Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jul 1932, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1932 PAGE FIVE ff. SWARTZ, BA or, Notas: Money to St. East, Phone ar feb tf) Solicitors, Notaries - Public. E Conveyancing and general wractice In Law. Office 7% Sim- pa South,, Oshawa. Shode G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. B.A., LL.B ' Commerce Building, Solicitor, Notary Public. acer. Money, to loan. Of- 3 Wa. e 837. 'Solicitor, Notary. Morey to loan. 16 Simcoe Street North. Phone 817. 'Residence 2544W. AR- risters, Solicitors, Etc. 243 Sim- coe St. N. Phene 3160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. , B.A, RIS ter, 1234 Simcoe St. South. Tele- phone 3038--565. «*§ sept tf) Medical PR. B J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- 'siclan ou Surgeon, special atten- tion given to X-ray work and Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office open 9 am 9 pm. Residence 421 King Street East. Phone 3416. i ER ,0U BEAUTY Permanent Wave $3. 50 ug. ""Cro- quinole and Spiral". Marcel 50c. Shampoo, Finger Ware and trim $1. Expert operators on'y. 79 Sim- eoe St. North (note new ad- dress). Phone 2968. (8 aug tf) GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING EX- perts--on all kinds of beauty culture. Permanent waves our specialty. Finger wave and shampoo, $1.00; Marcell, 50c. Facials, scalp treatments and manicuring, Coffee Shop eu- trance. Phone 1973. (6 July 1 mo.) SON, IR- dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- ling 85c and finger waving 50c. Phone 2188J. (14 july ¢) PEMBER'S 2 dressing and Beauty Tuiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg., Phone 3%, Osh- awa, Ontario. (23 nov t?) PRINCILLA BEAUTY SALON, permanent waves specialty, $2.50 to $10. Finger waving 650c, marcelling 35c. Phone 688. (9 july ¢) MISS McKENNA'S P AN- ent wave specials for month of June. J. Nelson Day method from $2.75 upwards. Other lines of beauty culture, Moderate prices. Phone 1230F for appoint- ments. (11 july ec) MAYFAIR BEAUTY SALON, 14% King St. East, Jean Winter. All branches of beauty culture. Permanent waving a specialty. Phone 2020 for prices. (18 july ¢) TA3- CO. 67 KING St. East. Arebulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street North. Phone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (4t0) Architects @. C. STENHOUSE, GENERAL Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Bullding. Phone "1496. Residence phone 909J. Li Auctioneer . PHONE 716). Ww. J. SULLEY, , Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S., . Oshgwa. Special attention given . to household furniture sales and farm stock and {mplements. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing ¥. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT + Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 46 King Street West. Your patronage 1s solicited. MODERNISTIC WAVE SHOP, Permanent waves from $2.75, $3.50, $4.00 up to $10. rnome 709W. 105 Celina St. (23 july c) APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. gh rentals. Disney, phone 1550. (1 june tf) FOR RENT-- TENTS, CHAIRS, tables, laddess, electric cleaners and waxers. Phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (14 july c) FOR RENT--306 DIVISION ST. 6 roomed, all conveniences, new- ly decorated, hardwood floors, immediate possession. Reat,. twenty dollars, Phone 2604W. (28 Jly ¢) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS-- every convenience, for rent, also garage, Apply 21 Warren Ave, . (ic) FOR RENT IMMEDIATE possession, largé 8 .room brick house, paved street, central. Bradley Bros,, or Murdoch, 29 Warren Ave. (5¢) FOR RENT CENTRALLY located service station in Osh- awa. Immediate possessicn, reasonable. Apply personally to Murdoch, 27 Warren, (5¢) FOR RENT -- FIVE ROOMED house, all conveniences, hot wa- ter heating, wired, garage. Ap- ply 145 Burk St. Phone 854. (5¢) FOR RENT -- 2 MODERN SIX roomed houses, also 4 roomed cottage in Westmount. Apply 260 Athol St. East. (6c) FOR RENT -- BOAT FOR FISH- v Rates For Classified Ads. First Insertion--115 cents per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30c. Each subsequent tive insertion word. Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charges for three insertions 60c. Box number '0c additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month for each additional word. PHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department consecu- le per ing, mounted on trailer, also good tent for sale. 104 Celina St. 292J. (6) FOR RENT -- 4 ROOM BU. galow, all conveniences, on pav- ed street. Possession immed: ately, Apply 161 Alma Street. (6c) SIX ROOMED App'y Telephoae (6c) FOR RENT -- house, all conveniences. 43 Nassau Street. Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY g80DY HARD wood. Guaranteed full measure, 1% cord, $3.25. Mixed. $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628F, (9_Aug. ¢) FOR SALE --- ORNAMENTAL shrubbery and fruit trees, etc. Agents for Stone & Wellington, Toronto. Order now for fall and spring planting. Phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (14 july e) FRESHLY PICKED STRAWBER- ries delivered to all parts of Osh- awa. Phone 631, F. Shaw, 74 Park Rd. South, (18 july © FOR SALE -- BODY woop, beech and maple, $3.00. : Mixed hardwood slabs, $2.75. Dry soft wood slabs, $2.50. Claude Mec- Quaid, 54 Albert street. Phore 1079J. (24 july e¢) Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. " Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- 1 falists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Battery Service BATTERIES CHARGED 76c with rental $1.00. Called for and delivered Batteries $2.75 and ep. Stan. Bligdon, 20 Mili St. Phone 960. 'RADIO OR CAR BATTERIES recharged. Call for and delivered '75¢. Electro plate refinished, chromium plating, nickel plating. W. H. Platt, . 317 Celina St. Phone 15567. (15 july ¢) Insurance Pav S AND SON, INSURANCE, Hy Lg St. Weezt, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 reputable Fire Companies. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COM- ny of Canada, Dominion Bank pe only Alex. S. Ross, S. F. I erson. Phony 1834. (15 oct tf) 'Trp MOTOR OILS AND GREASLS delivered anywhere in Oshawa and vicinity at wholesale prices. Best grade Sunoca Motor Oil, 83c gallon, Pressure gun grease, 20c 1b. tin, 5 1b. tin, 85¢c. Claule Wilson, 313 Colborne St. East. Phone 1707M. (21) 148 SIMCOE SOUTH -- NEAR Loblaw's, Second hand clothes bought and sold, slightly worn. Sale starts now. Come and see us. (5 Aug. ¢)» ONE KITCHEN CABINET, FOUR chairs, two burner coal oil stora, two beds, one baby carriage, one table, two floor coverings. Phone 1506J. (5c) FOR SALE HEINTZMAN piano, in good condition, for cash. Phone 2105. (6c) FOR SALE -- AUTO TRAILEK, $10. Apply 87 Rosehill Blvd. (6b) NEW OIL BURNER -- SUIT- able for any kind of kitchen range, Will sacrifice. John Me:z- gher, 92 Simcoe North. (7a) FOR SALE --- FIRST CLASS equipment for fish and chip cafe. 159 Simcoe St. South, (7) k Summer Resort E MBER RESORT AT OSHAWA rookside Park, offer summer camping, catering picnic parties, thing. Canada's most natural park, Phone 1808 ring 5, Wesley "Hoskin. (25 july ¢) FLEASANT VALLEY -- IDEAL spot for picnics, swimming, usn- "ing, camping. Booth on ground. "1 mile south of Pickering Village. Pascoe Shir (2 Aug. 32) Barber Shop GUS BANK'S BARBER SHOP, Celina, corner Ash. All haircut- ting, 15c. Children (under 12 years) Mondays and Tuesdays 10c. Three barbers. Quick service. (25 Jly ¢) --~ -- 5 Roofing AYTON, THE ROOFER. asphalt and wood shingle roofs, free inspection. 185 Arthur. Phone 1643W. (June 13-1 yr.) Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, | === Palmist, on all matters of im- nce, 93 Louisa St.«Phone 2636F. Business private. (4 Aug. ¢) Awnings and Service AWNINGE, GE, . TENTS, FLAGS TARPAULINS, everything in canvas. Phone 2104, George Reid, 66 Bond W. J. J. Turner ons, agent. (30 Jly ¢) Dew Worms STANDING HAY FOR SALE BY acre, E. Gray, Phone 90 r 2. 1699J. Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS AND STARTED Chicks, bred to lay strains (Bloodtested). Nine and ten cents, Phone 1337J. {9 julv ec) Lost STRAYED FROM NORTH OSH- awa -- grey milking cow. Any: one knowing whereabouts please call Fred Conlin 1654 r 1-4, (5c) LOST -- PURE BRED JERSEY COW, Disappeared from Lot 22, Concession 5, Darlington, Fawn color, 3 years old, with horus. Please notify Gordon Hardy, Hampton, R.R. No. 1. (6c) Female Help Wanted MIDDLE SE AGE] PB WOMAN FOR { housekeeper wanted. Appiy to Employment Office. 7 Repair Service REPAIR SERVICES--AWNINGS, Radios, Washers, Lawn Mowers, Electric appliances, etc. Laying linoleum a specialty, When your | roof leaks phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (14 july ¢) | Transportation REGENT CARTAGE AND MOV- | ing. Low rates. Prompt service. Call M. F. Riordan. Phone 1716F. (27 July ¢) | | references, i nursing, | tion phone | see Disney Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, maternity assists mode rate, 3033). 8 july Cc) = sna IF YOU HAVE NYTHING rea] estate for sale at a ba Phone 1559. DOCTOR'S | or general housework. Charge 5 or informa Bicycles f for Sale BOYS', GIRLS' BICYCLES, TEN dollars up. Tires one Tubes 60c. Accessories pairs. 12 Richmond E | (21 July ¢) | Wanted to Buy SMALL COOK STOVE -- PHONE 1477TW, (5c) WANTED TO BUY-- STANDING hay by the field, or so much an acre. Will pay cash but must be fair price and close to Osh- awa. Address, Mr. Alex Waduck, Lakeview Gardens. (7a) WANTED -- DIVANETTE OR Chesterfield, State condition and price to Box Number 226 Times (72) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT -- BY SEP- tember 1st, 7 roomed house, hut heating. State location water and rent. Apply Box 201 Times. (73) Male Help Wanted oe LOOK AHEAD -- GET INTO the Civil Service - as Postman, Clerk, Customs Examiner, Immig. Inspector, etc. Full details free from the M.C.C., Toronto (10). (1, 7, 13, 19,28) Found (7c) Motor Loans AUTO LOANS AND CARS RE- financed, Can be arranged at lowest prevailing rates, covering a period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car Campbell Auto Finance Co., Ltd , Disney Block, King Street East. H. A. MacDonald representative. Branches throughout Ontaru, 2 Aug. ec) House for Exchange STUCCO HOUSE, SIX ROOMS, stable and hen house in Oshawa, free of encumberance., Will ex- change for farm with or without stock and implements. Jas. Ryan, Cannington. (4c) Motor Cars FOR SALE -- 1929 PONTIAC Coach, will take small car in trade. 274 Verdun Road. (5c) HUPMOBILE SEDAN IN GOCD condition, cheap for quick sale. 655 Sommerville Ave, (6c) FOUND -- toreycle light. ON "MONDAY, license plate and 638 Simcoe South. TT MO- rear 17a) dollar. | De and rte- |! ! Record Cargo Arrives largest the local | Canada| week Ashcroft of Lines. The and ha | been c« y the mg to tg size. > | the new Welland possible t bring Kingst ats ol the arr 1p Lines the Canada Steamship 8 feet in length nhaned t of the to enter at the @cyator thi SS -- One year in ved » boat 1s upper lakes ow openin Canal it is now all the upper lakes boats to Kinzs ton. A record cargo is being ried of 360,000 bushels the of consistin grain. 80 Years Young Cambobeliford. With congratula-| tion pouring in irom host friends and acquaintances and with| giits of many bouquets of beautiiul| roses, onc of Campbelliord's pion- | cers and beloved citizens, Mrs. | James Dickson celebrated cighty | vears of active and useful life re-| cently, and was the centre of inter-| est to the community at larg IC. NO GOOD GROUSING "When 1 didn't money in a month as ye an evening." Father mv: boy, 1 was you age have much wu spend in as Son: at me, father." "Well, dad. it good rousn Take it out of grand- no | i : | "There's always room at the top, | says the Jewell Republican, 'for an-| other piece of cherry pie.'--Kansas | City Star. | at EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Cattle Are Poisoned Gananoque.