FURNISHED OR | R : Mortgage Sale w rentals. Disney, ates For = UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of A en RAILWAYS (1 june th) oe tie Sawars Sopsined in a certain TIME TABLES Sigpinrd Teme) A Treat for Your Table EDROO) : ified e, which will be prod Eastboun Old Bnglis horeos wr | Classified J £50 oe, He lo DRAKES" Jom 2 i 4 e offered F al Daily, except S my Sew. ~ fiw Ads Ne Lor en a A p2SHAWAS WHITBY i i nab shi Some Radish Sauce ° 4th, 1932, at the hour ? > (Dayl 12.05 a.m. Daily, 'ry a Bottle Tod a ) th, . 0 hight Sav Tim g y ay -- TENTS, CHAIRS, o'clock in the afternoon > Yites (Effective on and Sing ey, 13) | Fa For Girama, Montreal and East only | wulEEEEEEEE 5: jeigeiie cleaners First Insertion--13; cents Saving Time, at the ahr Bt Leav (Sie wet : one 25. Cleve per word. Prince Street ia. Be pie Ds x Street, corner winanvills Sate Whitb; 5 (14 july c) Minimum charge for one in- Street, in the City of os, 5:30 am. ip poem Samy 112 om pn, Dally, SEVEN ROOMED sertion 30c. by W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer, the Pham Sham omem: Ey R Daily! except Sunday 4 Arthur Street, Osh- Bach subsequent consec following property, viz: ALL 1000 am. 10.30 a.m. 10.5 a.m. gl Dall, Ww : EE es readgold hh tive Insertion 1c ot ar Lil iy hay Seen : i i Re Sk 3 C: YOUNG | 1400) word. el or tract of land and 310 pm. V. NSU j APARTMENT AT Ph cobuscutive. 11 premises situate, lying and being 5.30 p.m. . GENERAL INSURANCE p§t. S. Apply phone tions for the price oo: in the City of Oshawa and being Sao 645 pm, Solina News 4Y; Prince St, Oshawa | (151e) tirst insertions (threes Soxtposes of the Easterly Fifty 0.45 pam, SEA Office Phone 793 I 555 DIVIEIoR 57. conte a word). jest Go } throughout of Lot 15 a.m. Res. Phone 2895 conveniences, new- Minimum charge for thr of B oo oUF on. 1ne DOIY side Gahan a on a ger ia ol Nl hardwood floors insertions 60c, ad | 1s Mi Street, as marked on a Cabava IB vi June 25-Mr and Mis. ssession, Reat, Box on of Lots" laid out in part of 7.50 a.m. owsam and Miss Magy wer A OL ii 5 Thubey Oc additional. Lo Number Eleven in the Segond 1:1. Port Perry on Tuesday. e in 28 Jly ¢) rofessional or Business oncession in' Oshawa, by J. B. m, Mrs. Thos. Baker visited 1} - § ave glessiops) er Business 4 warren, pm. doughter, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, {1 "ICE REFRIGERATORS | Time rnished FLOR for 20 words or less, 10 TERMS---Ten per cent. of the pm. O Maple Grove. "Il! Your choice of Th i vate d, central, cents a worq per month purchase price to be paid dov bm: opm.| The splendid showers whi i RC PRICK | , ntal A I down which cam | ROCK BOTTOM PR 1 Ting oAPPIY Bot Beg aor mol {| 2t the time of sale, the bani gpm. Spam. O0 Tuesday wil help the fruit and ||| R bir ; FR So (152-10) ; lo be paid within thirty days 45 p.m 815 pom grain and some later cut hay. 54 os Ames & , hore | home, pilBeation | ROOMED rom the date of sale. wah. 0b 10.00 p.m, iss Ruth McKessock spent the i UDSON=ESSEX 25 rent Ration aoa garda, PHONE 35 Phi tg id will be sold sub- s ' - pa Ey wetk al - Siatford, : -- bis Bt Y= Phone 1169 i | Wo me, hard- y a reserve bid. UNDAY oo ongratulations to M vi , : ec) roy pi Rows, Just off Sim- Ask re furthem particulars and i ut Sang Time) flophs in passing is exams a gh Aid : y , adley ; ; ; Mg (Oring West niversity of T Site YAN: | Bros. pply Bradley sk for Classified Ad conditions of sale apply to W. i | Leave ; : grout, } 3 N. Sinclair, K.C i 8 Rive Amis Mi A. LP i | nt = (1532) , K.C., Solicitor, Osh- (Bowmanville Ste Wh Jascoe, 18a! uy of HOUSE RENT -- HARD- Department awa, Ont, or to W. J. Sulley 0 a.m. . 