Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Jul 1932, p. 7

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REE on CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS IR. GL. BIRD gE TAKES OFFICE AS a A Treat for Yous Table DRAKES' 36" Horse Radish Sauce Try a Bottle Today Sold Everywhere; Made in O . For Rent APARTMENTS, FURNISHED OR 11] Permanent Wave $3.50 ug. "Cro- | unfurnished. Low rentals. Disney, quinole god 8 Spinal, Maree) 30. phone 1550. (1 june tf) Shampoo, Finger Wave and tom | FrRNISHED BEDROOM WITH $1 Bapart Operatons on 7,22 Sin» all conveniences. 137 Simcoe ag gi North. Phone 1236W. : * i (8 aug tf) (119t1) Beauty Parlors i. Rates For Classified Ads. ly. 2.45 Tresiton Tora! Daily, except Sunday. 4.18 p.m. Daily. . 11.06 p.m, Daily except Sunday, 12,05 a.m. Dail, BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA & WHITBY (17 feb if) Ween X S 0 2) ® < Public. GENO SHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors, Betty Ward and Grace M all. experts in all kinds of Beauty Cialture. Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00, Finger wave and shampoo $1.09. Marcel 50c. Fac- cures. Coffee Shoppe entrance. Phone appointments 1973. (15 may 1 mo) AIR- fam, scalp treatments and msui- FOR RENT-- TENTS, CHAIRS, tables, ladders, electric cleaners and wazxers. Phone 2#. Cleve Fox. Oshawa. (14 july ¢) FOR RENT---306 DIVISION 3T. 6 roomed, all conveniences, new- ly decorated, hardwood floors, immediate "possession. Reat, twenty dollars, Phone 2604W. (28Jly¢) SMALL HOUSE TO RENT, CON- veniences, garage. Cheap rent. First Insertion--115 cents per word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion 30¢. Each subsequent consecu- tive insertion 1c per word, Three = consecutive inser. tions forthe price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three 1 who were sick. (Daylight Saving Time) x For Ottawa, Montreal and East only (Effective on and after May 1, 1932) | Flag. Going West a '%n Westbound = » Leave Leave Airive, ; 5.52 am, Daily except Sunday, | ' (Continued from page 1) ing with D. M. Tod, who reported on the work of the rellowship com- mittee, and sgoke of the pleasure it had givén his committee and him- self to welcome visiting \Rotarians and keep in touch ine otarins For Crippled Children Dr. G. L. Bird presented an in- teresting report on crippled chil- dren's 'work, Forty-nine cases had 12.4 pm, 6.45 p.m, £ 2 6.30 a.m. Daily, 312 p.m, Daily, =~ i 7.32 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, m8.54 p.m. Daily. m Toronto and West only--flag, HUNDREDS ENTER COACH CONTEST yr J. C. YOUNG' | GENERAL INSURANCE 4; Prince St., Oshawa Office Phone 703 Res. Phone 2805 GERATORS |i} | ICE Your choice of Three at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES 2a Apply 218 Albert St. (2c) FOR RENT ---- SIX ROOMED house, furnished or unfurnished, all conveniences. 2566 Eulalie Ave. (3¢) Baby Chicks HTON dresser, 92 Church St. Marcel- oc. Bank of | ling 85¢c and finger waving 50c. Phone 2188J. insertions 60c. Box number "(0c additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a worq per month for each additional word. been under observation and treat- ment during the year and these could be analyzed as follows: con- genital causes, 24; tuberculosis, 1; infantile paralysis, 19; chronic in- fections, 4; accident, 1. Thirteen BAB . cascs had required operations, and ABY CHICKS AND STARTED thirty-two appliances, such as spe- Chicks, bred to lay strains cial boots, leg braces and others SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE | adian boy craftsmen, hundreds (Bloodtested). Nine and ten li 'or PHONE 35 had been supplied, Yorty of these (Daylight Saving Time) of miniature model Napoleonic cents, Phone 1337J. cases, he said, would require fur Going. West SR a day Ask for (Classified Ad gag? S8aR8Es SONA NEN S Miniature Napoleonic i iti Ross, Ames & Gartshore Coaches in Competition on, Ames & Gail Make Fine Display | 185 King St. W. Phone 1160 ee fp A, i LM | ATE (14 july ¢) 1.18 p.m, 3338R3p TANIARRISTE citor, Notary. pey to loan. ry Street prth, Phone 67. Residence 254 GREER & HUMPIEYS, BAR- 2 2isters, Solicitors, UH Sim- (23 nov t) coe St. N. Phene 3). Residence | PRINCILLA BEAUTY SALON, 3514. Money to log permanent waves specialty, $2.50 : PEN K. |. BARRIS |to $10. Finger waving 50c, ter. 13% Simcoe $onth. Teie- | Marcelling 35c. Phone 858, P 'S C! A dressing and Beauty Tuiture, No. 9 Bradley Bldg.,, Phone 3%, Osbh- awa, Ontario. fee ty 7.15pm, [urs SeauA le PEPETOODON EL 2223 Representing almost a year's efforts on the part of young Can- 8B ---- Sona 3323 - -- R Watches OUR SPECIALTY (9 july ©) ther treatment and observation dur- Le d 1 hs ave Leave i ing the coming year. The commit-| Bowmanville Oshawa three central Judging points in the Dominion this month. They 8.00 a.m, phone 3038565. "8 sept tf) Electrotheopy. Block. Phone 205 9 am 9 pm. R King Street ne 3416. . Royal 496. Residence pip 909J. 4 Auctioneer, Oshgwa. Special to household furn farm stock and impents. Your patronage solicited ¥ A. VON GUNT, Swiss watchmaker,pair shop at 46 King Street fest. Your patronage 1s solic (9 july ¢) MISS McKENNA'S PERMAN- ent wave specials for month of June, J. Nelson Day method from $2.75 upwards, Other lines of beauty culture, Moderate prices. Phone 1230F for appoint- ments. (11 july ec) MAYFAIR BEAUTY SALON, 143% King St. East,"Jean Winter. All branches of beauty culture. Permanent waving a specialty. Phone 2020 for prices. (18 july ¢) MODERNISTIC WAVE SHOP, Permanent waves from $2.73, $3.50, $4.00 up to $10. rnone T09W. 105 Celina St. (23 july ¢) Articles for Sale GOOD SOUND DRY s80ODY HARD wood. Guaranteed full measure, 1 cord, $3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft wood, $2.25 A. Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Ave. Phone 2628F. (8 july c) BLACK'S WOOD YARD, 79 John St. Phone 3109). Slabs $2.25, Body hardwood $3 3% cord. (4 Aug. 0) FOR SALE--BODY WOOD AND soft wood, mixed slabs, Call W. H. Thompson, 507 King West. Phone 742J. (7 july ¢) Repair Service REPAIR SERVICES--AWNINGS, Radios, Washers, Lawn Mowers, Electrie appliances, etc. Laying linolemm a specialty, When your roof leaks phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (14 july c) Department Nursing Work Wanted YOUNG GIRL OPEN FOR POSI- tion--several years' experience in housework; 1st class reference Phone 493, Bowmanville. (2¢) ALL ROUND CARPENTERS-- will work cheap or do any kind of work. Phone 1406J. (3-¢) Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist, on all matters of im- portance, 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Business private. (4 Aug. ¢) Personal Notice PASSAGE FOR TWO TO DE- troit or Windsor, between Ju'y eleventh and eighteenth, Share gasoline. , Phone 2057J. (3a) Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM--SIX DOL- lars a week, washing include: Apply 45 Albany St. ' (3¢) FOR SALE -- ORNAMENTAL shrubbery and fruit trees, etc. Agents for Stone & Wellington, Toronto. Order now for fall and spring planting. Phone 25. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (14 july c) FRESHLY PICKED STRAWBER- ries delivered to all parts of Osh- awa, Phone 631, F. Shaw, 74 Park Rd. South. (18 july ¢) "Transportation REGENT CARTAGE AND MOV- | ing. Low rates. Call M.: PF. 1716F. Prompt service. Riordan. Phone (27 Julye) Personal OFFICE GIRL WOULD LIKE | room and Board in cottage will family on lake shore, within a | nursing, PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S | references, maternity or general | housework. Charges moderate, For informa- tion phone 3033J. assists (8 july.c) Times, Lost dollars, on Pets and Livestock necessary. FOR SALE -- 4 MILK COWS, one due tp freshen Aug. 16 Ap- ply Sam Burgoine, Five Points North Oshawa. Male Help Wanted ENGINEER WANTED FOR maintenance. work, of steam boilers and electricity | Apply by letter only giving experience, references anda | wages required, | softball, bowling LOST -- SATURDAY AFTER- | noon, six Athol, Albert or