PAGETEN = BE a RA THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1932 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday September 12-13 - 14 After months of careful planning, the Directors of the South Ontario Agri- - cultural Society today an- nounce to the public, their full program for the Fair to be held in Alexandra Park, Oshawa, next Mon- day, Tuesday and Wed. nesday. They have carc- fully studied the tastes of the people, and believe they are presenting the best show in all the his- tory of the Fair. Educa- tion by proper exhibits has been kept as the fore. most object, but with equal care they have studied to entertain and "FEE EEEE-------- please the people with the best and latest features such as Music, Midway, Races, and other attractions. All of these features are dealt with in this special Fair Number of the Oshawa Daily Times. The co-operaticn of the Directors has made this possible, and they have enlisted the support of the service clubs, the schools, the farmers, and public-spirited citizens generally. The Fair time has come and they now ask the co-operation cf the people, far and wide to complete these successful efforts. The Fair is a community institution. It brings country and » city people together, with the products and exhibits frcm the farm and the city displayed side by side. Today. more than ever, if we are to recover from our present condition, we need a market for the products of the farm. The Fair, if properly supported, will create a better spirit of community interest and a greater stimulus to inter. change of commodities. As President of the Society, I will feel that whatever efforts I have made this year to aid the Fair have been well repaid if there is a great throng of people in Alexan- dra Park here next Tuesday and Wednesday" seeing the exhibits and enjoying the entertainment affcrded. I invite everybody, young and old, to visit the Fair and join in this annual get-together of the people of this community. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, President. = A ------" a -- A 01 AAAI. TRIALS OF SPEED Directors in Charge of the Various Departments Keport Progress Everyone is familiar with the fact that 1932 produced an abun- dance of fruit, flowers and vegetables, grains and seeds, but while there was an abundance of these lines this year, yet we all love the perfect specimen and that particular bit of pride of Ontario County will truly, be shown this year at the Fair. WM. ROWE, Sh Chairman of the Main Bldg. Committee, It has been my pleasure during the many years that I have been associated with the Fair to take a keen interest and active part in the promotion of the Ladies' fancy work department and I am happy indeed to annouce that the work of this committee will be crowned with one of the most beautiful displays ever exhibited at our Fair. J. S. KYLE Chairman of the Ladies' Building Committee. Ontario County has many lovers of beautiful sheep and the exhibits this year will prove beyond a doubt that this County is still producing as fine a line of sheep as any other district in the Dominion. This year's Sheep Exhibit will excel and you are in line to see something unusual at the Fair. W. GLASPELL, Chairman of the Sheep Committee. South Ontario's Fair has won an enviable reputation for high class Trials of Speed and this year will prove to be no excep- tion, if anything, the races this year will be better than ever be- fore. For excitement, good races, etc., come to the Fair. V. B. WOODRUFF, Chairman of the Horse Racing Committee. The Canadian National Exhibition is nearly over. The South Ontario Agricultural Society's Fair follows and in one depart- ment particularly these two Fairs are similar, in that many of the prize cattle to be seen at Toronto's big Exhibition may also GE 3 ' i a B i gx = 5 ,. @ Yr Oe UE GR OREN DRE Furnishing » - ib ask in 7 LB 7 td : : i gy --Everyone will enjoy this year's Midway 'Hundreds will attend Oshawa Fair this year simply to enjoy this entertainment. MERRY-GO-ROUNDS, WHIPS, MIX- | UPS, FERRIS WHEELS, AERIAL | SWINGS, SIDE SHOWS --everything to provide entertainment for young and old. LIVE STOCK The finest Horses of all classes, Cattle, Sheep and Swine, with a big display of Poultry, will make a great Live Stock Exhibit. A Parade on Wednesday at 4 p.m., will show the pick of the Horses and Cattle in front of the Grand Stand. A good list of Trials of Speed will be prepared for the second and third days of the Fair. Large purses will be seen in the cattle barns on the Oshawa Fair Grounds. We look forward this year in exhibiting to those attending our Fair accredited herds, second to none in the County. Ontario County has produced some of the best pure-bred Shorthorn and Holstein cattle to be found anywhere. We invite you to see these at our coming Fair. FREE ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS We promise you more real amusement features and novelty free attractions than has ever been presented to you before. Every- thing will be interesting, enjoyable and pleasing. Get out the "Flivver" and bring the family for a real holiday- be offered for competition . A special program will be announced later. Good speeding attractions will be put on both Tuesday and Wednesday. E. W. WEBBER, Chairman of the Cattle Committee. Everyone loves a thorougbred, especially in Horses and lovers of these will enjoy the Big Show of Light Horses to be seen at the Fair this year. The Light Horse Committee fully ap- preciate the courtesy of Col. R. S. McLaughlin in presenting his Hunters and Jumpers, in order that the 1932 Exhibit will surpass all our previous Light Horse Shows. A. E. GRASS, Chairman Light Horse Committee. The outstanding breeders of heavy horses have expressed their desire to exhibit some of their best animals at our com- ing Fair and the year 1932 will undoubtedly bring to us some of the finest Clydesdales and Percherons to be found .n the Country. The Draught and Agricultural Class have always been well filled and it is expecied that this year will be no exception. FRANK W. WILCOXON, Chairman Heavy Horse Committee. It always pleases me greatly and I am sure that I am not alone in this admiration of the Babyhood of our County. The Baby Show at our Fair always ranks with the best, and to those who love the infants with their cheerful baby smiles and prattle, will attend the Fair and see this Show. R. D. PRESTON, Chairman of the Baby Show Co mittee, dopo 7 SI nd .§ gf rt a ' i or 5 | Come To Oshawa Fair