© THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 4, 1932 = i terest to omen - Social and Personal Readors are invited to sub- mit social and items for publication in this column. Kindly .eend or phone them to The Times office, Phone 83 or after office hours to Miss Lois Mundy, Phone 812. Mr. and Mrs. William Turnbull, of Belleyille, have been visiting Mr. Turnbull's parents in_ the city. Mrs. WW. Walker and daughter, Eleanor, spent the Weel with Mrs. Walker's parents" Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, at Belleville. Lt. Col. and Mrs. James Harris, of Kingston, visited at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. M. Mcln- tyre Hood on Saturday. Mrs. James Harris, 312 Leslie Street, has gone to Kingston to spend an extended holiday with her son, Lt.-Col. James Harris. Ld Mrs. J. Thorburn has returned from visiting friends at Salem. > a Miss Kathleen Dowsett is spend- ing her holidays at the home of her parents at Crosby, Ont. . » » Lt.-Col. and Mrs. R. B. Smith at- tended a reception following the trooping of the colors of the Tor- onto Irish Regiment at Long Branch vesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cheesebor- ough, of Consecon, have returned home after visiting relatives in Osh- a LJ - : Mrs. M. Lees has been spending a few days with relatives in Belle- ville. "is A. W. Armstrong spent the Do- minion Day holiday visiting friends in Belleville. . * Mr. and Mrs. C. McDonald and daughter, Ruth, Robson Street, snent the week-end and holiday with relatives in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mundy at their cottage on Gull Lake. Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Harmer and Miss Lorraine Harmer, left on Thursday night for England, on an extended trip. Many friends ac- companied them to the station to wish them a safe, journey, » Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Nott, of Windsor, have returned home after a visit with relatives Jn the city, Mr. Vic. Crouse, of Windsor. spent the holiday and week-end .. with his mother, Mrs. R. Crouse, Queen Street. Miss Evelyn Massey who has been spending a two months' vaca tion at her home in Whitchurch, England, returned to Oshawa, on Saturday. * - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb, Amy and Grace Webb, and Jean Noxon, of Oshawa, have returned from a week-end motor trip to Niagara Falls and Crystal Beach. Mr. Roy Welman and Mr. George Wilson, of Oshawa, spent the holi- * day with the latter's sister, Mrs, \W © T. Abernethy, at Campbellford. a * Ed «Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hutchison and daughter, Barbara Joan, and Mrs. Hutchison's mother, are visit- "ing at the home of Mr. Hutchison's mother, Mrs. Heath, 205 French St Miss Mary McGrattan, of Ux- bridge, formerly of Oshawa, is in N 4 ublespoons £34 ougs St. Charles n 36 cup suger 15 cups water teaspoon sal Nutmeg rice thoroughly, then add with the and milk diluted with water, into baking dish and add o . Set the dish In a pan three howrs in a slow several times the first Hi. HE x £ i i f il i 13 Hi Hi i | the General Hospital here recover- ing from an operation for append- icitis. - Mary is one of the popular girls of Uxbridge and a fine young swimmer and will be greatly missed at the swimming pool this summer. Hre friends in Oshawa hope for her a speedy recovery. bi M. McIntyre Hood, Angus and Elizabeth . Hood, spent the holiday and week-end camping at Fisher's Glen on Lake Erie, * - - Capt, and Mrs. Ernest Gries- bach of Collingwood and Mr. and Mrs, Lowndes of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. F, J. Perry, Albert Street. . Weddings GOLDSTEIN--SCRIPTURE A pretty wedding took place at the Oshawa Missionary College on Saturday when Miss Margaret Scripture, of Montreal, was united in marriage to Louis Gold- stein, of Montreal, in the large preaching tent of the camp meet- ing of the Seventh Day Advent- ists, in the presence of about six hundred campers attending the camp meeting, The officiating clergyman was Rev. M. V. Camp- bell, of Toronto, president