Bruce Streets. | Finder kindly return to Box 124 | Reward. (2b) Celina, | | cent ttendance, (lec) | Knowledge Alger Press. GROCERY = - corner, Toronto residential, ing about three hundred weekly; nice apartment. | hundred will 630 Bathurst St., Toronto, Real Estate For Sale About handle. TT WONDERFUL do- fifteen Apply (3h) tee, in the last twelve months, had 1 | expended a sum © $1,546 on its work. Ross Mackinnon, reporting for th: Property committee. testified to the userulness to the community of the Red Cross Cottage, operated by the Red Cross Society, Rotary Hali, | Rotary park and the Rotary Swim- | mig Pool. The club, he showed, had spent over $1,400 ir the upkeep of these properties. A. W. Armstrong dealt with the | sports committee's activities, and reported on the golf tournament, | and other events | which had been staged during the] VEAr | A report from Mac Soanes or boys' and girls' work was read, and| 1S. F. Everson reported for the clas- | | sification | committee, Morley. Jacobi presented the at-! { tendance committee's report, which showed that, for the first time, the club had had meetings with 100 per the year. The av-| c attendance for the twelve of these durin nths had 35.07 per cent., as 1 ared with 8).38 per cent for the previous vear. Financial Statement i R. S. Morphy, treasurer, present | ed the financial statement, which! showed total receipts or $13,294.84 | | and expenditures of $13,115.00, leay- ing a cash balance of $179.18, Tl H & vil | club also has a bond for $1,000 and | | a savings account' of $500 in re-| serve. The chief items of expendi- | ture listed were as follows: Crippled | children, $1,540: Rotary Hall and| Park," $1,417; Swimming Pool, $1, | Welfare Societies, $1,-| donation Associated 000: Red Cross Society $100; bovs and girls work, $319.20, New President Speaks ! there being three | nn | Oshawa . .15 a.m, y Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 9, 940a.m, 1045a.m, 12.00 pom, 12,15 p.m, 3,10 p.m. 330 p.m, 7.30pm, 745p.m, Leave Whitby 2) aM. ) 55pm. 1.10pm, 1.40pm OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, LINDSAY AND BOBCAYGEON Note--Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time effective on all Divisions on same dates as Oshawa and Bowmanville. Effective on and after June 10th, 1932 NORTHBOUND "wad "aes oH pue "ung "urd "oy Luo Lepinyeg pue 'ung wd oy yp "wag 'Jes 3dodxs Apreq ry 5B3mi? o = = Blac Nestlet i me le SOUTHBOUND Daily a.m. Sat., Sun, and Hol. p.m, 6.43 Ancona Pt Bobcaygeon Bobcaygeo . £.00 An nt £10 6.535 Yely Nestlet Black tur) pton ee Bowmanville ... 9.40 . are 11.20 10.10 Speciat Busses For Al Occasions Reasonable Rates and Cereus Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONES 412 or 348 : pleasant-like---Tit-Bits; will be selected for excellence in workmanship to determine the winners in the first annual com- petition of the - Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild in Canada for awards totalling $75,000. The contest closed on June 30th and models were received at Montreal, Toronto and Regina from all parts of the country. Even in_the far-off Yukon, a boy completed a coach and shipped it as his entry in the contest that might' bring him a free trip to Detroit in August and a Univer- sity scholarship valued at $5,000, According to those who have seen the display of hundreds of | the minjature model coaches, re- markably fine craftsmamship is | revealed and in many cases the work of Guild members in the junior age class is as good as in the senior division, Winners for each provincial district of Cana- da will be announced by the end of this month, and fourteen hoys representing seven divisions i Canada, will then start their journey to Detroit to compete for the international awards of four 4-year University scholar- ships. THE MARATHON Mrs. 'Iggins: "That Mrs. Briggs was boastin' ag 'ow she comes from a fine family. 