THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAYS 3 RUST 9, 1932 by KATHLEEN NORRIS In love with Peter McCann, son of McCann, noted New York jurist, Carscadden, learned from the: own lips that he loved her but: another girl, Gertrude' were married, her family was shocked and she became very angry. She had Just declared she would leave home for-: ever when Frank McCann , Peter's older, , appeared. He quieted Shella, explaining that he and Joe had given a marriage announcement to the news- papers as the best way out of a diffi. cult situation. The next day, which was St. Patrick's Day, Jutge and Mrs, MeCann proposed that Peter and Sheila marry. "And admit we were lying!" ella exclaimed angrily hurrying the McCann home. As she was si an ply t b she, stopped to read of the positions offered.' INSTALMENT XX Bheila stood reading these cards, P~r breast smoldering. They were all against her, the McCanns, and' Joe, and Ma. Everyone. Even Frank had smiled as he handed her: over to Peter--to Peter, who had departed from Sheila's dreams for- ever, who was less to her now than that casual clerk "fr'm the office," who had been waiting for "Misther Frank," in the McCanns' hallway. "It wouldn't be open on a holi- day," Shella reflected, looking up ithe dark, uninviting stairway that Jurched toward "Mrs, O'Connor's 'Famous Employment Bureau." "Here's what'll decide it," she said aloud. "If it's open, T'll try it! And {if I don't want to do it, I can back out. And anyway, I'd have to go 'home for my clothes, and probab- dy Ma and Joe'd be home, and ithey'd not let me go. But if I get away this time, it's for good!" She mounted the crazy stairway and laid her hand on the knoo of the glass-paneled doorway that in- dicated O'Coanor's. The knob turned, the door opened, and Sheila found herself alone in a shabby, spacious office, with a kindly-look- ing woman of fifty, whose face in- stantly told her that if this was not Mrs, O'Connor, at least it might be. "I want a job!" Sheila said, going in. Mrs. O'Connor proved to be an alfectionate and encouraging per- son. "Now, I'll tell you, dear," she said to Sheila. "What did you say your [name was?" "Mary Moore." "Tl tell you, Mary. I don't often [keep open on holidays, but 1've a rush order I couldn't do nothing with yesterday, and I've had to put it into today. There's a federation lof business clubs meeting at At- [lantic City this week, and every place down there is full. You've igot a reference, dearie, from some- one that knows you. your teacher, ior the parish priest?" "I can get it." "Get it, then. And take the fourso'clock to Atlantic City--youll get your fare and your lunch money back. Go to the Pendergast Inn. It's not on the broadwalk, it's a block back, but it's finer than many wf the waterfront places. Go there 'and ask for Mrs. Kearney; she's the housekeeper. She's a lovely won.un. I've sent her help these twenty years, "It's only fourteen dollars," Mrs. 10'Connor continued hardily. "What jof it? It's something, these times, isn't it, with everything found. | Everything found. Everything {found, think of it. Now you owe me six me when you like. Some of the girls pay half ithis week and half the next. {There's another convention going down soon. She told me there wasa Imonth in it, surely. And then {tT ibe almost May, what do you know {about that? You could easy stay, son, right into the season. The. sea-; sen's getting earlier every year." She was making entries with a; { ifat soft hand, in a big book. She: isaid she would pay hall "That's entirely satisfactory to yme," Mrs, O'Connor told her, am- isbly, "They want nice, quiet-look- Ying girls, and theyll like you. I suppose you haven't a sister or a cousin who'd like to go with you? | It's quite a lark, the girls say." | "No, I haven't' Sheila said, And | to herself she added, when she was; | in the quiet, snowy street again, "Ii| very likely won't go myself!" ~ Bhe went home, and found the! {three dreary rooms of the Bronx | {apartment empty and dark. Angela | had gohe away with Neely and Liz- zie. The sight of the place remind-,| led Sheila of the day's desolating'| iadventures, of Ma's unkinaness, of; | Joe's doubts, of the McCann family: iwho were so ready to believe that! {she would run away with their pre-. iclous son and be married by a jus- [tice of the peace! : Joe had an old imitation leather Suitcase, Sheila dragged. it out from under the