDWARE 19 Simcoe St. North PHONE 1000 GEO. C: ALLCHIN, LIMITED Bond Street West PHONE 1438 den not far away. "Let me gee," muttered Redd. "this is just about the time of year that Mrs. Lizhtfoot wouid | be likely to have babies. My, my, hew I would like to find one of them before jt is big enough What a dinner that Just thinking of it water, But Lightfoot to sirer, 1 like that be! my mouth I don't want Mrs. (pteh me at it don't want anything to happen. "If those strong would to, are not yel follow their mother. it is a safe guess that she never goes very far from them. That means that this is the reason that she comes to this for water instead zoi usual drinking place. those habies are far away. I ought to be able to find them. I should be ahle to depend on my nose to find the little rascals." He fawns enough to pool of to her cour Fo around to had been made his way Mrs. Lightfoot With his nose he cautiously followed i* Presently. he discovered Mrs Lightfoot just ahead of him. She was feeding on certain grasses and plants of which she is very fond. She would pot her head down and as soon as she had se- cured a mouthful throw her head up again tha Detter to keen watch. Reddy at once saw that she was alone, There were 10 dainty little fawns with her, vo heautiful little spotted babies. Yet Mrs, Lightfoot appeared as nervous as if there had been. "Hidden and told to keep per: fectly still,' thought Reddy. "They won't move, so eyes and | Brimacombe, wait until she gets up and moves away; then I'l] have a good look around there." --- So Reddy waited, not guess- ing that Mrs. Lightfoot was resl- ly quite a distance from her pre- cious babies. She was where she could watch the place where they were hiding but so far from it that should an enemy appear she could bound away withort arousing any suspicion that she had a precious, a very precious secret, When she at last did move on Reddy hastily. but thoroughly scarched all around where she had been resting, He not so much as a single whiff of fawn scent. That reliable nose of his was failing him. He could no longer deperd on it, In fact it was useless. How useless it was you may judge from the fact that while poking that nose under some bushes he almost touched a baby deer lyirg stretched out as still as death it self. Stil] that keen little black nose of Reddy's didn't find it. You sce there was no odor, no scent at all, So really it wasn't the fault of Reddy's nose that he failed to find those baby deer. (Copyright, 1932, by T. W, Burgess) The next story: warded. "Faith Re- Hampton News (Miss L. Horn, Correspondent) HAMPTON, Sept. 19--Mrs. John Willis, and granddaughter, Doreen Pyott, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Colwell, Sr. Miss Mary Virtue, Tc ronto, was a week-end guest of Mrs, Gertrude Virtue, lady wezsk- mother, Ivan Stephens and Toronto, spent the at the home of his Charlotte Stephens. r. Jim. Stainton, Toronto, Sun- dayed with his parents," Mr, and H. Stainton, Richard Perrett, t the weck-end with and 1amily, A Mrs, Toronto, his wife Willis, Toronto, guest of Mrs, Elmina Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Hockaday and son, Ernest, Solina, were Sun- dav guests of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Chas. 15 g. Mr. Levi Niddery, Miss Elena Nidderv, Mrs, Norman Falkner and son, Billie, visited at the home of Mrs. Georgina Niddery, on Sunday. Mrs. Grace Clatworthy and Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., recently visited - relatives at Midland and Penetanguishene, Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Johns and sons, Winnipeg, are visiting his brother, J. L. Johns and other re- latives, Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy accompanied her son Theron to Hamilton on Saturday, to visit her mother, Mrs. whose condition of health was thought to be serious. 10 doz. French "Escharpe" Silk Scarves All have the latest fall designs and come in printed and hand painted color combin- ations. iN SEE WINDOW # 98cand §1.98 Nelson's Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Tor- onto, visited at the home of S. Ker- sey on Friday. Mrs. H. Argue, Bowmanville, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Cole. The Sunday services were well at- tended. Rev. ' Walter Rackham preached a splendid sermon, in keeping with the Sacrament "vice which was observed at the even- ing church service, a goodly num- ber attending Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferguson were recent visitors with Janetville friends, Mrs. Enoch Stevens spent the week<end witlf her daughter, Mrs. Boyd at their summer cottage at Caesarea. Mr. H. Stevens has pulletts lay- ing. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lytle Bowman- ville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ward, Tor- onto, were visitors with relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clayton vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. John Shackleton, Enniskillen, recently. Mrs. Leana Hoidge, Lindsay, is visiting Mrs. Will, Wilbur, and other relatives. Mr. William Causley attended the Port Perry Fair on Saturday and spent the week-end at his home there, Mr. and Mrs, C, E. Horn and Acy attended Port Perry Fair on Saturday. War On Rats 4 Kingston.--Kingston is to 'have a war on rats, The city's dump at the foot: of Bagot street is over-run with rodents and many complaints have been received from citizens living in this Vicinity, In order to safeguard the health of the city the rats will have to zo. Sanitary In- spector Eugene Sleeth brought the matter to the attention of "the Health imittee at a meeting held on Friday afternoon and on motion of Ald. Bennett it was de-' cided to have action taken to, kill off the rats. Ald. Bennett said that he had received many complaints regarding the nuisance, Large Entry List Metcalfe.--Iltustrating that optim= istic spirit of the farmers of East. ern Ontario, in a practical way, the 76th annual two-day exhibition, un=- der the auspices of the Metcalfe Agricultural Association, opened here with entries in the aggregate larger than for some years. TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, Sept. 25. Full information sow in hands of agents Canadian Canadian National Pacific '4 ears will be of no help to me in fiieding them," he continued. "It all depends on my nose." He took the greatest care to always keep Mrs. Lightfoot wind, That is the wind always blew from her to him, He never got where it would blow from him to her. So at no time conld she get his scent. As he took great care to keep out of her sight she did not know that Le was about. So, never for ofe instant fail- ing to keep track of Mrs. Light- foot, where she was and what she was doing, Reddy began a patient gearch for the baby deer he felt sure were somewhers near. He poked that inquiring black nose of his into every litile patch of brush, under every iit- tle Jow-growing tres about there, behind every log and stump, He took his time ahout it. Ha smelled long and carefully. Not once did his nose catch the faint- est scent of haby deer, Mrs. Lightfoot presently lay down. She was still - viligau® and watchful, but she seemed quite at her ease also. Reddy marked the place where she was Iving, "Those fawns are sure to . be somewhere near her," thought he, "She wouldn't le un because it wins Young makes their appetites a good breakfast. in the bowl. and more. down {ar from them. I'll just en and zestful. Crackels if you have a boy or girl who won't eat | WISH JIMMIE WOULD EAT MORE BREAKFAST WELL, PETER WAS THE SAME WAY UNTIL WE GOT CRACKELS. 'hunger strikers" and Serve Crackels is unlike any other cereal you have ever seen or tasted. Tiny pillows of golden brown, so light they float on top of your milk or cream. So crisp they stay crisp to the very last spoonful Nourishing, too. For Crackels is a blend of the choicest energy parts of different grains. Give the family a new taste thrill with Crackels: Start with tomorrow's breakfast. See how faces brighten up : ; : little bowls come back for more Children never tire of Crackels. They're so good that little ones eat them between meals; : : in handfuls right from the box. QUAKER o fuss now in getting children to eat breakfast! M[OZHERS everywhere welcome Crackels ss 3 the first really all-new cereal in years i s 3 285 CRACKELS Em Made in Canada by The Quaker Oats Company, largest cereal millers in the Empire, seme

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