5 thy Hospital | counties council at Coinding : er li od | Wood fi garage, all conveni Auctioneer, Oshawa, Ont a hy hg week, gE air h | Ps ; > sonveni- per, Aol ' . . mn. i PAT in her lines ned Sarags. i conven). et ai Oshawa this 14th x 540 _ 24m. |S veral from Solina attended the Rep 8 or appolnt- | TO RE oo (15%e) day of June A.D. 1932. 11.40 pom. 1020. | farm held oo ni Lanes Beath's Watches (11 july e) NBFLAT UNFURNIS : (141, 147, 133) ay on Saturday, June 25th. M . el Ul NISH- ' ' and Mrs, Be PF gO Te SPEC "SALON, ow furnished, all coi- ~~ Nuning Hoots Osh Arrive were ER ns eng. Morley Beith It r wp SPRAY Jean Winter J of oni} Use of Souse pail PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S : iss Bowman | Furi nits not to | His buitding |} Laiietaction wo. can repair auty culture, | Street Apply 194 Division petereuves: maternity or general Mark Anniversary 250p.m. 3.10 pm. Rom 1248 pm. Ontario. We wish mig ig in and ne ell fan Tepa ls a specialty. | FOR] 5 (1bic, |nursing, assists housework : Zi pon 2.90 bam, J am. . 40pm. J ceds in the gi Re Sue tim SoRrer rie 7 tially. | FOR "FIVE | Charges moderate. F\ . of Ticonderoga | osiiwa, "soy sm. RISB | My, gantje undenaling n. h house, {@onver E ROOMED | tion ph a . For jnforma- OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, and Mys, £. Werry vis D W , ) riences, hot wa- n phone 3033J. arn AND BO LiNBEAY ed Mr, J. A. W rE J . J BR BCAY : erry, knms . , sh he wired, garage. bd ai (8 july ¢) Montreal a i Note--Daylight Saving ig Standard Mr. and Mrs. Tos. Quiskllen re THE BROW N es from $2. 75 34. rke Street. Phone Ee ea suuguus od re A tablet dedical- dates pi Bi all Divisions on same | BUCS!S Of Mr. and Mrs. H yore Official Watch Ins # man dl aa Palmist ed to the memory of the engin: Effective on hava snd Jewnianvitl. Hampton, for anniversary Sun ole, Canadian i gon lo na St TO RE ROOMED HOUSE | CONSULT MADAME BROWN, gor. Who DEL po Ticonaeroun. NORTHBOUND © | called at Mir, W he hl Gg 5A awa ok ig Only 23 its i niences Bp ie AME N |! ' e unveiled in Py called at Mr. W. T. Baker's onlQ 2° ° it. 8 dL £) floors, wi doors hardwood Polen Tl Hatters of im-| lhe restored ruins of the old fort | ws ef g ¢F Saturday Sari T. Bakers on 0 Sfmece St, 5, Phono 189 es for Sale cabinet @Rent, $18 Tor kite leh | 2636F. Busines «ouisa St. Phone on July 10, the Sunday following | 2, 2%, & 7%] Mi and Mos Isa ORY ST HR | 636 Soplille Ave Rion EH sinesg private, ihe 174th anniversary of the 2 Is £ oe family Mr. an HY Hardy and | : Y 80DY HARD | TO RE TILL LLL, = (3 july c) | Battle of Ticonderoga. The un- | wy 2X ee FE i el an Mp Tarves arantend full measure, | roomed d padi STE ST.. u Marvelo => | veiling ceremony, according 10 { 2 i = e3 | Gh. dy and farily, Lf and Mrs, B 3.25. Mixed, $3. Soft | electri all sewing rvom, | -- tentative plans, will be doer ® | Masters Bob as gare and P re 2.25 "al 3. 8 lectrig@ter heater, " MARVE 7 y -- > "to Dl 4 un AGF Bs asters Bob and Gordon Sc Ave A al 291 Cour- | shades\@leum. This Pligg hg ME AND STAINS the Palionage of "Hob. H,.G: Cor | » rj and Mrs. John Baker i Mrs Ny S ne 26281 | Clean Jin splendi o 15 13 : Marvelo. Sensationa: » Lieutenant-Governor of Que- 1015 T300 745 I. Baker, Louise anc 1 Baker, mod STORE (8 july ¢) | Phone Dries. ea aid condition, liquid cleanser of all time. Phone bec and Col. Franklin D. Roose- 10.4 3.30 ERE Mrs. Jame 2nd John Baler, { McQUATD COAL. CORE. TO 19621. - (153¢) 1733M. Delivery Tuesdays, Fri- velt, Covernor of the State of Woo 345 sw decoration servi at Extended WwW PRON 32 5 dy wood, hard, CORE. | iat, food