'An' you've come a good way,' 1 says, "Mrs. Upton's pet dog has becn run over; she'll be heartbroken." "Don't tell her abruptly." "No. I'll begin by saying it's her husband." Poison sumac has white berries. If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St, 8. Phone 189 10 Simcoe St. 8. PRO 2TORRE PHONE 22 WE DELIVERS 86 King St, E. INQUIRE about our Free Washing' and Greasing. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 3 Phone 900 Fine Watch Repairing Our Specialty FELT BROS. Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South a aT = TEES Tat -- NEW STYLE GLASSES We Deliver - Oshawa Waiting Room, 6 Prince St. At Reasonable Prices ! Dr. Grant 1. Bird, ¢ aking over hundred miles of Oshawa, begia- Dr. Grar I. Bird, on taki ove Phone 2283 { \ ! | ning July 25, for period of one 5 a or two weeks. Box 220 Times president. Dr. Phillips gracerully | (2b; acknowledged the zifts, and return " Wanted to Buy ed the portrait to | z FOR SALE -- BODY woch, beech and maple, $3.00. Mixed hardwood slabs, $2.75. Dry soft. wood slabs, $2.50. Claude Me- Quaid, 54 Albert Street. Phore 10797, Eaton Groceteria It Pays To Shop Here Always GRAY COACH LINES (Effective May 1, 1832) (Eastern Standard Time) | .-EAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORON AM, PM, AM, Pr. - =} be hung in Ro- tary Hall, SMALL REFRIGERATOR = IN New York.--Literarv consultants{" In accepting 'the offer of presi-| 2% good condition. Must be cheap. | Wo specialize in mulcting amateur | dent, said Dr. Bird, he had had| 373 5 1. | Phone. 1493W. 550 Simcoe at | writers of reading fees and pay-| mixed sensations sale by Harry D. Wilson, Hara: North. (5a) | ment forccriticism are prospering in| appreciation of the hard times, according to Arthur him, and expte MOTOR OILS AND GREASL3 == | McKeough. magazine editor. tion to do what | Severed JSuywhers ho Osyay a For Exchange "They make their appeals to un-| th 1 aditions and vicin J us, . ny ained. i er' f y and wo- chib to Best grade Sunoca Motor ON, 85¢ | A SUMMER COTTAGE ON SIX, | Irate. inexperienced fen and wo. a gallon, Pressure gun grease | To0med house in Oshawa. App'y joo FO0 Ri CCE income | 20c¢ 1b. tin, 5 1b. tin, 85¢. Claule to Box 227 Times. (3°) out ol writing is" il ¢ of qualify Wilson, 313 Colborne St. East. =r === | ing as a surgeon by five Phone 1707M. maaan) Auction Sale this afternoon," he said. "It is vi R. S. 1y, treasurer Effective June 26, 1932 FOR SALE -- A QUANTITY OF THERE WILL BE SOLD AT rare person ° who does not need! Cecil Fo Cannon; . Creighton Eastern Standard Time standing hay. Apply A. Sinclair, oy Hs Sibi; ! r v d public auction th tent ts vears of training, of hard steady] C. E. McTavish, Br. W. J. Lang-| EASTBOUND £ 9W y * i e contents of ».! fort, before ifying as a pro-| maid, directors, 1 ning that the W.."H. Platt, 31 Celina St. | phone 109 Whitby, Ont, (32) Smith Drug Store. 134 'Shuces effort, before qualifying as I | tors, mentioning that the ! OU : RD fessional wri maining directors, \V, M, Gi Phone 1556J. (15 july ©) | 148 SIMCOE SOUTH -- NEAR |S: §, Oshawa on Wednesday, | olpnce word gh Lo Tamang fire Gil 7 1 Loblaw's, Second hand clothes July 6, 1932, consisting of drugs, rou} rt a -B ie A bought and sold, slightly worn. Patent. medioincs. (oll RFCs fceds are in large part persons] DAVIS AND SON,SURANCE, al (24 july ©) RE-CONDITIONED QUEBEC cook stoves and gas ranges, for a J. W. WORRALL a | 33 & 3% FOR SALE Eyesight Specialist | Susnaun EPP ES a. i P.M, 7 roomed frame house, JURY & LOVELL'S 5 office, | 1230 3 good condition, Centre Sit. Phone 32185 | Yusts ; ; Y : 4 have one. more | Dally except Sunday. b=Saturdus: South, hardwood floors, i successful year, Sunday and holidays only. d--Sunday enly, | fire place, all conveniences, | " Dr. Bird then introduced to the | --Except Sunday and holidays. | garage, For quick sale, $3,300. Apply the director¢ for the next rerio \ | CANADIAN NATIONAL # , | w if vear. as fe 1 Ww n J Annis, | b Train ONAL. RAILWAYS J. H. R. LUKE Phone 871 or 687W ATTERIES King St. E. with rental] $1.00. delivered ie 2 o'clog DI recharged. Callfofd delivered %6c. Electro pld