ort ------ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1932 "PAGE FIVE _ Splendid Entertainment Features Coming to Fair SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL -- SOCIETY OFFICERS FOR 1932 -- Hon.-Presidents=Mayor Thos. Hawkes, Oshawa; Mayor Ed. Bowman, Whitby ; W. A, Lavis, Oshawa; Chas, Magkey, Brooklin; E.'L, Chap- man, Pickering; F, L. Mason, Oshawa: W. H. Moore, M.P., Dun- barton; G.'B. Mothersill, Oshawa; Job White, Brooklin; Dr. T. E. Kaiser, Oshawa; Dr. Jas. Moore, Brooklin: D, M, Tod, Oshawa; Inis Grant, Myrtle Station; Col. R, B. Smith, Oshawa; J. S. Kyle, Oshawa; Oscar Downey, Myrtle Station; V. B. Woodruff, Oshawa; Thomas Hall, Brooklin, Hon. Directors--J. E. Disney, Whitby; W. H. Stainton, Oshawa; Robt. Brooks, Oshawa; Wesley Glaspell, Oshawa; Geo. Hart, Oshawa; L. B. Beath, Columbus; W. A Dryden, Brooklin, ent: W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C., M.P.P,, Oshawa, First Vice-President F. T. ROWE, Whitby Second Vice-President: DR. W, GIFFORD, Oshawa Secretary-Treasurer: CHAS. P. DAVIS, OSHAWA DIRECTORS: . W. D. Dyer, Columbus Ross McKinnon, Oshawa. Col. J. B. McCormick, Oshawa J. A. Jacklin, Columbus" A. E. Grass, Columbus D. W. Thompson, Brooklin Geo. C. Allchin, Oshawa R. D. Preston, Oshawa' A. L. Bouckley, 'Oshawa N. Down, Oshawa W, B. Rowe, Oshawa Alfred Ayre, Hampton Harry H. Cawker, Oshawa. L. Fisher, Oshawa Russell Richardson, Columbus. L.Osier, Oshawa. sier, LShawd ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS: M. Duff, Myrtle Geo. Brown, Brooklin Ernie Marks, Oshawa E. W. Webber, Columbus John Baker, Hampton Wm. Croskery, Uxbridge; Harold Hayes, Columbus; Wm. Bickle, Osh- | awa; Geo. Robinson, Oshawa; Allan Moore, Pickering; J. W. Gra- ham, Brooklin; 'H. D. Wilson, Oshawa; Russel Storks, Oshawa; J. | J. Ormiston, Oshawa; F. Wilcoxon, Columbus; F. O. Kirby, Osh- N. White, Myrtle; Miss 'I. Mc- | awa; N. S. Baird, Oshawa; Mrs. and night preparatory for the judgz- ing which takes place on the mop ing of Tuesday, September 13th. is not applicable 'to the Live Stock .| Exhibit which does not appear on the grounds until Tuesday, Septem- ber 13th. The 'admission gates open Tues- dav, September 13th, at 8 o'clock a. m, Judging of ladies' work, fine arts, flowers, fruits, roots, veget- ables, grains and sgeds commences at '830. This continues until 11.30 at which time the main and ladies' buildings open to the public, The midway opens at 11.30, At 12 noon the Directors meeting 'and luncheon is held. Hon, G. H, Ferguson, High Commissioner to London, will ad- dress the meeting. ' At 1 pm. judging of the junior exhibits starts. At 1.30 judging of the Live Stock commences. This continues till 4.30 pm. At 2 pm. the big show in front of the grand stand is on. Exhibition of the famous" hunters and jumpers of 'Col. R. S. McLaughlin, trials of speed (2.18 class and 2.27 class) pre- liminary judging of light horses in harness including lady drivers and gentlemen's turnouts, free acts and band ' music. At 8 o'clock p.m. the rtight show starts with band music, Community singing, big girl revue, free acts and fire works. ' 0, Wednesday, September 14th, the gates open at 8 am. Buildings open at 830, Midway opens at 9. Directors meeting 'at 12 noon, Judg- ing of livestock is resumed at 1.30; 4he Big Show in front of the Grand Stand is repeated with the '2.15 and 2.23 classes in the trials of speed. At 4 o'clock the paratle of the live stock winners is' staged in front of the Stand, and at 8 pm, the night show is repeated, The horse shoe pitching * contest continues for two days, commencing at 2 pm, on Tuesday, 13th in the singles and again at 2 p.m.'on Wed- nesday, September: 14th, in the doubles, the finals of both being de- cided on the afternoon 'of Septem- ber 14th. . The chap who is his own worst enemy is too often the best friend to a lot of other folks,--Brandon Sun, Baby Show Big Feature Of 1932 Oshawa Fair One of the big features of the Oshawa Fair each year is the baby show, in which there are competitions open to all babies of Ontario and Durham Counties only. The directors are offering, in all, $42.00 in prizes in the five competition classes, and it is likely that hundreds 'of babies will be on ~hand at the big judging tent at three o'clock in the after noon of Wednesday, 'September 14, whe,, the baby show is to be held.. There is no entrv fee for any of these competi- tions, and entries need not be 'made until the day of the show, when they can be made to the director who is in charge. Dr. F. J. ' Rundle of Oshawa, will act as judge, The following is a list of the classes in which prizes are offered: . ' Ist Best Bahy Boy--over 6 months of age and under. ' 12 months 2nd Best Baby Girl--over 6 months of age and under 12-months 4c..oiinvsesiinss . 