DOWN STAI dave Ts) | Nev York. IMD. 38 [Yq emewty on ices 2 Bowmanilie ® Druive Soft wood. Phone 2 4 | veni ye a oors, all con A delegation from the Hist r- 11.3 1.1 a0 Misses Jessie and E anc 10 Simcoe St fs ji? Hoy ed ol pave) or Snfurnie. Rez! "Estate » For Sale ica] Society of Montreal root) 4 4.13 a Mrs. A. E. Heyes Kiganor Hayes, 5 We Deliver Pro as------------ ' ¢ an 7 oa ---- -------- . » ' ". A 35.0 1.3 2 stan Ma k aE re 3 4 SS A on- K'S Reas on garag>, | FOR SALE approached Premier L. A. Ta ce ache of Toronto St woop RD, 0 ea ol] 93 Alexandra st house, 2 acres ma ROOD ereau asking his support Tes fi- | Pleasa at Py ie ; i R. J. McRessock uo wan = : ne 3 , Slabs | | ah (1530 oultry iba & ; | nanc id ectine and ¢ sor ; 12.38 / Lat lss Hel Viki _ Body hardwood $3 3% | 10 FIGHT ROOMED Poultry fine vee" station. $200 ASBeia) BA In ers: tng snd dedi- Dunslord crooner 30 4 10 3 Miss E hig her ed ual INQ i tote: dons bo roa? 1054 F io ike rent. Phon: | granted and AoE, Be is was Bobeaygeon $23 148 40 Miss Kathleen A epatpton. UIRE about our Fre SIM Appi@sberger, Harmony WiLL | nme L151: be » memorial will | "SOUTHBOUND re | Miss Jess Safer pigiter with i i . wi : , A eaCited from the Province grt ) | ic Hogarth, Hampto Washing and Greasin aw's. | ( | of Quebec as representative i: s Lie yd 1 Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Rui le, | ONT : ht and 'sold here slightly | Bab y Chi Fn 2 New France. he | An Su 645 Toronis, visited wih Mr. ard Mrs. | y ARO tg SALES 't os B ladies' and men's. | y ICKs Radios, Washers 1 AW ' A translation of the inscrip- # 7 | Men Sundar + : | 86 Ring St Pm 200 Mss these bargains. | BAB ICKS AND. STARTED | Electric washers, avs Mopels, Yen which is in French follows: 2 | and Cs ho and Jack Edgar -- -- Riine DB ca ph Chic red ly strales anh a is tanie is Sretied to Michel, 4 | Perry J owsam visited at Port )R S 1 ted). LX Y. ¥ Ma 8 e Chartier de "i 013 8 hh ; an root 1 by _ ope . Is r » Lotbin- 2 tar, 256 Pine Ave Phone | CC t5jfpone 11 §. te Zoo Jeake Phone 25 Kleve Pox. lore, Koignt of St. Louis, vein. 8 | PTW. . | as ee , july ¢) r of Alainville a 'he | jo 3 | a (9 july ©) SRR July e¢) | , on Lake Cham- b a | a ast LY plain, who as e nas (2 July er | Lost ri £ engineer in charge yn 3 f R SALE BOY WOOD AND | /anted to Buy LB8% Sint | { Buder astiuction from the Mar ! £2 | ' rood OR SALE Fine Watch Reps®. So rs od. m slabs Call Ww. Se C iR TED RI BR NEW. LO _e LEXTH ER WALLET. | quis Bi pa reni), Governor- 3 1.2 10 » | od ii OB frame house, Our Specly mpPaon mf 923 NEW- ame R. T. Fairc + | General of New France Special B ¥ ion : on, Cent S ne 743; e phair a i. Clemens, | 801d on inside. LI Si BD Fort Carillon, 1355. 1758, , uti Resscasble 'Rates and A | Suaeh; hardwood Te oh FELT BRO ; ri mens, | E00 Oo 1IF eas ind 158, { A. GARTON, PR re place, al 4 s, | i R SALE --¢ (7 July No agents, doses LOST : ue ACK (153¢) | line of BANE 3 Joriase BB His guMANUIELE bHONES 07 ar a rg of ror "quick sate mg Yoss Wb. Ld i OANA oh LOS ILACK iT ca aitin, | P "K sale, H ubbery Co TH | ro a INSPECT THIS AT. ground sheet, between hi Ty eel Canada and the yok re Fionn £8 didnt ai apy 4 LR sep South oe ora | uit_trees, ete. g a ment, central, | Park and Iibrar 4 colonies, Ticonderoga wi : - ATR ER . R. LUKE aia ar Stoue & Wellington, roo ewly decorated, rigid. gy fora 3 os Wednesda, . | of considerable oe A plac GRAY COACH LINES i Phone 871 or 687W ih plant, now for fall and 2m Il modern conveniences, | 303 Masson St., City. . Patterson, { ance during the Seven np Ee | Ping Bin My Tie) . Oshawa, Phone 25. Cleve | ble