Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Sep 1932, p. 3

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.' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURBAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1932 ' PAGE THREE Bowmanville Daily Times- G. K. BROWN, Representative Office Telephone No. 744 W. DIPPEL WAS ROTARY SPEAKER Gave Interesting Talk on Development of O.A.C., Guelph The Bowmanville Rotary Club was sparsely attended on Friday, a number being away on holidays, and others out of town, but Ro- tary needs not numbers to make it rousing or interesting as the twenty-two with President J, C. Devitt very well proved. After a spirited song period, those who had enjoyed holiddys this sum:* mer. were given a chance to say what they did or how well they enjoyed the respite from labor. L. W. Dippel, who had spent some of his mid-summer holidays at the 0.A.C., Guelph, gave a short history of the Agricultural College from its birth in 1860, its precarious existence for some years, and its present high stand- ing as an Agricultural College in North America, It was first known as the Ontario School of Agriculture, and its first class of a dozen or more had to be paid to attend, then as the work of the College began to make a showing, the classes grew in number but no tuition fee was charged. The original site for the School was at Mimico, but this had been changed to Guleph as being more central and. eary of access and the soil more respresentative of the whole of the Province. The School was for a number of Vvears, more or less of a political football, and to Dr. Mills lies the credit of placing the Institution on his feet and outside the pale of political prejudice. Mr. Dippel outlined a few of the things that the 0.A.C, is doing for the farm- er that the farmer cannot do for himself; the study of disease pe- culiar to the products of the farm and the method of control; the introduction of new types of grain, etc. It takes about ten years to introduce a néw type of grain, and the speaker outlined the method of how it is done, in a very interesting and intelligent way. Other Rotarians who told of their holidays were Gordon Hefky, Harry Allin, Percy Cor- bett, Frank Mcllveen, D. Tom Ross. HIGH SCHOOL WINS |: sri LEAGUE PLAYOFF Qualify. to 'Meet Front St. in Series for Title High School Softball Team by winning two games in a row and eapturing the honours of the sec- ond schedule, now meet Front Street Nine, winners of the first schedule in a three-game series for the league championship, the first game to be played Monday evening at Central School grounds. The Goodyear Team gave the School Nine a close run for tHe honours in both final games, both teams fielding well and hits were a minus quantity in com- parison to the slugging that had taken place in previous games. In Thursday night's game Bill Bagnell,, the School's heavy hit- ter secured one-third of team's hits himself, making a single, a double and a home run. G. Adams registered a home run also but it was his only hit. Other school boys getting singles were Dunlop, H. Slemon, Wil- liams, Colmer and Mcllveen, For Goodyear, James secured a single, a double and a triple, three others on the Goodyear line-up making hits were Colwell, Moorecraft and Ormiston. In last night's game, Colmer, batting for the School in three times up made a double, a triple and a home run for a perfect 1000, High School-----E. Bagnell, ss: Dunlop, 3rd; H. Slemon, rf; Wil- fams, 2b; B. Bagnell, If; Adams, ¢: Colmer, 1h; Mecllveen, cf;, B. Slemon, pn. Goodyear--S, James, 1h; dard, If; Murphy, rf: Hobbs, B. Colwell, 2b: McMurter, ¢; Colwell, ss; Moorecraft, cf; miston, p. Thursday score 8.7; score 7-6. Umpires and Osborne, God- 3b; E. Or- Bottrell, Cameron DEATH OF NELSON PIPER Nelson Piper, a highly re- spected resident of Bowmanville, passed away at the family dence, Ontario street, about one o'clock Friday morning, death being due to an internal growth The late Mr. Piper was horn in Bowmanville seventy-two vears ago on the 18th of November, and had lived his entire life in and his passing has orably known after five weeks of