--Four cows belonging to W. L. Sliter, a well-known resi- dent of Willowbank, near here, have died within the last few days as a result of lead poisoning. Four Ofer arc dangerously ill. Dr. D. Robertson, V.S., of this town, w ot has been investigating the oc- currence. attributes the death of the animals to some form of lead pois- oning, mineral and not vegetable, the origin of which it is difficult to discover. aa Caught Large Trout Port Hope.--~Alfred Welch, local fisherman, caught a large trout in the Jake Wednesday weighing 22 pounds dressed, The fish is a fine specimen and forms an attractive display in the window of Paul's Tea Room, Walton street. Unusual Sight Riverside.--A local resident, while returning from pasture one evening recently had the opportunity of ob- serving a deer. This is very unusual in this vicinity Health Camp Opened Peterboro.--At the opening of the Health Association Camp for Child- ren at Jackson 'Park, sixty-eight children were registered. Many more applications were nade, but the camp can accommodate only about sixty-five children at onc time. As in other years, batches of children will, be looked after in| turn during the eight weeks that] the camp will be open this season. | Makes Good Catch | Cobourg.--While fi g at ley, Dr. G. H. Field, former M.O.H.,,| caught a 27-pound lunge. Several! other fine catche been made Dewd hay * Fined For Soliciting Gananoque, -- Two men were fined $6.60 each in Magis- trate Sampson's Police Court for soliciting before procuring the ne- cessary license, and after being warned not to continue the prac- tice, Two other young men who had been soliciting for rooming houses were let off with a warning and were informed by the magis- trate that they would be prosecuted under the vagrancy act which calls for a prison term of six months or $50 fine or both if he had any more comnlaints gabout them. Music 3 Kemptville. -- As a measure of economy, the Kemntville Board of Education has decided ®to discon- tinue the teaching of music in the public school of that village during the coming vear, We grind our Jury & Lovell Optical Dept. 8 King E. Phone 3215 Rice Lake this wees. Six Vacation SUGGESTIONS FOR RENT SUMMER COTTAGES, Bon- nicbrae Point, Oshawa, |! Greatly reduced rentals for scason or week, City water, | electric fireplaces | all mediate G. ranges, and conveniences, Im- | possession, | D. CONANT, I Oshawa, | KAWARTHA LAKES "The Bright Waters and Happy Lands" -- Muska- longe--Black Bass. MUSKOKA LAKES Boating--bathing--hiking --dancing--golf--tennis. POINTE AU BARIL High class accommodation ~ Bass -- Muskalonge -- Pickerel~Great Lake Perch--Northern Pike, FRENCH RIVER Chalet -Bungalow Camp -- Bass -- Muskalonge -- Indian guides-- Golf too. GEORGIAN BAY 30,000 Islands -- Fishing local young. BBE ' KARN THE [THE DRUGGST] FOR SERVICE _Ppwont §78. NEXT NE POST PHO FOR SALE 7 roomed frame house, good condition, Centre St, South, hardwood floors, fire place, all conveniences, garage. Yor quick sale, $3,300. Apply J. H. R. LUKE Phone 871 or 687TW -- Bathing-- Canoeing -- Motor Boating--Dancing. NIPIGON RIVER Chalet - Bungalow Camp --Famous for Trout. Apply to local agent or W. FULTON, Asst. Gen, Passenger Agent, Toronto for full information about low week. end fares, and our new 2, 3, 9-day and week-end "'All-Expense" trips. Travel CANADIAN NEW LOW PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA 2 1b. Pkg. 24c¢ 1 1b. Pkg. 47c at all Superior Stores PACIFIC BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY 4 A ving Time, and after West eight (Effective on 10.30 p.m. 10. 45 p.m, 12.00 a.m. . Leave 'Whitby 7.15 p.m, .m, 9.15 p.m. 10.45 p.m. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE (Daylight ight Saving Tim Geing 12. Leave Whitby Noto-Darl Si Savin, Time effective on al dates as Oshawa vied Bowmanville. Effective on and al NORTHBOUND it Leave Arrive Bow- - Oshawa Bowmanville ? : Leave Oshawa .. . Bowmanville .... Hampton Enniskillen Burketon .. Blackstock Nestleton ., Yelverton Tanetville Andsay .... Pleasant Pt Dunsford .. Ancona Pt, SOUTHBOUND Daily a.m. Sal, ps and/ Bobcaygeon Ancona Point... Dunsford ..... Pleasant Point. Lindsay . Janetville Yelverton Nestleton Blackstock . Burketon Enniskillen Hampton a py Response 'Rates and Carefui Drivers T. GARTON, BOWMANVILLE PHON Oshawa Waiting EHON 6 Pri P 2283 hone GRAY COACH LINES (Effective May (Eastern Standard Time -EAVE OSHAWA AM, P.M. 2.30 3.30 4.30 5.30 bé.30 7.30 bs.30 9.30 d10.20 a--Daily except 1.3 Sunday. 