big bed and began to pack it, crying hard as she did 80. She prayed that they would jeoms 8 and Jina Fn at it; they jw [3 persuading ther not to go! To be sure, she had given Mrs. O'Connor three dollars, but then: 'what were three dollars in a crisis like this? The thought of the money reminded Sheila of her pre- clous fifty dollars, and she took it out of the drawer of the kitchen le, to look at it lovingly. She put: wo bills. back again, crying harder 'than ever, Ma should have them, Ma hadn't had forty dellars very | often in life, Less than an hour later, turning into their street, and supporting his emotionally exhausted mother with a firm arm, Joe Carscadden said suddenly: "Did you see that girl across the Street, Ma?" "I saw nobody." + "I guess I'm seeing Sheila every- Joe all but Ag short in his slow pacing, to give his mother an astounded glance, "Why shud she marry 'im if she doesn't want to!" Mrs, Oarscadden pursued valiantly, "There's as good Jen in the say as that one iver wud "Well, honest, Ma--" Joe began. Snowflakes were lightly powder- ing the shabby old widow's veil that Mrs. Carscadden had worn for ale most eighteen years; she stopped in the street, and faced her son. "I don5't know what they think she done," pursued the mother, "but there isnt' a bad bone in her!" "But, Ma, the way you talked--" "Joe, you'd never belave that of la!" "1 don't know what they think "I sorter thought Sheila'd want to marry him, and he wouldn't want to marry her. I'm all mixed up!" "Me hear'rt went out to her, the little bould-faced colleen," Mrs. Carscadden said fondly, "They were all agin her, an' she faced them down an' "outwitted the lot of them!" "But, Ma, you didn't part then!" "I blame meself that I didn't, then,' Mrs. Carscadden said, walk- take her ing on. "You have to hand it to her for this," Joe said. "His having money didn't matter two cents to her! She didn't want him, and that was all there was to it." "It speaks weil for her, it does 80," said her mother. "I thought it did!" "There's few ger'rls wouldn't jump at a lad that has all he has." "I'll tell the world there are!' "But you'd not get Sheila to in- thrigue for 'um, just because he was a rich mans' son." "I'll swear I felt sorry for her!" Joe said suddenly, as they entered the dark, odorous doorway of home. "She seemed so alone, poor kid, there in that big room, with every cne of us riding her." "They had me so twisted sbout, Joe," Mrs. Carscadden said confid- entially, arresting him on the long stairs, "I didn't know what they were after. Did they want her to marry 'um, or didn't they?" "I think they thought Peter had got her into something, and the only decent thing for him to do was stand by her." "But you don't think so, Joe?' his mother asked seriously. "No." He hesitated. "Of course, at first I thought she and Peter were just stringing us," he confes- sed, "and then all of a sudden while we were there it came over me that she was telling the truth.' "I hope she's not mad at us," Mrs. Carscadden murmured fearfully at the door, "Sheila? Oh, she never siays mad," he said comfortably. "I'll make her a batch of muffins for supper; she likes them!" the woman decided. "It scalds me that she told me yesterda', Joe," she added, "that she'd been cookin' a pot-roast, an' I never. said anything to her about it!" "You certainly rode her!" Joe sald, stooping to grope for the door. knob in the dark. "Not any more than the rest of you," the mother protested uncom- fortably, "Look how Lizzie done!" "Yes, but 8heila only minded it from you, Ma." "Oh, Joe," Mrs. Carscadden sald, pathetically, "don't say that, dear"r!' "Why, you know dammed well how 'Sheila feels when she thinks' you're off her, Ma, It's locked; she's not home!" Joe said blankly, of the door. "Joe, she must be home!" "She's not. She couldn't lock herself in, could she?" Joe asked, producing the key from its usual hiding place on the top of the door jamb, "Oh, God forgive us, Joe, where would she ba!" | "Maybe she went to Marg'ret's." | "She'd not do that, Joe, She was droppin' with the fatigue that was on her!" "She'll be back,' 'Joe said, unx- ously. His mother made no answer. Joe heard her whispering prayers as they went into the dark empty rooms together, Sheila wore an alpaca uniform that had belonged to some girl who had basely deserted the Pendergast Hotel the season before, and a white organdie ajvon and butter- fly