illness, friends, and much sorrow in his immediate family. He was MeClennan's coal, lumber pard and Gill. of St. John's Anglican church sons and four daughters, all of whom live in Bowmanville ex- are Frank, Gilhooly), Lyle Wilson), ronto. The others Olle (Mrs. I. A, win, Nel ('%gx. George, Alma and Dorothy, the last three living at home. There are also, thirteen grandchildren. The funeral will be held on dence Ontario Street, at 3.30 the service being private, o'clock, where interment will take place, MAN ACQUITTED AT . Jos. Tedd, 72 Maclean Boule- vard, Toronto, who was fined $1.00 and costs in the Bowman? ville Police Court in June for the alleged taking of a fence post laying along side the road on the Scugog Highway, appealed the case, which was heard before County Judge IL. V. O'Connor here on Friday. The introduction of a new witness by the appel- lant, aided materially in favour. The charge against Tedd was laid by Mr. H. G. Holwell, or posts, Col. Boggs acted for Jury %& Lovell SAVE YOU MONEY --and-- SERVE YOU WELL Compare these prices for all next week: | Princess Soap Flakes 12 for 26¢ Corega, for false teeth 24c, 44c, 69¢ Scott's Emulsion 34e¢ and 67c Zam Buk Reg. 50¢ 29¢ the | | " Sd et-- we a cRNIE MARKS Ex-Mayor of Oshawa, director of the South Ontario Agricultural Society. the crown and Mr. Tedd's coun- sel was ('. N. McLean, of Toronto, Judge O'Connor said there was resi- the town He was wel] and fay- caused keen regret by his many for many years employed at Cannon and wood yard, and later with Shep- He was a member Besides his wife, he leaves four cept Albert, who lives in New To- Ir- Sunday afternoon at his late resi- will leave fof at 4.00. Friday j tor, APPEAL HEARING his | of Hampton. owner of the post | { Mrs, W. | assistant, | i rant conviction at this time and® and Mrs | | Street, not sufficient evidence to waAr- could do no other than to find he accused not guilty. | SOCIAL AND PERSONAL B. Hatley and daugh- (;ladys Hatley, of Harold Collins, of Toronto, who were returning from a motor trip to Montreal, spent Friday at the home of Mr. G. K. Brown, Mrs. J. Miss Orillia, and Mr. iK. Brown and spending the in Oril- G. are relatives and Mrs George, Mr son week-end with lia Mrs. J. O'Neill" is spending to- day with relatives and friends in Toronto Rowmanville sport taking in the baseball Newcastle this afternann when the Orono Ramblers play Belle. ville in a O.B.A.A. play-off game In the final game with Ganan- oque, Belleville = defeated the | Eastern team 17-3, so the ggort lovers are looking for a real bat- tle today K ed ron News fans are game at KEDRON, Sept, 7 Mr. apd Mrs. Frank Grigg and daughter, Mrs, Mitehell, of Alice Street, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. John Law- rie, Miss Bernice Lawrie, Mr Wilfred Lawrie, B.A., of Ontario Oshawa and Mr. Jack Wil son, of Whitby, were guests of A. D. VanDyke on Sunday. Miss Marjorie McGregor, R.N has returned home after a pleas- ant visit with friends in Toronto Mr. and Mrs, Allan Lavis and baby 'Douglas, and Miss Haze: VanDyke R.N., at Dr. Slemon's, Bowmanville, on Monday, Maxwell's School re-opened on Tuesday with Miss Flora McRob- erts, of Oshawa hack again as teacher. Messrs. Bert Montgomery and Lloyd McGregor of Cannington, were at John McGregor's for over the week-end and holiday. Miss Hazel VanDyke R.N., nr ceived a request from Alstead, New Hampshire to nurse a for mer patient whom she took care of in Laconia Hospital, New Hampshire, three years ago. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Downey and two children, of Dublin, Ont, and Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Lavis, uf Whitby, and other friends, were at Reeve Allan Lavis's on Suu- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tom|~ kins and little son Bobbie, Mrs. Alberta Prentice and daughter, Miss Jean Prentice, of Rochester N.Y., Mrs. A. D. VanDyke, Mrs EE. VanDyke and baby Aleta and Miss Haze] VanDyke R.N., were guests of relatives in Oshawa and Brooklin, last week. Master Donald Lavis is stayinz with his grandparents, Mr, and Lavis, Whitby and is at- tending the Whithy High School. Mr. Harvey Crossman and" his Mr. Miller are: busy threshing in this vicinity. WORLD MEET OF SCOUTS TO BE HELD The world economic situation will not prevent the holding in Hungary next year of the 4th World Boy Scout Jamboree, ac- cording to Dr. de Molnar, Hun- zarian Scout Commissioner, in Ottawa recently. Applications for camping space have had to be restricted in the case of Great Britain, France and a num. ber of other countries, Mentholatum 22¢ and 39¢ Dodd's Kidney Pills 29c Enos' Fruit Salts Ige. 79¢ Gin Pills. 