> _ PAGE SEVEN ------ "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1932 on * Legal MANNINT F. SWART2, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor," Notary. Money to loan. 11 King SL jt, Phone | 283. ideuce . ! 8, Bee (1% feb tf) CONANT & ANNIS ters, Solicitors, Notagies Public. | ite. Conveyancing and general yractice fn Law. Office 7% Sim- coe Street South,, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D, Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. ¥. Annis, B.A, LL.B. WE. N. SINCLATY, K.C., BANK of Commerce Building, JUSFPH P. MANGAN, F.A,, BAR. rister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Convayancer. Money to Joan ot- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 440. Residence phone 837. GBYERSON, ORE.GHTON & Fraser. Barristers, Etc. Bank of Commerce Bldg, GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- ~isters, Solicitors, Etc. 243 Sim- coe St. N. Phcne 3160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. = S.J NNICK, B.A., BARRIS ter, 123% Simcoe St. South, Teie- phone 3038--565. «3 sent to Undertaking LUKE BURIA: CO., 67 KING St. 'Fast. Arsbulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street North. Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (att) DALTON BURIAL CO. -- FUN- eral and Ambulance Sorvice, Packard Limousine Sedan. 377 Simcoe South, Phone 1045. (Sept. Architects CG. C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural worl. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone i496. Residence phon 909J. Auctioneer PHONE 7161. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S., Oshgwa. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock aad {implements Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop a: 46 King Street West. Your patrenage 1s solicited. Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. Coléman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehoflse and moving van équipment. Phone 82. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. Weert, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- pany of Nanada, Dominion Bank Chambers. Alex. S. Ross, 8. F. Everson. Phone 1834. (15 oct tf) Dental DR. S.J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- gett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. hone 959. House 1312. Roofing HAYTON, THE ROOFER, AS- phalt, cedar shingling, felt, gravel roofing, caulking, chim- ney repairing. Frea inspection. Phone 1643W, (June 13-1 yr.) Marvelo MARVELO--DIRT AND STAINS " go from Marvelo. Sensational liquid cleanser. Phone 1733M Delivery Tuesdays, Fridays. (13 sept ¢) Shoe Repairing YOU WANT THE BEST IN SHOE repairing. Shoes called for and delivered. Phone 672W. Jack Read, corner Mary and Colborne, (31 sept ¢) Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 75¢c with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered Batteries $2.75 and up. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mili St. Phone 960. For Rent Corn & Bunion Remedies "BOONOMICAL APARTMENTS See pur suites at the George, Edward,» Amylene apd Lewellyn, i partments are priced twen- ty-nve to forty dollars, Any suite furnished in home-' like manner at slight exura charge. Our apartments are equipped with electric refrigeration, stove, washer and dryer; consiant hot water; effici- ent janitor service, DISNEY, PHONE 1550 (58-tf) NOW HERE'S SOMETHING GOOD A nice Apartment for very little money---four and five rooms--modern, Come and let us show you about. You'll be surprised at the low rent. Simcoe Manor and Victoria Apartments, (451) FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE all conveniences, newly decorated, hardwood floors, central locality. Apply 91 Ritson Rd. North. FOR RENT-- 284 FESTUBERT St. 4 room cottage, 3 piece bath, electric fixtures, Newly decorat- ed. Phone 858W. (69¢c) BACHELOR APARTMENT, CEN- trally located, furnished, newly decorated, private bath, fruit locker, water and electric. Box 526 Times, (61t1) FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH- ed ten roomed brick house, hard- wood floors, garage, electric range. Apply 76 King West. Phone 309. (60¢c) FOR RENT-- LARGE FRONT room suit one or two gentlemen. Mary St., above Aberdeen. Phone 2441W. (60c) GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE 17 John St., facing Central Park, nine rooms, hot water heating, electric range and fix- tures, $50. Apply Dr. Belt next door. (61c) FLAT, SPECIAL, BEST DIS- trict, Simcoe North, 3 or 4 rooms, hot water heated, kitchenette, sink, shower, bath, $25 or $30. Phone 2415. (61c) APARTMENT, DOWN TOWN, th, electric stove, four rooms, newly