of the Ontario-Quebec Conference. The bride was given in marriage by the Rev. I. F. Passebois, of Montreal, and was bhecomingly gowned in shell pink chiffon, with picture hat to match, and carried a spray corsage of roses and baby's breath fern. The matron of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs, Mildred Klaze, of De- troit, Mich., and she wore bhiege chiffon, , with maline turban and a shoulder corsage of tea roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Gladys Plimley of Montreal, Miss Marion Moffett of Oshawa, and Miss Ada Manuel of Montreal, They wore gowns of pastel shades of mauve, orchid and blue, and carried bouquets of tea roses. The bridegroom was -supported by Rev. Willard = Dessain, of Montreal, a former classmate of the bridegroom at Broadview Theological Seminary, Chicago, as best man, and the ushers were Edward Evans of Montreal, Gordon Dingman of Oshawa and Jack Russell, of Port Hope. Miss Mabel Manuel of Oshawa, was the pretty flower girl, At the opening of mony, Miss Dorothy Lovell, of Knoxville, Tennessee, gang, "I Love You Truly," and during the signing of the rezister she sang, "O Promise Me." Mrs. M. .V. Campbell, L.R.A.M,, of Toronto, played the wedding march, and with Mr. Chamberlain of Ham- ilton, violinist, played during the ceremony, '"'Blest Be the Tie That Binds." The bride's mother, Louise Scripture of Detroit, was present at the ceremony. After the cere- Mrs. the wedding, a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Oliver Passebois;, Drew Street, Oshawa. After an honeymoon in the Muskoka Lake district, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein will reside in Montreal. What New York | Is Wearing To Small Daughter's Wardrobe She'll love it! And it's as casv as falling off al loz to make it. The one-piece dress| is wathered and stitched to the ep | aulet shoulders that form a cape] sleeve. The dress is slashed from | the neck at the centre-front and] finished with binds for opening. The ¢ollarless neck is also finished with binds. And note the cunning match- ine panties. They have straight legs, the upper edge has elastic in- serted. extended Style No. 497 is designed for sizes 2, 4 and 6 years. Size 4 requires 2 yards of 35-inch material with J} yard of 35-inch contrasting. Batiste prints, dotted swiss, checked tissue gingham, candy striped, percale, pastel linens and voile prints are lovely mediums. Our Summer Fashion Magazine will help you economize. It includes styles for the miss, the stout, the matron and adorable 'models for the kiddies. Also modern embroidery for the home, lingerie, pajamas, etc. Price of BOOK 15 cents. Price of PATTERN 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred), Wrap coin carefully, Address orders to Pattern Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, 4 , Jack LISTS OF SCHOLARS PROMOTED IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE CITY (Continued from page 1) trice McLean, George Cameron, Douglas Hopps, Evelyn Farrow, Jack Palmer, Douglas Love, Au- drey Tryon and Joyce Bouckiey (equal), Glenda Ward, Marjorie Graham, ILorne Gray, Chaviie Snell, Ena Hellberg dnd Evelyn Collins (equal), Rhea Newsome, Glenn Branton, Jim Cameron and Billy Werry' (equal), Leila Robb, Wilma Chapman. Pass--(George Stonebridge, Lawrence Crowe. By Examination, Honours: -- Wilfred Parish, Adele Bartlett, Marjorie Hartick, and Moira Thom (equal), Peter Burke, Pass -- Jack McPherson, May Finley, Donald Dean, Margarét Doidge, Bessie Anderson, Thel- ma Taylor, Gladys I. Doan, teacher Senior Third On Term Work, (Honours) -- Ruth Brown, Orval Berry, Helen Dobney and Sidney Smallbone Mary Turnbull and David St, An- drews, Betty Hill, Irwin Tomlin son, Donald Kirby and Alex Mec Kay. Pass -- Gordon Wiley Luella Philips, Albert Knibb, Al bert Poulter, Tommy Barclay Ray Crossman and Charlie Pet ers, Frank Beamish, Agnes Bar- clay, Clarence Manning, Evelyn Taylor, Stewart Booth, Freda Tryon, Betty Peacock, Edward Wilson. By Examination (Honours) Evelyn Duncan Pass-----Delbert MacFarlane, Kay