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 Best Baby Boy--6 months of age and under .... Best Baby Girl--6 months of age and under ses Twins under 12 months of age sssvoesvevssseenes From the Warden of Ontario County / | In an agricultural community like that of Ontario | County it is essential that the farmers should take a pride in producing the best in stock and grain to encourage the fine work the South Ontario Agri- cultural Society has for years given its best efforts. It is a real pleasure to support the Directors in mak- ing this Oshawa fair of the greatest possible value in promoting good farming and progressive" in- dustry. R. SOMERVILLE, Warden of the County of Ontario. || Clellan, Whitby; Mrs. J. Baker, Hampton; Miss E. Moore, Brook- |i lin; Mrs.' W. A. S. McNeely, Brooklin. Auditors--Cyril Luke, Oshawa; T. H. McMurtry, Oshawa. COMMITTEES IN CHARGE OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS AT 1932 OSHAWA FAIR | Management--Ross Mackinnon; J. S. Kyle; Col. B. J. J. A. Jacklin; F. T. Rowe; Oscar Downey; W. E. N. Sinclair, McCormick; K.C., M.L.A. Heavy Horses--Frank Wilcoxon; Rowe; Thos. Hall. Innis Grant; Mark Duff; Fred Light Morses--Arthur Grass; J. J. Ormiston; Jno. Graham; Harold Hayes; Geo. Brown. Cattle--E. W. Webber; Russel Beath; Douglas Thompson; E. L. Chapman; Norman Down Sheep--W. Glaspell; Alfred Ayers; Bert Glaspell; Jack Balsam. Ladies' Building--J. S. Kyle; H. Baker; Mrs. H. W. Armstrong; Mrs. A. J. Stalter. Main Building--Wm. Rowe; Robt. Brooks; Wm. Dyer; Wm. Cro kery: A. L. Bouckley; Miss W. A. S. McNeely. Baby Show---R. D. Preston; Mrs. McClellan; Mrs. J. Baker. \ \ p WRAL i VANE - \ \ a Nw. i /, (i Ji ity ' . \ YN o\® Tv Richardson; Jno. Baker: J} FP D. Wilson; Mrs. N. White; Mrs, J I. McClellan; Miss E. Moore; Mrs N. White; Miss E. Moore;. Miss I. Entertainment and Attractions--J. S. Kyle; Frank L. Mason; Col. B. J. McCormick; Leon Osler; Etnie Marks; Col. Robt. Smith; W. H. Moore, M.P. Printing and Advertising--W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., M.L.A., Leon | Osier; J. S. Kyle; Dr. W, Gifford; Col. B. J. McCormick. | Trials of Speed--V. B. Woodruff; N. S. Baird. Dr. T. E. Kaiser; Dr. Jas, Moore; Tickets, Gates and Grand Stand--Dr. W, Gifford; Fred Rowe; Oscar Downey. Grounds (Light and Water) --Geo. Brown; R. D. Preston; H. H. | Cawker; Geo. Allchin; Russell Storks; J. A. Jacklin. | Police---Oscar Downey; E.*W, Webber; H. H. Cawker; D. M.-Tod. | Parade--Fred Rowe; Geo. Brown; A. E. Grass; E. B. Webber; G, | B. Mothersill. Finance--W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C., F. L. Mason; J. S. Kyle; Geo. Hart; Rowe; Dr. W. Gifford; J. A. Jacklin. M.P.P.; Ross Mackinnon; | Oscar Downey; F. T. HIGH LIGHTS OF OSHAWA FAIR ARE OUTLINED BY SECRETARY By CHAS. P. DAVIS Jecretary, 'South Ontario Agri. cultural Society Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, High Commissioner to London, will this year officially open our Falr and it is 'anticipated that a huge crowd will be on hand when this event takes place. Full particulars of this will appear elsewhere in this paper. The Fair lasts three 'days, Mon- "day, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sep- tember 12th, 13th and 14th. Mon- day, September 12th 1s Preparation Day and no admissions are charged. | Tuesday and Wednesday are shou days and admissions both day and | night are 25 cents to adults and 10 | cents to children. Admissions 'to the Grand Stand are 15 cents to | adults and 10 cents to children, | On Monday, the 'buildings are | open and the various committees | See the New 1932 PROSPERITY At Oshawa Fair Watch for the Free demonstration of this popular range oil burner which will be on display at the Fair next week. Look For the "Prosperity Tent" . Sold and Installed by R.H. LOCKWOOD 288 Arthur St. Phone 752) PIIOSPERITY OIL BURNER COMPANY Schomberg, Ontario gi i Si ge SET EY Most Popular Line of See the New are In charge to receive the vari- || ous exhibits. These are placed in (8 ll 1 Y » V e Y a Nn Line o f Automobiles AT THE FAIR We are, of course, interested in the prosperity of South Ontario and Willys-Overland plays no small part in the welfare of the industrial life of Oshawa. Tens of thousands of dollars are spent annually with Oshawa manufacturers and we therefore are indeed sin- cere when we express our wish for success to the South Ontario Agricultural Society in the presentation of the Fair at Oshawa next week. Willys-Overland products are becoming more and more popular and we will be only too pleased to demonstrate their many fine qualities either at the Fair or at our showrooms at Courtice. ; COURTICE ROY W. NICHOLLS Phone 180 r 22