cap. She slept in a long loft ror ahova the garage where there were six beds. At one end of the room was a washroom with a snow- er and two tin basins, and above the basins was hung a card of printed rules for all the chamber- maids and waitresses at the hotel. The must wear fresh tniforms daily, bathe daily, wear haii-nets end manicure at least once daily. "Does anyone?" Sheila asked Nelly, the girl who had showed her where things were and what she must, do. " Nelly merely laughed disagree ably, Never the world had there ever béen contempt more stinging, biting, complete than tyat Nelly felt for everything connected with the Pendergast Hotel. Nelly's fav- orite comment upon Sheila's inno- cence ad ignorance was a scorn- ful smiie, and Sheila came to the int when she could anticipate smile, and avoid it. Sheila only asked questions the first day. After that she was tos tired fo be interested in any thing. Her feet burned, her ankles ached, 'and she told Nelly that her spine ¥ was like a rope with redhot knots it. iv A ' (To be continued.) Ei. | TEETHING BABIES THRIVE on Vitamin-Rich Scott's Emulsion EASY TO DIGEST (where!" Joe said, "It looked like her," 3 it ng -- --- ~ WANTED For the Fall Term DESIRABLE STUDENTS To Entér The General Hospital of Port Arthur (Accredited School of Nursing) Apply to Superintendent Social and Personal Readors are invited to sub mit social and personal items for publication in this col Kindly send ama. or phone them to The Times office, office Phone 85 or after hours to Miss Lols Mundy, Phone 812. Mrs. James E, Howard and children of Oshawa are visiting in North Lunenburg with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Aruthnot. 4 LA » Rev. R. B. Patterson, rector of Christ Church, with his son Ar- thur were recently in Athens, Ontario, where twenty years ag, Mr. Patterson was rector of Christ Church. * . Ld Mr, and Mrs. H. Beck and sone. Robert and William, of New Tor- onto, are visiting their auuf, Mrs. William Lindsay, of Oshawa. Sl Mr. G, B. VanBlaricom, editor of the Canadian Lumberman, wag a visitor in the city yesterday. ®.." Mr, H. J. Cupper, of the Ge.- eral Motors Corporation, Detroi., has been in the city recently, . LJ * Mrs. Harold Hamilton, of Cleve- land, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. E. Bonnetta, Masson Street, Ld . . Mrs. Irwin, of Oakwood, Ontario, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. Deyman, Masson Street, . LJ * Mr. and Mrs. Hal King and son, McKenzie King, King Street East, returned to their home on Sunday after a month's trip, motoring to Nova Scotia and the New England States. They were accompanied as far as Wolfeville, Nova Scotia, by Mr. King's aunt, Miss Annie King, who had been visiting in Oshawa. LJ * . Mrs. S. E. Cornell, Dunnville, is the zuest of his sister, Mrs. P, A, Blackburn, King St. E. Ld * LJ Mrs, C. 8. Lee of Oshawa, 1s the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Millan, Earl Street, Kingston, LJ » M Mr. and Mrs. Bert Conley have returned to the city after camp- ing for two weeks at River Val. ley, Stirling, Ontario. LJ Ld . Miss Jean MacTaggart, who has been visiting in the city with friends has returned to her home in Lindsay, * + Mr, and Mrs. James Small who came from Scotland, six years ago to live in Oshawa, left last week to return to Scotland where they will make their home Women's Interest in THE YOUNG CHUCK MEETS A RELATIVE A good name is a cause for pride, But don't behind it try to hide, --Old Mother Nature. The young Chuck who had wan- dered from home and been saved from Flip the Terrier by his own father, Johnny Chuck, had had a complete change of opinion. His father, whose advice he had scorn- ed so short a time before, was now a hero in his eyes and he wanted to be just like him, He copied Johnny in everything he did. He tried to walk like him, sit up like him, run like hini. In short, he imi- tated Johnny Chuck as closely as he could. It was funny to see him. Every thing that Johnny did was exactly right in the eyes of this young son of his, "Don't you think you better go home to vour mother now?" asked Johnny after the young Chuck was safely in the old stonewall, "No", replied the young Chuck, "I'l find a place here in this old wall and stay here if you don't mind, I've left home for good." "I'm glad it's for good and not for ill," replied Johnny, "Time will tell. But I can tell you one thing, and