refinished, chromium plating, kel plating. | | 4 | NEW LOW, PRICES ROYAL YORK TEA 1% Ib. Pkg. 24¢ 1 Ib. Pkg. 47¢ : at all ¥ Superior Stores |. By Russ, Westover m----m----mn ' . i \IONDER FUL. RIT SEEMS LIKE A. \S NO WORD PRET TY "THIN LINELTO | FOR \T + TSUST HOLD + PRICES UP » LOOK AT THIS 0 b DIAGRAM , except Sunde $42 p.m. Daily McLaughlin, were Oh fe oF ef] vy Daily a.m. Daily f--Stops on flag to pick up fer and East. WESTBOUND 1. Daily, hrer Yes. 3.1 am. Daily. : 1. Daily whom this present | y 5 hos d of money has been in-| ---- AEA | Sale starts pow. Comle and see candies, tobaccos, cigarettes, ower IE fe hE I ; wi i he | US. (5 Aug. ci ' ; * t depression and y 19 King St. Wezijhawa. The cigars, . pipes, stationary, ome] ccc in the promises of the 'consu oldest Fire AgencyDshawa. 30 Taylor safe, one cash register, | ants' an easy and quick way to get | reputable Fire Corhies. piano in good condition for sale | balance scales, other things too | soe" X N LIFE ASSUNCE COM- | cheap. Apply 124 Conant St. numerous to mention, Every- He differentiated sharply between | pany of Canada, Dinion Bank (3b) | thing must go without reserve. the "literary consultants" and] The life of most of us today 16 | 7.01 pm, Chambers. Alex. Soss, 8. F. Dental | Sale starts at 1 p.m. Terms cash. | avents of standing. many of whose| like a man strapped in a char | 337 pm. Su | va port Everson, Phone 18 W. J. Sulley, auctioneer. (3a) | services were of real aid to writers, | being shaved by a crazy barber, Vail Ri fi 3 to August 2% only, | [pone re. wexy ne org 115 oct tt) | URS. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- : or sett's, Special attention to X-ray Summ Jort work. Gas extraction. Nurse in : TILLIE THE TOILER-- SUMMER RESORT OSHAWA | attendance. Phone 959. House i Sr Brookside Park, ' summer 1312. WELL KNOG THis BY Youre : camping, catering dic parties, : CLEANING SERTAINL Ta ihine, Canada sft natural Bicycles. for Sale aS enoEt park. Phone 1808 1 5, Wesley, | BGYS", GIRLS' BICYCLES. TEN 'y ~ Hoskin. : dollars up. Tires one dollar. For A LOOP Tubes 60c. Accessories and re- pairs. 12 Richmond E. (21 july ¢) Dew Worms FOR SALE -- ANY QUANTITY packed in moss. Phone 14207 301 French Street, (22 July ¢) Motor Loans ALTO LOANS AND CARS RE- . nanced, Can be arranged at paying lowest prevailing rates, covering (3) | 2 period up to twelve months to pay while you drive your car. === | Campbell Auto Finance Co., Ltd., Disney Block, King Street East. H. A. MacDonald representative. Branches throughout Ontario, a (2 Aug. ce) | A woman's No is merely tha ! cork in the champagne bottle of ! Iv except Sunday, HOLD UP "THE PRICES. THEY MUSTN'T dO TENNIS RACKET; $2.50 and up, re Work guaranteed. ne 3193W, 4 (1521) PLEASANT VALL -- spot for picnics, siming, usa- ing, camping.. Beon grouad. NICE- ly furnished sujg cottage modat Ian BRINGING UP FATHER A MAN WITH A NAME LIKE THAT COULDNT BEA GENTLEMAN ~ 3 | 'g18d1l PARDON ME { THOUGHT I'M A YOU WAS I'LL PUT RADIO V - THE VASE DOWN ANNOUNCER ~ LTA 3 | SHOULD BAY NOT- FAR FROM IT, MY GOOD FRIEND = A GENTLEMAN BY THE NAME OF SPIFELWE|FLE TO SEE YOU- Ent -- 3 unings and Service TENTS, FLAGY S, everything in Phone 2104, George 'Bond W, J.J. Turner (30 Jly«) . ng 339 SINGING « 'oN I 03 %iS1 28T s01] 'PO 3:91 'SpIOS £19 gall Sutwinyd o%S 0) aT 0 1 "ON---19) pessSug -- "0gT 'Sp | Cars & SALE -- 1927 TRUCK, {for general purpose, in good i i ! hy2 [<] H "Aion, 350 Eulalie Ave. t pit ; | ) rwar-guilt ph (le) hagailles Treaty, We a impression was y: 4 CAR FOR PERI OD JULY 9 TO Stronger tonight that Chancel Franz von Papen attached t A 3 24. 'Must be wr good condition. HE Key % Phoné 3137TW, Wednesdsy be- { . --- : ved 991 1%9T 0) 9.1 'sexe | 'pe! * 'erdedg--ur bi 3 ON S943 r WWeedd OB gz oN 44 ypunod | 04 91 %®I ¥ RI0H 2 ing upon the total 'final lial'! ity" that might be set for Qers many, in lieu of reparations an- r cred- greatest importance to this, loo 1 78:). | tween 5.30 and 7 p.m.

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