decorated, fruit locker. Box 526 Times." (611) MODERN FIVE ROOMED BUN- galo. Fifteen. Attractive six roomed house, fire place, garage. Twenty-five, See Holden, 92 Sim- coq N. T (61h) FOR RENT--A REAL HOME ON Simcoe St, North at a bargain, also 9 roomed house and. sun- room and double garage on Divi- sion 'St. Phone Bradley Bros. ; (lc No. sale or ex- 310 Arthur St. (61h) sion St. for rent, change. Apply Phone 32197. Beauty Parlors BETTY 1LOUJ BEAUTY PARLOR. Permanent Wave $3.60 ug. "Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel 50c. Shampoo, Finger Wave.and trim $1. Expert operators on'y. 79 Sim- coe St. North (note new ad- dress). Phone 2968, : (8 aug tf) GENOS:IA HAIRDRESSING EX- perts--on all kinds of beauty culture. Permanent waves our specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 50c. Facials, scalp treatments anc manicuring. Coffee Shop eu- trance. Phone 1973. (6 July 1 mo) LORENE JOHNSON, HAIR- dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- ling 35¢ and finger waving 60c. Phcre 2188J. (16 sept ¢) PRINCELLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty $2.50 up. Finger waving 60c. Marcsl- ling 35c. 10 Prince. Phone 688. (15 sept ¢) PEMBER'S BRANCH HAIR. dressing and Beauly Zuiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 3%, Osh- awa, Ontario. (23 nov tO) MAYFAIR EAUTY SALON. 141; King St. E. Phone 2020. All. branches hairdressing. First class hair cutter in attendance. (20 sept ¢) Palmis Agents Wanted FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS Wanted in Ontario towns and cities at unrepresented points. Tariff company, Lib- eral commissions on new and renewal business. Write . first POSTOFFICE BOX 219, TORONTO (571) 33 per cent. Commission paid uo men and women taking orders for Private Greeting Christmas Cards in spare time. Experience uun- necessary. Sample album supplied free. Easiest way to earn big money, Write to Dept, X, 3 Wia- chester Ave., Montreal, Que. (47, 61, 73; Work Wanted RETABLE GIRL DESIRES GOOD home as companion or light work, Moderate wages. Apply 343 Rit- son Road North, (59¢) Music Lessons ANNIE McMASTER, A.T.C.M. Teacher of plané, Stirdio, 17 Qom- naught St. Phone 116F, (2nd Oct, ¢) MRS. JACK LEE, A.T.C.M. teacher of piano, $18 Carnegie Ave. Phone 2351J, crs (6 oct e} RUTH HODGKINSON, A.T.C.M., «teacher of piano, 324 Leslie Ave, hone. 23903, (61c) CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on all matterg of im- portance, 93 Louisa St, Phone 2636F. Business private, . (16 sept c) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, Maternity or general nursing over ten years experience. Charges moder~te. Phone 3033]. (25 Sept-c) Notice 9 ROOMED HOUSE ON DIVI- || PERFECT FEET MEAN HAPPI- NESS--How .ofte;, have you wish- ed that you could get rid perman- ently of those Foot Troubles, --Well its easy if you use CRESS CORN SALVE for those Corns, Callopses, Ingrown Toe-Nails or CRESS BUNION SALVE to correct that disfiguring Bunion. Both remedies are recommended by Jury & Lovells. "Articles for Sale wood. Guaranteed full measure, 1% cord, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.25. A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628F, {2 oct ¢) ALL KINDS OF WOOD, PRICES right. Claude McQuaid, 54 Albert. Phone 1078J, (18 oct ¢) BLACK'S WOOD, 79 JOHN ST. Phone 3109J. Slabs $2.25. Body Wood $2.50. Hardwood $3. ne (16 sept c) NO. 1 HARDWOOD FOR SALE. $3.25 per quarter cord. Also soft- wood $2.25 per quarter cord. De- livered. Cox Motor Sales, 139 King West. Phone 924. (58h) STROLLER AND QUEBEC heater for sale. 297 Celina St. (60b) 148 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, NEAR Loblaw's, second hand suits, slightly worn, original cost $40 and $50 on sale in all sizes as low as $7 per suit up to 14. (6 Wanted to Buy WANTED -- QUEBEC RANGE. Must be cheap. Call 1484J. (61a) } Help Wanted EARN. UPWARDS OF ~ $20 weekly growing mushrooms for us, all fall and winter, in cellars or outbuildings, Begin now, Il- lustrated booklet free. Estab- lished 25 years. Canadian Mush- room Co., Dept. W, Toronty 10. (62, 64) Pets and Livestock FOR SALE-- A THOROUGH- bred two year old Toy Pomeran- fan Dog, Orange Color. Price $3. Phone 470. (81b) FERRETS FOR SALE-- APPLY 297 Buena Vista, (60¢c) "Statistics are all right in themselves, but what {s necessary is a competent interpretation of them."---John Dewey. Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion--114 per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c. Each subsequent insertion. cents consecu- le per consecntive inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum change for three insertions 60c. Box number '0c additional. Professioral nr Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worgq per morth for each additional word. PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad _ Department give public GOOD SOUND DRY BODY HARD | Notice of. Surrender of Charter "Under the provisions ~ of The Companies Act (Ontario), John Balles & Sons Limited, hereby 3 notice that it will 'make ap! on to His Honour, the Jr A ho, pd On- tario, for acceptance of the sur- render of its charter on and from a day to be fixedy by the Lieu- tenant Governor in Council, ~~ Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this thirteenth day of September A.D, 1932. ik JOHN BAILES & SONS, yo 4 Charles R. Bailes, Secretary-Treasurer. By R. Moffat, Solicitor for Applicant. em (61a) tL Female Help Wanted WANTED--A WOMAN, CAP- able for general housework, about the age of 35 preferred. Telephone 425. (61lec) COLUMBUS COUPLE ARE HONORED ON GOLDEN WEDDING (Continued from page 1) Mothers' Allowance Board for Ontario County. Mrs. Ellins 1s also in her seventy-first year, on- ly three months separating hor from Mr. Ellins in age, and sie was born in.Columbus, wheie practically all .ot her Iie has 'been spent, . Day of Celebration The whole day was one of cele- bration at the Ellins home yes- terday, but the high light was reached at the supper honr, when about one hundred persons were present, and high tribute: were paid to Mr. and Mrs, Elling by Dr. John Moore, of Brooklin, Rev, Dr. Cooper of Columbus and Rev, James Beckell, of Napanee, and other old friends, The (a- bles were beautifully - decorate: in golden hues, the flowers blend- ing with the streamers which bo decked the rooms. At an appro- priate moment, the gifts of goid from the children and grand- children were presented, accom- panied by the following address: The Address "Dear Bride and Groom,--We, your near relatives, are very hap- py to be with you today, to juin with you in the celebration of your golden wedding anniver- sary, We are glad to kmow that you have been spared to enjoy such a long, happy married lif: together, Fifty years is a long time, but we believe for you they have been years of hapyi- ness, prosperity and success. we hope this day will be as happy as that one fifty years ago when you started out' for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, till deatli do us part.' "That God has been good to you in these years is evident r.- day. He has given you a lovely home, a good measure of thi: world's goods a family of whict parents might be proud, and a religious experience which has been 'a joy in the past and will be a blessing in the future. "Our hope is that your may be further kindled by the experience of this day. As you grow older, and the light of your life grows dimmer, may you of- ten recall the joys of this day and think of us who are your near and dear friends and rela- tives, May you be spared many years to enjoy the fruitage of a life wel] lived in church, commu- nity and home: "Please accept our gifts of gold. Think not of the gold, but of the love and friendship and goodwil] that are lovingly mixed with these our gifts. "And now may the life God of hr Peace and Love bless you and keep you, not only for life but for eternity. Lovingly - Youre, Children, grand-children, Mrs, i. L, Vickery, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Vickery, Mr, and Mrs. ' Robert Ashton and family." . "From Other Relatives Gifts were also' presented to Mr. and Mrs, Elling by their sis- ters, nieces and nephews, accom- panied by the following address: - "Dear Uncle Levi and Aunc Ligzie,--We, your sister Ellen and Deck and nephews, have ga- thered here this afternoon to congratulate you on having rea- cheg the 50th milestone. of your married oy and to wish you health apd happiness in each other's company for many yeas to come. As a more . tangibie evidence of our good wishes and affection we ask you to accept our little gift, which we hope will be a pleasant reminder of this happy event, Signed on behalf of your sister Ellen, Horace and Eva Hancock, your sisters Mary and Sarah Ann and their chil- dren, Lizzie Moorey." ~The four children of Mr. and Mrs. Ellins, who were all present, are Mrs. Charles Grills, 8th Con- cession of East Whitby, Ms Pearl Robinson, Toronto, Mra. Arthur Cook, Brooklin and Wilil- am Ellis, on the old homestead near Columbus, Guests were al- so present from Oshawa, Toront), Napanee, Brantford and other places in Ontario. Enjoys The Times Mr. and Mrs, Elling are enjoy- ing excellent health, and thor- oughly enjoyed the happy day, aithough overwhelmed