that it won't be for good unless you make it so. Never think you know all there is to know." "You know all there is to know, don't you?" asked the young chuck. "Me?" cried Johnny. "I shouid say not! Why there isn't a day passes that I don't learn something, And .1 hope there never will be. Whoever thinks he knows it all is just fixing' to get in a heap of trouble. Don't forget that, son, Furthermore, he isn't going to live long. Remember that, too." "Yes, sir," said the young Chuck. He dug himself a hole down un- der the old wall It wasn't very deep or very much of a hole, but it didn't need to be for you see it was so well protected by the stones of the old wall. But being all his own it was wonderful to the young Chuck and gave him a fine feeling of importance. He felt that he real- ly was out in the Great World. One morning he poked his head out to be greeted with a sharp "Good morning, cousin." A small, bright-eyed person in a striped coat was watching him from the top of the stones of the old wall, "Did you speak to me?" in- quired the young Chuck somewhat pertly, "You are the only relative in sight," replied the small person. MI don't know you," replied the | He was so much bigger than the | He's a MAN in the making! How proud you are of him! How carefully you safe- guard his food, his rest, his play--for you want him to grow up the healthiest boy in the land. Of course, you worry when he doesn't want to eat. And that's why we are reminding you of a ce- real so tempting children can't resist it. It's Kellogg's Rice Kris- pies. Delicious, toasted rice bubbles that actually crackle in milk or cream and simply fascinate youngsters. And Kellogg's Rice Kris- Ries are one of the best of cereals for children. Nour- ishing. Yet so easy to digest, they do not overtax. Fine for breakfast, lan¢h, er the evening meal. Slvsys oven-fresh in the red-and-green package with the sealed inside waxmite bag. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Quality guaranteed. { AT AN ARN . only 15 years old, again, * . . Miss Doris Salter is the guest ! of Misg Edith Lucas, of Whitby, at Washéigo Bay, Lake Scugog Marriage COOPER-SINGER In Toronto on Saturday, Nan Singer, eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. F, Singer, Inverurie, Aberdeen, Scotland, was given in marriage to Mr. Robert Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. H, Cooper, of Booklin, Ontario, The bride was becomingly frocked in white geo- cette and lace with veil and wreath of orange blossoms, She carried a sheath of sweetheart roses and baby's breath. Miss Margaret Chal- mers, the bridesmaid, was dressed 'n pale blue crepe with hat and shoes to match. The groom was at- tended by Mr. Robert White, of Toronto, Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left mn their honeymoon to Niagara Falls. They will make their home in Brooklin, STUDIES PRIMITIVE LIFE Visting out-of-the-way places is one of the favorite pastimes of Miss Claudia de Lys, one of the world's foremost authorities on courtship and marriage customs among primitive people. Miss de Lys hag lived among the native tribes of the Pacific Islands, A(- rica, New Zealand and Australla. and has spent several years In India, Japan and China. She has won recognition as a French novelist, but is now living in New York. CLUBWOMEN ARE ACTIVE The Business and Professional Women's Club of Cushing, Okila., conducts an extensive program of sommunity activity, It functions as an active member of the local Chamber of Commerce contrib. utes to charities, holds a mem- bership In the Boy Scouts and last year kept two girls in school, gave scales to the rura) schoul whose health test was highes:, and assisted other clubs in en- tertaining poor children, Cecelia Loftus, who played the role of Barrie's Peter Pan ia London, whén the play was new, now a white-haired woman, 18 ap- pearing on the stage in New York and other playhouses in tho East. She was one of London's favorite actresses when she was young Chuck rather disrespectfully. | other that he didn't feel at all re- spectful, "It is time you did," replied the other, "I am Striped Chipmunk and I live under this old wall." "Why did you call me cousin?" denianded the young Chuck. "You certainly don't belong to the Chuck family." . "Quite right. Quite right," re- plied Striped Chipmunk. "But that doesn't prevent you belonging to the Squirrel family, or at least be- ing