Davies, Gordon Crawford, Irene B lknap, Coral Hogle, Verna Stathan Myrtle A. Wilson, t Junior Third Compston, Gordon MelIntyre, Srlvia - Copping, Jack Fetterly, David Cameron, Marg- aret Collins, Joan. Warburton, and Ruth Hiltz and Florence An- derson (equal), Doreen ! bourne, Cliffor utt,: Glad Molton, Morri Farlane, J Armstrong Arthur Haw- kins, Marjorie Pollard, Jack Kir by, Glenn Brook Jr. 11 to Senior I, Marion Gibson, Jane Gladys Hicks, Betty ( Sr. I to Jr, Examination Muriel MeGaryie Andrew Irene Full Hennessey Margaret C { ty McCullough, Maria Colton Donald Crossman, Stanley Holl. man, Douglas Kewin, Jr. IT to Sr. 11 Billie Bone, Helen Belknap, Winnifred Campbell, Donald Wil- son. Beulah M. Laidlaw, teacher Sr. T to Jr. U On Term Work (Honours): Audrey Florence Dense Thelma ) Evelyn Garrard Bruce Sherrard, Donald Boukley, lertha Reid, Jimmie Noxon, Muriel Boddy, Raymond Clarke, Muriel Cameron, Owen McMurty, Winnie Hall, Rhea Hall, Douglas Wales, Betty Wolfraim, Elva McLean, Donald Belknap, Fior- ence Munroe, Jean Mclsaac, Nan Irwin, Ross Mills, Mae Ronald McDonald, Evelyn Youn Joyce Plowright. Pearl Winfield By Examination:---Jean Alyn Elliott, Fred Lodge, Adair, David Pugh, Marian Eachern, Jack Cory, Joan ley, Jessie Cameron, Jack Hug- gins, Joyce Wilson, Irene Bur- nett, Norman Gray, David Wragg, Claud Statham, Helen Gay, John Eyre eacher, Ronald Hopps, Wright, Vernon Marv (equal), By lLaing, Jobb, Lois Me Bouk- A. M. Allin, Junior Second On Term Work (Honours Jilly hultz, Wilma Garrard, Lois Yourth, Glenna Wilson Doris Ward, Jean Boyd, Eileen Colton, Margaret Rennie, Gor- don Tyrone Bol Luke. By Examinat Ie Farrow, (H), Gay, Stroud. teacher by fon Earl rice Grauvt Jean B. Hoover, Junior First Evelyn Pearson, Marion Camp- hell, Ronald Mciiacheron, Billy Hungerford, Eleanor Merrill, Mary Bouckley, Vera Ostle, Maor- caret Compston, . Jean Hurst, [Eleanor Clarke, Margaret Love, Kewin, Ernest Jenkinson, (ierald Farrow, Isobel Bowman, Ross Sutherland Helen [Lambe Keith Cameron, Lawrence Smi'h, Rata Thompson, June Braund, Mabe] Laycoe, George Gay, Klea nor Barnes, teacacr. SAIL ~ EUROPE, now WHILE YOUR DOLLAR IS WORTH 209, MORE "NOW is the time to take advantage of: (1) Reduced steamship rates (from 109, to 209, less). (2) Lower cost of travel in Great Britain and Europe, and ENJOY a really economical holiday abroad. One Way $104.00 up LOW OCEAN RATES Jabin Class Tourist Class Third Class 11. A dati Promoted to Inter. Primer David Owen, Jean Lodge, Ken- neth Farrow, Jean Gay, Ler'y Tryon, Carl Cameron, Jean B. Hoover, teacher. Junior First Tove Olsen, Shirley Stewart, Jack Roughley, Robert 'tole. Gerald Winters, Alvin Humph- reys and Keith Maitland, Phyl.z McNeil and Donnie Henderson, Joan Werry, Marion Larson, cen Bagg and Irene Hollmare] Dorothy Hurst, Harold Rider ard Marjorie Mackin, Bruce Garrard, Violet McKay and Agnes Mc- Laren, = Lorraine McBrien and Margaret Wallace and Marion Garrow, Joan Roughley and. Iris Ward and William St. Andrews, Dorothy Watson, Dorothy Boddy, Muriel Hall, Eric Densem, Wil. liam Broadbent, Lorne Pollard, Jean Armstrong, Douglas Clark, WMargaret Vanzant, Doreen Twid- dy, Vincent Genge, Ruth Boyd, Everett Reid, Gordon Kirvy, Marie Mackin, Gertrude C. Hamley, teacher. Intermediate Primary On Term Work -- Bruce 'Man ning, Rowan Crawford, Bruce Belknap, Bernice Courtney, Max. Barnes, Gertrude C. Hamley, teachcr, NORTH SIMCOE Promoted to Sr. 1V On term* work,--Mary Manning, Audrev Morphy, Florence Watts, Fred Hartnett, Thelma Stauffler, Joan Mason, © Maxwell Yourth, Keith Ross, Lloyd Wilkins, -Ruth Vickers, Claude Smith, David Cope- land, Donald Cranfield, Ella Cowie, Jarclay, Orven York, Ross Corbett, Jack Durie, Bertram Wii- liams. Helen Battle, Bruce Ander- son, Jack Sly, Marion Cox, Vera Margaret Nott, Lorne Fenton, Dell, By Examination, Gertrude Stenhouse and Margaret (equal), Lyle Pepino, Doug Floreen Sheridan, Lor- Dafoe. Norma Dunford, Vel- Bramle Jack Raike, Phyllis James Cane, Jack : : Jack Cordick, Smith lag Burden, rame ma Perry, | Marion Adams, i. 1. Ford, teacher, Promoted