by the many kindnesses showered upon them by relatives and friends. When The Times' representative called, Mr. Elling was most cor- dia] in his welcome, and recalled that he had been a reader of the Timeg and the Reformer for over forty years, "The Times is like an old friend to us," he said, "and we could not do without it. "He recalled pleasant associf- tions with the late Mr. E. W. Mundy, who was publisher of the Reformer and father of C. M. Mundy, president of The Times Publishing Company, who, he recalled, was "a splendid old gentleman." WALTER M. ROBB MAKES COMMENT ON VISIT HERE (Continued from page 1) deeply impressed with your city and with Ontario. Hospitality abounds throughout your city and we were the grateful recipi: ents. "The more we saw of the peo- ple and of the province, the mor: we realized the wonderfu) possi- bilities there are and we can sce n the future--the near future, we hope-- Canada growing and stiil growing unti] she becomes, what fs possible, one of the greatest countries in the world. "We are proud that so often unconsciously the pride of being British was revealed and we feit and realized we were at hone among you. Indeed, at times, your display of loyalty quite out- shines that of the Motherland, Struck by Enthusiasm "Apart from the possibilities of your dear land and of the pride you have in being British, what struck us more than anything else was your great enthusiasin and that was so marked in edu- cation in which we are so keenly interested, "Enthusiasm pervades and p:r meates your education, perhajs, if we are allowed to say it, as outsiders see it, to such an ea- tent that the child is somewhat overlooked for the citizen of tue future, "This will right itself through time, Canada seems to be work- ing on the ideal and perhaps will have to work down a little from oi . - - , p-- 2h 3: t vo fi that; we, in the Old Country, had in the nature of things, in day: gone past, to work up to the ideal which we have by ne means reached yet, 4 Need For Culture "One thing which we felt the systein gould well afford to have is more cultural subjects, (wc speak as friends and lovers o: Canada, not as carping critics), even at the expense of utilitarian ones, Once the habit of learning has been acquired, the rest fol- lows, whether it be in a new sphere of knowledge or of Jabor, but culture is a tender plant which requires careful nursing and much long and patient, some- times seemingly useless, aiten- tion. Culture wil] not get bread and butter; culture of itself as culture is not to be desired, but culture plus what you Canadians are giving your children, is going to make them a wonderfu] pec ple. The introduction of a musi- cal director is evidence that your School Board realize the signiti- cance of this, Your educatiouai system i8 so similar to that of ours that {it was a pleasure to teach in Oshawa where the pupils have a "camaraderie' ~ which is absent among pupils in general in Scotland, Thanks to Pupils "To al] these puplis I extend my warmest thanks for their kindness to me and my best wishes for a happy and successlul life--school and otherwise; to those who are not at the top cf the class lists, the assurance that life does not always give LLG greatest prizes and awards tc thoee who have been most suc- cessful, seemingly, in school, I L« success lles in the amount of honest endeavor put forth. To the Principal, Mr. O'Neil', whom 1 count as one of my friends and to all my friends on the staff of the Collegiate, not forgetting Mr. McLeod, wnou:e praises I hear sung so higaly, here, I wish a very prosperous and happy year, filled with hard work and contentment and closed with satisfaction in a year's good work. Thanks to Board "I feel 1 have begun to speciai- ize, but I could not close without extending to the Collegiate my warmest thanks and best wishe., and also to the School Board for their, first permitting the ex. change to become an accomplish- ed fact, and thén for their wel come and continued friendliness to me. "All others w ewant to include in the great host of others, friends we have left behind us, including those of the churches, lodges, clubs and of private indi- viduals. Caught Canada's Spirit "To one and al} we extend our warmest ana sincerest thanks and we trust that the link which has been forged under the Leu- gue of Empire scheme between you and us, may be an enduring one. We are home richer in ex- perience, in knowledge and mu friendship and with ever a pride that having stayed among you in Oshawa, we have caught some- thing of Canada's spirit---an in- valuable possession, "Yours sincerely, "WALTER M. ROBB." CANADA SECOND AMONG WORLD'S GOLD PRODUCERS (Continued from page 4) Corporation, Limited, Yukon; Coniarum Mines, Limited, Porcu- pine; Siscoe (Gold Mines, Limited, Harrioanaw River, Que.; Pioneer Gold Mines, Limited, Bridge Riv- er, B.C.; Kirkland Lake Gold Mi- ning Company, Limited, Kirkland Lake; Vipond Consolidated Mines, Limited. Porcupine; In- ternationa] Nickel Company, Sud bury, Ont.; Central Manitola Mines, Limited, Manitoba. PRIZES PRESENTED mas ATRITARY GLB i BR fin (Continued from page 1) istration of children was receiv- ed with 105 junior boys, 112 in- termediates and 53 seniors. 