very closely related to it. So I called you cousin. At least I am the nearest to a relative that you have in these parts." The young Chuck stared very hard at Striped Chipmunk, "I don't believe you," said he. "Tut, tut, tut, young fellow! That is no way to speak to your elders," retorted Striped Chipmunk. "You have a lot to learn and one of the first things is that it doesn't pay to be impolite. You need to be taught manners, young fellow. You need to be taught manners." Just then Johnny Chuck poked his head out from his hole. "What is going on here" he denmaded, "You should teach this son of yours manners," replied Striped Chipmunk, "He refuses to believe me when I say that we are rala- tives." "He is young and has much to learn. Of course, we are distantly related," was Johnny's response, (Copyright, 1932, T. W, Burgess) The next story: "Young Chucky Is Scornful" What New York .; Wearing For hardy wear and summ~r travels, here's a cute idea. The dress is yacht blue pique with plain white pique bodice Blue pearl buttons accent the front scalloped closing. Linen is also an amazingly Crabel the Ring's Highway TORONTO Single--85¢c Retura--$1.55 EVERY HOUR on the half hour from 7.80 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. (Except 2.30, 4.30, 6.30 and 8.80 p.m.) 5.45 and 6.30 a.m. daily except Sunday 2.30, 4.30, 6.30 and 8.80 p.m. Sat.,, Sun. & Hol. only 10.20 p.m. Sunday only LEAVE TORONTO CVERY HOUR on the half hour from 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (Except 9.80 and 11.80 a.m. and 6.30 and 8.30 p.m, 6.30 a.m. daily except Sun. and 8.30 p.m. Sat, Sun, & 9.80 and 11.30 a.m, 6.30 Hol. only. Eastern Standard Time PARCEL EXPRESS between all points om Gray Coach Lines routes (except U.S.A, points) Tickets and information at Gray Coach Lines Genosha Hotel---Phone 2825 OSHAWA CHARACTER AGAIN WEDNESDAY! SALE NEWS OF A MOST SENSATIONAL ALL SPECIAL SALES--TIMED TO START AT 10 O'CLOCK Regular 59¢ value, price. saving. Trico-Check Rayon Panties Wed. at 10 o'clock. 25c¢ pair A new mesh pantie, superior in quality to anything we have seen at the regular Balance of a factory clearance, passed along with the full benefit of the SUPERSILK SERVICE WEIGHT FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSE §55c pair Makers' sub-standards of the regular $1.00 to $1.50 qualities. range of summer shades in all sizes. An excellent Phe sizes, cut quite full. value. SS White Celanese Princess Slips Made from the new dull finish Angel- skin Celanese in form fitting style. All A regular $1.69 60 Only Cotton Wednesday at 10 a.m "JO¢ Earlier in the season these same dresses would have cost you $1.95. Plain and || printed mesh weaves in a good assortment of summer shades. Sizes 16 to 42. Women's All Wool Bathing Suits 8$9¢ Regular $1.95 quality These are in green and red only. Sizes 34, 36 and 38. J =m CHILDREN'S ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Mesh ee strong material. It would be love- ly for this smart jacket dress in soft brown shade with yellow contrast, Another cunning scheme is or- angy-red shantung with -~ whit2 shantung printed in red polka- dots for little dressier wear. Then too, you could use yellow pique for the dress and brown pique for the bolero jacket. Style No. 555 is designed fn: sizes 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Size 10 requires 2'% yards 39- inch with & yard 39-inch cou: trasting. Our Summer Fashion Maga- zine will help you economize. Tt includes styles for the miss, the stout, the matron and adoralle models for the kiddies, Also mol- ern embroidery for the home, lingerie, pajamas, ete. Price of Book 15 cents, Price of Pattern 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to: Pattern Editor, Oshawa Dally Times. MAKES SMALL FARM PAY A midget farm, consisting of two acres of land, has been man- aged so skillfully by Mrs. Peatl Evans, a young widow with two small sons, who lives in the vt'- lage of Moscow, near San Ber- nardino, Cal., that it supports the family, More than 80 per cent. of the food for the group is raised on the land; the house has heen enlarged and payments a.e ueur- ly finished and financia] returns from the farm average arouvd $1,000 a year, WRITER'S WRITING DAUGHTER Miss Rena Isabell Halsey, thn daughter of "Old Sleuth," who wrote more than 700 blood-and- thunder tales hack in the reign | of the dime novel, lives in Brooh- lyn on the street which