to Jr. 1 work, -- Jack Mary Metcalfe Donald Hill, Gwen Corfe, R Lorthouse, Marion Ramsden, Bruce Findlay, Juvimy Drummond, Gwen Fawbert, Milh- cent Gilbert, Bobby Sennott, Mar- aret Tinker, Eula Wallace, Lois Bramley, Bruce Drummond, David (;ovan, Beverley Owen, Betty James. Bruce Chapman, Harold Kit- son, June Cook, Gloria Burden, Dorothy Haines, Jack Lee, Jack Brishbois, John Wannamaker, Tom- mv Reid, Annie Tait, Mary Mason John Alexander, Howard Beamish Shirley Dafoe, Betty Collis, Craig Topping, Doruthy Cox, Helen Pres- ton, Doric Harman. F. A. Taylor, teacher Promoted to Sr. IV On term work--John MacDonaid, Constance Farncomb, ' Walter Ro- herts, Stanley Shine, Renome Brault. By examination--Wilired Spittel- se, Thelma Halleran. .. J. Pierson, teacher, Promoted to Jr. IV On term work--Donald Fox, Mil- ler Alloway, Magguerite Bradley, Ruth Ferguson, Gordon Lofthouse, sam Fox, Gladys Watson, Ermal leavens, John Ward, George Fish- Helen Cordick, Daisy Shackle- ton, Bobby Wallace, Alex Reid, Au- drey Yourth, Margaret Bell, Gor- don Hare, Betty Gerimond, Marion Marks. Mary Kirkhone. Jv examination -- Eddie Davies, Ruby Dayman, Harold Fowler, Bil- lie Watts, Bert Huggins, Noreen Ramsden, Marion Ross, Billie Jor- dan, Rae Baldwin, John Wyatt, Jack Chapman, lan McNab, Jea: Burke, Norma Buss (rec.) L. J. Pierson, teacher. Promoted to Sr. II On term work--Elizabeth Mor- phv, Robert Stewart, Pauline Little, Harold Topping, Donald McDonald, William Richardson, Harold Bram- ley, Dorothy Williams, Charles Pat- terson, Muriel Frazer, Gladys Mai- tyn, Alan Detenbeck, Joan Burns. By examination Reta Allan, Irene Ward, Jack Mason, Hilda Sheridan, Earl Fenton. G. M. Kidney, teacher. Promoted to Jr. IV On term work--Barbara Morphy, Dorothy McTavish, Kathleen Wal- lace. Harriet Coulson, Doris Dean, Cordick, On Cannon, Muriel Martle term Stacey, Jones, ss ou er, wv Round Trip $192.00 up 157.00 up 119.00 d Cuisine and Service 89.00 up 67.00 Regular weekly sailings--Montreal to London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Belfast, Plymouth, Havre. Also Express Steamers from be (ELgio 47), TORONTO A NCHOW New York and Boston. Book through your Locos Agent =no one can serve you better. a» CUNARD LINE, 217 Bay Street td unbe Dor- LPH | Elizabeth George Nugent, Frances Corfe, Carl Shirk, Irene Rutherford, Alfred Brisebois; Irene Corben, Andrew McMullen, Muriel Sturch. By examination -- Joyce Marks, Stanley Willson, Maisie Yourth, Donald Manning, - Bobby Dafoe, Alice. McKim, Billy Fraser, Cecn Yeo. G. M. Kidney, teacher. Promoted to Sr. 111 . On term work -- Anita Gilbert, Stuart Jacobs, Gordon ' Bryson, Ralph Jones, Jean Wallace Gordon Boultbee, William Smith, Bobby Shirk, Barbara «Worrell, Marion Norris, Olive Hawkshaw, Jean Lindsay, Lucille Smith, Moira Begg, Ruth Reeson, Paul Barton, Peggy Stuart, Stewart McTavish, Joan McLaughlin, Wallace Wilson, Ed- ward Wright, Beryl Hall, Isobel Lowry. By examination--Wilma Reeson, Gordon Stevenson, Arthur Fowler, Doreen Smith, Martha Reid, Ray Comrie, Hilda Cole and Edna Cole (equal), Ralph Craiz, George Tre- sise, Hilda Hawkshaw. A. Kelly, teacher. Promoted to Jr, 111 On term work -- George Corfe, Dorcas Beaton, Gordon Tomlinson, 'Raymond Tovping, Jessie Coul- thurst, Billy McLarty, Ruby Devine, Mervin Perkin, Shirley Smith, Em- ily Holdaway, Hazel Shirk, John Peters, Dorothy Smith, Edward Blakely and Ormand Yourth, equal, Wilfred Gillette and Chloris Har- trick, equal, Jack McMullan and Rosie Stonebridge equal, Barbara Small. Campbell Ross. Bv examination -- Margaret Mc- Diarmid, Joan Nott, Billy Dafoe, Jack Wilson, Joan Ross, Betty Cor- bett, Helen Buss. K. K. Hezzelwod, teacher. Promoted to Sr. 11 Kenneth Brisebois, Betty Ha:- trick, By examination--Donald Branton, Earl Rahme. K. Hezzelwood, teacher. Promoted to Sr. 1] Helen Stevens, Ilean French, Clinton Hall, Bobby Mason, Leon- ard Manning. By examination -- Tommy Cald- well, Silverjova Kerr. L. F. Cordick, teacher. Promoted to Jr. 111 Kenneth Andison, Philip Ayling, Margaret Mann, Nesta Chappell. Harold