29¢ Lavoris 19¢, 37¢, 73¢ 18¢, 2 for 35¢ Sal Hepatica 24¢, 47¢, 93¢ Gibb's Dentitrice 16¢ and 24e¢ BUY WHERE PRICES ARE LOWEST AND KEEP YOUR MONEY IN OSHAWA. COMING EVENTS 8 Cents per word each in. sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 85c. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SAT- urday this week, Jubilee Pavi- lion, Jack Evans and his Man- hattan Blue Blowers. 8 piece band, ~ (56, 57, 59) WESTMOUNT PAVILION TO- night, Harlem pces, seven piece Colored Band Ladies . 25c, gents 35¢ includes daneing. (59a) WESTMOUNT PAVILION SUN- day, Sept. 11, Midnite Frolic, Jimmy Barber's Radio Artists. Admission 35c, includes danc- ing. (59a) REBECCA LODGE NO. 3. 1.0. O.F. will held their opening meeting in the lodge rooms, I-7ne Whitby Daily Times- Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the Whitby Branch Office at Gazette and Chronicle.~Telephone 23. After Business Hours "hone 839. WHITBY EDITOR--JAMES H. ORMISTON [ Impressive QUOR GASES IN POLICE COURT Man Named Beer Had Beer Without Permit--Two Men Fined In Police Court this afternoon Earl Beer, of Port Perry, pleaded guilty to having liquor in his pos session without a permit, aud was fined $100 and costs, the fine being paid, He was found in a car with a case of heer by Ch'ef Quantrill and Constable Roach. Jack Horne, loca] man, charg- ed with being intoxicated in a public place, was fined $10 an: costs, He was found sitting in a car, A warrant has been issued for the apprehension of Mrs. Schrie- ber, local woman, charging her with keeping liquor for sele. The Chief and Constable Roach visit- ed her home on Kent Street on Thursday night, but found no ii- quor, However, the police have witnesses who =ay that they bought liquor from the woman, and as a result a charge has been laid. WON 21 PRIZES AT THE EXHIBITION Including Six Specials for Poultry and Grand Champion Bird At the Canadian National Ex hibition Poultry Show this week Night Constable John Thomas es. tablished a prize winning record. He was awarded four first prizes, three seconds, a third andsa fifth He also won eleven specials, six silver cups and had the best dis- play of Barred Rocks and alsc the grand champion bird of the whole show. The constab'e, who is a well known local poultry fancier, had ahout 20 birds cn display and had to compete against more exhibitors than ever hefore. The prizes won by Constable Thomas at the Exhibition this vear would almost fi]] a store window. Magistrate J. E. Willis, an- other local poultryman and exhl- bitor at the Fair for gome years. won six prizes this year, ANNIVERSARY AT TYRONE CHURCH Services Fol- lowed by Celebration Events on Monday (Mrs. W. H. Taylor, dent) TYRONE Sept. 9 ----Harvest Home Anniversary services which were held on Sundav and Mon day, Sept. 4th and 5th, were a Very great SUCCesSs. On Sunday Rev, H. M. Wootton of Picton areached two excellent sermons Music was gupplied by the choir assisted by Mrs, (Rev.) A. M Wootton and Mr. Andy Orchard, soloists On Monday afternoon a soft- halt tournament was played be- tween Bowmanville's business men and Providence's married men resulting in the Providence's men winning. Providence's mar- ried men then played with Ty- rone's married men, which re- sulted in a tie. A chicken pie sup- per was served until all were sat- isfied, after which a splendid con. cert was put on by the voung people of Albert Street Church, Oshawa. A play, "Jimmie, be careful," was splen- didly given and much enjoyed. Also the music between acts which consisted of solos, duefs and quartettes was well given Rev. and Mrs. J. W Down, Exeter, recently spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Theo- dore. Dr. and Mrs, C. W. Slemon, Harold, Marion. Boyd and Keith, Miss Marion Staples, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Virtue and Dorothy, Oshawa, were Sun- day visitors at Mr, William Sta- ples'. Mr. Willlam Hambly, Guelph, Miss Elva Virtue and Misses Ina and Reta Carr, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Laura Virtue. Mr. and Mre, Fred Kerslake and Miss Reta Kerslake, Hamp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. William Mar- tin and daughter, Thelma, Oro- no, spent Sunday at Mr, Byron Moore's. Mr. Frank Richard, Newcastle, Mrs. Garbutt, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net McCoy, Bowmanville, Mrs. James Curtis, Hampton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Mutton. Mrs. William Chapman and Master Jimmy Woodley, Hamp- ton, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werry and Allyn, Enniskillen, spent Sunday at Mr. Russell Wright's. Mr, and Mrs. J. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barber, Miss Hazel Morrison, Miss C. Macken- zie, Toronto, were week-end vis- ftors of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ste- wart and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Doidge. Sa- lem, Mr. and Mrs, David Hoop Sunday with er, Orono, spent Mrs. James Storie. Mr. and Mrs. William Little, Oshawa, gpent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs. William Little, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Cann, Sa- lem, spent Sunday at Mr. Luther Hooper's, Mr. and Mrs, George Annis and Miss Ada Annis, Courtice, spent Sunday 'at Mr. A. W. Annis'. Miss Ruby Virtue is gpending a few days with friends in Toron- to. Correspon- Lorne Mrs. spent Levi Skinner's. / Mr. and Mrs. . Mr. and Providence, day at Mr. McCoy, Fred Sun- Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, or by ap- pointment at all times. C. H. Tuck, Opt. D. Eyesight Specialist Disney Block, - Oshawa, Wednesday evening, Sept. 14, at 8 o'clock, (59a) Opp. P.O. 1516--Phone--1516 United | entitled | Haydon Crosman, dent) HAYDON, Sept Sanderson and Mr. Charlie on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Milton Slemon and song visited with relatives at Hampton, on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin visit- ed friends at Little Brittain Miss Ruth MeNeil who has been holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. A. Grant, Toronto, has re- turned home Mr. and Mrs. (Mrs. R. Correspon* 8. --Mr. John family visited Virtue, Enniskillen, James Hall, Mr and Mrs, Gordon Lennox and Muriel, Bireh Cliff, wers recent visitors at Mr..David Hall's Myr. and Mrg, Walter Wheeler and baby, Miss Florence Wheel- er, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Kedron, visited Mr Cecil Crossman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and family, Whithy, visited and Mrs. Richard McNeil, Sunday Mr. Ernest Young, Toronto, las Trewin. Miss Ruby Smith, who has heen visiting with her uncle, Mr, Silas Trewin, has returned to har home in Whitby. Mr. Herb. Stainton and fam- Vanstone Mr. on Bill Si- Ingles, Mr visited Mr, SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING CALLED (Continued from page 1) ministration Methods in the mat. ter of direct relief in Ontario," rocently adopted by the Ontario Government and jssued in print- ed form, reads as follows: "It is recommended that the Provincial Government specify ae a standard plan the setting up ot a Public Welfare Board in each municipality which is receiving assistance from the Province and the Dominion toward direct re- lef, "1t is suggested that the mini- mum municipal relief organiza- tion should be such a Public Wel. fare Board composed of a suffi- cient number of persons to prop- erly conduct welfare administra tion in each municipality and who, at the option of the Provip- cial Government, shall be repre. sentative of the sources from which the funds are supplied." It ig upon this paragraph-in the official government report that the City Council will take action on Monday. HOPES PRESENT RELIEF MACHINE WILL BE RETAINED (Continued from FOBO regarding the appointment of a