is named for the ancestor whose name sh? bears, She herself is the author of children's stories. Some of he: hooks have been placed in the library at Brussels, at the queen's request, and they also appear 01 the shelves of the Nationa] War Museum in Paris, The Olympics are a woman's game, as far as Miss Yvonne God ard, of France, is concerned. Miss Godard, who is a swimmer, the only feminine member of the French Olympic team which in- cludes 63 men. is GOUPLE GIVEN FAREWELL PARTY Mr. and Mrs. James Small Leave for Scot- land On Thursday evening a large number of the officers and mem- bers of Court Oshawa, 1.0.0.F., gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Eagleson to spend a social evening with two™ of their members, Mr. and Mrs. James Small, who left on Friday for Scotland. Mr. Small has been in very poor health for some time and hopes to regain his strength in his home-land. The evening was a pleasant one, there being music and dancing: by Mr. Small's young daughter, Before wishing Mr. and Mrs. Small good bye the memberg sang '"Blest be the tie that binds," and "God be with you till we meet again." Mr. and Mrs. Small were pre- sented with a neat address and a Scotch plaid steamer rug, Mrs. Follest, secretary, reading the ad- dress and Mrs. Gibbs, C.R., mak- ing the presentation. Mr, and Mrs, Small responded with best wishes for the order. "Mr, and Mrs, Small, Dear Compamion and Brother: The officers and members of Court Oshawa, No, 294, 1.0.0.F., have met to-night to have a social hour with you, We regret you are leaving us and trust you will have a safe journey, Hame to Bonny Scotland, and have a happy re- union with your loved ones there. We trust that Bro. Small will gain strength in his native land and that you will be spared to have many years together. We ask you to accept this steamer rug, and when you are wrapped up in it, may it remind you of the warm wisheg of your brothers and com- panions. You will meet many old friends And you may meet many new, But when you meet the old friends And when you meet the new Remember your old friends Oshawa Will be thinking of you, (Signed) Mrs, Lily Gibbs, C.R. Mrs. Maud Eagleson, Y.C.R. Ina Follest, Rec.-Sec." in Mrs. ELECTION YARN 4 OF CAPE BRETON Politician Made a Bad "Crack" in Election 4 Speech Halifax, N.S, -- Stuart Mc- Cawiey, lawyer and journalist, who has a greater stock of Capa Breton stories than anyone else on the island, wrote this one: Almost anywhere within 20 miles of Muggah's Creek, any ev- ening, you can see the sky illume inated by the reflection of the hot slag being dumped at the steel works. If you are closer, you are treated to a sulpharis odor that gives you some Y smell of what might be to you if you don't ceLave:. During the Reciprocity elec tion campaign, Eben Forbes, the husky clerk of the Assembly was holding forth in the school house on the hill at upper Leitches Creek, He was pounaing the table and bellowing in that won derful voice of his, everything he knew about our loca] ambitions, and the crimes of the Grits, "Look!" said he, "There's our great steel industry on the shores of our harbor. See now the re- flection that lights up the whola sky. Can we afford to sacrifice this great industry?* "Excuse me, sir!" said an old gentleman sitting near the door, "The reflection you see is not the steel works; that's Alex Mc- Donald's hurricane lantern--ha's coming over the hill now." And sure enough, Alex arrive at the hal] and placed the hurri« cane lantern on the table, Eben said it was the wors? crack he ever had to meet at a political meeting, and the cnly way he got over it was to join in the laugh that swept the whole audience into good humor, It can safely be said that in the long national history of China the present is perhaps the most critical period.--Dr. Quo Tai-chi, Chinese minister to Great Britain. Beware of prejudice: light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning.--~Abdul Baha, At a time when people think primarily of security and when ital need for ph reetion against the future ife Assurance is the best and in most cases the only means there is such of securing it. ASSETS $46,855,113 THE CO ARTY A SE TAR, The North American Life, a purely mutual company, returns all profits to policyholders and liabilities. Itis one of the Jon est financial institutions on the has $118 for every $100 ontinent. SURPLUS $7,007,959 NORTHAMERICAN LIFE