Gilbert, Robert Devine, Billie Carlyle, Mavis Wallbank, Barnie Carlvie, Muriel Morrison, Bernard Morrison and Dorothy Smith, equal, Jean Bradley, Philip Patterson, Ralph Marks, Vivian Gray, Basil Rose, Marion James Helen Hipwell, Leslie Gouldburn, Donald Burden, Douglas Favell. By examination -- George Mec- Laughlin, Dorothy Dumigan, June Jellis, Lorne Galloway, Norman Raike, Joan Wilkins, Jean Dafoe, Arthur Stonebridge, Ivan Lee, Rae Jones. L. F. Cordick, teacher Promot®c to Jr. II On terin work--Eileen Owen, Lor- raine Harmer, Alton Kellar, Bruce Stevenson, Ross Alloway, Joyce Burke, Joan Mercer and Dorothy Smith equal, Bobby Burden, Donald Hill, Connie Brocklehurst, Dorothy Soanes, Billy Ross and Adelaide Wilson equal, Robert: Wilson, Billy Cane, Betty Hope, Jimmy French. By Examination--Josephine Mc Intyre, Jean Dingman, Wcbster Johnson, Mervyn Nichols and Don- ald Wells, equal, Billy Burns, John Norris, Paul Wilkins, Bobby lega- dorn (rec.) ill. E. M. Johnston, teacher. Promoted to Jr. Il On term work---Josephine Wall- ag, Shirley Vickers, Fred Fox and Dorothy Blight equal, Flora Govan, Lionel Johnson, Bob McNab, Hel- en Pepino, George Jackson and Dorrie Stuart equal, Jeanette Coad and Jack Ratz equal, Alec Ewing, Douglas Langmaid and Albert Bouckley equal, Bobby Rutherford, Eric Lindsay, Noreen Lawson, Jack Cook, Donald Smith, Billy Mills, Donald Lynde, Donald York, Junc Bowers, Walter 'Thom, Reggie Brault, George Tomlinson, Charlie Brick. By examination--Larry Ann Mills, John Reid, Joyce Brocklehurst, Josephine Sargent, Gordon Peters, Alan Carlyle, Rena Craig (rec.). Recommended, (absent through illness)--Billy Cox Bertie Neil. H. G. Batty, teacher. '* Promoted to Junior First On term work--Fay Brooks, Bob: bie Lockhart, Boyd Valleau, John Beaton, Gerry Daniel, Roy Hill, Islay Gillespie, Steve Morphy, Fred- die Prell, Lorraine Johnston, Elinor Richardson, Frank Bartlett, Irene Wallbank, Freddie Sturch, Olive Jones, Louise Shields, Irwin Burns, Patsy Thomson, Ralph Bramley, Dorothy Kirk, Pauline McGovern, Helen Leavens, Doris Fenton, (;eorge Roche, Rbbert Reid, Joan Cuthbertson, Doreen Jenkins, (George Frazer, Joan Carncrose, Lil- lian Pritchard, Billy Hayball, Frank Hastings. Recomended -- Jack Fuller (ill). Sadie Fox, teacher. ALBERT STREET Promoted to Senior 1V, Term Work :--Eileen Orr, Farkas, Irene Anderson, Jean Muzik, Edith Barnes, Gladys Mullen, Thelma Galbraith, Helw: Kansikas, Tony _Romanski, Jack McTaggart, Richard Donald, Mary Ryzak, Loreen Cooper, Cecil Keys, Billy Boyd apd Dorothy Mepham equal, Phyllis Cramb, Robert Grif- fin, Orval Kirby and Annie Terech equal. y By Examination,--Mary Melnyk, Russel Brant, George Adams, Lilian Wilson, Margaret Brown, Lilian Bateman, Mike Loople, Mary Adair, Dorothy Morris, Evelyn Mepham, Evelyn Cramb, Nancy Locke, Mil- ford Heard, Elmer Mullen. Teacher, C. M. MacLennan. Promoted to Junior IV. On Term Work,--Richard Charl- ton. Isabel Lott, John Reynolds, Robert Pratley, Helen Hall, Mary Ruckaruck, Percy Smith, John Fro- lis, James Patterson, Isabel Smith, Lorraine McTa~vart, Charlie Keys, Helen Lee, Thelma Sheriff, Clifford Marnien, Dolly McHugh. A Bv Examination, --Kenneth Mc- Gee, Harold Pringle, Kenneth Twaites, Jack Charlton, Fred Smith, Curtiss 'LaLonde, Blanche Cooper, Lena Fudger, Dick Orr, Jack Far- res. Lyle Menaul, Madeline Short, Barton, Lorine Adair, On Jessie Newman. Teddy McComb, vis Marshall, Betty Dewberry,| Margaret Heard, Fred Bircham, Jennie Terech, Joe Mydan, Evelyn Cowle, George Lee, Rec. Teacher, W. F. Wendt. Promoted to Senior III. On Term Work,--June Smith, Ei- leen Clancy, Leona McCanis, Victor Scott, Betty Graham, Grace Em- mons Evelyn Houston, Walter Bra- bin, Bobby Calford, Lorne Gal- braith, Mae Collins, Cameron Stew- art, Kauko Kansikas, Billie Brabin, Pearl McClimond, Ruth doper, Billie Fudger, Maurice: McGahey, Jack Rukaruck, Ellen Larocque, John Heard, Harold Lee. By Examination,--Audrey Farrer, Phyllis Twaites, Mildred Mackin and Helen Yuskaw equal, Tillie Taylor, Mary Lezun and Francis Mackin equal, Renie Lazar, Otto