253 junior girls wete, enrblled with 115 intermediates and 57 seniors, During the fifty-three days the park was open a total attendance of 53,618 was rolled up making an average of 670 per day. The Prize Winners The names of those prize win- vers who received their awards were: Junior girls--Nancy Gwen De Guerre and Innis pher. Intermediate girls Carroll, Clara Schubert Gwelda Moynes. Seniqr girls--Lorraine Watson, Ella Leckie and Rose Farrell. Senior boys--William Ballon, Villiam Yourkevitch and John Menzie. Intermediate: boys ---- George Davis, Thomas Murphy and Char. les Johnson. Junior boys-- Bernard Higgins, Albert Schubert, James Howard and Buddy McCrossan, The club observed one-minute silence in tribute to Alfred T. Hicks of Toronty, a former mem- ber of the club whose death oc- curred recently, FELINE BEAUTIES DREW LARGE CROWD Toronto.--- With eatin lined doll"s beds and bells, rattles, balls and trinkets with which to play, 244 feline beauties entep- tained crowds at the opening of the three day annual Canadian National Cat Show. Twelve champions are entered, All the champions are, incidentally, Canadian cats, so the grand champion wil] necessarily also be a Canadian, Visiting the show are three small white accompanied by their who is heing shown, wear little sweaters and caps knitted for them hy a hospita, patient, They are shown by Mrs. Frances Burton of this city. Murrall, Pi- Helen and this year kittens, mother, and who American inventors reached a new peak of production during the fisca] year of 1932 when the Patent Office in Washington, D. C., issued 52,572 patents. Taois is the largest number ever grant- ed in a single year, KARN [Fon DRUGGIST FOR SERVIC Neat Post Office « Phone 78-79 Don't Think Insurance, Put jt on in good strong companies with J. H. R. LUKE 51 King Street Eas§ Phone 871---4687TW NEW LOW PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA % lb. Pkg. 23c 1 Ib. Pkg. 45¢ at all Superior Stores NEW STYLE GLASSES At Reasonable Prices J. W. WORRALL Eyesight Specialist | JURY & LOVELL'S King St. E. Phone 3215 ! FOR QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP AND SATISFACTION Send your clothes to the OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED Mill St. Phone 2320 OSHAWA a -- J. C. YOUNG GENERAL INSURANCE 4Y, Prince St., Oshawa Office Phone 793 Res. Phone 2893 BIG REDUCTION In GENERAL MOTORS FRIG- IDATRES. Two years to pay. On show at Ontario Motor Sales, 86 King St. E. Two products worth trying ES' Old Englisb DRAK Style HORSE RADISH SAUCE and BENGAL RELISH Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan. '58 Chrysler Sedan. Ross, Ames & Gartshore HUDSON--ESSEX 4 135 King St. W. Phone 1160 Repairing Watches OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. S. Phone 189 roe rene [ams STORE we DELIVER 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Sime TILLIE THE TOILER--A Raw Deal TILLIE, WHERE'S THAT FRYING PAN WHY, MAC, YoU CAN'T COOK THAT FISH IN IT ewe Shithiesaatie AS A MIRROR [+ I'VE GOT \T POLISHED VP SO IT WiLL DO WILL THE PERSON WHO took jewellery from car parked near yacht club house at the Lake on Sunday afternoon, kind- ly return same by mail to Box 41 Times as they are known and avoid disagreeable action. (60c) ___Wanted to Rent WANTED © TO RENT--TRUCK stake body, drive yourself plan. Wanted Sept. 17, Phone 287°M. (61c) WANTED FURNISHED house, medium. size, reasonab:e rent, Good locality. Reply Box 421 Times, (6%e) WANTED TO RENT--2 TO 8 unfurnished rooms or apartment, suitable for light housekeeping, within four blocks of Hospital. Reply Box 325 Times. (61lc) 04952, King Fearures Syndicate, Inc, BY GOLLY! S50 BLANCY TOOK THE CAMPAIGH] FUNDS-WELL:! HOPE THE GANG FINDS HIM AN BEATS Great Britain rights reserved a \F THIS EVER GOT IN THE NEWSPAPERS THAT ONE OF ME WARD LEADERS TOOK ALL THE FUNDS, ME CHANCES OF BEN' ELECTED WouLD BE By Geo. McManus WELL: DID THEY FIND BLANCY ? THEY DID =THAT 1%, "HIPPO" CAFFEY CAUGHT tim AN Took THE MONEY AWAY FROM HIM -------- BUT NOW WE CAN'T FIND CAFFEY!