3unday and holidays i d--Sunday only. --Except Sunday and hol CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Service Effective June 26, 1932 Eastern Standard Time EASTBOUND Train 9.45 a.m. Dairy, 1.59 p.m: Daily, 4.42 p.m. Daily x5.08 p.m. (Sunday only). 10.10 p.m. Daily. {12.02 a.m. Daily. 12.12 a.m, Daily, f--Stops on flag to pick up for Montreal WESTBOUND and East, 4.50 a.m, Daily, 5.10 a.m. Daily. 5.57 a.m. Daily, 4.06 p.m. Daily. 7.01 p.m. Daily except Sunday. x8.59 p.m. Sunday only. 9.17 p.m. Daily. x--From July 3 to August 28 only. except Sundav. May ive 1932) Arrive Hospital 12.4 ym, 6.45 p.m. 12.15 a.m. EERE veveTOay 2333 e) Arrive Hospital 245p.m, 6.45 p.m, 10.20 p.m. Ee Arrive YGEO! Time and Standard Divisions on same er June 10th, 1932 £ Ao Kepimpeg urd 'oH P ung Jeg 3daoxe Ayeq v R|° 10.15 10.45 11.00 11,10 11.20 11.30 11.40 11.50 12,05 12.40 12.55 1.10 1.25 1.35 oT 2 B88 G TITY NT ANN @833 OPOOVRNMNMWNBN Dinah [EKA ATA } Ciiad > 2ommn nus aans naman inn i RARNNS 9.40 10.10 r All' Gccasions PROPRIETOR ES 412 or 348 nce 1 i LEAVE TORONTO AM, P.M, 05.00 6.30 7.30 330 9.30 10.30 11.30 12.30 0 b--Saturday, idays. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS wir Jul 4.26 a.m, 2,45 ly oy Daily, xcept Sunday. x4.18 p.m. Dail 3 . 11.06 p.m. Paily except Sunday, 12.05 a.m: Daily, ! x For Sitmags 'Montreal and. East uly 5.52 D ve Sunday, "2" am, all except Suni ) ¢ sx am Dai y yi 4 ! Flag, . , except Sunday, p.m, Bat m Toronto and Tver ouiy=tiag, One 1927 | PONTIAC LANDAU ii Sedan in perfect condition, It your watch is not giving | satisfaction we can repair" ond make it tell the correct: time, D. J. BROWN : THE JE Official IB JEWELER Inspector tor Canadian National and Osh- a Rallroads b 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 PHONE 22 WE DELIVERY : 10 Sinicoe St. 8. We Deliver INQUIRE about our Free Washing and Greasing. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES ° LIMI : 86 King St, E. Phone 900 Fine Watch Repairing « Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 | 12 Simcoe St. South A Treat for Your Table, 01d English' DRAKES' "sie" Horse Radish Sauce Try a Bottle Today Sold Everywhere; Made in Oshawa, "We buy 01d Gold ana Silver: We repair anything bought [i in a Jewelry Store |i BASSETT'S i Jewelers IK On_Oshawa's Main _Cotner [FrrT-- | J.C. YOUNG | GENERAL INSURANCE [i 4Y; Prince St., Oshawa _ [{ Office Phone 798 Res. Phone 2895 Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop . & Here Always ¥ TILLIE THE TOILER-- WELL, HORN, THE BIS Day 1s AlmosT YES, SIR = Jury 187TH. iLL BE A RED LETTER DAY ON THE CALENDAR YEAH - \ CAN HARDLY WAIT. ur | THOUGHT IT WAS "For Sale or Exchange CHEVROLET "26 LANDAU IN good 'condition. Will sell or trade on coupe or roadster. Phone 2525, (5c) 'Personal Notice PARTY MOTORING TO WINNI- peg -- passengers wanted, Leav- ing anytime, Phone Gladstone 0966. 55 Galt Ave. Toronto, (5c) FOR SALE -- ANY QUANTITY packed in moss. Phone 1420F 301 French Street. (22 July c) AEE 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in an Phone 959. House . Work Wanted ALL ROUND CARPENTERS-- will work cheap or do any kind of work. Phone 1406J. (3-¢) HECTOR DAY, JOINER, CAB. inet maker, store and office fix- tures, general wood work. Esti mates given, Phone 1292F. (4c) MR- AL LAMONEY 19 QUTSIOE "HE WANTS any INTERVIEW - - [TraTs HIS WAY QF SAYIN' SHOW HIM (N = DEAD-JIGGS- Gov MARRIED - ORROW"" UA} WELL-DONT DROP | | NOT THAT GIRLYOU TOLD] TO GIT ©1932, King Features Syndicare, Tne, 3 cil Britain ngs reserved. '™ || ME ABQUTIDID You READ IN THE PAPER THAT HER SISTER STOLE TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS? Ae hn © YED-1 READ || THAT ALL WELL. SURELY YOULL NOT MARRY HER 1 SHOULD SAY NOT= f™M GONNA MARRY HER SISTER- yu eS TEN Arn Nin

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