Young, Catharine Smith, Betty Rol- son, Greta Chesebrough, Peggy Orr, Clifford Pringle, Howard Tuck- er, Winnie Collins Rec., Eric John- Rec. > Teacher, I. White. Promoted to Junior III. On Term Work, -- Verna Brant, Wallace Mason, Leora: Stewart, An- nie Christie, Vivian Charlton, Wil- bert Smith, Maitland Duff, Douglas Amey, Evelyn Wilson, Donnie Lee, Annie Rukaruok, Lottie Terech Bil- lie Miners, Bobbie Mitchell, Sophie Porayko, Billie Farrer, Julia Boyd, Charlie * Fudzer, Wilfred Whiting, Norman McMaster, Freddie Taylor, Laurence Mason, Dorothy Lott, Pearl Keenan, Billie Frobel, Mary Marchuk, Morley Mullen, Helen Houston, Frank McCann, Harry Galbraith, By Examination, -- Henry Lee, George Willouzhby, Cameron Smith, George Wilson, Roderick Wiltshire, Pat Mullen, Mary Yuska, Jimmie Knox, Harry Tapham rec. ilineSs, sn Teacher, Alice Harston. Promoted to Senior Il. On Term Work--Stuart Mackin, Marie Smith, Harry Bircham, Joe' Larocque, Eugenia Kamenetzka, Mary Stelmack, Jack Brown, Billie Melnvyk. By Examination,--Pearl" Tyrrell, Hardy Jesperson, Jessie Patterson, Florence Henry, Norman Pringle, Teacher, I. GG. Bone, Promoted to Junior Il. On Term Work,--Buddy Houston, Given Lalonde, Georgina Calder, Elinor Jesperson, Victoria Mar- chuck, Margaret Flintoff, Francis Tereck, Harold Keenan, Betty Prat- ley, Gordon Hornby, George Twait- es, Eva Boyd, Mary Mason, Ray- mond Miners, Bertha Fudger, By Examination,--Bert Willough- by, Donald McCann, Elsie McCli- mond, Ella Houston, Edward At- kinson, Doreen Glover, Bobbie Lee, Donald Cooper. . I'eacher, 1. G. Bone. Promoted to Senior I. On Term Work,--Sammie Collins, Francis Newman, Doris Chapman, Verla Tucker, Kenneth Parish, By Examination,--Douglas Whit- ing. Teacher, M. Morison. Primary to Junior I. Teddy Lloyd, Evelyn Chessel, Olga Parayko, Everett Chetam, Edna Knox, Kund Jesperson, Gert- rude Lott, Elmer Stewart, Hilda Henry, Harvey Mohaftery, Clifford Charlton, Lily Taylor, Billie Pater- son, Stewart Carroll, Malcolin, Christie, June Keenan, Arthur Peel- ing, Donald Heard, John Saramuk, Buddie Whitebread, Jr. Primary to Sr. Primary Ruth Thompson, Lloyd Chement, Orina Farrer, Jimmie Lee, Garnet Jordon, Rose Smith, Mildred Hill, John Muzik, Jimmie Menaul, Phyl- lis Meims. Jr. Primary to Inter. Primary Isabel Menaul, Ralph Paterson, I'rances Youshou, Alex Pollock, Shalya Majoros, Walter Topham, Teacher, M. Morison. KING STREET Promoted to Senior IV." On Term Work :--Keith Krantz, Tack Lockwood, Ralph Mechin, An- nabelle Baird, Joyce Carnell, Mack Switzer, Margaret Meck, June Mac- kenzie Margaret Lockwood, Wanda Gamble, Dorothy Chapman, Grier- son Haytan, Aileen Glenn, Dorothy Haverson, Kenneth Aston, Allan Plowright, Douglas Soanes, Orville Dingman, Marjorie Culling, Jack Miller, Mike Zendrowski By Exarhination:--Douglas Mac- Donald, James Curzon, Marie Hew- itt, Lorne Sandford, Stirling Grim- mon, Wilma Sage, ivan Morrison, Jean Campbell, Elva Clark, Jean Connally, Teacher, C. M. Crouse. Promoted to Junior 1V. On Term Work :--Betty Jarrel, Helen Wilson, Jean Elliot, Doris Bone, Peggy Henry, Ray 'Irew, Jack Berry, Vernon Shaw, Virginia Robinson, Allen Sheridan, Donaid Sandford, Eleanor Campbell, Adele Carey, Audrey Kellet, Bessie Rich- ards. Derek Hopkins, Wilma Run- dle, lestyn Thomas, Charles Peaker, Kathleen Grimmon, Reginald Thurs- by, Nora Muir, Margaret Lawrence, Margaret Ianson. By Examination:-- Leo' Krantz, Allan Daniels, Rosella Farell, Albert Dart, Ruth Goodman, Beatrice Ne- well, Douglas Turner, Hazel Harris, Doris Stockill, Dorothy Cawker, Billy Cowle, Kathleen Jones, James Taylor, Edith Brooks, Jack Carter. George Hooper, Grace Wilson, Teacher, V. G. Kaiser. Promoted to Senior III. On Term Work :--Gordon Ball, Jack Sage, Drew Jacobi, George Lean, Donald Millard, Phyllis Ed- wards, Bruce Walker, Betty Ray, Hugh Mechin, Orma Skinner, Olive Cain, Marion Fields, Alfred Ballan- tyne, Avis Parker, Eddie Rundle, Francis Rundle, Catherine , Soanes, Ross Edmunds, Hugs McIntyre, James Coxson, Raymond Carr, Ina Brooks, Jean Smith, Ruth Chapamn, Wililam Ball, Alister MacDonald, Jenice Taylor, LeRoy Peyton, Al- fred Foster, Douglas Flintoff. By Examination :--Moira Graham, Benny Severs, = Ronald Flintoff, Glenn Bottrell, William Perry, In- nes Pipher, Reginald MgGahey, Betty Kift, Norman Carey, Irene Ianson, R. Teacher, E. A. Lyon, Promoted to Jr. III. On Term Work: --A Class,-- June Graham, Laura Plancke, Douglas Clemens, Calvin Grimmon, James Howard, Dorig Elliot, Bill Alchin} Kathleen Irwin, Marion Trew, Ron- ald Henderson, Dorine Wilkins and Donald Townsend - and Stanley Lawrence equal. B Class.