rent. , Phone 1400. Taco N hoist Midd _(153a) War. The battle which the ore. | ATAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO | BODY -- HARD ; wn Movers Sharpened | orate was fought. wil comme: | 33 wn ol | in : | 3» was fo ht on July 8, 175 " 2 g 330 | 3 wood and summer wood. [ Motor ( Cars LAWS 'N MOW ERS, SHARPENED | * hen 4,000 Frenchmen # Agi 33 "a wo Dt delivery, phore 1979W. | Mc@F HLIN TOURING 4 CYL- and repaired, called for and de. | Fort were confronted by al the 53 3 +3 5.30 | - stie indies sale cho ING 1 CYL- Yvered. Lawns rolled, cut and | 6,000 British regulars and 10.000 030 b6.30 10.30 deo} ton oceteria 4 (30 june ¢) [irl x 3 2 hes p. 4 good ized, Driveways filled. Slater | provineials, who retreated after 3% 7.30 11.30 oni SHLY PICKET ito size cord, mo. | Bros. Phone 3193W. | an attack in w OF [= ry b3.30 PM 30 | | HLY PICKED STRAWBER- | tori. Box 208. 4, me. PEW. it an attack ia which nearly 3,000 3 2.30 ra 3 t Pays To Shop i rere e A 3 x d10.20 30 Iivered to all parts of Osh- 3 a EXE RTOLET Ga {31 June ec) | or wounded. eb 1.30 10.30 | i 2 4 -- FOR em - i -- sk ally except Sund wind Here wh Rd. South T. shaw, 74 | sal] Phone 1651 ring 6. Ia Roofing | MACPHERSON pa Sunday and holidays hig TH J=Saturdsy, | Al ys go@ndition = JRSON TO MACTAVISH | ~Except Sunday and 7 only. J ciiVure 5 (151c) | FAYTON THE ROOFER. | SH | y bolidays. - i ail ary ---- __________|asphalt and wood shingl ER, | | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS - oom and Board free inspection. 183 1 h One. Scotsman complained that i Wigley , Mize WIT OR WITHOU' Phone 1643W. r. | he had a ringing in his head. | Ertan Standard Tove | "ew stvie Grasses || Dry soft | ROO: : VITHOUT | 'Do you ken tho cause of : EASTEOUND At: Reaso Prices | ™y RO hao roma for ght hotise (June 13-1 yr.) | that?" asked his w Wud of Table. Prices | NEW LOW ude Me br. : - Te I ote Berg "his worthy crony. 59 p.m. Daily, except Sut | ia rt. phone | keepif: Ld Female Help Wanted | It's because ts empty." 1 Sa ay He | PRICES g ; sd have ye never a ringing | 10. nm. (Sunday only). | CAPABLE DOMESTIC in your head?" EINE [. 100 pum. Dail. 4 july 0) | === 4 OMESTIC FOR | a ead £12.02 a.m. Daily ! Sener genera houto work, Family | 11% erase Sai RN tht, child's manville. ply C. Cattran' Bow- s because it's crackit." Azone on fag 10 pick up for Montreal | v2 4e¢ rl %) conditics. Ns . Phone 505. (1532) Aud omrespe------ Pam pa ESTBOUND oh Pkg. 2 1 sh. pre Ph 910k summer resort owners ar S10 Hg i | canv. one - 2104, sending . ers.are 10 Am. Daily, | pone 3 1c) | Re eid J68 pond W. J.J. Turner A chess board was found in the Sebaing oul Sheds to their former 106 pom Daily. 3 w. WORRALL | kg. 97s : Jas e) |e sds, agent. (30 Jy «) torah of Ra Quer near the pyra-|in S reading, "We are hay. 10 pom bay i Vyesight Specialist a al : -- EE HEE 3 mids: gra- Ho ga wonderful time. Wish you 8.59 p.m, oon Phin Sunday if. JURY & LOVELL'S | . : be ays condi- na | were here."--Judge. 247 pan. Daily . || King St. E. Phone 3215 || Superior Stores i incest oe | ITILLIE THE TOILER-- ibaa GA Be -------------- Very'cheap. 2 ® Hill, peba™a TiS VALETE > LL : (1 Bi RIA OU SHOULD ER BE More | ONDER STAN =] CARES D By R 1 Oper STAN Sh So y Russ. Westover fc) ORM = "THIS MAC DoveALL. INVENTOR OF e-- WATER JACKE ipes and connec: $9.00 Gely ered. 152¢) \ 5, OVER BAS tion to X-ray n, Nurse 10 959. House 1S CERTAINLY HARD ON My CLOTHES Hor ) PH N \S Coming 1S MISTER MAC DovGALL Fgh i: reserved 'MOTHER-TO - INCE YOURSELF LL DO I'T- | NEVE! DONT You THOUGHT OF i bh : CALL UP THAT- . erases ANO SEE? . 3 ON FIRE- WHAT? H