Central. Emergency Relief Com- mittee, being common knowledge and confirming this, Wants Ladies To Work "Whit I would like to see the Public Welfare Board do" said the Mayor "is organize a committee of ladies, voluntary workers in each district, who would undertake the task of investigating the circum stances of applicants for relief 'We know, as others do, that a more careful investigation of each individual case of relief would be advantageous and result in greater economy, With our present staff we have been unable to cope effi ciently with this task, and a City Council cannot very well call for assistance from voluntary workers The Public Welfare Board, co-oper- ating with some 'Community League' or charitable organization such as that suggested in the Government's report on relief, would be in a very different position on this matter, and might well call upon pubic spirited ladies for aid" said the Mayor 1) ily visited Mr. A. McNeil Misg Montgomery, Toronto, visiting her daughter, Mrs Hen. ry Ashton Messrs, Fred and Louis Ash- ton; Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here, Sunday sthool will meet at 10 o'clock. Church service will be- gin at 2 o'clock--Rev AM Wotton in charge. | ; | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS PIANO CLASSES Mrs. L. Usher, ATCM., 77 Wesrmoreland Ave., will resume her piano and theory classes again, For particulars telephone: No. 1123]. HUMANE SOCIETY'S REPORT The following is the report of J. L. Orr, inspector of the Osha- wa Humane Society, for the month of August: Horseg inspect~ ed, 6; horses working unfit, 0; dogs destroyed, 11; dogs killed on streets, 7; dog-biting, 2; dogs quarantined, 2; dogs sent to homes, 1; investigations, 7; cats destroyed, 22; cats killed on streets, 10; cats sent to homes, 7; cats abandoned in empty homes, 4. WINS PRIZE J. Anderson, 89 R( .. ough Avenue, Oshawa, is listed as one of the winners of the prizes in the eighth Old Chum Picture Ti- tle Contest, winning a prize of two dollars. The first prize of $100 went to William Donald- son, 174 Stewart Street, Peter- boro. TO SPEAK AT ROTARY Rev. Profesor W, C. Graham, M.A., 8.T.M., of the University of Chicago, will be the speaker at the luncheon of the Oshawa Ro- tary Club on Monday. Professor Graham is a nephew of- Alex. Creighton, of this city, whose guest he will be while here. He will speak on some of the eau- cational problems which are met with in the University of Chi- cago. OUT OF THE CITY Mayor Thomas Hawkes was out of the city this morning on civic business in Toronto. The usual number of visitors were waiting to interview him in his office. + WESTERN SCOUTS AT OTTAWA CONFERENCE The valuable educational ex- perience of Scout service at the recent Imperial Economic Con- ference wes not confined to Ot- tawa Scouts. First opportunity was given outside boys, and in résponse 4 Scouts came from Al- berta, 7 from Saskatchewan, 2 from Quebec and 13 from out- side Ontario points. The Scouts of the Capital were used as a re- serve. Activities of the farm board during the past three years have heen prejudical to the cotton market and have contributed to a large extent to the low price level.--Oscar Johnston, cuuton planter who operates 50,000 ac- res at Scott, Miss. Some people are commended for a giddy kind of good humor, which ig ag much a virtue as drunkenness. --Pope RUST PROOF @® When you shave with the Gillette BLUE SUPER-BLADE. you get the exclusive advan- tage of specially tempered steel protected with rustless finish. The Blue Blade is made in addition to the regular Gillelte Blade sold in the green package. tion on my part. Name. FREE TRIAL COUPON GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO., LTD. 1085 St. Alexander St, Montreal, Que. Gentlemen: I'd like to try the Gillette Blue Super-Blade. Please send me one absolutely free and without obliga. go7CB (Osh.-207-9-9) Addr, City. 'South Ontario F AIR SEPT. 12-13- 14% CENTRAL ONIXTARIO'S LEADING FALL FAIR FEATURING Agricultural Products Automobile Exhibits Horse Races - Midways Hundreds of Other Attractions Plan To Artend The Fair

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