--Bob Armstrong, Donald Leach, Dorine. Cucknell,, Palmer rd Robson, John Beaumont, Ronald MacKenzie and Billy Miller and Betty Moore and Freida McMahon equal, Evelyn Peaker and Morris Reynolds equal, Andre Plancke, Jean Callaghan, Joan Newell. By Examination--Kenneth White, Ethel Dart, Merwyn Allin and Jack Bathe equal, George Boyce and Florence Hill equal, Helen Thursby, Jack Babcock, Billy Metcalfe, Ruth Bathe, Teacher, M. A. Elcock. Promoted to Jr. Ill, Sr. II, Jr, H. On Term Work:--Sr. IL to Jr. I11.,--~Jack Ledger, Geoffrey And- rews, Frances Zieman, Kelvin Ed- gar, Hugh Haverson, Annie Dzend- rowski and Grace Hutchins equal, Donald Daniels, Z Jr. IL to Sr. II,--Audrey Craw- ford, Peter Dzendrowski, Peter Lim, Lorne: Berry, David Moore, Nelson Vaillancourt, Billys Clark, Bobby Henry, Vera Taylor. Sr. L to Jr. I1.,--Margaret Pellow, Jack Jarret and Leone Palmer equal, Betty Flintoff, Dorothy Vir- tue, James Skinner, Millicent Blackburn, Ruth Sadler, John Val- leau, Roy Bunker, Grace Irwin, Willie Gaynor. By Examination: --Sr, IL to Jr. 111.,.--Douglas Forrester, Fred Mid- dleton. Jr. II to' Sr, II--June Cook, Al- bert Harris, Andrew Jones, Marie Cain, Rec. Sr. I. to Jr. II.,--Peggy Fields, Jean Michael, Ruth Preston, Freda Robson, Eileen Wilce. Teacher, E. J. Bayne. Promoted to Jr. I. On Term Work :--Sherley Cous- ins and Dorothy Stephenson equal, Hector Ballantyne, Kathleen Bur- rows, Eileen Roddick, James Mor- rison, June Blow, Jackie Switzer, Jean Sheridan Rec. Junior Primary to Sr. Pr.--Dor- othy Pearn, June Cain, George Kes- lick, Stuart Armstrong, Gerald Mal- in, Lois Reddick, George Burk. Junior Pr, to Int. Pr.,--Ross Hill, Clarence Higgins, Jean Taylor, Ar- thur Sleeman, Francis Vennor, Mil- dred Burgess, Teacher, M. L. Schnick. Promoted to Junior II. On Term Work: --Mary Miller, Doreen Gilbert, Charles Rundle, Joan Roberts, Harry Grimmon, Dorothy Huxtable, Norman Wilton, Margaret Soanes, Irene Graham, Bobbie McElroy, Helen Brown, David Bathe, Marion Luke, Doug- las Freeman, Loftus Papineau. By Examination: --Mildred War- ren, Jackie McDonald, Ray Mason, Joan Salter, ; _ Teacher, M. L. Schnick. Sr. Primary to Jr. I.--Warren Forrester, Douglas Palmer, Stanley Hooper, Allan Eadie, Donald Lan- der, Barbara Zufelt, Francis Han- cock, Marguerite White, Anna Marie Mathews, Hazel Salter and Betty Reynolds equal, Lloyd Chap- man, Patsy Thickson, Grant Fisher, Clifford Tilley, Donald Batten, Ro- land Morrison, June Sage, Pauline Soanes, Helen Smith, Ray Berry, Eugene. MacKenzie, Wilson Sloan. Int. Pr. to Sr. Pr.--Winnitred Langfeld, Maxine Thompson, Jen- nie Bushb- Gladys Burridge, Lloyd Perry, Clara Vaillancourt, Rodney Peyton, Madeline Burridge, Nettie Frizzell, Ir. Pr. to Int. Pr.--Lucy Dar Harold Preston, Donald MeGehor, Joy Beaumont. ; Teacher, Irene Mitchell. Promoted to Sr, I. On Term Work :--Cameron Mil- lard, Jean McGrath, Mary Lim, Mar~aret Metcalfe, Bobbie Mac. Kenzie, Elinore Patterson, Norman Carr, By Examination, --Marzaret Slee- man, Kenneth Brown. Teacher, Irene Mitchell. RITSON ROAD Promoted to Sr. IV. On term work--Emma Thom- son, Shirley Forbes, Delma Foote, Annie Kalynko, Victor Lokiec and Jessie Fudge, equal; Madeline Joynt and Gladys Vandervoort. equal; Eleanor McEvers and Pearl Tubb, equal; Mae Gall, Evelyn Higgins, Julia Katuzki, Katie Katuzki and Harold Ram- shaw, equal; Oakley Crawford, Walter Zaleschook. Harriett Wil- liams, Phyllig Taggart, Millie Brown, Velma Morey, Clifford McQuarrie. By examination--Murray Sta- cey, Gordon Kitchen, Margaret Griffin, M. McNichol, J. Dawson, D. Dash, Reginald Jones, Arthur Long, Vera Rock, Gertrude Ste- phenson and Borden Slack, (rec.) C. Mann, Teacher. Promoted to Sr. Ivy, On term work--Donald Mai- dens, Arthur Pitman, Jack Men- zie, Ernest Hilts, John Kitchen. Promoted to Jr, IV, On term work--Bert Budai, Joe Sapinski, Tom Siwokowsk!, Beverley Heard, John McPhee, David Brown, Roy Corby, Doug- las Jacklin, Hearty Magill, Thomson, Eric Pym, Billie, Baf= ker, Eric Jacklin, Leonard Eddie Sheyan, Hugh MecMa To Sr. IV..." By examination -- Bryant, Morris Glosk, Smart, Clarence Cary, Da ; chell and Rogery Albert, (rec. To Jr. IV. °° = Keith McGuarrie, Gilmor Cabe, Claude Vance, Jae Harold Morris, Jack Morgan, ter Chasczewski.. biol ii --A. M. Smith, Teach Promoted to Jr. IV. i On term work--Jean w Natalie: McGranaghan, = Wells, G. Rogers, A. Brooks, Proctor, Margaret Jenkins Oblinsky, Tom Speirs, Western, Mary Antonyshyn, , nie Yanowski, Dorothy Rein! Florence Kenned y, Pauli Engel and Irwin Beauprie, equal! Isobel Magill and Delmar Da equal; Evelyn Steele, Edna Wal Amy Steele. Alice, Cor equal; Earl , Jack Hoar By exa tion--Amy Bro Dorothy Bathe, Laura Ovendus, | Beatrice Ti , Victor Parfitt, Maudie Wright, Stanley Lokiee, Gertrude Jones, Minnie Cory," Doris Petre, Dorothy Kashul, Pe- ter Ritzie, Effie Stephenson, Irene Piney, Violet Rosnak. 5 fui On term werk--Dorothy Milne, Norman Webster, Bobby Mitchell, Kenneth Eccles, Madeline Jollow, Billie Willits, John Jardine, An- nie Wilson, Ceeil Chambers, Mary Zajac, Agatha Morey, Arthur Nelson, Margaret Gladman, Irene Lovelock, John Gow, Nina Gle- coff, Jack Sutherland, Rosie Ka= wala, Marion Nichols, Douglas Hall, Elizabeth Mech, Audrey Moss. By examination--Lillian Kraw= chuk, Leonard Hornby, Madeline Tweedie, Gordon Dawson, John McMillan, Nan Smart, Norma Jeflery, Cyril Gladman, Ruby Connaghan, Robert Plowright, Lloyd Beauprie, Alice Williams, Lois Irving, Dorothy Holbrook, John Dzenekoj, (rec.) --E. 1, Allin, Teacher.' & Promoted to Jr. III On term work--Robert Moon, John Martin, Vernon Ellicot, Dorothy Carey, Edith White, Con= nie Tribble, Mary Longbottom; Gordon Cormy, Billie Rutherford, Dorothy Irving, Morris Ostrow= ski, Gertrude Brown, Ruth Lib- by, Joyce Beach, John Hyra- jnyk, Mary Ballan, Ruby Sutton, Lucille Massey, Helen Siwokow- ski, Margaret Corbett, Billie Wil liams, Percy Hawley, Donald Johnston, Sylvia Mitchel and Marie Marks. : By examination Fickes, Douglas Boon, Teddy Clyark, Steve Rysak, Evelyn Cochrane, Helen Sabo, Nick Hyra- | jnuk and George Loople, (rec.)." --E. G. Nichol, Teacher. On term work--John Kemp, Sylvia Kiwanuik, Dorothy Burn- ham, Alex Walker, Doreen Stas cey, Nick Olinick, Olga Katuzki, Roddy MecFee, Peggy Mitchell, Delphine Harmer, Lily Chandler, Ruth Stevenson, Vera Shelen= koff, Norris Dafoe, Olga Poray- ko, Mary Sheyan, Bela Budai, Daniel Charok, Bruce Pym, Grace Hoar, Daniel. Potipca, An= gela Mason, Mary Febbrini, Mary Korkush, Margaret Sweeney. By examiaatien--George Jones Ruby Heard, John Wilson, Billy Failka, Beryl Jeffery, Hilda Hall, Margaret Kitchen, Annie Dubyk, Floyd Dafoe, Peggy Nelson, Hare ry Fernley, Nick Savich. ---B. W. Stinson, Teacher. Promoted to Jr. III, On term work--Buddy Gall, Mike Kowaniuk, Nellie Dubyk, Prank Kelemen, . Olga Wladyka, Pearl Olnick, Harry Williams,! Ruford Steele, Tom Mitchell. Iso-{ bel Williams, Elaine Dash, Gloria | McKean, Olga Kalynko, Lillian Hawley, Harry Sich, George Ka- 7zuk, Jack Wood, Charkie Parfitt, Helen Vago, Marearet Carey, Milton Fountain, Kenneth Daw son. ° By examination--Bernard Pe- (Continued orn page .3) Vernin Rates. Special Weekly. Finest food. Comfy Rooms. Relax -- tion. Homelike Comforts. Fine loca- tion, one Block to Ocean. Breathe Deep the Bracing Ocean Air. Cours tesy, Politenessand Service are Yours for Less Than You Think Write now. BEAUTIFUL STATES AVENUE AT PACIFIC SAAS HRD ATLANTIC CITY | BASEMENT | BARGAINS New Department Tuesday Morning 9 a. m. We open this new department featuring some big | household specials. See Windows NELSON'S